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Allerjik Rinit Tanı ve Tedavisi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 50 - 57, 01.04.2008


Allerjik rinityaygın bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Çoğu vakada hayatı tehdit edici bir durum olmasa da ekonomi ve halk sağlığı üzerine etkisi nedeni ile önem taşımaktadır. Burun delikleri, allerjenlerin vücuda giriş yaptığı en önemli yollardır. Bu nedenle de allerjik rinite ait yakınma ve fizik muayene bulguları şaşırtıcı olmayacak bir şekilde burun delikleri ile ilgili olacaktır. İlk olarak antijene maruz kalınınca antijen sunan hücreler (makrofai) aracılığı ile antijen yardımcı T hepler lenfositlere sunulur. Aynı allerjenlere dah sonra tekrar maruz kalınması sonucunda bu hücreler uyarılarak diferansiye olurlar. B lenfositler uyarılarak antijen - spesifik immunglobulin E (lgE) üreten plazma hücrelerine dönüşür. lg E antikorları dolaşımdaki mest hücrelerin yüzeyindeki özel reseptörlerine yapışır. Allerjen ile daha sonraki karşılaşmalarda, lgE kompleksleri allerjen mest hücrelerinin aktive olmasına ve degranülasyonlarına yol açar. Mest hücreleri içinde önceden sentezlenip depolanmış olan histamin, lökotrien, kinin, triptaz gibi mediyatörlerin salınımı nazal mukozada mukus sekresyonunun artmasına, miyelinsiz C liflerinin ve trigeminal sinir uçlarının uyarılmasına neden olarak allerjik rinitin aksırma, akıntı ve kaşıntıdan oluşan erken semptomlarını ortaya çıkartır. Allerjik rinit tedavisinde üç temel prensip vardır. Bunlar (1) kaçınma, (2) ilaç tedavisi ve (3) immunoterapidir. Tedavide ilk olarak allerjenden kaçınma ve çevre önlemler yer almaktadır. Hemen hemen tüm vakalarda atakların tedavisinde ilaç tedavisi kullanılmaktadır. Allerjenden kaçınma ve ilaç kullanımı ile tedavi edilemeyen ağır hastalarda veya hayatı boyunca ilaç kullanmak istemeyen kişilerde immünoterapi önerilebilir.


