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Obez Adolesanlarda Metabolik Sendrom ve Obezite Gelişiminde Rol Oynayan Risk Faktörlerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 26 - 36, 01.04.2008


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı obez adölesan grupta obezite gelişiminde rol oynayan potansiyel risk faktörlerini ve pediatrik yaş grubunda giderek artan sıklıkta görülen metabolik sendromun varlığını araştırmaktır.Materyal ve Metod: Mart 2004 - Aralık 2005 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde ekzojen obezite tanısıyla takip edilen adölesan olgularda cinsiyet, gestasyon yaşı, doğum kilosu, anne sütü alma süresi, anne ve babada obezite varlığı, vücut kitle indeksleri (VKİ) ve obezite başlama yaşı sorgulandı ve metabolik sendrom kriterleri araştırıldı. Metabolik sendrom tanısı Cruz ve Goran'ın 111. Ulusal Sağlık ve Beslenme Araştırması'nda elde edilen verilerde önerdiği değerler kullanılarak konuldu.Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 12.91 ± 2.45 yıl, ortalama VKİ düzeyi 32.35 ± 5.11 kg/m' olanı 5'i kız (% 48.4) ve 16'sı erkek(% 51.6) toplam 31 obez adölesan incelendi. Kızlar ile erkeklerin VKİ düzeyleri arasında; gestasyon yaşına göre doğum kilosu özellikleri ve anne sütü alma süresine göre olguların VKİ düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmadı (p>0.05). Anne ve babasında birlikte obez olan ve olmayan çocukların VKİ düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadı (p>0.05). Annenin VKİ düzeyleri ile çocuğun VKİ düzeyleri arasında ise anlamlı korelasyon saptandı (p<0.01 ). Bel çevresi ile VKİ düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir korelasyon mevcuttu (p<0.05). VKİ arttıkça kan basıncı da buna parallel olarak yükselmekte idi (p<0.05). Olgularımızın %54.B'inde metabolik sendrom parametreleri bulundu. Olguların % 32.2'sinde total kolesterol, % 32.2'sinde trigliserit düzeyi yüksekliği ve% 25.B'inde HDL düzeyi düşüklüğü saptandı.Olguların %25.B'inde glukoz intoleransı saptandı. Glukoz intoleransı ile VKİ düzeyleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki mevcuttu (p<0.01 ). Homeostasis model assessment insulin direnci (HOMA-IR) indeksine göre insülin direnci %93.5'inde 2'nin üzerindeydi. VKİ düzeyleri ile stria varlığı arasında da pozitif istatistiki bir korelasyon vardı. Olguların %64.5'sinde akantozis nigrikans mevcuttu.Sonuçlar: Erişkinlerde olduğu gibi çocuklarda da obezite sıklığındaki artışa paralel olarak metabolik sendrom gibi tip 2 diyabet öncesi klinik tabloların da sıklığı artmaktadır. Bu nedenle çocuk ve çocuk endokrinolojisi polikliniklerine başvuran başta adölesanlar olmak üzere obez çocukların, metabolik sendrom kriterleri ve kardiyovasküler risk faktörleri bakımından incelenmesi önemlidir.


