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Yıl 2023, , 203 - 228, 12.10.2023


Makalede NATO tarafından Nükleer Silahların Yasaklanması Anlaşmasının Nükleer Silahların Yayılmasının Önlenmesi Anlaşmasına ve onun denetim rejimine ters düştüğüne ilişkin olarak ileri sürülen iddialar ele alınmaktadır. İki anlaşmanın bağdaşmazlığına ilişkin olarak ileri sürülen görüşler hukuki olmaktan çok siyasi olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Aynı bağlamda makalede bir devletin NATO üyeliği ile Nükleer Silahların Yasaklanması Anlaşmasına taraf olmasının hukuken mümkün olup olmadığı ele alınmaktadır. NATO üyesi devletlerin Nükleer Silahların Yasaklanması Anlaşmasının gereği olarak hukuken nükleer destek yasağı ve NATO anlaşmasına istinat eden karşılıklı dayanışma mükellefiyeti arasında kurumsal ve teknik önlemler alarak bir denge kurma mükellefiyeti bulunmaktadır. Nükleer Silahların Yasaklanması Anlaşmasının teamül hukuku teşkil etme potansiyeli makalede ele alınan konular arasında yer almaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu makale Etik Kurul iznine tabi değildir


  • Alain Pellet, ‘Kommentierung zu Artikel 38’. bknz: Zimmermann/Tomuschat/Oellers-Frahm/Tams (ed.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice. A Commentary. 2. Baskı (2012), Oxford: Univ. Press, Art.38, Rn.337 vd.
  • Alexander Kmentt, ‘Can the NPT and the TPNW co-exist?’, (2019), Mayıs, Beyond Nuclear International.
  • Andreas Arnauld, Völkerrecht (4.Baskı), Müller Verlag 2019, Heidelberg.
  • Andreas Paulus ve Johann Ruben Leiß, ‘Article 103’, bknz.: Simma/Khan/Nolte/Paulus (ed.), The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary, Vol. II., 3. Baskı (2012), Oxford University Press.
  • Bonnie Docherty, ‘Nuclear Umbrella Arrangements and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ 2018 June, International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), Harvard Law School.
  • Brian D. Lepard, Customary International Law. A New Theory With Practical Applications, Univ. Press 2010, Cambridge.
  • Christopher Ford, ‘Briefing on Nuclear Ban Treaty by NSC’, 22.8.2017 tarihli bilgilendirme toplantısı, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC
  • Daniel Rietiker, ‘New Hope for Nuclear Disarmament or ´Much Ado About Nothing?`: Legal Assessment of the New Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Joint Statement by the USA, UK, and France Following its Adoption’, (2017) Vol.59, Harvard International Law Journal.
  • Dieter Dörr, ‘Rechtsquellen des Völkerrechts’, bknz.: Ipsen, Knut (ed.): Völkerrecht. 7. Baskı (2018), Beck Verlag, München.
  • Eirini Giorgou, Safeguards Provisions in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control Law, 11.4.2018 tarihli blog, bknz.: https://armscontrol
  • Emil Dall, ‘A Balancing Act: NATO-States and the Nuclear Ban Treaty’, (2017), European Leadership Network.
  • Erich Vranes, ‘Lex Superior, Lex Specialis, Lex Posterior - Zur Rechtsnatur der „Konfliktlösungsregeln’ (2005) 65 ZaöRV.
  • Erika de Wet veJure Vidmar, ‘Conflicts between international paradigms: Hierarchy versus systemic integration’ (2013) Vol 2, Issue 1, Global Constitutionalism.
  • Gennadiĭ M. Danilenko, Law-Making in the International Community, (Nijhoff Publications London 1993).
  • Gail Lythgoe, ‘Nuclear Weapons and International Law: The Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2020), EJIL Talk Blog, bknz.: <>.
  • Harald Müller, ‘Der Nukleare Nichtverbreitungsvertrag und der neue Kernwaffenverbotsvertrag - harmonisch, kompatibel, unverträglich?’ (2018) 36, Sicherheit und Frieden
  • John Carlson, Vladimir Kuchinov ve Thomas Shea, ‘The IAEA´s Safeguards System as the Non-Proliferation Treaty´s Verifications Mechanism’ (2020): Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), Wahington DC.
  • Jonas Schneider, ‘Kernwaffenverbotsvertrag: Das Inkrafttreten ist kein Durchbruch’ (2021), SWP-Aktuell, Berlin.
  • Lina-Marieke Hilgert, Angela Kane ve Anastasia Malygina, ‘The TPNW and the NPT’ (2021), Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg.
  • John K.Heller, ‘Specially-Affected States and the Formation of Custom’ (2018) Vol.112, Iss.2 American Journal of International Law,Cambridge Univ. Press, s.191-243.
  • Kai Ambos, Matthias Lippold, ‘Völkerrecht und nukleare Abrüstung - eine gespaltene internationale Gemeinschaft?’ (2020) Juristenzeitung, Jahrgang 75, Heft 14
  • Károly Végh, ‘The North Atlantic Treaty and It’s Relationship to Engagements of Its Parties – A Commentary on Article 8’ (2019) Vol. 34, Emory International Law Review.
  • Manfred Mohr, ‘Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und seine völkerrechtliche Wirkung’ (2018) Vol.1, No.1/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.
  • Markus Schladebach, Weltraumrecht (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2020.
  • Matjaž Kačič, ‘Commentary on Articles 2 and 3 of the Washington Treaty’ (2019), Vol.34, Emory International Law Review 34.
  • Michael J. Moffatt, ‘In search of the elusive conflict: The (in-)compatibility of the Treaties on the Non-Proliferation and Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2019) No.102, Vol.2019/1, Nuclear Law Bulletin.
  • Nele Matz-Lück, ‘Treaties, Conflicts between’ (2010), MPEPIL Bd.:IX.
  • Newell Highsmith, Mallory Stewart, ‘The Nuclear Ban Treaty. A Legal Analysis’ (2018) Vol.60, Iss.1, Survival - Global Politics and Strategy.
  • Steven Hill, ‘NATO and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2021) Chatham House Research Paper.
  • Stuart Casey-Maslen, The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. A Commentary (Oxford Univ. Press 2019).
  • Tamara Patton, Sébastien Philippe ve Zia Mian, ‘Fit for Purpose: An Evolutionary Strategy for the Implementation and Verification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2019) Vol.2, Iss.2, Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament s.387-409.
  • Tariq Rauf, ‘Does the TPNW Contradict or Undermine the NPT?’ (2020), Toda Peace Institute, Chapter 4 .
  • Thomas Hajnoczi, ‘The Relationship between the NPT and the TPNW’ (2020) Vol.3, Iss.1, Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, s.87-91.
  • Tytti Erästö, ‘The NPT and the TPNW: Compatible or conflicting nuclear weapons treaties?’ (2019), SIPRI/Sweden.
  • Zia Mian, Tamara Patton ve Alexander Glaser, ‘Addressing Verification in the Nuclear Ban Treaty’ (2017) Vol.47, No.5, Arms Control Today, s.14-22.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the North Atlantic Treaty

