Bu çalışmada, yeni girişimler başlatarak veya mevcut olanları dönüştürerek ekonomik veya sosyal değer yaratmak için dijital teknolojiyi kullanan dijital girişimcilik kavramı incelenerek, çalışma sonunda çeşitli öneriler geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Dijital girişimcilik, dijital dönüşüm sürecinde ortaya çıkan ve sürekli gelişim gösteren bir girişimcilik türüdür. Bu girişimcilik türü, dijital dönüşüm sürecinde yaşanan gelişmelerin ivme kazanmasıyla ve pandeminin etkisiyle son zamanlarda yükselen bir değer haline gelmiştir. Çalışmada kavramsal çerçeve ele alındıktan sonra, dijital girişimciliğin önemi, özellikleri, türleri, avantajları ve dijital girişimcilik ekosistemi irdelenmiştir.
Aagaard, A. (2019). The Concept and Frameworks of Digital Business Models. In Digital Business Models. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 1-26.
Andriushchenko, K., Rudyk, V., Riabchenko, O., Kachynska, M., Marynenko, N., Shergina, L., ... & Kuchai, O. (2019). Processes of Managing Information Infrastructure of a Digital Enterprise in the Framework of the «Industry 4.0» Concept. 1(3), 60-72.
Arlott, A., Henike, T., & Hölzle, K. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship and Value Beyond: Why to not Purely Play Online. In Digital Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-22). Springer, Cham.
Ballı, A. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Entrepreneurship Approach in Turkey: Ankara Case. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 1058-1071.
Block, J. H., Brohman, K., & Steininger, D. M. (2020). Call for Papers, Issue 1/2022: Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 62(4), 397-399.
Cantillon, R. [1755] 1959. Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en General [and other essays]. Editör ve çeviren Henry Higgs, Londra: Frank Cass.
Chakraborty, T., & Nag, K. (2018). Sports Entrepreneurship: Ontology Based Review through Digital Marketing. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 57-72.
Fouskas, K. (2019). Entrepreneurial Opportunity Scanning in the Digital Age. The Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów Research Papers Collection, 42(2), 101-114.
Friederici, N. (2019). Innovation Hubs in Africa: What Do They Really Do for Digital Entrepreneurs?. In Digital entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 9-28). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Gagan, B. K., Majumdar, S. K., & Satish, M. (2018). Manoeuvre of Electronic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Contemporary Indicator of Techno Business Leadership in Industry 4.0: Digital Entrepreneurship. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 25-33.
Hansen, B. (2019). The Digital Revolution–Digital Entrepreneurship and Transformation in Beijing. Small Enterprise Research, 26(1), 36-54.
Jafari-Sadeghi, V., Garcia-Perez, A., Candelo, E., & Couturier, J. (2021). Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on Technology Entrepreneurship and Technological Market Expansion: The Role of Technology Readiness, Exploration and Exploitation. Journal of Business Research, 124, 100-111.
Lichtenthaler, U. (2018). The World’s Most Innovative Companies: A Meta-Ranking. Journal of Strategy and Management, 11(4), 497-511.
Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., & Profumo, G. (2020). Digital Transformation and Internationalisation in Made in Italy SMEs: A Capabilities Perspective. Strategic Decision-Making in International Context, Urbino University Press, 61-72.
McAdam, M., Crowley, C., & Harrison, R. T. (2020). Digital Girl: Cyberfeminism and the Emancipatory Potential of Digital Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. Small Business Economics, 55, 349-362.
Naudé, W., & Liebregts, W. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship Research: A Concise Introduction. ZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
Nedumaran, G., & Saroja, R. (2020). A Study on Support Digital Entrepreneurship. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 10(6), 261-272.
Nobanee, H., & Dilshad, N. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Applications, and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(19), 4807-4817.
Noceti, F. (2020). How Agile Practices Drive Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Roles of Digital Skills and Ambidexterity.
Özbek, A., Esmer, Y., & Şaylan, O. (2020). Türk Hazır Giyim İşletmeleri Ve Türk Moda Tasarımcılarına Yönelik Bir E-Girişimcilik Model Önerisi. İşletme Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 182-195.
Pandey, R., & Sharif, M. (2020). Study on Digital Entrepreneurship. International Multidisciplinary Conference in, Technology, Business, Management & Liberal Arts, MTC Global, 190-197.
Purbasari, R., Muttaqin, Z., & Sari, D. S. (2021). Digital Entrepreneurship in Pandemic Covid 19 Era: The Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 10(1), 114-135.
Ratten, V. (2020). Digital Transformation in Sport and Social Media. In Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship. Emerald Publishing Limited, 89-104.