  • 1. Brownell KD, Wadclcıı TA. Etiology and tteatmcııt of obcsity:urulersta.nding a serious, prewlent, and refra.ctory disorder. J Consult Clin Psychol.1992; 60:505-517.
  • 2. Expert Pa.ncl. on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. Exı:cutive Summııry of the Third Report of theNational CholesterolEducation Progııım (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatmcnt of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Tuatcnent &nel 111). JAMA 2001; 285: 2486-2497.
  • 3. Şarha.t G, Demirkol M. Obezite. Ed: Ekşi A, Bcıı Haııtt Değilim, Nobel Tıp Kittpevleri. 1999; 441-450.
  • 4. Saygılı F. Obezite Komplikasyonla.n. Ed: Yılmıız C, Obezite ve Tedavisi, İstanbul, 1999:41-57.
  • 5. Kocaoğlu B, Köksal O. Sosyo-Ekonomik KoşulWın adölesanlarda büyüme, gelişme ve şişmaalık üzerine etkisi. Beslenme ve diyet Deıgisi.1985;14:25-37.
  • 6. Cruz ML, Goran MI. The meta.bolle syndrome in children and adolesccııts. Curr Diab Rep. 2004; 4:53-62.
  • 7. Gauthicr BM, Hickner JM, Noel MM. High prevalence of overweight children in Michig-an ptimııry carc prııctices. An UPRNet study. Upper Peninsula R.esearch Network. J Fa.mPract. 2000; 49: 73-76.
  • 8. de Silva KS, Wickrıunasinghe VP, Gooneratne IN. Meta.bolle consequroces of childhood obesity--a pıeliminary report. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51: 105-109.
  • 9. Oken E, Gillma.n Mw. Fetal origins of obesity. Obes Res.2003;11;496-506.
  • 10. Arııjua CL, Vıctora CG, Hallal PC, Gigante DP. Breastfeeding and oveı:wcight in childhood:evidence from thc pelotas 1993 birth cohort study.abstractNtJ Obes (Lond). 2005:176-187.
  • 11. Owen CG, Martin RM, Wbincup PH, Davey-Smith G, GillmanMw, Cook DG. The effect of breasfeediııg on mean body mass indcz througlıt life: a quantitative of published and unpublishcd obsctvationalcvidence.AmJ ClinNutt. 2005;82: 1298-1307.
  • 12. Braddon FE,Rodgers B, Wa.dswortb ME, Davies JM. Onset of obesity in a 36 ycu bith cohort study. Br Mcd J (elin Re& Ed). 1986;293:299-303.
  • 13. Zack PM, Harlan WR. Leaverton PE,Corooni-Huntlcy J. A longitudinal study of body fatness in childhood and adolesccncc. J Pediatı:ics. 1979 ;95:126-130.
  • 14. Yıldız B. Diyarbakır il merkezinde yaşayım adolesanlarda şişmanlık prevelansı, beslemne alışlwılıklar.ı ve bilgi düzeyleri, enerji tüketimi ve harcamalannailişkin anıştırma. Lisans tezi, Haccttcpc Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü ,Ankara,1992;23-50.
  • 15. Tcıı S, Maclarcn N. Insulin rcsista.ncc syndromc in children. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 2004;89: 2526-2539.
  • 16. Raitekaı:i OT, Poı:kka Kv; Roıınemaa T, Knip M, UhariM, Akcrblom HK, Vıikari JS. The role of insulin in clustering of serum lipids a.nd blood prcssııte in children a.nd adolesccııts. Tbc Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Diabetologia 1995;38:1042-1050.
  • 17. Cruz ML, Weigensberg MJ, HuangTT, Bali G Shaibi GQ, Goran MI. The metabolic syndromc in ovetwdght Hispanic youth and thc role of insulin sensitivity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004; 89: 108-1 13.
  • 18. Van 111llie TB. Health implications of ovetwdght and obcsity in the UnitedStates. AnnlntMed 1985;103:983-988.
  • 19. Bray GA. Complications of obcsity. Ann Int Mcd 1985;103:1052- 1062.
  • 20. Gortmakcr SL,Dictz WH, Sobol AM, Wchlcr CA. Inacasing pediattic obcsityin the UnitedStates.Am J Dis Child. 1987 ;141 :535-54-0.
  • 21. Lauer RM, Bums TL, Oarlre WR. Assessing children's blood pıesSUtt>-Considerations of agc and body size: thc Muscatine study. Pedia.tı:ics.1985; 75: 1081-1090.
  • 22. Sinha R, Dufour S, Petersocn KF, Lebon V, Enoksson S, Ma yz, Savoye M, Rothman Dl, Shulman GI, Capı:io S. Assessment of skeletıtl muscle triglycetide content by (1) H nuclear magnctic resonance spectroscopy in lean and abese adolescents :relationships to insulin sensitivity, total body fat, and centr.ıl adiposity. Diıı.betes. 2002;51:1022-1027.
  • 2.1. Saltıel AR, Kalın CR. Insulin signaling and tehe ıegulation of glucose andlipidmetllbolism Nature. 2001;414:799-806.
  • 24. Adiyaınan P, Ocal G, Berberoğlu M, Ayaın Z, Evliyaoğlu O, Çetinkaya E, Hyperinsulinisın and dyslipideınia in glucosc toletant and intolerant obese children 41 stAnnuııl Meeting of the Europen society for Pediıı.tt:icEndocrinoJogy, Madrid, Septembcr 2002:25-28.
  • 25. Tresaco B, Bueno G, Moreno LA, Gu2gorri JM, Bueno M. Insulinıesistance and impaircd glucose toJeraııce in obese children and adoJescents. J Physiol Biochem 2003; 59: 217-223.
  • 26. Matthews DR ,Hosker JP, Rııdenslıi AS, Naylor BA, Teacher DF, Tumer RC. Homeostasis model assessment :insulin resistance and beta-ccll function from fasting plıısma glucose and insulin concentrations in man. Diıı.betologia.1985;28:412-419.
  • 27. Schwimmer JB, Deutsch R, Rauch JB, Bebling C, N ewbury R, Lavine JE. Obesity, insulın resistance, and other clinicopathological correlııtes of pediıı.tt:ic nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Pediıı.tr. 2003; 143:500-505.
  • 28. Gutin B, Islıım S, Manos T, Cu=o N, Smith C, Stachutıı ME. Relııtion of percentage of body fat and maximal aerobic copacity ta risk factors forathcroscl.erosis an diıı.betes in blııck and white seven-to eleven-year-old children. J Pediıı.tı:ics.1994;125:847-852.
  • 29. Wattigııey W, Harsha DW, Sı:inivasan SR, Webber L5, Berenson GS. Increasing impact of obesity on serum lipids and lipoproteins in youngadults. TheBogıı.Iusa Heartstudy. Arch IntemMed 1991;151: 2017-2022.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 26 - 36, 01.04.2008