Yıl 2023, , 203 - 228, 12.10.2023


In the article, the NATO arguments that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) contradicts both the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its inspection regime are discussed. It is considered that the views expressed relating to the incompatibility of the two treaties are not so much legal as political. In the same context, the article also discusses whether judicially it would be possible for a NATO member to become a party to the TPNW. NATO member states have an obligation to strike a balance between the legal nuclear support ban undertaken in accordance with the NPT and the mutual solidarity commitment as ascribed to the NATO Treaty by taking institutional and technical measures. The potential for the TPNW to constitute lex non-scripta (common law) is also discussed among the topics considered in the article.

Etik Beyan

This article is not subject to Ethics Committee permission


  • Alain Pellet, ‘Kommentierung zu Artikel 38’. bknz: Zimmermann/Tomuschat/Oellers-Frahm/Tams (ed.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice. A Commentary. 2. Baskı (2012), Oxford: Univ. Press, Art.38, Rn.337 vd.
  • Alexander Kmentt, ‘Can the NPT and the TPNW co-exist?’, (2019), Mayıs, Beyond Nuclear International.
  • Andreas Arnauld, Völkerrecht (4.Baskı), Müller Verlag 2019, Heidelberg.
  • Andreas Paulus ve Johann Ruben Leiß, ‘Article 103’, bknz.: Simma/Khan/Nolte/Paulus (ed.), The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary, Vol. II., 3. Baskı (2012), Oxford University Press.
  • Bonnie Docherty, ‘Nuclear Umbrella Arrangements and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ 2018 June, International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), Harvard Law School.
  • Brian D. Lepard, Customary International Law. A New Theory With Practical Applications, Univ. Press 2010, Cambridge.
  • Christopher Ford, ‘Briefing on Nuclear Ban Treaty by NSC’, 22.8.2017 tarihli bilgilendirme toplantısı, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC
  • Daniel Rietiker, ‘New Hope for Nuclear Disarmament or ´Much Ado About Nothing?`: Legal Assessment of the New Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Joint Statement by the USA, UK, and France Following its Adoption’, (2017) Vol.59, Harvard International Law Journal.
  • Dieter Dörr, ‘Rechtsquellen des Völkerrechts’, bknz.: Ipsen, Knut (ed.): Völkerrecht. 7. Baskı (2018), Beck Verlag, München.
  • Eirini Giorgou, Safeguards Provisions in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control Law, 11.4.2018 tarihli blog, bknz.: https://armscontrol
  • Emil Dall, ‘A Balancing Act: NATO-States and the Nuclear Ban Treaty’, (2017), European Leadership Network.
  • Erich Vranes, ‘Lex Superior, Lex Specialis, Lex Posterior - Zur Rechtsnatur der „Konfliktlösungsregeln’ (2005) 65 ZaöRV.
  • Erika de Wet veJure Vidmar, ‘Conflicts between international paradigms: Hierarchy versus systemic integration’ (2013) Vol 2, Issue 1, Global Constitutionalism.
  • Gennadiĭ M. Danilenko, Law-Making in the International Community, (Nijhoff Publications London 1993).
  • Gail Lythgoe, ‘Nuclear Weapons and International Law: The Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2020), EJIL Talk Blog, bknz.: <>.
  • Harald Müller, ‘Der Nukleare Nichtverbreitungsvertrag und der neue Kernwaffenverbotsvertrag - harmonisch, kompatibel, unverträglich?’ (2018) 36, Sicherheit und Frieden
  • John Carlson, Vladimir Kuchinov ve Thomas Shea, ‘The IAEA´s Safeguards System as the Non-Proliferation Treaty´s Verifications Mechanism’ (2020): Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), Wahington DC.
  • Jonas Schneider, ‘Kernwaffenverbotsvertrag: Das Inkrafttreten ist kein Durchbruch’ (2021), SWP-Aktuell, Berlin.
