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دراسة وتحقيق رسالة في أموال بيت المال، وأقسامها، وأحكامها، ومصارفها لدده خليفة

Yıl 2022, , 279 - 373, 30.06.2022


هذه المقالة عبارة عن دراسة حياة أحد الفقهاء البارزين في عهد الدولة العثمانية، وتحقيق رسالته السالفة الذكر التي كتبها إتحافا للأمير مصطفى (ت. ٩٦٠هـ/١٥٥٣م) ابن السلطان سليمان القانوني (ت. ٩٧٤هـ/١٥٦٦م). فمؤلف هذه الرسالة هو الفقيه، اللغوي كمال الدين إبراهيم بن يحيى بن بخشي، الشهير بلقب دده خليفة. ولد المؤلف بقصبة سونسا التابعة لأماسيا بتركيا، وتوفي بمدينة بورصة في أواخر سنة 975هـ/1567م. وقد تناول المؤلف في هذه الرسالة التي كتبها باللغة العربية الأحكام الفقهية المتعلقة بأموال بيت المال؛ فبين أن أموال بيت المال تنقسم إلى أربعة أقسام، وأن لكل قسم حكما خاصا به، كما أن لكل قسم مصرفا خاصا به، وأنه يجب على السلطان أن يحرص على عدم الجمع بين هذه الأقسام، وأن يلتزم عند التصرف فيها بمصارفها المحددة في الشريعة الإسلامية. وقد قمنا في الجزء الأول من هذه المقالة بتقديم دراسة عن حياة المؤلف، وآثاره العلمية، كما حاولنا أن نقدم دراسة عن الرسالة من حيث المحتوى والأسلوب. وفي الجزء الثاني منها قمنا بتحقيق متن الرسالة. وأعتقد أن هذه الرسالة بالإضافة إلى موضوعها الذي من أجله كتبت يمكن أن تكون بمثابة دليل إرشادي للمنظمات الخيرية والمؤسسات المالية اليوم.


  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. “Dede Cöngî”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 1994.
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. Osmanlı Kanunnameleri ve Hukuki Tahlilleri, İstanbul: Fey Vakfı, 1992.
  • Bursalı, Mehmed Tâhir Efendi. Osmanlı Müellifleri. Haz. A. Fikri Yavuz – İsmail Özen. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: Meral Yayınevi, t.y.

Critical Edition and Analysis of Dede Khalīfe's Named Risāla fī amvāli beyti'l-māl ve aqsāmihā ve aḥkāmihā ve maṣārifihā

Yıl 2022, , 279 - 373, 30.06.2022


This article contains the verification and analysis of the book called Risāla fī amvāli beyti'l-māl ve aqsāmihā ve aḥkāmihā ve maṣārifihā written by Kamāluddīn Ibrāhīm b. Bahşī b. Ibrāhīm (d. 975 Hijrah/1567 A.D) who was nicknamed Dede Khalīfe and one of the prominent jurists of the Ottoman era.
Dedicated to Prince Mustafa (d. 960/1553), son of Kanūnî Sultan Sulayman (d. 974/1566), this book is in Arabic and is a valuable study that deals with the legal provisions related to Beytulmāl (state treasury). In the book, the author emphasizes that the properties belonging to Beytulmāl should be divided into four parts; each part should have its own sources of income and expenses, these parts never should not be combined, and special care should be taken not to make any savings contrary to the determined expenses, per the Quranic verses, hadiths and vies of Islamic jurists. He also identified several sources of income that were not mentioned among the sources of income of Beytulmāl in previous sources of Islamic law. This book, whose topic is Beytulmāl, is almost a guide for all kinds of humanitarian aid organizations today.
The article consists of two main titles, Dirase (Examination) and Verification, as per the rules of verification (edition). Dirase section is also composed of two subsections; in the first subsection, the life and scientific personality of Kamāluddīn Ibrāhīm b. Yahya b. Bahshi b. Ibrahim, the author of the book, also known as Dede Efendi, Dede Khalīfe, Kāra Dede are discussed in detail. The author Kamāluddīn Ibrāhīm b. Yahya b. Bahşī was born in Sonusa (Uluköy) village of Amasya and died in Bursa in 975/1567.
Ibrāhīm b Bahshī, who was involved in stream tanning business until his 20s, started his education after meeting the newly appointed mufti of Amasya, Khatib Qasim Oghlu (d. 940/1534). He studied sciences such as Arabic language, Fiqh, Tafsir and Logic first from Khatib Qasim Oghlu and then from various teachers.
Since 935/1528, he served as mufti and teacher in various provinces of the Ottoman state such as Bursa, Amasya, Tire, Merzifon, Diyarbakir, Aleppo, Iznik and Kefe. He retired in 972/1565 and went into seclusion until he died in Bursa in 975/1567.
The author, who specialized in the fields of Ḥanafi Fiqh, Tafsir and Arabic literature, has left many works, one of the most famous of which is the Arabic book as-Siyāsetu'sh-shar'iyya, known as Siyasetname. This book was translated into Turkish several times after the author died, and its Turkish translation became more widespread than the Arabic original. The Arabic version and Turkish translation of this book, which belongs to Islamic administrative law, have been the subject of many scientific studies and have also been printed with verification. Another famous book of the author is Ḥāshiya ʿalā Sharḥi’l-ʿİzzī fi’t-taṣrīf li’t-Taftāzānī, known as Dede Jongī. This book is the annotation of Taftāzānī's (d. 793/1390) commentary on al-ʿIzzī fi’t-taṣrīf written by Izzaddīn az-Zanjānī (d. 655/1257) in the field of Sarf, which has been printed several times. His book called Risālatu'l-vaḍ on the science of Vaḍ was also published several times in Istanbul. Other books of the author have become less common compared to these three books.
In the second part of the Dirase, the examination of the book was made; and although the name of the book was not clearly determined by the author, it was deemed appropriate to name the book as Risāla fī amvāli beyti'l-māl ve aqsāmiha ve aḥkāmiha ve maṣārifihā based on the information in the book and on the covers of the manuscripts. It is indisputably fixed that the book belongs to the author. The book is a 22-leaf treatise dealing with the Fiqh provisions regarding the Beytulmāl (state treasury).


