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Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs'ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4 - Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 60 - 70, 14.07.2016


Üç tektanrılı dinin ortak kutsal kenti olan Kudüs’te, 3000 yıldır kutsal merkez olarak varlığını sürdüren, İslâm döneminde de “Haremi şerif” adını almış olan bölge, kentin sahip olduğu zengin dinsel-simgesel anlam düzleminin ve bu düzleme yansıyan “kutsal geometrisinin” odak noktasıdır. Harem-i şerif’in kent kimliğinin oluşumundaki yeri incelendiğinde, söz konusu kutsal alanın, eski kentin yaklaşık 1/5’ini kaplayarak iki boyutta (planda) egemen olduğu gözlenir. Diğer taraftan, Harem-i şerif’in merkezinde yer alan ve kentteki en görkemli İslâm yapısı olan Kubbet el-Sahra, çevrenin en yüksek tepelerinden biri üzerinde yükselmesi, merkezî planlı kitlesini taçlandıran kasnağı ve soğan kubbesiyle, kente üçüncü boyutta (siluette) egemen olan güçlü bir görsel odak teşkil eder. Bir zamanlar, Süleyman Tapınağı’nın yükseldiği platformda VII. yüzyıl sonlarında Emevîler tarafından yaptırılan Kubbet el-Sahra, zaman içinde söz konusu tapınakla özdeşleşerek dördüncü boyutta ve toplumsal bellekte de Kudüs’un “simgesi” haline gelmiştir, giderek kentin “amblemi” olarak tanımlanmaya başlamış ve günümüzde “turistik objeye” dönüşmüştür. Ancak, bu dönüşümünün Kubbet el-Sahra’nın, Kudüs’ü “simgelediği” gerçeğini ortadan kaldırmadığı, bilakis güçlendirdiği ileri sürülebilir.


  • Ackerman, G. M.1976. American Orientalists, Paris 1994. The Architecture of Islamic Jerusalem, Jerusalem .
  • Ar›k, R. 1976. Bat›l›laflma Dönemi Anadolu Tasvir Sanat›, Ankara
  • Alasali, K. C. 1982. Min âthârinâ fî Bayt al-Maqdis, Amman
  • Aslanapa, O. 1989. “Kubbet el-Sahra’da Osmanl› Devri Tamirleri”, Sanat Tarihinde Do¤udan Bat›ya - Ünsal Yücel An›s›na Sempozyum Bildirileri, ‹stanbul 15-18.
  • Bahat, D. 1976. Carta’s Historical Atlas of Jerusalem. A Brief Illustraded Survey, Jerusalem (2.bas›m).
  • Bahat, D. 1996. “The Physical Infrastructure”, The History of Jerusalem – the Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. Joshua Ben-Shammai, New York , 38- 100.
  • Bahat, D.– S. Sabar 1997. Jerusalem Stone and Spirit. 3000 Years of History and Art, Jerusalem Behrouzi, N. 1993. Jerusalem – Spirit and Matter, Tel Aviv Buhl, F. 1940. “Kudüs”, ‹slâm Ansiklopedisi, VI, 952-964.
  • Burgoyne, M. H. 1979. The Development of the Haram in Jerusalem under the Bahri Mamluks, yay›nlan mam›fl tez, Oxford
  • Burgoyne, M. H. 1987. Mamluk Jerusalem, an Architectural Study, Jerusalem
  • Chen, D. 1980-1981 “The Design of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 41-50.
  • Creswell, K. A. C. 1924. The Origin of the Plan of the Dome of the Rock, London Creswell, K. A. C. 1929. “La Mosquée Al Aqsâ et la Néa de Justinien”, Byzantion, IV, 301-311.
  • Dan, J. 1996. “Jerusalem in Jewish Spritiulity”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London 60-73.
  • Diez, E. 1934. “The Mosaics of the Dome of the Rock at Jerusalem”, Ars Islamica, I, 235-238.