  • Lina-Marieke Hilgert, Angela Kane ve Anastasia Malygina, ‘The TPNW and the NPT’ (2021), Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg.
  • John K.Heller, ‘Specially-Affected States and the Formation of Custom’ (2018) Vol.112, Iss.2 American Journal of International Law,Cambridge Univ. Press, s.191-243.
  • Kai Ambos, Matthias Lippold, ‘Völkerrecht und nukleare Abrüstung - eine gespaltene internationale Gemeinschaft?’ (2020) Juristenzeitung, Jahrgang 75, Heft 14
  • Károly Végh, ‘The North Atlantic Treaty and It’s Relationship to Engagements of Its Parties – A Commentary on Article 8’ (2019) Vol. 34, Emory International Law Review.
  • Manfred Mohr, ‘Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und seine völkerrechtliche Wirkung’ (2018) Vol.1, No.1/2, Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.
  • Markus Schladebach, Weltraumrecht (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2020.
  • Matjaž Kačič, ‘Commentary on Articles 2 and 3 of the Washington Treaty’ (2019), Vol.34, Emory International Law Review 34.
  • Michael J. Moffatt, ‘In search of the elusive conflict: The (in-)compatibility of the Treaties on the Non-Proliferation and Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2019) No.102, Vol.2019/1, Nuclear Law Bulletin.
  • Nele Matz-Lück, ‘Treaties, Conflicts between’ (2010), MPEPIL Bd.:IX.
  • Newell Highsmith, Mallory Stewart, ‘The Nuclear Ban Treaty. A Legal Analysis’ (2018) Vol.60, Iss.1, Survival - Global Politics and Strategy.
  • Steven Hill, ‘NATO and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2021) Chatham House Research Paper.
  • Stuart Casey-Maslen, The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. A Commentary (Oxford Univ. Press 2019).
  • Tamara Patton, Sébastien Philippe ve Zia Mian, ‘Fit for Purpose: An Evolutionary Strategy for the Implementation and Verification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ (2019) Vol.2, Iss.2, Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament s.387-409.
  • Tariq Rauf, ‘Does the TPNW Contradict or Undermine the NPT?’ (2020), Toda Peace Institute, Chapter 4 .
  • Thomas Hajnoczi, ‘The Relationship between the NPT and the TPNW’ (2020) Vol.3, Iss.1, Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, s.87-91.
  • Tytti Erästö, ‘The NPT and the TPNW: Compatible or conflicting nuclear weapons treaties?’ (2019), SIPRI/Sweden.
  • Zia Mian, Tamara Patton ve Alexander Glaser, ‘Addressing Verification in the Nuclear Ban Treaty’ (2017) Vol.47, No.5, Arms Control Today, s.14-22.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Article

Ayşe Füsun Arsava 0000-0003-2275-7664

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Arsava, A. F. (2023). NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI ve NATO ANLAŞMASI. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, YOK(56), 203-228.
AMA Arsava AF. NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI ve NATO ANLAŞMASI. TAAD. Ekim 2023;YOK(56):203-228. doi:10.54049/taad.1373979
Chicago Arsava, Ayşe Füsun. “NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI Ve NATO ANLAŞMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK, sy. 56 (Ekim 2023): 203-28.
EndNote Arsava AF (01 Ekim 2023) NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI ve NATO ANLAŞMASI. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK 56 203–228.
IEEE A. F. Arsava, “NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI ve NATO ANLAŞMASI”, TAAD, c. YOK, sy. 56, ss. 203–228, 2023, doi: 10.54049/taad.1373979.
ISNAD Arsava, Ayşe Füsun. “NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI Ve NATO ANLAŞMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK/56 (Ekim 2023), 203-228.
MLA Arsava, Ayşe Füsun. “NÜKLEER SİLAHLARIN YASAKLANMASI ANLAŞMASI Ve NATO ANLAŞMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, c. YOK, sy. 56, 2023, ss. 203-28, doi:10.54049/taad.1373979.