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Servikal Lenfadenopatili Olgularımızın Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 94 - 97, 01.08.2018


Amaç: Servikal lenfadenopati çocukluk çağında yaygın görülen ve ailelerde endişe hali yaratan bir bulgudur. Servikal lenfadenopatiler enfeksiyonların yanı sıra altta yatan ciddi bir hastalığın da habercisi olabildiği için bu hastaların gözlem ve ailenin rahatlatılmasından agressif medikal ve cerrahi girişimlere kadar değişen geniş bir spektrumda klinik takiplerinin yapılması gerekir. Çocuk onkoloji polikliniğine başvuran servikal lenfadenopati olgularının etiyolojik, klinik ve laboratuvar özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Şanlıurfa Çocuk Hastanesi Çocuk onkoloji polikliniğine Mayıs 2011 ile Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında servikal lenfadenopati nedeni ile genel pediatri uzmanlarından refere edilen 94 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi.Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşları 5.4±3.7 yıldı. Hastaların 22’si (%23.4) kız ve 72’si (%76.6) erkek hastaydı. Servikal lenfadenopatilerin 17 (%18.1) olguda unilateral, 77 (%81.9) olguda bilateral olduğu belirlendi. Lenf nodlarının uzun aksının çapı 9 (%9.6) hastada >3cm, diğer 85 (%90.4) hastada 1-3 cm arasında olduğu bulundu. Toplam 12(%13) hastaya eksizyonal lenf nodu biyopsisi yapıldı. 7 Hodgkin lenfoma, 2 reaktif hiperplazi, 1 tüberküloz lenfadenit, 1 noduler fasiit ve 1 nekrotizan lenfadenit bulundu. Diğer nonspesifik enfeksiyöz nedenlere bağlanan 82(%87) olgunun lenfadenopatileri 4-6 haftada regrese olmuştu.Sonuç: Çocukluk çağı servikal lenfadenopatilerinin etiyolojisinde enfeksiyonların ön planda olduğunu vurgulamak istedik.


  • Larsson LO, Bentzon MW, Berg Kelly K, Mellander L, Skoogh BE, Strannegard IL, et al. Palpable lymph nodes of the neck in Swedish schoolchildren. Acta Paediatr 1994;83:1091-4.
  • Twist CJ, Link MP. Assessment of lymphadenopathy in children. Pediatr Clin North Am 2002;49:1009-25.
  • Peters TR, Edwards KM. Cervical lymphadenopathy and adenitis. Pediatr Rev 2000;21:399-405.
  • Umapathy N, De R, Donaldson I. Cervical lymphadenopathy in children. Hosp Med 2003;64:104-7.
  • Niedzielska G, Kotowski M, Niedzielski A, Dybiec E, Wieczorek P. Cervical lymphadenopathy in children-incidence and diagnostic management. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2007;71:51-6.
  • Leung AK, Robson WL. Childhood cervical lymphadenopathy. J Pediatr Health Care 2004;18:3-7.
  • Barton LL. Childhood cervical adenitis. Am Fam Physician 1984;29:163-6.
  • Papadopouli E, Michailidi E, Papadopoulou E, Paspalaki P, Vlahakis I, Kalmanti M. Cervical lymphadenopathy in childhood epidemiology and management. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2009;26:454-60.
  • Patra DK, Nath S, Biswas K, De J, Sarkar R. Diagnostic evaluation of childhood cervical lymphadenopathy by fine needle aspiration cytology. J Indian Med Assoc 2007;105:694-6.
  • Citak EC, Koku N, Demirci M, Tanyeri B, Deniz H. A retrospective chart review of evaluation of the cervical lymphadenopathies in children. Auris Nasus Larynx 2011;38:618-21.
  • Stiller CA. What causes Hodgkin’s disease in children? Eur J Cancer 1998;34:523-8.

Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 94 - 97, 01.08.2018


Objective: Cervical lymphadenopathy is a common finding in childhood and creates anxiety in the families. It usually results from infections but can also signal a more serious underlying disease so its management and clinical follow-up ranges from observation and comforting the family to aggressive medical and surgical procedures.We aimed to investigate the etiology, and the clinical and laboratory features of cervical lymphadenopathy at the children’s oncology outpatient clinic.Material and Methods: Ninety-four patients with cervical lymphadenopathy that were referred to the children’s oncology clinic from general pediatrics in Sanliurfa Childrens Hospital were retrospectively analyzed between May 2011 and June 2012.Results: The mean age was 5.4±3.7 years. 22 (23.4%) patients were female and 72 (76.6%) were male. Seventeen (18.1%) patients had unilateral and the other 77 (81.9%) cases had bilateral cervical lymph nodes. The long axis diameter of the lymph nodes was > 3 cm in 9 (9.6%) patients and 1 to 3 cm in the other 85 (90.4%) patients. A total of 12 (13%) patients had lymph node excisional biopsy performed. We found seven Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 2 reactive hyperplasia, 1 tuberculosis lymphadenitis, 1 nodular fasciitis and 1 necrotizing lymphadenitis. The other 82 (87%) patients had lymphadenopathy related to nonspecific infections that regressed in 4-6 weeks. Conclusion: We wanted to emphasize the childhood cervical lymphadenopathy is often originated from infectious reasons


  • Larsson LO, Bentzon MW, Berg Kelly K, Mellander L, Skoogh BE, Strannegard IL, et al. Palpable lymph nodes of the neck in Swedish schoolchildren. Acta Paediatr 1994;83:1091-4.
  • Twist CJ, Link MP. Assessment of lymphadenopathy in children. Pediatr Clin North Am 2002;49:1009-25.
  • Peters TR, Edwards KM. Cervical lymphadenopathy and adenitis. Pediatr Rev 2000;21:399-405.
  • Umapathy N, De R, Donaldson I. Cervical lymphadenopathy in children. Hosp Med 2003;64:104-7.
  • Niedzielska G, Kotowski M, Niedzielski A, Dybiec E, Wieczorek P. Cervical lymphadenopathy in children-incidence and diagnostic management. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2007;71:51-6.
  • Leung AK, Robson WL. Childhood cervical lymphadenopathy. J Pediatr Health Care 2004;18:3-7.
  • Barton LL. Childhood cervical adenitis. Am Fam Physician 1984;29:163-6.
  • Papadopouli E, Michailidi E, Papadopoulou E, Paspalaki P, Vlahakis I, Kalmanti M. Cervical lymphadenopathy in childhood epidemiology and management. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2009;26:454-60.
  • Patra DK, Nath S, Biswas K, De J, Sarkar R. Diagnostic evaluation of childhood cervical lymphadenopathy by fine needle aspiration cytology. J Indian Med Assoc 2007;105:694-6.
  • Citak EC, Koku N, Demirci M, Tanyeri B, Deniz H. A retrospective chart review of evaluation of the cervical lymphadenopathies in children. Auris Nasus Larynx 2011;38:618-21.
  • Stiller CA. What causes Hodgkin’s disease in children? Eur J Cancer 1998;34:523-8.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA75MY76ZE
Bölüm Research Article

Derya Özyörük Bu kişi benim

Ümmühan Çay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyörük, D., & Çay, Ü. (2018). Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 12(2), 94-97.
AMA Özyörük D, Çay Ü. Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Ağustos 2018;12(2):94-97.
Chicago Özyörük, Derya, ve Ümmühan Çay. “Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 12, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2018): 94-97.
EndNote Özyörük D, Çay Ü (01 Ağustos 2018) Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 12 2 94–97.
IEEE D. Özyörük ve Ü. Çay, “Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 12, sy. 2, ss. 94–97, 2018.
ISNAD Özyörük, Derya - Çay, Ümmühan. “Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 12/2 (Ağustos 2018), 94-97.
JAMA Özyörük D, Çay Ü. Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2018;12:94–97.
MLA Özyörük, Derya ve Ümmühan Çay. “Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, c. 12, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 94-97.
Vancouver Özyörük D, Çay Ü. Lymphadenopathy Cases The Retrospective Evaluation of Our Cervical. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2018;12(2):94-7.

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