  • Fishof, I.– N. Bar’am-Ben Yossef 1996. Souvenirs aus dem Heiligen Land für Pilger im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert / Souvenirs de Terre Sainte pour les Pèlerins du XIXe siècle, Jerusalem
  • Fredrisken, P.1996. “The Holy City in Christian Thought”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London
  • GiL, M. 1996. “The Political History of Jerusalem During the Early Muslim Period”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. J. BenShammai, New York 1-37.
  • Goitein, S. D. 1950. “The Historical Background of the Erection of the Dome of the Rock. Brief Communication”, Journal of the American Society, LXX, 104-108.
  • Gonen, R. 1994. Jerusalem Yesterday and Today, Jerusalem Grabar, O. 1959. “The Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem”, Ars Orientalis, III, 33-62.
  • Grabar, O. 1980 “Kubbat al-Sakhra” ve “al-Kuds. Monuments”, Enc. Islam, new ed., 5, 298-299, 339-344.
  • Hamilton R. W. 1949. The Structural History of the Aqsa Mosque. A Record of Archaeological Gleanings from the Repairs of 1938-1942, Oxford
  • Hasson, I. 1996. “The Muslim View of Jerusalem – the Qur’an and Hadith”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. J. BenShammai, New York, 349-385.
  • Jarrar, S. 1996. “Two Islamic Construction Plans for al-Haram al-Sharif”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 380-416.
  • Kühnel, B. 1996. “Geography and Geometry of Jerusalem”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 288-332.
  • Kühnel, B., 1997-1998 “Introduction – The Use and Abuse of Jerusalem”, The Real and Ideal – Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art, Studies in Honor of Bezalel Narkiss on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, Jewish Art, Vol. XXIIIXXIV, ed. B. Kühnel, Jerusalem, XIX-XXXVIII.
  • Levy-Rubin, M. R.1996. “The Image of the Holy City in Maps and Mapping”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 352-379.
  • Neuwirth A. 1996. “The Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem in Islam”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Israel 1993.
  • Okçuo¤lu, T. 2000. 18. ve 19. Yüzy›llarda Osmanl› Duvar Resimlerinde Betimleme Anlay›fl›, ‹stanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, yay›nlanmam›fl doktora tezi
  • Renda G. 1977. Bat›l›laflma Döneminde Türk Resim Sanat› 1700-1850, Ankara Richmond, E. A. 1924. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. A Description of its Structure and Decoration, Oxford
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1975. “The Islamic Architecture of Jerusalem”, Jerusalem Revealed, Jerusalem, 92-96.
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1989. The Early Islamic Monuments of Haram al-Sharîf: an Iconographic Study, Jerusalem
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1996. “Art and Architecture in Jerusalem in the Early Islamic Period”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638- 1099), ed. J. Ben-Shammai, New York, 386-412.
  • Rosovsky, N. 1996. “The City in Jewish Folk Art”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 344-351.
  • Rubin, R. 1999. Image and Reality. Jerussalem in Maps and Views, Jerusalem Sharon, A. 1973. Planning Jerusalem, The Old city and its Environs, Tel Aviv
  • Stern, H. 1963. “Recherches sur la Mosqueé al-Aqsâ et sur ses Mosaïques”, Ars Orientalis, V, 27-47.
  • Ülgen, A. S. 1963. “Kudüs’te Harem-i fierif Dahilindeki Kubbetü’s-Sahra (E’s-Sahratü’l-MüflerrefeCami-i Ömer) in XVI.Yüzy›lda Yap›lm›fl Olan
  • Çinileri”, Türk San'at› Tarihi Araflt›rma ve ‹ncelemeleri, I, ‹stanbul, 657-676.

