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Evaluation of Foreign Trade Incentives in Food Industry in Cukurova Region of Turkey

Yıl 2022, , 77 - 88, 31.07.2022


Purpose: In this study, in at the Cukurova Region, the effect of incentives applied for export oriented in Turkey in the food industry was investigated, how effective is of these incentives, problems revealed encountered in exports and solutions were presented.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The data obtained through the face-to-face survey study were analyzed with the SPSS package program and the structure of the enterprises, the extent to which they benefited from export incentives, the perceptions and risks of these incentives were tried to be revealed.
Findings: Although the majority of enterprises as a result of the study they stated that foreign trade incentives were insufficient, they stated that incentives contribute to the creation of new markets, growth potential in production and employment.
Originality/Value: The level of utilization, perceptions and attitudes of the companies benefiting from export incentives in the food industry against the incentives were determined and the things to be done in the short, medium and long term were determined.


  • Ahmed, Z.U. Julian, C.C. Baalbaki, I.B. and Hadidian, T.V. (2006). Firm Internationalisation and Export Incentives from a Middle Eastern Perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(4): 660-669. doi: 10.1108/14626000610705804.
  • Akca, M. (2011). Effects of Export Encourages on Companies: One Practice of Gaziantep Industry [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Gaziantep University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Economic, Gaziantep, Turkey.
  • Al-Hyari, K. Al-Weshah, G. and Alnsour, M. (2012). Barriers to Internationalisation in SMEs: Evidence from Jordan. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(2): 188-211. doi:10.1108/02634501211211975.
  • Bayraktaroglu, H. Karaman, D. and Kalkan, A. (2015). The Contribution of the Incentives Provided for SMEs to Export Performance of the Firms: An Application in Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. Akdeniz İİBF Journal, 15(31): 89-105.
  • Basar, A.B. (2002). Accounting Procedures for Export Operations in Export Intermediary Firms [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Eskisehir Anadolu University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Boso, N. (2010). Export Entrepreneurial-Oriented Beheviour and Export Performance [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Loughborough University, Loughborough, England.
  • Bozkurt, O.C. and Tunc, H. (2018). Foreign Trade Problems in SMES: Sample of Antalya. International Journal of Management Economics and Business, 14(2): 381-397. doi: 10.17130/ijmeb.2018239938.
  • Buyukakın, F. and Ozyılmaz, S. (2016). The Effectiveness of Export Incentive Policies: The Sample of Afyonkarahisar. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 11(2): 47-68.
  • Buyukozturk, S. Akgun, O.E. Demirel, F. Karadeniz, S. and Cakmak, E.K. (2015). Scientific Research Methods in Education. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Cronbach, L.J. (1951). Coefficient Alpha and The Internal Structure of Tests. Psychometrika, 16(3): 297-334.
  • Erol, A. (2005). Export Incentives Granted in Turkey and Analysis of Usage Level in the Eastern Black Sea Region by the Exporter Companies [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Blacksea Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Garg, N. (2013). Study of Awareness and Attitude Towards Incentive Schemes for Exporters of Agricultural Products. Punjab Agricultural University, Master of Business Administration in Agri-Business Management. Research Project Report. Ludhiana.
  • Isleker, A. (2010). The Impacts of the Incentive Policies on Adana City [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Cukurova University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Adana, Turkey.
  • Joshi, A. Kale, S. Chandel, S. and Pal, D.K. (2015). Likert Scale: Explored and Explained. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 7(4): 396-403. doi: 10.9734/BJAST/2015/14975.
  • Julian, C.C. and Ali, M.Y. (2009). Incentives to Export for Australian Export Market Ventures. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 16(3): 418‐431. doi: 10.1108/14626000910977143.
  • Kalaycı, S. (2015). SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistics Techniques. Dinamik Akademi. Ankara.
  • Kim, S. Dedrick, R. Cao, C. and Ferron, M. (2016). Multilevel Factor Analysis: Reporting Guidelines and a Review of Reporting Practices. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(6): 881-898. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1228042.
  • Korkmaz, S. Ermec, A. and Yucedag, N. (2009). Firms Innovation Capabilities and Their Effects on Export Performances. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2): 83-104.
  • Kyriazos, T. A. (2018). Applied Psychometrics: Sample Size and Sample Power Considerations in Factor Analysis (EFA, CFA) and SEM in General. Psychology, 9 (08): 2207–2230. doi: 10.4236/psych.2018.98126.
  • Legal Gazette. (1995). Decision on State Aid to Export. 11.01.1995 Date and 22168 Numbered Legal Gazette, Ankara.
  • Legal Gazette. (2018). Presidential Decree on the Presidential Organization. 10.07.2018 Date and 30474 Numbered Legal Gazette, Ankara.
  • Lowry, S. (2014). Small Business Administration Trade and Export Promotion Programs. Congressional Research Service, 7-5700. 23p.
  • McHugh, M. L. (2013). The Chi-Square Test of Independence. Lessons in Biostatistics 23(2): 143-149. doi: 10.11613/BM.2013.018.
  • Metin, I. and Kucukbay, F. (2019). A multi-Criteria Approach to Determination of the Source of Export Financing: Promethee Method. Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(18): 931-948. doi: 10.29029/busbed.565328.
  • Onder, H. (2005). The Factors Effecting Utilizations of Export Subsides (An Application in Kutahya) [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Dumlupınar University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Economic, Kutahya, Turkey.
  • Onocak, D. (2015). An Research for Determining the Impact on Investment Incentives, Accounting of Incentives and the Business Performance of Incentives: Sivas Instance [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Inonu University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Ozdemir, S. and Karaca, Y. (2007). Foreign Trade Method for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Export Problems: An Investigation in Afyon Natural Stone Sector. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1): 1-19.
  • Taspınar, M. (2008). The Effects of Incentives and Support Used in Exports on Export Performance in Manufacturing Companies and Problems in Use and Solutions Proposals [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Selcuk University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Konya, Turkey.
  • TSI (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2020). Statistic Data Portal. Erişim Tarihi 05.07.2020.
  • UNSD, (2018). United Nations Statistics Division. United States. New York. Date Accessed 05.07.2020
  • Yalman, I.N. Turkoglu, C.M. and Yalman, Y. (2015). Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises (SMEs) and Foreign Trade Policy. Session 4C: International Trade II, 461-468. doi: 10.36880/C06.01207
  • Yalcın, G. (2015). The Comparison of Export Performances of the Companies in Turkey That Benefit from Export Incentives and Development Tools and That Do Not Benefit from These Tools: An Emperical Study in the Manufacturing Sector in Konya [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. KTO Karatay University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Konya, Turkey.

Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2022, , 77 - 88, 31.07.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Çukurova Bölgesi'nde Türkiye'de ihracata yönelik uygulanan teşviklerin gıda sanayine etkisi araştırılmış, bu teşviklerin ne kadar etkili olduğu, ihracatta karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur.
Tasarım/Metodoloji/Yaklaşım: Yüz yüze anket çalışması ile elde edilen veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilerek işletmelerin yapısı, ihracat teşviklerinden ne ölçüde yararlandıkları, bu teşviklere yönelik algıları ve riskleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışma sonucunda işletmelerin çoğunluğu dış ticaret teşviklerinin yetersiz olduğunu belirtseler de teşviklerin yeni pazarların oluşmasına, üretimde ve istihdamda büyüme potansiyeline katkı sağladığını belirtmişlerdir.
Özgünlük/Değer: Gıda sektöründe ihracat teşviklerinden yararlanan firmaların teşviklere karşı kullanım düzeyleri, algıları ve tutumları belirlenerek kısa, orta ve uzun vadede yapılması gerekenler belirlenmiştir.


  • Ahmed, Z.U. Julian, C.C. Baalbaki, I.B. and Hadidian, T.V. (2006). Firm Internationalisation and Export Incentives from a Middle Eastern Perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13(4): 660-669. doi: 10.1108/14626000610705804.
  • Akca, M. (2011). Effects of Export Encourages on Companies: One Practice of Gaziantep Industry [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Gaziantep University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Economic, Gaziantep, Turkey.
  • Al-Hyari, K. Al-Weshah, G. and Alnsour, M. (2012). Barriers to Internationalisation in SMEs: Evidence from Jordan. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(2): 188-211. doi:10.1108/02634501211211975.
  • Bayraktaroglu, H. Karaman, D. and Kalkan, A. (2015). The Contribution of the Incentives Provided for SMEs to Export Performance of the Firms: An Application in Antalya Organized Industrial Zone. Akdeniz İİBF Journal, 15(31): 89-105.
  • Basar, A.B. (2002). Accounting Procedures for Export Operations in Export Intermediary Firms [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Eskisehir Anadolu University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Boso, N. (2010). Export Entrepreneurial-Oriented Beheviour and Export Performance [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Loughborough University, Loughborough, England.
  • Bozkurt, O.C. and Tunc, H. (2018). Foreign Trade Problems in SMES: Sample of Antalya. International Journal of Management Economics and Business, 14(2): 381-397. doi: 10.17130/ijmeb.2018239938.
  • Buyukakın, F. and Ozyılmaz, S. (2016). The Effectiveness of Export Incentive Policies: The Sample of Afyonkarahisar. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 11(2): 47-68.
  • Buyukozturk, S. Akgun, O.E. Demirel, F. Karadeniz, S. and Cakmak, E.K. (2015). Scientific Research Methods in Education. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Cronbach, L.J. (1951). Coefficient Alpha and The Internal Structure of Tests. Psychometrika, 16(3): 297-334.
  • Erol, A. (2005). Export Incentives Granted in Turkey and Analysis of Usage Level in the Eastern Black Sea Region by the Exporter Companies [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Blacksea Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Garg, N. (2013). Study of Awareness and Attitude Towards Incentive Schemes for Exporters of Agricultural Products. Punjab Agricultural University, Master of Business Administration in Agri-Business Management. Research Project Report. Ludhiana.
  • Isleker, A. (2010). The Impacts of the Incentive Policies on Adana City [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Cukurova University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Adana, Turkey.
  • Joshi, A. Kale, S. Chandel, S. and Pal, D.K. (2015). Likert Scale: Explored and Explained. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 7(4): 396-403. doi: 10.9734/BJAST/2015/14975.
  • Julian, C.C. and Ali, M.Y. (2009). Incentives to Export for Australian Export Market Ventures. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 16(3): 418‐431. doi: 10.1108/14626000910977143.
  • Kalaycı, S. (2015). SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistics Techniques. Dinamik Akademi. Ankara.
  • Kim, S. Dedrick, R. Cao, C. and Ferron, M. (2016). Multilevel Factor Analysis: Reporting Guidelines and a Review of Reporting Practices. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(6): 881-898. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1228042.
