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Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 01.07.2016


The use of natural material in ongoing breeding programs provides a unique resource and they have vital importance to improve plant production and rehabilitation of degraded rangelands. The aim of this study was to improve the new rhizomatous crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) collections with high adaptation ability for rangeland improvement using national genetic sources. A total of 8 genotypes collected from the region and from other institutions were tested the morphological and phenological characters. After testing one population, G-466, with rhizome was selected and to be evaluated further. The mass selection was implemented in this study. Two trials with G-466 and population were conducted during the years of 2007 to 2010 in Yenimahalle and Gölbaşı locations, Ankara. The observed morphological, and agronomical characteristics were main stem height, main stem thickness, internode length, node numbers per main stem, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, forage yield and hay yield. Data were statistically analyzed and measured characteristics of two genotypes were compared by F test. Correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship among the characters. The morphological characters as main stem height, main stem thickness, internode distance long, node numbers per main stem, flag leaf length and flag leaf width in G-466 were 58.5 cm, 2.1 mm; 13.2 cm, 3.7; 8.4 cm, 4.9 mm, respectively. There was no significant difference between the studied genotypes in fresh forage and hay yields on the two location-averages. Fresh forage and hay yields in G-466 were 482.2 kg/da and 120.6 kg/da, respectively. High correlation (0.893) found between hay yield and main stem length. There were also high correlation length of internode and node numbers in main stem with hay yield. As considered hay quality, the G-466 had higher crude protein content (11.58-11.33%), than population (9.71-10.58%) in 2009 and 2010. But it was lower relative feeding value than population. In conclusion, the G-466 genotype is recommended for grassland improvement and making artificial pasture as using alone or in mixtures. 