Importance of the Holy Center in the Formation of Urban Identity: Example of Harem-i fierif in Jerusalem of Islamic Period

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4 - Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 60 - 70, 14.07.2016


In Jerusalem, the common holy city of the three monotheistic religions, the area which survived for 3000 years as the sacred centre, and known as “Haram al-Sharif” during the Islamic period, is the focus of the town’s rich religious-symbolic background, and of the “holy geometry” reşected on it. If we study the place of the Haram al-Sharif in the formation of the urban identity, we notice that this sacred area, by occupying almost the 1/5 of the old town surface, is dominant in two dimensions (on the plan). On the other hand, the Dome of the Rock, located at the centre of Haram al-Sharif and being the most splendid Islamic building in town, constitutes a strong visual focus that dominates the holy city in the 3rd dimension (silhouette) as well, by rising on one of the highest hills of the surrounding, and with its central mass crowned by an onion-shaped dome resting on a high drum. This monument, built in the 7th century by the Umayyades at the site of the Temple of Solomon, was identified for centuries with its mythical predecessor and so became the “symbol” of Jerusalem in the 4th dimension (time) and in the collective memory. With time, this symbol was metamorphosed into an emblem and nowadays into an artefact of tourism. However, we can assert that this transformation, instead of denying, supports the fact that the Dome of the Rock “symbolises” Jerusalem.


  • Ackerman, G. M.1976. American Orientalists, Paris 1994. The Architecture of Islamic Jerusalem, Jerusalem .
  • Ar›k, R. 1976. Bat›l›laflma Dönemi Anadolu Tasvir Sanat›, Ankara
  • Alasali, K. C. 1982. Min âthârinâ fî Bayt al-Maqdis, Amman
  • Aslanapa, O. 1989. “Kubbet el-Sahra’da Osmanl› Devri Tamirleri”, Sanat Tarihinde Do¤udan Bat›ya - Ünsal Yücel An›s›na Sempozyum Bildirileri, ‹stanbul 15-18.
  • Bahat, D. 1976. Carta’s Historical Atlas of Jerusalem. A Brief Illustraded Survey, Jerusalem (2.bas›m).
  • Bahat, D. 1996. “The Physical Infrastructure”, The History of Jerusalem – the Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. Joshua Ben-Shammai, New York , 38- 100.
  • Bahat, D.– S. Sabar 1997. Jerusalem Stone and Spirit. 3000 Years of History and Art, Jerusalem Behrouzi, N. 1993. Jerusalem – Spirit and Matter, Tel Aviv Buhl, F. 1940. “Kudüs”, ‹slâm Ansiklopedisi, VI, 952-964.
  • Burgoyne, M. H. 1979. The Development of the Haram in Jerusalem under the Bahri Mamluks, yay›nlan mam›fl tez, Oxford
  • Burgoyne, M. H. 1987. Mamluk Jerusalem, an Architectural Study, Jerusalem
  • Chen, D. 1980-1981 “The Design of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 41-50.
  • Creswell, K. A. C. 1924. The Origin of the Plan of the Dome of the Rock, London Creswell, K. A. C. 1929. “La Mosquée Al Aqsâ et la Néa de Justinien”, Byzantion, IV, 301-311.
  • Dan, J. 1996. “Jerusalem in Jewish Spritiulity”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London 60-73.
  • Diez, E. 1934. “The Mosaics of the Dome of the Rock at Jerusalem”, Ars Islamica, I, 235-238.
  • Fishof, I.– N. Bar’am-Ben Yossef 1996. Souvenirs aus dem Heiligen Land für Pilger im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert / Souvenirs de Terre Sainte pour les Pèlerins du XIXe siècle, Jerusalem
  • Fredrisken, P.1996. “The Holy City in Christian Thought”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London
  • GiL, M. 1996. “The Political History of Jerusalem During the Early Muslim Period”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. J. BenShammai, New York 1-37.
  • Goitein, S. D. 1950. “The Historical Background of the Erection of the Dome of the Rock. Brief Communication”, Journal of the American Society, LXX, 104-108.
  • Gonen, R. 1994. Jerusalem Yesterday and Today, Jerusalem Grabar, O. 1959. “The Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem”, Ars Orientalis, III, 33-62.
  • Grabar, O. 1980 “Kubbat al-Sakhra” ve “al-Kuds. Monuments”, Enc. Islam, new ed., 5, 298-299, 339-344.
  • Hamilton R. W. 1949. The Structural History of the Aqsa Mosque. A Record of Archaeological Gleanings from the Repairs of 1938-1942, Oxford
  • Hasson, I. 1996. “The Muslim View of Jerusalem – the Qur’an and Hadith”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638-1099), ed. J. BenShammai, New York, 349-385.