  • 1. Bousquet J, Cauwenberge VP, Khaltııer N. Allcrgic Rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIAWoı:kshop rcport). J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 108:8147-334.
  • 2. Intcrnational Consensus Rcport on Diagıı.osis and Managemcnt of Rhinitis. lntcrnationalRhinitis Manageınent Wol'king Gmup. Allergy 1994 ;49: 1-34.
  • 3. Scadding GK, Oıun: MK. Rhinitis. Allagy 2. baskı Holgate ST, Oıun: KM, Llnchenstein LM (eds) Mosby lntcrnational Ltd, London2001, 55-76.
  • 4. Johansson SG, HourihaııcJO, BousquctJ, B, Bruiinzecl- Koomen C, Dı:eborg S, Haa.htela T, Kowalski ML, Mygind N, Ring J, Cauwenbergc P, Van Hagc Hamstcn M, Wüttich B. EAAO (the European Academy of Allergology and Clioicıtl Imınuoology) nomenclatute task fotce. A revised nomenclatute foı: alletgy. An EAAO position statcment from the EAAO nomenclaturc task force.Allergy 2001; 56: 813-824.
  • 5. Bergcı: WE. Allcrgic thinitis in children: diagnosis and management sttategies. Paediatt Drugs 2004; 6: 233-250.
  • 6. Scadding GK, Oıun: MK. Rhinitis. Allergy 2. baskı Holgate ST, Oıun: KM, Llnchenstcio LM (ccls) Mosby lntcrnational Ltd, London 2001,55-76.
  • 7. Bcnct A. Janahi lA, Sabbah A. Genctics and cnvirooınental risk factoı:s associated with asthma in schoolchildrcn. Allerg Immunol 2005;37: 163-168.
  • 8. Kalyoncu AR Alle:tjik rinitin Türkiycdc'ki cpidcmiyolojisi: RinitlcL Öncı:ciM (ed) Kutsan Ofset,,Aokaı:a 1999; S: 83-94.
  • 9. Halken S. Pı:evention of a.lleı:gic disease in cbildhood: clinical and cpidcmiological aspects of primaty and sccondary allcrgyptcvention. Pediatt Allcrgy ImmunoJ 15 Suppl2004; 16: 4-5.
  • 10. Allcrgic ı:binitis and its impact on Asthma. ARIA woı:kshop rcport. J AllergyClinlmınuool2001; 108: 147-334.
  • 11. Licbcrman P. A pathophysiologic link bctwccn allcı:gic rbinitis and astbma Pediatr Ann 2000 ;29(7): 405-410.
  • 12. Vıgnola AM, Bousquet J. Rhinitis and asthma: a continium of dissease? ClinExp Allergy2001; 31: 674-677.
  • 13. Holgate ST. Today's science-tomoı:row's practise: basic mechanisms of illergy and their clinical implications. Clin Exp An R.ev 2002; 2: 48- 54.
  • 14. Lee DK, Cuı:ric GP. Modem histaminc Hl-reccptor an~nists in thcunifiedalıway.JAllagyClinlmmunol2004;114:698.
  • 15. Naclerio RM, Proud D, Topias AG, Adkinson N, Meyeı:s DA, KageySobotka A, Plaut M, Narman PS, Lichtenstcio LM. Infl.atnmatoty mediators in !ate antigen induced ı:hinitis. N Engl J Med 1985;313: 65- 70.
  • 16. Togias AG.Systemic immunologic and inflammatoty aspects of a.lleı:gic thinitis.J AllcrgyClinlmmunol2000; 106: 247-250.
  • 17. Blaiss M. Cuı:rcnt concepts and theı:apeutic sttategies for allcrgic ı:hinitisin school-ııge childı:en.Clin Thcı: 2004;26:1876-1889.
  • 18. Prenncı: BM, Schenkel E. Allergic rhinitis: treıı.tment based on patient profilcs. AınJ Mcd2006 ;119:230-237.
  • 19. Lai L, Casale TB, Stokcs J. Pediatriı: alleı:giı: rhinitis: tteatment.InımunoJAllagy Clin NotthAm2005;25: 283-299.
  • 20. Bertrand B, Jamart J, Marchal JL, Atcndt C. Cetiı:izinc and pseudocphedrine tctaı:d alone and in combination in the treatment of pctennipl allcı:gic rhinitis: a doublc-blind multiccnttc study. Rhinology 1996 ;34: 91-96.
  • 21. Howarth PH. The choice of an Hl --antihistamine for the 21st ccntuı:y. ClinExpAllR.ev2002;2: 18-25.
  • 22. Jutel M, Blaseı: K, Akdis CA. Histaminc in allergic inflammation and immunc modulation. Int Aı:chAllagy Immunol2005; 137: 82-92.
  • 23. Mansmann Jı: HC, Altman RA, Bcrman BA, Bucbman E, Dockhom RJ, Leese PT; Love S, l\.fidleton E. Efficacy and safety of cetiı:izine thempy in pereruıiyal allcrgic ı:hinitis. Ann Allcrgy 1992 ;68: 348-353.
  • 24. Meltzer EO. Clinicıı.I evidence for antileulı:otriene thempy in the managcmcnt of allcrgic rhioitis.AnnAllcrgy Astbma Irnmunol 2002; 88:23-29.
  • 25. Pctcrs-Golden M. Rcgulation of the leukotricnc biosynthctic pıı.thway. Clin Exp All Rcv 2001; 2: 128-132.
  • 26. Walsh GM, Anounziato L, Frossard N, KnoJ K, Lcwııtcr S. Nicolas JM, Tagliemla M, Tharp MD, Tillement JP; Timmerınan H. New insights into thc second gcncration antihistıımincs. Drugs 2001; 61: 207-236.
  • 27. Wılson AM, Orr LC, Sims EJ, Lipworth BJ. Effccts of monothempy with corticosteroid or combined oral histamine andleukotrienc tcccptor antagonists in scasona.I all.ctgic rhioitis. Clin Exp Allergy2001; 31: 61-68.
  • 28. Hurwitz ME. Trcatment of a.llcrgı'c ı:hinitis with antihistamincs and decongeswıts and their effcctıı on the lower airway. Pediatr Ann 2000; 29: 411-420.
  • 29. Pottcr PC. Upclıı.te on sublingu.a.I immunotherıı.py. Ann Allergy Astbmalmmunol2006; 96: 822-25.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 50 - 57, 01.04.2008


