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Effects of Possible Risk Factors on Morbidity in Child Patients Hospitalized With Pneumonia

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 262 - 271, 16.07.2021


Objective: Childhood pneumonias are the most important mortality and morbidity reasons especially in developing countries. In this study, demographic attributes and important risk factors among children hospitalized with pneumonia were examined; their effects on complications and prognosis were evaluated.

Material and Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, children diagnosed with pneumonia and hospitalized between January 2017- January 2018 in Pediatric Services and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) were evaluated. How factors such as demographic findings, nutrition (breast milk), presence of malnutrition, vaccination history, presence of chronic disease, crowded living conditions, passive smoking affected hospitalization and its duration; development of complications after the disease and survival findings were examined.

Results: Among 289 hospitalized patients, 53.3% were female, median age was 14 months and 65.4% of the patients were under 2 years old. Nineteen point seven percent of the patients had premature birth history, 76.1% of them had >2500 gr birth weight. It was determined from the postnatal histories that 15.9% of them required incubator care, 6.2% of them required mechanical ventilator. Among the patients, it was found out that 31.5% of the patients did not receive breast milk, 10% had malnutrition, 18% had incomplete vaccination, 26.6% were exposed to passive smoking, 37% had a chronic disease. The most common symptoms observed during the admission were cough (86.5%) and fever (60%), median symptom period was 3 days. The most common physical examination findings detected were tachypnea (68.9%) and retractions (60.9%). In their radiological evaluations, it is detected that 85.8% of the patients had pneumonic infiltration, 3,5% had lobar consolidation, 2.8% had pneumonic infiltration+pleural effusion, 2.1% had pneumonic infiltration+atelectasis, 1.1% had lober consolidation+pleural effusion and 0.3% had atelectasis. During their stay in the hospital, microorganisms could be detected in 9% of the culture samples taken from the patients. Fifty six point sevent percent of the patients received mono antibiotic therapy while the rest of them received combined antibiotic therapy. Median hospitalization period was 9 days (1-115 days) and 25.6% of the patients required ICU monitoring. Complication development rate of the patients in the course of pneumonia detected as 13.1%. Age, premature birth history, low birth weight, staying in the incubator or in mechanical ventilator during the postnatal period, presence of malnutrition, presence of chronic disease, tachypnea, retraction, fever, rale-ronchus parameters during physical examinations at the admission, presence of pneumonic infiltration or lobar consolidation with pleural effusion on the chest x-ray, were determined as the parameters affecting prolonged hospitalization, complication development in the follow-up and in ICU stay.

Conclusion: Being under 2 years of age, prematurity, low birth weight, absence of breast milk, incomplete vaccination and malnutrition are the significant risk factors for pneumonia dependent hospitalizations among children. Presence of additional neurological and genetic diseases and low oxygen saturation are identified as the factors impacting the need to stay in intensive care unit, length of stay and complications. Identifying and preventing the risk factors affecting course of the disease and the prognosis, its complications and hospitalization period will reduce the morbidity of the pneumonias in childhood.