Satalkina, L., & Steiner, G. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship: A Theory-Based Systematization of Core Performance Indicators. Sustainability, 12(10), 1-22.
Sotnyk, I. M., Zavrazhnyi, K. Y., Kasianenko, V. O., Roubík, H., & Sidorov, O. (2020). Investment Management of Business Digital Innovations. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 95-109.
Stepantseva, A. (2020). Digital Transformation of Business Models in the Banking Sector: A Multiple Case Study (Doctoral dissertation). Johannes Kepler Unıversıty Lınz.
Stokes, D. A. (2018). Digital Age Entrepreneurship Wikipedia Defines Entrepreneurship As “The Process of Designing, Launching and Running a New Business”. e-Journal Universitas Tribuana Kalabahi, 1(1), 79-86.
Troise, C., & Camilleri, M. A. (2021). The Use of Digital Media for Marketing, CSR Communication and Stakeholder Engagement. In Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Ungureanu, A. (2021). The Digitalization Impact on the Entrepreneurial Leadership in the 21 st Century. iJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), 9(1), 25-32.
Vidas-Bubanja, M., Popovčić-Avrić, S., & Bubanja, I. (2019). The Challenges of Digital Economy Development in South-East European Countries. EMAN 2019–Economics & Managemen, 107-116.
Vorbach, S., Poandl, E., & Korajman, I. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship: MOOCs in Entrepreneurship Education the Case of Graz University of Technology. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 545-555). Springer, Cham.
Wang, H., Feng, J., Zhang, H., & Li, X. (2020). The Effect of Digital Transformation Strategy on Performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, 31(3), 441-462.
Young, R., Wahlberg, L., Davis, E., & Abhari, K. (2020). Towards a Theory of Digital Entrepreneurship Mindset: The Role of Digital Learning Aptitude and Digital Literacy. Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-10.
Younis, H., Katsioloudes, M., & Al Bakri, A. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship Intentions of Qatar University Students Motivational Factors Identification: Digital Entrepreneurship Intentions. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), 10(1), 56-74.
Zaheer, H. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship (Doctoral dissertation), Macquarie University, Australia.
Zincir, O., Ünal, A., & Erdal, M. (2017). Lean and Digital: A Case Study on Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals' Online Social Network. In Key Challenges and Opportunities in Web Entrepreneurship (pp. 79-102). IGI Global.
A Rising Value in Digital Transformation Process: Digital Entrepreneurship
In this study, the concept of digital entrepreneurship that uses digital technology to create economic or social value by initiating new initiatives or transforming existing ones is examined, and it is aimed to develop various suggestions at the end of the study. Digital entrepreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship that emerges in the digital transformation process and develops continuously. This type of entrepreneurship has recently become a rising value with the acceleration of developments in the digital transformation process and the impact of the pandemic. After discussing the conceptual framework in the study, the importance, features, types, advantages and digital entrepreneurship ecosystem of digital entrepreneurship are examined.
Aagaard, A. (2019). The Concept and Frameworks of Digital Business Models. In Digital Business Models. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 1-26.
Andriushchenko, K., Rudyk, V., Riabchenko, O., Kachynska, M., Marynenko, N., Shergina, L., ... & Kuchai, O. (2019). Processes of Managing Information Infrastructure of a Digital Enterprise in the Framework of the «Industry 4.0» Concept. 1(3), 60-72.
Arlott, A., Henike, T., & Hölzle, K. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship and Value Beyond: Why to not Purely Play Online. In Digital Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-22). Springer, Cham.
Ballı, A. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Entrepreneurship Approach in Turkey: Ankara Case. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(2), 1058-1071.
Block, J. H., Brohman, K., & Steininger, D. M. (2020). Call for Papers, Issue 1/2022: Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 62(4), 397-399.
Cantillon, R. [1755] 1959. Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en General [and other essays]. Editör ve çeviren Henry Higgs, Londra: Frank Cass.
Chakraborty, T., & Nag, K. (2018). Sports Entrepreneurship: Ontology Based Review through Digital Marketing. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 57-72.
Fouskas, K. (2019). Entrepreneurial Opportunity Scanning in the Digital Age. The Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów Research Papers Collection, 42(2), 101-114.
Friederici, N. (2019). Innovation Hubs in Africa: What Do They Really Do for Digital Entrepreneurs?. In Digital entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 9-28). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Gagan, B. K., Majumdar, S. K., & Satish, M. (2018). Manoeuvre of Electronic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Contemporary Indicator of Techno Business Leadership in Industry 4.0: Digital Entrepreneurship. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 25-33.