Allergic rhinitis is a common health problem. Although nota life-threatening condition in most
cases, it has a substantial impact on public health and the economy. Because the nose is the most
common port of entry for allergens, in patients with allergies, signs and symptoms of allergic
rhinitis, not surprisingly, are the most common complaints. After initial exposure to an antigen,
antigen-processing cells (macrophages) present the processed peptides to T helper cells. Upon
subsequent exposure to the seme antigen, these cells are stimulated to differentiate. The B cells
may further differentiate into plasma cells and produce immunoglobulin E (lgE) specific to that
antigen. Allergen-specific lgE molecules then bind to the surface of mest cells and sensitize
them.Further exposures result in the release of preformed mediators from mest celi granules.
These mediators (ie, histamine, leukotrienes, kinins) cause early-phase symptoms such as
sneezing, rhinorrhea, and congestion. The 3 basic approaches for the treatment of allergies are
(1) avoidance, (2) pharmacotherapy, and (3) immunotherapy. Treatment should start with
avoidance of allergens and environmental controls. in almost all cases, however, pharmacotherapy is needed because the patient is either unwilling or unable to avoid allergens and to
control the occasiona 1 exacerbations of symptoms. For patients with a seve re al lergy that is not responsive to environmental controls and pharmacotherapy or for those who do not wish to use
medication fora lifetime, immunotherapy may be offered.