  • Açıkgöz E., 1982. The researches on some morphological and agronomical characters with flower biology in crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Ankara University, Agriculture Faculty Publications, 802, pp. 62, Ankara
  • Albayrak S. and Ekiz H.,. 2004. Determination of related characters with hay yield using correlations coefficients and path analysis in some perennial grasses. Ankara University, Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 10(3):250-257
  • Altın M., 1982a. The yields of hay and crude protein on various sowing methods some forage crops and their mixtures, crude protein content of plant species and botanical compositions of mixtures, 1. hay and crude protein yields, Turk. J. Agric. For. 6:93-107
  • Altın M., 1982b. The yields of hay and crude protein on various sowing methods some forage crops and their mixtures, crude protein content of plant species and botanical compositions of mixtures, 2. crude protein contents and botanical compositions of mixtures, Turk. J. Agric. For. 6:109-125
  • Anonymous. 2000. USDA, NRCS 2000. The PLANTS database. Version: 000417. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (Accessed 29.04.2015)
  • Anonymous. 2007. Soil analysis results of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer And Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2008. Soil analysis results of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer And Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2009. The climatic data of of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara. The General Director Of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2010. The climatic data of of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara. The General Director Of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2015. Agricultural – crop production statistics, Turkish Statistical Institute. (Accessed date: 26.10.2015)
  • Asay K.H., Jensen K. B., Horton W. H., Johnson D. A., Chatterton N. J. and Young S. A., 1999. Registration of 'RoadCrest' Crested Wheatgrass. Crop Science, 39:1535
  • Bor N.L., 1970. Gramineae. Tribus VII. Triticeae Dumort. pp. 147-244. In K. H. Rechinger (ed.) Flora Iranica, Vol. 70, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstal, Graz, Austria
  • Currie Pat O. and Peterson G., 1966. Using Growing-Season Precipitation to Predict Crested Wheatgrass Yields. Journal of Range Management, Vol. 19, No. 5 (Sep., 1966), pp. 284-288. Published by: Allen Press and Society for Range Management (Accessed: 15/09/2011)
  • Davis P.H., 1970. Flora of Turkey, Vol. 9. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 22 George Square, Edinburg. pp: 204-205
  • Fansler V. A. and Mangold J.M., 2011. Restoring Native Plants to Crested Wheatgrass Stands. Restoration Ecology, 19(101):16-23
  • George A. R. and Lorenz R. J., 1969. Pasture productivity of crested wheatgrass as influenced by nitrogen fertilizatıon and alfalfa, Technical Bulletin No. 1402. Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agrıculture, Department of Animal Science North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, pp.1-33
  • Gökkuş A., Serin Y., Koç A. and Tan M., 2001. The effects of different row spacings, cutting heights and stubble burning on seed yield and yield components of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.). Turk. J. Agric. For. 25: 71-78
  • Holechek J. L., 1981. Crested Wheatgrass. Rangelands 3(4), pp: 151-153
  • Hull A.C. Jr., 1971. Grass mixtures for seeding sage brush lands. Journal of Range Management, 24 (2):150-152
  • Hull A. C. Jr., 1972. Growth characteristics of crested and fairway wheatgrasses in Southern Idaho. Journal of Range Management, 25 (2):123-125
  • Leffler A.J., Monaco T.A. and James J.J., 2011. Morphological and Physiological Traits Account for Similar Nitrate Uptake by Crested Wheatgrass and Cheatgrass. Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, Volume 17, Article 10. (Accessed 25.05.2015)
  • May K.W., Stout D. G., Willms W. D., Mir Z., Coulman B., Fairey N. A., and Hall J.W. 1998. Growth and forage quality of three Bromus species native to western Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: 597–603
  • Mellish A. and Coulman B., 2002. Morphological characteristics of crested wheatgrass populations of diverse origin. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 82(4): 693-699.
  • Nevski S.A., 1934. Tribe Hordeae. pp. 369-579. In V.L. Marov (editor) Flora of the USSR. Vol. II. Israel Program Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Prosperi J.M., Ronfort J., Angevain M., Bonnin I., Chaulet E., Genier G., Jenczewski E., and Olivieri I., 1996. Genetic diversity, preservation and use of genetic resources of Mediterranean legumes: Alfalfa and Medics. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18, pp.71-89, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM
  • Rogler G. A. and Lorenz R. J., 1983. Crested Wheatgrass-Early History in the United States. Journal of Range Management 36 (1):91-93
  • Ryle G.J.A., 1966. Effects of photoperiod in the glasshouse on the growth of leaves and tillers in three perennial grasses. Ann. Appl. Biol. 57:257-268
  • Schuster J.L. and Ricardo C.D.L.G., 1973. Phenology and forage production of cool season grasses in the Southern Plains. Journal of Range Management, 26(5):336-339
  • Serin Y., 1991. The effects of different row spacing and fertilizers on forage and crude protein yields of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.) under the semiarid conditions in Erzurum. Atatürk University, Agriculture Faculty Journal 22(1): 1-12, Erzurum
  • Smoliak S., Johnson A. and Lutwick L. E., 1967. Productivity and durability of crested wheatgrass in Southeastern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 47:539-548
  • Unal S. and Eraç A., 2000. The researches on the effects of mixture sowing rates of cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) Wheatgrass (Agropyron Gaertn.) for forage yield and botanical composition. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 9 (1-2):32-55
  • Unal S. and Fırıncıoğlu H. K., 2009. Determination of performance in some crested wheat grass genotypes in the Central Highlands of Turkey. 1st. National Desertification and Drought Symposium. 16-18 June 2009, pp. 337-344, Konya
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Öztekin U., Ünal E., Aydoğdu M., Dedeoğlu F., Özaydın K. A., Avağ A., Aydoğmuş O., Şahin B. and Arslan S., 2012a. A Study on Assessment of Rangelands in Ankara Province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 21(2):41-49
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Öztekin U., Ünal E., Özaydın K.A., Avağ A., Yıldız H., Aydoğmuş O., Şahin B. and Arslan S., 2012b. A Study on Determination of Condition and Health of Rangelands in Çankırı Province. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(2):131-135. (Prof. Dr. Selahattin İptaş Agricultural Congress)
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Urla Ö., Yıldız H. and Şahin B., 2013. Evaluation and determination of rangeland vegetation in Kayseri Province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 22(2): 86-95
  • White L.M. and Wight J.R., 1981. Seasonal dry matter yield and digestibility of seven grass species, alfalfa and cicer milkvetch in Eastern Montana. Agronomy Journal, 73 (3):457-462

Ankara İlinden Toplanan Rizomlu Otlak Ayrığının (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Morfolojik ve Agronomik Karakterleri

