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Çocuk Yanıklarında Mortaliteyi Etkileyen Temel Parametreler Ve Alınabilecek Önlemler

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 18 - 25, 01.04.2007


Giriş: Yanıklar çocukluk yaş grubunda kazalara bağlı ölümlerin en önemli nedenlerindendirAmaç: Ülkemizdeki çocuk yanıkları ile ilgili sınırlı sayıdaki epidemiyolojik verilere katkı sağlamak, mortaliteyi etkileyen temel parametreleri ortaya koymak ve alınabilecek tedbirleri vurgulamaktırYöntem: Ocak 1998 ile Nisan 2001 tarihleri arasında hastanede yatırılarak tedavi edilen 509 çocuk yanığı olgusu, retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Olguların; yaş, cinsiyet, yanığın oluştuğu yıl, yandığı ay, yatış süresi, yanık nedeni, yanık etkeni, yanık alanı, kültür sonuçları, yapılan müdahaleler incelendi ve bu veriler ile mortalite arasındaki ilişki analiz edildi.Bulgular:0-16 yaş arası yatırılarak tedavi edilen 509 olguda; erkek / kız oranı 1.68, ortalama yanık alanı % 23.41 +/- 18.51 SD ( 1- 100 ) bulundu. Yanık etkeni 356 (% 70.2) olguda sıcak sıvı, 101 ( % 19.9 ) olguda alev ve 47 ( % 8.8 ) olguda elektrik olarak tespit edildi. Ortalama ölüm oranı % 21.4 olarak belirlendi. Yanık alanı % 30' dan daha fazla olan olgularda ve alev yanıklarında mortalitenin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek olduğu bulundu.Sonuç: Ülkemizde özellikle alev ve elektrik yanıkları yüksek oranda görülmektedir. Alev yanıklarının yüksek mortalite ile seyretmesi, elektrik yanıklarının ise organ kayıplarına yol açması nedeni ile kitle iletişim araçları vasıtası ile toplumun bilinçlendirilmesi ve modern yanık ünitelerinin planlanması önemlidir.


  • Ho Ws, Ying SY. An epidemiological study of 1063 hospitalized burn patients in a tertiary burns centre in Hong Kong. Burns 2001; 27 : 123.
  • Foglia RP, Moushey R, Meadows L, Seigel J, Smith M. Evolving treatment in a decade of pediatric burn care. J Pediatric Surg ;39:957- 960. Aldemir M, Kara IH, Girgin S, Güloglu C. Factors affecting mortality and epidemiological data in patients hospitalised with burns in Diyarbakır, Turkey. S Afr J Surg 2005; 43:158- 162.
  • Kut A, Başaran O, Noyan T, Arda IS, Akgün HS, Haberal M. Epidemiologic analysis of patients with burns presenting to the burn units of a universty hospital network in Turkey. J Burn Care Research ; 27 : 161-169. Türegün M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celiköz B, Nişanci M. The ;16(8):731- 9. last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997;23:584- 590.
  • Yongqiang F, Yibing W, Dechang W, Baohua L, Mingqing W, Ran H. Epidemiology of hospitalized burn patients in Shandong Province: 2005. J Burn Care Res 2007;28:468-473.
  • Sakallıoğlu AE, Başaran O, Tarım A, Türk E, Kut A , and Haberal M. Burns in Turkish children and adolescents: Nine years of experience. Burns 2007; 33 : 46- 51
  • Rooh-ul-Muqim, Mohammad Zareen, Dilbag, Muhammad Hayat, M.Irfan Khan. Epidemiology and outcome of burns at Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar. Pak J Med Sci 2007;23:3
  • Haberal M, Uçar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns trea- ted in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn-prevention strategies. Burns 1995;21:601-606.
  • Maghsoudi H, Adyani Y, Ahmadian N. Electrical and lightning injuries.J Burn Care Res 2007 ;28: 255-261.
  • Sheridan RL. Sepsis in pediatric burn patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med tients treated in our centre. Ann. Medit. Burns Club - vol. 6 - n. 2 - June 1993 ;6(3 Suppl):S112-S119.
  • Mayhall CG. The Epidemiology of Burn Wound Infections: Then and Wolf SE, ,Debroy M, ,Herndon DN. The Cornerstones and directi- ons of pediatric burn care. Pediatr Surg Int 1997;12:312- 320. Now. Clin Infec Dis 2003;37:543-550.
  • Vehmeyer-Heeman M, Tondu T, Van den Kerckhove E, Boeckx W. Goldman S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Peleg K; Israel Trauma Group Application of cerium nitrate-silver sulphadiazine allows for postponement of excision and grafting. Burns 2006;32:60-63.
  • Atoyebi OA, Sowemimo GO, Odugbemi T. Bacterial flora of burn wounds in Lagos, Nigeria: a prospective study. Burns 1992;18:448- greater risk of mortality following acute burn injury: evidence from a national sample of 12,902 pediatric admissions. Shock 2006; 26:348
  • Revathi G, Puri J, Jain BK. Bacteriology of burns. Burns 1998 ;24:347
  • Kobayashi K, Ikeda H, Higuchi R, Nozaki M, Yamamoto Y, Urabe M, Pruitt BA Jr, McManus AT, Kim SH, Goodwin CW. Burn wound Shimazaki S, Sugamata A, Aikawa N, Ninomiya N, Sakurai H, Hamabe Y, Yahagi N, Nakazawa H. Epidemiological and outcome characteristics of major burns in Tokyo.Burns 2005 ;31 Suppl 1:S3- S11. infections: current status. World J Surg 1998 ;22:135-145.
  • Chen G, Smith GA, Ranbom L, Sinclair SA, Xiang H. Incidence and pattern of burn injuries among children with disabilities. J Trauma ;62:682-686. Herndon DN, Gore D, Cole M, Desai MH, Linares H, Abston S, Akerlund E, Huss FR, Sjöberg F. Burns in Sweden: an analysis of ,538 cases during the period 1987-2004. Burns 2007;33:31-36.
  • Tung KY, Chen ML, Wang HJ, Chen GS, Peck M, Yang J, Liu CC. A Rutan T, Van Osten T, Barrow RE.Determinants of mortality in pediatric patients with greater than 70% full-thickness total body surface area thermal injury treated by early total excision and grafting. J Trauma 1987 ;27:208-212
  • Taiwan--using the Internet registration system of the Childhood Burn Foundation. Burns 2005 ; 31 Suppl 1:S12-517.
  • Vehmeyer-Heeman M, Van Holder C, Nieman F, Van den Kerckhove De-Souza DA, Marchesan WG, Greene LJ. Epidemiological data and E, Boeckx W. Predictors of mortality: a comparison between two burn wound treatment policies.Burns 2007;33:167-172. mortality rate of patients hospitalized with burn in Brazil. Burns ;24: 433- 438.
  • Tarim A, Nursal TZ, Basaran O, Yildirim S, Turk E, Moray G, Haberal Bang RL, Sharma PN, Gang RK, Ghoneim IE, Ebrahim MK. Burn M. Scalding in Turkish children: comparison of burns caused by hot water and hot milk.Burns 2006 ;32:473-476. mortality during 1982 to 1997 in Kuwait. Eur J Epidemiol.