Aim: in our study, we aimed to investigate the potential risk factors in development of obesity and
evaluate metabolic syndrome frequency in adolescent population.
Material And Methods: We investigated the adolescents with exogenous obesitywho admitted to
our clinic between March 2004- December 2005 in terms of gender, gestational age, birth weight,
duration of breast-feeding, prevalence of obesity in parents, body mass indices (BMI) of parents,
age at onset of obesity and components of metabolic syndrome. Diagnosis of metabolic syndrome
was made on the basis of threshold values that were defined by Cruz and Goran considering the
data from lllrd National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES).
Results:31 obese adolescents (48.4%female, 51.6% male) with the average age of 12.91 ± 2.45
years, and BMI 32.35 ± 5.11 kg/m' were investigated. There was no statistically significant
difference in terms of BMI between male and female adolescents (p>0.05). There was also no
correlation between birth weight, according to gestational age duration of breast-feeding and
BMl's of hoth sexes (p>0.05). There was als no statistically significant difference in BMI of
adolescents who have both obese mother and father and who have not (p>0.05).However, there
was statistically significant correlation between BMl's of the mother and the child (p<0.01 ). There
was also statistically significant correlation between waist circumference and BMI (p<0.05). Blood
pressure increased in parallel whit BMI (p<0.05). The frequency of metabolic syndrome was
54.8%. Cholesterol levels were elevated in 32.2%, triglyceride levels were hing in 32.2% and HOL
levels were decreased in 25.8%. Glucose intolerance was detected in 25.8% of the cases. There
was significant correlation between glucose intolerance and BMI (p<0.01 ). According to
homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index, insulin resistance was >2 in
93.5% ofthe cases. There was statistically significant correlation between BMI and presence of stria
as well. 64.5% of the cases had acanthosis nigricans.
Conclusion: As in adults, with increasing frequency of obesity, the frequency of clinical pictures
related with type il diabetes, like metabolic syndrome also increases. Therefore, obese children
especially adolescents that ad mit to general pediatrics and endocrinology outpatient clinics must
be investigated in terms of metabolic syndrome criteria and familial risk factors.