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 1 - 10, 01.07.2016


Islah programında genetik kaynakların kullanılması bu konuda yürütülen çalışmaları zenginleştirir ve bitki üretiminin geliştirilmesi ve bozuluş mera alanlarının iyileştirilmesi için hayati öneme sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada genetik kaynaklardan mera ıslahına yönelik adaptasyon kabiliyeti yüksek yeni rizomlu otlak ayrığı (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) kolleksiyonlarının geliştirilmesi, amaçlanmıştır. Diğer enstitülerden ve bölgeden sağlanan 8 adet genotip morfolojik ve fenolojik özellikler açısından incelenmiştir. Bu işlemden sonra G-466 rizomlu genotip seçılmiş ve daha sonra değerlendirilecektir. Bu çalışmada toptan seleksiyon metodu uygulanmıştır. Ankara’nın iki ilçesi Yenimahalle ve Gölbaşında 2007-2010 yılları arasında G-466 ile popülasyon materyallerinin yer aldığı iki deneme tesis edilmiştir. Morfolojik ve tarımsal özellikler ana sap uzunluğu, ana sap kalınlığı, ana saptaki boğum sayısı, bayrak yaprağın uzunluğu ve genişliği ile yeşil ve kuru ot verimleridir. Tüm deneme verileri istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiş ve iki genotipin incelenen özellikleri F testiyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Özelikler arası ilişkiler belirlenmek için korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Morfolojik özellikler ana sap uzunluğu ve ana sap kalınlığı, boğum arası uzunluk, ana saptaki boğum sayısı, bayrak yaprağının uzunluğu ve genişliği G-466 genotipinde sırayla 58.5 cm, 2.1 mm; 13.2 cm, 3.7; 8.4 cm, 4.9 mm olmuştur. Her iki lokasyonda yeşil ot ve kuru ot verimleri açısından çalışılan her iki genotip arasında fark bulunmamıştır. Genotip G-466’nın yeşil ot ve kuru ot verimleri sırayla 482.2 kg/da and 120.6 kg/da, olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kuru ot verimi ve ana sap uzunluğu arasında yüksek korelasyon (0.893) bulunmuştur. Boğum arası uzunluk ve ana saptaki boğum sayısı ile kuru ot verimi arasında da yüksek düzeyde korelasyon vardır. Kuru ot kalitesi düşünüldüğünde, 2009 ve 2010 yıllarında genotip G-466 (%11.58 ve %11.33) populasyondan (%9.71 ve %10.58 ) daha yüksek ham protein oranına sahip olmuştur. Fakat nispi yem değeri popülasyondan daha düşük olmuştur. Sonuç olarak G-466 genotipi mera ıslahı ve suni mera tesisleri için yalın ya da karışımlar halinde kullanılması tavsiye edilir. 