  • 1. Bousquet J, Cauwenberge VP, Khaltııer N. Allcrgic Rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIAWoı:kshop rcport). J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 108:8147-334.
  • 2. Intcrnational Consensus Rcport on Diagıı.osis and Managemcnt of Rhinitis. lntcrnationalRhinitis Manageınent Wol'king Gmup. Allergy 1994 ;49: 1-34.
  • 3. Scadding GK, Oıun: MK. Rhinitis. Allagy 2. baskı Holgate ST, Oıun: KM, Llnchenstein LM (eds) Mosby lntcrnational Ltd, London2001, 55-76.
  • 4. Johansson SG, HourihaııcJO, BousquctJ, B, Bruiinzecl- Koomen C, Dı:eborg S, Haa.htela T, Kowalski ML, Mygind N, Ring J, Cauwenbergc P, Van Hagc Hamstcn M, Wüttich B. EAAO (the European Academy of Allergology and Clioicıtl Imınuoology) nomenclatute task fotce. A revised nomenclatute foı: alletgy. An EAAO position statcment from the EAAO nomenclaturc task force.Allergy 2001; 56: 813-824.
  • 5. Bergcı: WE. Allcrgic thinitis in children: diagnosis and management sttategies. Paediatt Drugs 2004; 6: 233-250.
  • 6. Scadding GK, Oıun: MK. Rhinitis. Allergy 2. baskı Holgate ST, Oıun: KM, Llnchenstcio LM (ccls) Mosby lntcrnational Ltd, London 2001,55-76.
  • 7. Bcnct A. Janahi lA, Sabbah A. Genctics and cnvirooınental risk factoı:s associated with asthma in schoolchildrcn. Allerg Immunol 2005;37: 163-168.
  • 8. Kalyoncu AR Alle:tjik rinitin Türkiycdc'ki cpidcmiyolojisi: RinitlcL Öncı:ciM (ed) Kutsan Ofset,,Aokaı:a 1999; S: 83-94.
  • 9. Halken S. Pı:evention of a.lleı:gic disease in cbildhood: clinical and cpidcmiological aspects of primaty and sccondary allcrgyptcvention. Pediatt Allcrgy ImmunoJ 15 Suppl2004; 16: 4-5.
  • 10. Allcrgic ı:binitis and its impact on Asthma. ARIA woı:kshop rcport. J AllergyClinlmınuool2001; 108: 147-334.
  • 11. Licbcrman P. A pathophysiologic link bctwccn allcı:gic rbinitis and astbma Pediatr Ann 2000 ;29(7): 405-410.
  • 12. Vıgnola AM, Bousquet J. Rhinitis and asthma: a continium of dissease? ClinExp Allergy2001; 31: 674-677.
  • 13. Holgate ST. Today's science-tomoı:row's practise: basic mechanisms of illergy and their clinical implications. Clin Exp An R.ev 2002; 2: 48- 54.
  • 14. Lee DK, Cuı:ric GP. Modem histaminc Hl-reccptor an~nists in thcunifiedalıway.JAllagyClinlmmunol2004;114:698.
  • 15. Naclerio RM, Proud D, Topias AG, Adkinson N, Meyeı:s DA, KageySobotka A, Plaut M, Narman PS, Lichtenstcio LM. Infl.atnmatoty mediators in !ate antigen induced ı:hinitis. N Engl J Med 1985;313: 65- 70.
  • 16. Togias AG.Systemic immunologic and inflammatoty aspects of a.lleı:gic thinitis.J AllcrgyClinlmmunol2000; 106: 247-250.
  • 17. Blaiss M. Cuı:rcnt concepts and theı:apeutic sttategies for allcrgic ı:hinitisin school-ııge childı:en.Clin Thcı: 2004;26:1876-1889.
  • 18. Prenncı: BM, Schenkel E. Allergic rhinitis: treıı.tment based on patient profilcs. AınJ Mcd2006 ;119:230-237.
  • 19. Lai L, Casale TB, Stokcs J. Pediatriı: alleı:giı: rhinitis: tteatment.InımunoJAllagy Clin NotthAm2005;25: 283-299.
  • 20. Bertrand B, Jamart J, Marchal JL, Atcndt C. Cetiı:izinc and pseudocphedrine tctaı:d alone and in combination in the treatment of pctennipl allcı:gic rhinitis: a doublc-blind multiccnttc study. Rhinology 1996 ;34: 91-96.
  • 21. Howarth PH. The choice of an Hl --antihistamine for the 21st ccntuı:y. ClinExpAllR.ev2002;2: 18-25.
  • 22. Jutel M, Blaseı: K, Akdis CA. Histaminc in allergic inflammation and immunc modulation. Int Aı:chAllagy Immunol2005; 137: 82-92.
  • 23. Mansmann Jı: HC, Altman RA, Bcrman BA, Bucbman E, Dockhom RJ, Leese PT; Love S, l\.fidleton E. Efficacy and safety of cetiı:izine thempy in pereruıiyal allcrgic ı:hinitis. Ann Allcrgy 1992 ;68: 348-353.
  • 24. Meltzer EO. Clinicıı.I evidence for antileulı:otriene thempy in the managcmcnt of allcrgic rhioitis.AnnAllcrgy Astbma Irnmunol 2002; 88:23-29.
  • 25. Pctcrs-Golden M. Rcgulation of the leukotricnc biosynthctic pıı.thway. Clin Exp All Rcv 2001; 2: 128-132.
  • 26. Walsh GM, Anounziato L, Frossard N, KnoJ K, Lcwııtcr S. Nicolas JM, Tagliemla M, Tharp MD, Tillement JP; Timmerınan H. New insights into thc second gcncration antihistıımincs. Drugs 2001; 61: 207-236.
  • 27. Wılson AM, Orr LC, Sims EJ, Lipworth BJ. Effccts of monothempy with corticosteroid or combined oral histamine andleukotrienc tcccptor antagonists in scasona.I all.ctgic rhioitis. Clin Exp Allergy2001; 31: 61-68.
  • 28. Hurwitz ME. Trcatment of a.llcrgı'c ı:hinitis with antihistamincs and decongeswıts and their effcctıı on the lower airway. Pediatr Ann 2000; 29: 411-420.
  • 29. Pottcr PC. Upclıı.te on sublingu.a.I immunotherıı.py. Ann Allergy Astbmalmmunol2006; 96: 822-25.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA25DU57UR
Bölüm Derleme

Koray Harmancı Bu kişi benim

Cem Hasan Razi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Harmancı, K., & Razi, C. H. (2008). DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 2(3), 50-57.
AMA Harmancı K, Razi CH. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Nisan 2008;2(3):50-57.
Chicago Harmancı, Koray, ve Cem Hasan Razi. “DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 2, sy. 3 (Nisan 2008): 50-57.
EndNote Harmancı K, Razi CH (01 Nisan 2008) DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 2 3 50–57.
IEEE K. Harmancı ve C. H. Razi, “DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 2, sy. 3, ss. 50–57, 2008.
ISNAD Harmancı, Koray - Razi, Cem Hasan. “DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 2/3 (Nisan 2008), 50-57.
JAMA Harmancı K, Razi CH. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2008;2:50–57.
MLA Harmancı, Koray ve Cem Hasan Razi. “DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, c. 2, sy. 3, 2008, ss. 50-57.
Vancouver Harmancı K, Razi CH. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2008;2(3):50-7.

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