  • 1. Brownell KD, Wadclcıı TA. Etiology and tteatmcııt of obcsity:urulersta.nding a serious, prewlent, and refra.ctory disorder. J Consult Clin Psychol.1992; 60:505-517.
  • 2. Expert Pa.ncl. on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. Exı:cutive Summııry of the Third Report of theNational CholesterolEducation Progııım (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatmcnt of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Tuatcnent &nel 111). JAMA 2001; 285: 2486-2497.
  • 3. Şarha.t G, Demirkol M. Obezite. Ed: Ekşi A, Bcıı Haııtt Değilim, Nobel Tıp Kittpevleri. 1999; 441-450.
  • 4. Saygılı F. Obezite Komplikasyonla.n. Ed: Yılmıız C, Obezite ve Tedavisi, İstanbul, 1999:41-57.
  • 5. Kocaoğlu B, Köksal O. Sosyo-Ekonomik KoşulWın adölesanlarda büyüme, gelişme ve şişmaalık üzerine etkisi. Beslenme ve diyet Deıgisi.1985;14:25-37.
  • 6. Cruz ML, Goran MI. The meta.bolle syndrome in children and adolesccııts. Curr Diab Rep. 2004; 4:53-62.
  • 7. Gauthicr BM, Hickner JM, Noel MM. High prevalence of overweight children in Michig-an ptimııry carc prııctices. An UPRNet study. Upper Peninsula R.esearch Network. J Fa.mPract. 2000; 49: 73-76.
  • 8. de Silva KS, Wickrıunasinghe VP, Gooneratne IN. Meta.bolle consequroces of childhood obesity--a pıeliminary report. Ceylon Med J. 2006; 51: 105-109.
  • 9. Oken E, Gillma.n Mw. Fetal origins of obesity. Obes Res.2003;11;496-506.
  • 10. Arııjua CL, Vıctora CG, Hallal PC, Gigante DP. Breastfeeding and oveı:wcight in childhood:evidence from thc pelotas 1993 birth cohort study.abstractNtJ Obes (Lond). 2005:176-187.
  • 11. Owen CG, Martin RM, Wbincup PH, Davey-Smith G, GillmanMw, Cook DG. The effect of breasfeediııg on mean body mass indcz througlıt life: a quantitative of published and unpublishcd obsctvationalcvidence.AmJ ClinNutt. 2005;82: 1298-1307.
  • 12. Braddon FE,Rodgers B, Wa.dswortb ME, Davies JM. Onset of obesity in a 36 ycu bith cohort study. Br Mcd J (elin Re& Ed). 1986;293:299-303.
  • 13. Zack PM, Harlan WR. Leaverton PE,Corooni-Huntlcy J. A longitudinal study of body fatness in childhood and adolesccncc. J Pediatı:ics. 1979 ;95:126-130.
  • 14. Yıldız B. Diyarbakır il merkezinde yaşayım adolesanlarda şişmanlık prevelansı, beslemne alışlwılıklar.ı ve bilgi düzeyleri, enerji tüketimi ve harcamalannailişkin anıştırma. Lisans tezi, Haccttcpc Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü ,Ankara,1992;23-50.
  • 15. Tcıı S, Maclarcn N. Insulin rcsista.ncc syndromc in children. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 2004;89: 2526-2539.
  • 16. Raitekaı:i OT, Poı:kka Kv; Roıınemaa T, Knip M, UhariM, Akcrblom HK, Vıikari JS. The role of insulin in clustering of serum lipids a.nd blood prcssııte in children a.nd adolesccııts. Tbc Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Diabetologia 1995;38:1042-1050.
  • 17. Cruz ML, Weigensberg MJ, HuangTT, Bali G Shaibi GQ, Goran MI. The metabolic syndromc in ovetwdght Hispanic youth and thc role of insulin sensitivity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004; 89: 108-1 13.