  • Açıkgöz E., 1982. The researches on some morphological and agronomical characters with flower biology in crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Ankara University, Agriculture Faculty Publications, 802, pp. 62, Ankara
  • Albayrak S. and Ekiz H.,. 2004. Determination of related characters with hay yield using correlations coefficients and path analysis in some perennial grasses. Ankara University, Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 10(3):250-257
  • Altın M., 1982a. The yields of hay and crude protein on various sowing methods some forage crops and their mixtures, crude protein content of plant species and botanical compositions of mixtures, 1. hay and crude protein yields, Turk. J. Agric. For. 6:93-107
  • Altın M., 1982b. The yields of hay and crude protein on various sowing methods some forage crops and their mixtures, crude protein content of plant species and botanical compositions of mixtures, 2. crude protein contents and botanical compositions of mixtures, Turk. J. Agric. For. 6:109-125
  • Anonymous. 2000. USDA, NRCS 2000. The PLANTS database. Version: 000417. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (Accessed 29.04.2015)
  • Anonymous. 2007. Soil analysis results of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer And Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2008. Soil analysis results of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer And Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2009. The climatic data of of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara. The General Director Of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2010. The climatic data of of Yenimahalle and İkizce-Gölbaşı in Ankara. The General Director Of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey (unpublished)
  • Anonymous. 2015. Agricultural – crop production statistics, Turkish Statistical Institute. (Accessed date: 26.10.2015)
  • Asay K.H., Jensen K. B., Horton W. H., Johnson D. A., Chatterton N. J. and Young S. A., 1999. Registration of 'RoadCrest' Crested Wheatgrass. Crop Science, 39:1535
  • Bor N.L., 1970. Gramineae. Tribus VII. Triticeae Dumort. pp. 147-244. In K. H. Rechinger (ed.) Flora Iranica, Vol. 70, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstal, Graz, Austria
  • Currie Pat O. and Peterson G., 1966. Using Growing-Season Precipitation to Predict Crested Wheatgrass Yields. Journal of Range Management, Vol. 19, No. 5 (Sep., 1966), pp. 284-288. Published by: Allen Press and Society for Range Management (Accessed: 15/09/2011)
  • Davis P.H., 1970. Flora of Turkey, Vol. 9. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 22 George Square, Edinburg. pp: 204-205
  • Fansler V. A. and Mangold J.M., 2011. Restoring Native Plants to Crested Wheatgrass Stands. Restoration Ecology, 19(101):16-23
  • George A. R. and Lorenz R. J., 1969. Pasture productivity of crested wheatgrass as influenced by nitrogen fertilizatıon and alfalfa, Technical Bulletin No. 1402. Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agrıculture, Department of Animal Science North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, pp.1-33
  • Gökkuş A., Serin Y., Koç A. and Tan M., 2001. The effects of different row spacings, cutting heights and stubble burning on seed yield and yield components of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.). Turk. J. Agric. For. 25: 71-78
  • Holechek J. L., 1981. Crested Wheatgrass. Rangelands 3(4), pp: 151-153
  • Hull A.C. Jr., 1971. Grass mixtures for seeding sage brush lands. Journal of Range Management, 24 (2):150-152
  • Hull A. C. Jr., 1972. Growth characteristics of crested and fairway wheatgrasses in Southern Idaho. Journal of Range Management, 25 (2):123-125
  • Leffler A.J., Monaco T.A. and James J.J., 2011. Morphological and Physiological Traits Account for Similar Nitrate Uptake by Crested Wheatgrass and Cheatgrass. Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, Volume 17, Article 10. (Accessed 25.05.2015)
  • May K.W., Stout D. G., Willms W. D., Mir Z., Coulman B., Fairey N. A., and Hall J.W. 1998. Growth and forage quality of three Bromus species native to western Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: 597–603
  • Mellish A. and Coulman B., 2002. Morphological characteristics of crested wheatgrass populations of diverse origin. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 82(4): 693-699.
  • Nevski S.A., 1934. Tribe Hordeae. pp. 369-579. In V.L. Marov (editor) Flora of the USSR. Vol. II. Israel Program Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Prosperi J.M., Ronfort J., Angevain M., Bonnin I., Chaulet E., Genier G., Jenczewski E., and Olivieri I., 1996. Genetic diversity, preservation and use of genetic resources of Mediterranean legumes: Alfalfa and Medics. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18, pp.71-89, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM
  • Rogler G. A. and Lorenz R. J., 1983. Crested Wheatgrass-Early History in the United States. Journal of Range Management 36 (1):91-93
  • Ryle G.J.A., 1966. Effects of photoperiod in the glasshouse on the growth of leaves and tillers in three perennial grasses. Ann. Appl. Biol. 57:257-268
  • Schuster J.L. and Ricardo C.D.L.G., 1973. Phenology and forage production of cool season grasses in the Southern Plains. Journal of Range Management, 26(5):336-339
  • Serin Y., 1991. The effects of different row spacing and fertilizers on forage and crude protein yields of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.) under the semiarid conditions in Erzurum. Atatürk University, Agriculture Faculty Journal 22(1): 1-12, Erzurum
  • Smoliak S., Johnson A. and Lutwick L. E., 1967. Productivity and durability of crested wheatgrass in Southeastern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 47:539-548
  • Unal S. and Eraç A., 2000. The researches on the effects of mixture sowing rates of cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) Wheatgrass (Agropyron Gaertn.) for forage yield and botanical composition. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 9 (1-2):32-55
  • Unal S. and Fırıncıoğlu H. K., 2009. Determination of performance in some crested wheat grass genotypes in the Central Highlands of Turkey. 1st. National Desertification and Drought Symposium. 16-18 June 2009, pp. 337-344, Konya
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Öztekin U., Ünal E., Aydoğdu M., Dedeoğlu F., Özaydın K. A., Avağ A., Aydoğmuş O., Şahin B. and Arslan S., 2012a. A Study on Assessment of Rangelands in Ankara Province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 21(2):41-49
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Öztekin U., Ünal E., Özaydın K.A., Avağ A., Yıldız H., Aydoğmuş O., Şahin B. and Arslan S., 2012b. A Study on Determination of Condition and Health of Rangelands in Çankırı Province. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(2):131-135. (Prof. Dr. Selahattin İptaş Agricultural Congress)
  • Unal S., Mutlu Z., Mermer A., Urla Ö., Yıldız H. and Şahin B., 2013. Evaluation and determination of rangeland vegetation in Kayseri Province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 22(2): 86-95
  • White L.M. and Wight J.R., 1981. Seasonal dry matter yield and digestibility of seven grass species, alfalfa and cicer milkvetch in Eastern Montana. Agronomy Journal, 73 (3):457-462
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Sabahaddin Ünal

Ziya Mutlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, S., & Mutlu, Z. (2016). Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(1), 1-10.
AMA Ünal S, Mutlu Z. Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. Ağustos 2016;25(1):1-10. doi:10.21566/tbmaed.28558
Chicago Ünal, Sabahaddin, ve Ziya Mutlu. “Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron Cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 25, sy. 1 (Ağustos 2016): 1-10.
EndNote Ünal S, Mutlu Z (01 Ağustos 2016) Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 25 1 1–10.
IEEE S. Ünal ve Z. Mutlu, “Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province”, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 1, ss. 1–10, 2016, doi: 10.21566/tbmaed.28558.
ISNAD Ünal, Sabahaddin - Mutlu, Ziya. “Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron Cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 25/1 (Ağustos 2016), 1-10.
JAMA Ünal S, Mutlu Z. Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;25:1–10.
MLA Ünal, Sabahaddin ve Ziya Mutlu. “Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron Cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 1-10, doi:10.21566/tbmaed.28558.
Vancouver Ünal S, Mutlu Z. Morphological and Agronomical Characteristics of a Rhizomatous Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L. Gaertn.) Collected from Ankara Province. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;25(1):1-10.