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 18 - 25, 01.04.2007


Objective: Burns are one of the most important cause of deaths in childhood age. The aim of this study; is to be additive to limited number of epidemiological data about child burns in our country, to put on basic parameters effecting mortality and the precautions .Methods: 509 cases of child burns treated by hospitalisation in between January 1998 and April 2001 are evaluated retrospectively. Patients age, sex, month of burn and year of burn, time of hospitalisation, cause of burn, causative agents of burn, burn area, culture results and the procedures interacted are inspected and with these data the relation with mortality is analysed.Results: 509 cases treated by hospitalisation between the ages 0-16 years; male /female ratio was 1.68, and average burn area was found % 23.41 + 18.51 sd . Causative agents were noted as hot liquids in 365 cases (% 70.2), flame in 101 cases (% 19.9) and electricity in 47 cases (% 8.8). Average mortality rate was clarified as % 21.4. Statistically higher mortalities were noted in cases with burn areas greater than % 30 and in flame burns.Conclusion: Especially flame and electricity burns are encountured in high rates at our country. High mortality in course of flame burns and electricity burns leading to organ deficiencies necessiates the enlightment of the community by media and planning of modern burn units gets important


  • Ho Ws, Ying SY. An epidemiological study of 1063 hospitalized burn patients in a tertiary burns centre in Hong Kong. Burns 2001; 27 : 123.
  • Foglia RP, Moushey R, Meadows L, Seigel J, Smith M. Evolving treatment in a decade of pediatric burn care. J Pediatric Surg ;39:957- 960. Aldemir M, Kara IH, Girgin S, Güloglu C. Factors affecting mortality and epidemiological data in patients hospitalised with burns in Diyarbakır, Turkey. S Afr J Surg 2005; 43:158- 162.
  • Kut A, Başaran O, Noyan T, Arda IS, Akgün HS, Haberal M. Epidemiologic analysis of patients with burns presenting to the burn units of a universty hospital network in Turkey. J Burn Care Research ; 27 : 161-169. Türegün M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celiköz B, Nişanci M. The ;16(8):731- 9. last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997;23:584- 590.
  • Yongqiang F, Yibing W, Dechang W, Baohua L, Mingqing W, Ran H. Epidemiology of hospitalized burn patients in Shandong Province: 2005. J Burn Care Res 2007;28:468-473.
  • Sakallıoğlu AE, Başaran O, Tarım A, Türk E, Kut A , and Haberal M. Burns in Turkish children and adolescents: Nine years of experience. Burns 2007; 33 : 46- 51
  • Rooh-ul-Muqim, Mohammad Zareen, Dilbag, Muhammad Hayat, M.Irfan Khan. Epidemiology and outcome of burns at Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar. Pak J Med Sci 2007;23:3
  • Haberal M, Uçar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns trea- ted in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn-prevention strategies. Burns 1995;21:601-606.
  • Maghsoudi H, Adyani Y, Ahmadian N. Electrical and lightning injuries.J Burn Care Res 2007 ;28: 255-261.
  • Sheridan RL. Sepsis in pediatric burn patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med tients treated in our centre. Ann. Medit. Burns Club - vol. 6 - n. 2 - June 1993 ;6(3 Suppl):S112-S119.
  • Mayhall CG. The Epidemiology of Burn Wound Infections: Then and Wolf SE, ,Debroy M, ,Herndon DN. The Cornerstones and directi- ons of pediatric burn care. Pediatr Surg Int 1997;12:312- 320. Now. Clin Infec Dis 2003;37:543-550.