  • 18. Van 111llie TB. Health implications of ovetwdght and obcsity in the UnitedStates. AnnlntMed 1985;103:983-988.
  • 19. Bray GA. Complications of obcsity. Ann Int Mcd 1985;103:1052- 1062.
  • 20. Gortmakcr SL,Dictz WH, Sobol AM, Wchlcr CA. Inacasing pediattic obcsityin the UnitedStates.Am J Dis Child. 1987 ;141 :535-54-0.
  • 21. Lauer RM, Bums TL, Oarlre WR. Assessing children's blood pıesSUtt>-Considerations of agc and body size: thc Muscatine study. Pedia.tı:ics.1985; 75: 1081-1090.
  • 22. Sinha R, Dufour S, Petersocn KF, Lebon V, Enoksson S, Ma yz, Savoye M, Rothman Dl, Shulman GI, Capı:io S. Assessment of skeletıtl muscle triglycetide content by (1) H nuclear magnctic resonance spectroscopy in lean and abese adolescents :relationships to insulin sensitivity, total body fat, and centr.ıl adiposity. Diıı.betes. 2002;51:1022-1027.
  • 2.1. Saltıel AR, Kalın CR. Insulin signaling and tehe ıegulation of glucose andlipidmetllbolism Nature. 2001;414:799-806.
  • 24. Adiyaınan P, Ocal G, Berberoğlu M, Ayaın Z, Evliyaoğlu O, Çetinkaya E, Hyperinsulinisın and dyslipideınia in glucosc toletant and intolerant obese children 41 stAnnuııl Meeting of the Europen society for Pediıı.tt:icEndocrinoJogy, Madrid, Septembcr 2002:25-28.
  • 25. Tresaco B, Bueno G, Moreno LA, Gu2gorri JM, Bueno M. Insulinıesistance and impaircd glucose toJeraııce in obese children and adoJescents. J Physiol Biochem 2003; 59: 217-223.
  • 26. Matthews DR ,Hosker JP, Rııdenslıi AS, Naylor BA, Teacher DF, Tumer RC. Homeostasis model assessment :insulin resistance and beta-ccll function from fasting plıısma glucose and insulin concentrations in man. Diıı.betologia.1985;28:412-419.
  • 27. Schwimmer JB, Deutsch R, Rauch JB, Bebling C, N ewbury R, Lavine JE. Obesity, insulın resistance, and other clinicopathological correlııtes of pediıı.tt:ic nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Pediıı.tr. 2003; 143:500-505.
  • 28. Gutin B, Islıım S, Manos T, Cu=o N, Smith C, Stachutıı ME. Relııtion of percentage of body fat and maximal aerobic copacity ta risk factors forathcroscl.erosis an diıı.betes in blııck and white seven-to eleven-year-old children. J Pediıı.tı:ics.1994;125:847-852.
  • 29. Wattigııey W, Harsha DW, Sı:inivasan SR, Webber L5, Berenson GS. Increasing impact of obesity on serum lipids and lipoproteins in youngadults. TheBogıı.Iusa Heartstudy. Arch IntemMed 1991;151: 2017-2022.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA35RC89NA
Bölüm Research Article

Müferet Ergüven Bu kişi benim

Seher Koç Bu kişi benim

Pınar İşgüyen Bu kişi benim

Öznur Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Sibel Sevük Bu kişi benim

Elif Yüksel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ergüven M, Koç S, İşgüyen P, Yılmaz Ö, Sevük S, Yüksel E. EVALUATION OF METABOLIC SYNDROME AND RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO OBESITY IN OBESE ADOLESCENTS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2008;2(3):26-3.

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