  • Korkmaz, S. Ermec, A. and Yucedag, N. (2009). Firms Innovation Capabilities and Their Effects on Export Performances. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2): 83-104.
  • Kyriazos, T. A. (2018). Applied Psychometrics: Sample Size and Sample Power Considerations in Factor Analysis (EFA, CFA) and SEM in General. Psychology, 9 (08): 2207–2230. doi: 10.4236/psych.2018.98126.
  • Legal Gazette. (1995). Decision on State Aid to Export. 11.01.1995 Date and 22168 Numbered Legal Gazette, Ankara.
  • Legal Gazette. (2018). Presidential Decree on the Presidential Organization. 10.07.2018 Date and 30474 Numbered Legal Gazette, Ankara.
  • Lowry, S. (2014). Small Business Administration Trade and Export Promotion Programs. Congressional Research Service, 7-5700. 23p.
  • McHugh, M. L. (2013). The Chi-Square Test of Independence. Lessons in Biostatistics 23(2): 143-149. doi: 10.11613/BM.2013.018.
  • Metin, I. and Kucukbay, F. (2019). A multi-Criteria Approach to Determination of the Source of Export Financing: Promethee Method. Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(18): 931-948. doi: 10.29029/busbed.565328.
  • Onder, H. (2005). The Factors Effecting Utilizations of Export Subsides (An Application in Kutahya) [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Dumlupınar University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Economic, Kutahya, Turkey.
  • Onocak, D. (2015). An Research for Determining the Impact on Investment Incentives, Accounting of Incentives and the Business Performance of Incentives: Sivas Instance [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Inonu University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Ozdemir, S. and Karaca, Y. (2007). Foreign Trade Method for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Export Problems: An Investigation in Afyon Natural Stone Sector. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1): 1-19.
  • Taspınar, M. (2008). The Effects of Incentives and Support Used in Exports on Export Performance in Manufacturing Companies and Problems in Use and Solutions Proposals [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. Selcuk University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Konya, Turkey.
  • TSI (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2020). Statistic Data Portal. Erişim Tarihi 05.07.2020.
  • UNSD, (2018). United Nations Statistics Division. United States. New York. Date Accessed 05.07.2020
  • Yalman, I.N. Turkoglu, C.M. and Yalman, Y. (2015). Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises (SMEs) and Foreign Trade Policy. Session 4C: International Trade II, 461-468. doi: 10.36880/C06.01207
  • Yalcın, G. (2015). The Comparison of Export Performances of the Companies in Turkey That Benefit from Export Incentives and Development Tools and That Do Not Benefit from These Tools: An Emperical Study in the Manufacturing Sector in Konya [Unpublished Master’s Thesis]. KTO Karatay University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Konya, Turkey.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştıma

Sinan Duru 0000-0003-1126-5752

Aykut Gül 0000-0002-8708-8433

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Duru, S., & Gül, A. (2022). Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 28(1), 77-88.
AMA Duru S, Gül A. Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. Temmuz 2022;28(1):77-88. doi:10.24181/tarekoder.1021450
Chicago Duru, Sinan, ve Aykut Gül. “Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 28, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2022): 77-88.
EndNote Duru S, Gül A (01 Temmuz 2022) Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 28 1 77–88.
IEEE S. Duru ve A. Gül, “Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, TED - TJAE, c. 28, sy. 1, ss. 77–88, 2022, doi: 10.24181/tarekoder.1021450.
ISNAD Duru, Sinan - Gül, Aykut. “Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 28/1 (Temmuz 2022), 77-88.
JAMA Duru S, Gül A. Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. 2022;28:77–88.
MLA Duru, Sinan ve Aykut Gül. “Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 77-88, doi:10.24181/tarekoder.1021450.
Vancouver Duru S, Gül A. Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Gıda Sanayinde Dış Ticaret Teşviklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. 2022;28(1):77-88.


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