Hansen, B. (2019). The Digital Revolution–Digital Entrepreneurship and Transformation in Beijing. Small Enterprise Research, 26(1), 36-54.
Jafari-Sadeghi, V., Garcia-Perez, A., Candelo, E., & Couturier, J. (2021). Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on Technology Entrepreneurship and Technological Market Expansion: The Role of Technology Readiness, Exploration and Exploitation. Journal of Business Research, 124, 100-111.
Lichtenthaler, U. (2018). The World’s Most Innovative Companies: A Meta-Ranking. Journal of Strategy and Management, 11(4), 497-511.
Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., & Profumo, G. (2020). Digital Transformation and Internationalisation in Made in Italy SMEs: A Capabilities Perspective. Strategic Decision-Making in International Context, Urbino University Press, 61-72.
McAdam, M., Crowley, C., & Harrison, R. T. (2020). Digital Girl: Cyberfeminism and the Emancipatory Potential of Digital Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. Small Business Economics, 55, 349-362.
Naudé, W., & Liebregts, W. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship Research: A Concise Introduction. ZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
Nedumaran, G., & Saroja, R. (2020). A Study on Support Digital Entrepreneurship. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 10(6), 261-272.
Nobanee, H., & Dilshad, N. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Applications, and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(19), 4807-4817.
Noceti, F. (2020). How Agile Practices Drive Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Roles of Digital Skills and Ambidexterity.
Özbek, A., Esmer, Y., & Şaylan, O. (2020). Türk Hazır Giyim İşletmeleri Ve Türk Moda Tasarımcılarına Yönelik Bir E-Girişimcilik Model Önerisi. İşletme Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 182-195.
Pandey, R., & Sharif, M. (2020). Study on Digital Entrepreneurship. International Multidisciplinary Conference in, Technology, Business, Management & Liberal Arts, MTC Global, 190-197.
Purbasari, R., Muttaqin, Z., & Sari, D. S. (2021). Digital Entrepreneurship in Pandemic Covid 19 Era: The Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 10(1), 114-135.
Ratten, V. (2020). Digital Transformation in Sport and Social Media. In Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship. Emerald Publishing Limited, 89-104.
Satalkina, L., & Steiner, G. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship: A Theory-Based Systematization of Core Performance Indicators. Sustainability, 12(10), 1-22.
Sotnyk, I. M., Zavrazhnyi, K. Y., Kasianenko, V. O., Roubík, H., & Sidorov, O. (2020). Investment Management of Business Digital Innovations. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 1, 95-109.
Stepantseva, A. (2020). Digital Transformation of Business Models in the Banking Sector: A Multiple Case Study (Doctoral dissertation). Johannes Kepler Unıversıty Lınz.
Stokes, D. A. (2018). Digital Age Entrepreneurship Wikipedia Defines Entrepreneurship As “The Process of Designing, Launching and Running a New Business”. e-Journal Universitas Tribuana Kalabahi, 1(1), 79-86.
Troise, C., & Camilleri, M. A. (2021). The Use of Digital Media for Marketing, CSR Communication and Stakeholder Engagement. In Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Ungureanu, A. (2021). The Digitalization Impact on the Entrepreneurial Leadership in the 21 st Century. iJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), 9(1), 25-32.
Vidas-Bubanja, M., Popovčić-Avrić, S., & Bubanja, I. (2019). The Challenges of Digital Economy Development in South-East European Countries. EMAN 2019–Economics & Managemen, 107-116.
Vorbach, S., Poandl, E., & Korajman, I. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship: MOOCs in Entrepreneurship Education the Case of Graz University of Technology. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 545-555). Springer, Cham.
Wang, H., Feng, J., Zhang, H., & Li, X. (2020). The Effect of Digital Transformation Strategy on Performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, 31(3), 441-462.
Young, R., Wahlberg, L., Davis, E., & Abhari, K. (2020). Towards a Theory of Digital Entrepreneurship Mindset: The Role of Digital Learning Aptitude and Digital Literacy. Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-10.
Younis, H., Katsioloudes, M., & Al Bakri, A. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship Intentions of Qatar University Students Motivational Factors Identification: Digital Entrepreneurship Intentions. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), 10(1), 56-74.
Zaheer, H. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship (Doctoral dissertation), Macquarie University, Australia.
Zincir, O., Ünal, A., & Erdal, M. (2017). Lean and Digital: A Case Study on Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals' Online Social Network. In Key Challenges and Opportunities in Web Entrepreneurship (pp. 79-102). IGI Global.