  • Jarrar, S. 1996. “Two Islamic Construction Plans for al-Haram al-Sharif”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 380-416.
  • Kühnel, B. 1996. “Geography and Geometry of Jerusalem”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 288-332.
  • Kühnel, B., 1997-1998 “Introduction – The Use and Abuse of Jerusalem”, The Real and Ideal – Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art, Studies in Honor of Bezalel Narkiss on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, Jewish Art, Vol. XXIIIXXIV, ed. B. Kühnel, Jerusalem, XIX-XXXVIII.
  • Levy-Rubin, M. R.1996. “The Image of the Holy City in Maps and Mapping”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 352-379.
  • Neuwirth A. 1996. “The Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem in Islam”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Israel 1993.
  • Okçuo¤lu, T. 2000. 18. ve 19. Yüzy›llarda Osmanl› Duvar Resimlerinde Betimleme Anlay›fl›, ‹stanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, yay›nlanmam›fl doktora tezi
  • Renda G. 1977. Bat›l›laflma Döneminde Türk Resim Sanat› 1700-1850, Ankara Richmond, E. A. 1924. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. A Description of its Structure and Decoration, Oxford
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1975. “The Islamic Architecture of Jerusalem”, Jerusalem Revealed, Jerusalem, 92-96.
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1989. The Early Islamic Monuments of Haram al-Sharîf: an Iconographic Study, Jerusalem
  • Rosen-Ayalon, M. 1996. “Art and Architecture in Jerusalem in the Early Islamic Period”, The History of Jerusalem – The Early Muslim Period (638- 1099), ed. J. Ben-Shammai, New York, 386-412.
  • Rosovsky, N. 1996. “The City in Jewish Folk Art”, City of the Great King – Jerusalem from David to the Present, ed. N. Rosovsky, Cambridge Mass. – London, 344-351.
  • Rubin, R. 1999. Image and Reality. Jerussalem in Maps and Views, Jerusalem Sharon, A. 1973. Planning Jerusalem, The Old city and its Environs, Tel Aviv
  • Stern, H. 1963. “Recherches sur la Mosqueé al-Aqsâ et sur ses Mosaïques”, Ars Orientalis, V, 27-47.
  • Ülgen, A. S. 1963. “Kudüs’te Harem-i fierif Dahilindeki Kubbetü’s-Sahra (E’s-Sahratü’l-MüflerrefeCami-i Ömer) in XVI.Yüzy›lda Yap›lm›fl Olan
  • Çinileri”, Türk San'at› Tarihi Araflt›rma ve ‹ncelemeleri, I, ‹stanbul, 657-676.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA42CF79CH
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Kayahan Türkantoz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4 - Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkantoz, K. (2016). Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği. Tasarım + Kuram, 3(4), 60-70.
AMA Türkantoz K. Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği. Tasarım + Kuram. Temmuz 2016;3(4):60-70. doi:10.23835/tasarimkuram.240783
Chicago Türkantoz, Kayahan. “Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-I şerif Örneği”. Tasarım + Kuram 3, sy. 4 (Temmuz 2016): 60-70.
EndNote Türkantoz K (01 Temmuz 2016) Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği. Tasarım + Kuram 3 4 60–70.
IEEE K. Türkantoz, “Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği”, Tasarım + Kuram, c. 3, sy. 4, ss. 60–70, 2016, doi: 10.23835/tasarimkuram.240783.
ISNAD Türkantoz, Kayahan. “Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-I şerif Örneği”. Tasarım + Kuram 3/4 (Temmuz 2016), 60-70.
JAMA Türkantoz K. Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği. Tasarım + Kuram. 2016;3:60–70.
MLA Türkantoz, Kayahan. “Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-I şerif Örneği”. Tasarım + Kuram, c. 3, sy. 4, 2016, ss. 60-70, doi:10.23835/tasarimkuram.240783.
Vancouver Türkantoz K. Kent Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Kutsal Merkezin Yeri: İslam Dönemi Kudüs’ünde Harem-i şerif Örneği. Tasarım + Kuram. 2016;3(4):60-7.