  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. “Dede Cöngî”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 1994.
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. Osmanlı Kanunnameleri ve Hukuki Tahlilleri, İstanbul: Fey Vakfı, 1992.
  • Bursalı, Mehmed Tâhir Efendi. Osmanlı Müellifleri. Haz. A. Fikri Yavuz – İsmail Özen. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: Meral Yayınevi, t.y.

Dede Halîfe’nin Risâle fî emvâli beyti’l-mâl ve aḳsâmihâ ve aḥkâmihâ ve maṣârifihâ Adlı Eserinin Tahkik ve Tahlili

Yıl 2022, , 279 - 373, 30.06.2022


Bu makale, Dede Halîfe lakabıyla ün salan Kemâlüddîn İbrâhîm b. Bahşî b. İbrâhîm (ö. 975/1567) tarafından kaleme alınmış Risâle fî emvâli beyti’l-mâl ve aḳsâmihâ ve aḥkâmihâ ve maṣârifihâ adlı eserin tahkik ve tahlilinden oluşmaktadır. Kanûnî Sultan Sulayman’ın (ö. 974/1566) oğlu Şehzade Muṣṭafa’ya (ö. 960/1553) ithaf edilen bu eser Arapça olup, Beytülmâl (devlet hazinesi) ile ilgili fikhî hükümleri ele alan değerli bir çalışmadır. Müellif eserde Beytülmâl’a ait malların İslam hukuku kaynaklarınca ayrı ayrı dört bölüme ayrılacağını, her bölümün kendine özgü gelir kaynakları ve masraflarının olduğunu, dörde ayırılan bu malların birleştirilmemesi ve belirlenen masraflarına aykırı tasarrufta bulunulmamasına özen gösterilmesi gerektiğini ayet, hadis ve İslam hukukçuların görüşleriyle vurgulamaktadır. Beytülmâl’i konu edinen bu eser günümüzdeki her türlü insanî yardım kuruluşları ve kamu malı ile ilgilenen kuruluşlar için de adeta bir kılavuz niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışmamızda eser muhteva ve üslup açısından değerlendirilmiş, atıfları kontrol edilmiş ve kaynakları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca eserde geçen muğlak kelimeler izah edilmiştir. Müellifin hayatı ve eserleri hakkında da detaylı bilgi sunmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. “Dede Cöngî”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 1994.
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet. Osmanlı Kanunnameleri ve Hukuki Tahlilleri, İstanbul: Fey Vakfı, 1992.
  • Bursalı, Mehmed Tâhir Efendi. Osmanlı Müellifleri. Haz. A. Fikri Yavuz – İsmail Özen. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: Meral Yayınevi, t.y.
Toplam 3 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Abdulhalik Uygur 0000-0003-3890-4657

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Uygur, Abdulhalik. “دراسة وتحقيق رسالة في أموال بيت المال، وأقسامها، وأحكامها، ومصارفها لدده خليفة”. Tahkik İslami İlimler Araştırma ve Neşir Dergisi 5/1 (Haziran 2022), 279-373.

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