  • Vehmeyer-Heeman M, Tondu T, Van den Kerckhove E, Boeckx W. Goldman S, Aharonson-Daniel L, Peleg K; Israel Trauma Group Application of cerium nitrate-silver sulphadiazine allows for postponement of excision and grafting. Burns 2006;32:60-63.
  • Atoyebi OA, Sowemimo GO, Odugbemi T. Bacterial flora of burn wounds in Lagos, Nigeria: a prospective study. Burns 1992;18:448- greater risk of mortality following acute burn injury: evidence from a national sample of 12,902 pediatric admissions. Shock 2006; 26:348
  • Revathi G, Puri J, Jain BK. Bacteriology of burns. Burns 1998 ;24:347
  • Kobayashi K, Ikeda H, Higuchi R, Nozaki M, Yamamoto Y, Urabe M, Pruitt BA Jr, McManus AT, Kim SH, Goodwin CW. Burn wound Shimazaki S, Sugamata A, Aikawa N, Ninomiya N, Sakurai H, Hamabe Y, Yahagi N, Nakazawa H. Epidemiological and outcome characteristics of major burns in Tokyo.Burns 2005 ;31 Suppl 1:S3- S11. infections: current status. World J Surg 1998 ;22:135-145.
  • Chen G, Smith GA, Ranbom L, Sinclair SA, Xiang H. Incidence and pattern of burn injuries among children with disabilities. J Trauma ;62:682-686. Herndon DN, Gore D, Cole M, Desai MH, Linares H, Abston S, Akerlund E, Huss FR, Sjöberg F. Burns in Sweden: an analysis of ,538 cases during the period 1987-2004. Burns 2007;33:31-36.
  • Tung KY, Chen ML, Wang HJ, Chen GS, Peck M, Yang J, Liu CC. A Rutan T, Van Osten T, Barrow RE.Determinants of mortality in pediatric patients with greater than 70% full-thickness total body surface area thermal injury treated by early total excision and grafting. J Trauma 1987 ;27:208-212
  • Taiwan--using the Internet registration system of the Childhood Burn Foundation. Burns 2005 ; 31 Suppl 1:S12-517.
  • Vehmeyer-Heeman M, Van Holder C, Nieman F, Van den Kerckhove De-Souza DA, Marchesan WG, Greene LJ. Epidemiological data and E, Boeckx W. Predictors of mortality: a comparison between two burn wound treatment policies.Burns 2007;33:167-172. mortality rate of patients hospitalized with burn in Brazil. Burns ;24: 433- 438.
  • Tarim A, Nursal TZ, Basaran O, Yildirim S, Turk E, Moray G, Haberal Bang RL, Sharma PN, Gang RK, Ghoneim IE, Ebrahim MK. Burn M. Scalding in Turkish children: comparison of burns caused by hot water and hot milk.Burns 2006 ;32:473-476. mortality during 1982 to 1997 in Kuwait. Eur J Epidemiol.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA39BH29HH
Bölüm Research Article

Emrah Şenel Bu kişi benim

Arife Düzgün Polat Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Çınar Yastı Bu kişi benim

Can Demir Karacan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenel, E., Polat, A. D., Yastı, A. Ç., Karacan, C. D. (2007). IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 1(2), 18-25.
AMA Şenel E, Polat AD, Yastı AÇ, Karacan CD. IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Nisan 2007;1(2):18-25.
Chicago Şenel, Emrah, Arife Düzgün Polat, Ahmet Çınar Yastı, ve Can Demir Karacan. “IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 1, sy. 2 (Nisan 2007): 18-25.
EndNote Şenel E, Polat AD, Yastı AÇ, Karacan CD (01 Nisan 2007) IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 1 2 18–25.
IEEE E. Şenel, A. D. Polat, A. Ç. Yastı, ve C. D. Karacan, “IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 18–25, 2007.
ISNAD Şenel, Emrah vd. “IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 1/2 (Nisan 2007), 18-25.
MLA Şenel, Emrah vd. “IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 18-25.
Vancouver Şenel E, Polat AD, Yastı AÇ, Karacan CD. IN CHILD BURNS, BASIC PARAMETERS THAT EFFECT MORTALITY AND THE PRECAUTIONS. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2007;1(2):18-25.

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