  • Ebeledike C, Ahmad T. Pediatric Pneumonia. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL); 2019.
  • WHO. Pneumonia 2017. Erişim adresi:
  • Kosai H, Tamaki R, Saito M, et al. Incidence and Risk Factors of Childhood Pneumonia-Like Episodes in Biliran Island, Philippines--A Community-Based Study. PLoS One 2015;10:e0125009.
  • Jain S, Williams DJ, Arnold SR, et al. Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children. N Engl J Med 2015;372:835-45.
  • Banstola A, Banstola A. The epidemiology of hospitalization for pneumonia in children under five in the rural western region of Nepal: a descriptive study. PLoS One 2013;8:e71311.
  • Colin AA, McEvoy C, Castile RG. Respiratory morbidity and lung function in preterm infants of 32 to 36 weeks' gestational age. Pediatrics 2010;126:115-28.
  • Hassan MaK, Al-Sadoon I. Risk factors for severe pneumonia in children in Basrah. Tropical doctor 2001;31:139-41.
  • César JA, Victora CG, Barros FC, et al. Impact of breast feeding on admission for pneumonia during postneonatal period in Brazil: nested case-control study. BMJ 1999;318:1316-20.
  • Unicef. Erişim adresi:
  • Eskiocak M, Marangoz B. TTB: Türkiye’de Bağışıklama Hizmetlerinin Durumu. Erişim adresi:
  • Zubarenko O, Kopiyka G, Kravchenko T, et al. [Peculiarities of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children with Neurological Pathology]. Georgian Med News 2017:95-9.
  • Millman AJ, Finelli L, Bramley AM, et al. Community-Acquired Pneumonia Hospitalization among Children with Neurologic Disorders. J Pediatr 2016;173:188-95 e4.
  • Le Roux DM, Myer L, Nicol MP, et al. Incidence and severity of childhood pneumonia in the first year of life in a South African birth cohort: the Drakenstein Child Health Study. Lancet Glob Health 2015;3:e95-e103.
  • Moustaki M, Nicolaidou P, Stefos E, et al. Is there an association between wheezing and pneumonia? Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2010;38:4-7.
  • Okşak N, Karakılçık AZ. Pasif sigara içimine maruz kalan pnömonili çocuklarda antioksidan enzim aktiviteleri, kapiller kan oksijen satürasyonu ve laktik asit değerleri. Genel Tip Dergisi 2018;28.
  • Da Fonseca Lima EJ, Mello MJG, Lopes MIL, et al. Risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia in children under five years of age in the post-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era in Brazil: a case control study. BMC pediatrics 2016;16:157.
  • Wonodi CB, Deloria-Knoll M, Feikin DR, et al. Evaluation of risk factors for severe pneumonia in children: the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study. Clinical infectious diseases 2012;54:S124-S31.
  • WHO. Pneumonia 2017. Erişim adresi:
  • Usen S, Weber M, Mulholland K, et al. Clinical predictors of hypoxaemia in Gambian children with acute lower respiratory tract infection: prospective cohort study. Bmj 1999;318:86-91.
  • Berman S, Simoes E, Lanata C. Respiratory rate and pneumonia in infancy. Archives of disease in childhood 1991;66:81.
  • Taylor JA, Del Beccaro M, Done S, et al. Establishing clinically relevant standards for tachypnea in febrile children younger than 2 years. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 1995;149:283-7.
  • Rodriguez L, Cervantes E, Ortiz R. Malnutrition and gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in children: a public health problem. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2011;8:1174-205.
  • Tomkins A, Watson F. Malnutrition and infection: a review. Malnutrition and infection: a review 1989.
  • Hooli S, Colbourn T, Lufesi N, et al. Correction: Predicting Hospitalised Paediatric Pneumonia Mortality Risk: An External Validation of RISC and mRISC, and Local Tool Development (RISC-Malawi) from Malawi. PLoS One 2018;13:e0193557.
  • Hooli S, Colbourn T, Lufesi N, et al. Predicting Hospitalised Paediatric Pneumonia Mortality Risk: An External Validation of RISC and mRISC, and Local Tool Development (RISC-Malawi) from Malawi. PLoS One 2016;11:e0168126.
  • Ngari MM, Fegan G, Mwangome MK, et al. Mortality after Inpatient Treatment for Severe Pneumonia in Children: a Cohort Study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2017;31:233-42.
  • Hsu C-L, Lee Y-S, Chen C-J, et al. A population-based analysis of children with pneumonia among intensive care units in Taiwan. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 2015;48:153-9.
  • Majumdar SR, Eurich DT, Gamble JM, et al. Oxygen saturations less than 92% are associated with major adverse events in outpatients with pneumonia: a population-based cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 2011;52:325-31.
  • Reny J-L, Vuagnat A, Ract C, et al. Diagnosis and follow-up of infections in intensive care patients: value of C-reactive protein compared with other clinical and biological variables. Critical care medicine 2002;30:529-35.
  • Chalmers JD, Singanayagam A, Hill AT. C-reactive protein is an independent predictor of severity in community-acquired pneumonia. The American journal of medicine 2008;121:219-25.
  • Korppi M. Community-acquired pneumonia in children. Pediatric Drugs 2003;5:821-32.
  • Shaheen SO, Sterne JA, Tucker JS, et al. Birth weight, childhood lower respiratory tract infection, and adult lung function. Thorax 1998;53:549-53.
  • Cevey-Macherel M, Galetto-Lacour A, Gervaix A, et al. Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children based on WHO clinical guidelines. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1429-36.
  • Myers AL, Hall M, Williams DJ, et al. Prevalence of bacteremia in hospitalized pediatric patients with community-acquired pneumonia. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2013;32:736.
  • Neuman MI, Hall M, Lipsett SC, et al. Utility of blood culture among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Pediatrics 2017;140:e20171013.
  • Alpern ER, Alessandrini EA, Bell LM, et al. Occult bacteremia from a pediatric emergency department: current prevalence, time to detection, and outcome. Pediatrics 2000;106:505-11.
  • Mocelin HT, Fischer GB. Epidemiology, presentation and treatment of pleural effusion. Paediatr Respir Rev 2002;3:292-7.
  • Givan DC, Eigen H. Common pleural effusions in children. Clin Chest Med 1998;19:363-71.

Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4, 262 - 271, 16.07.2021


Amaç: Çocukluk çağı pnömonileri, özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde en önemli mortalite ve morbidite nedenidir. Bu çalışmada pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatışı yapılan çocukların demografik özellikleri ve pnömoni gelişiminde önemli risk faktörleri incelenmiş; komplikasyon gelişimi ve prognoz üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler:
Bu tek merkezli retrospektif kesitsel çalışmada, Pediatri Servisleri ve Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi (YBÜ) ’ne Ocak 2017- Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasında pnömoni tanısı ile yatırılan hastalar değerlendirildi. Hastaların demografik bulguları, anne sütü alım öyküsü, malnütrisyon varlığı, aşılama durumu, kronik hastalık varlığı, kalabalık yaşam koşulları, pasif sigara içiciliği gibi faktörlerin hastane yatışını ve yatış süresini ne kadar etkilediği, hastalık sonrasında komplikasyon gelişme durumu ve sağkalım bulguları incelendi.

Pnömoni tanısı ile yatırılan 289 hastanın %53.3’ü kız olup ortanca yaşları 14 aydı ve hastaların %65.4’ü 2 yaşından küçüktü. Hastaların %19.7’sinde prematüre doğum öyküsü olup %76.1’i >2500 gr doğum ağırlığına sahipti; %15.9’unun postnatal dönemde küvöz bakımı, %6.2’sinin mekanik ventilatör ihtiyacı olmuştu. Hastaların %31.5’inin hiç anne sütü almadığı, %10’unun malnütre olduğu, %18’inin rutin aşılarının eksik olduğu, %26.6’sında pasif sigara maruziyeti, %37’sinde kronik hastalık varlığı saptandı. Başvuruda en sık gözlenen semptomlar öksürük (%86.5) ve ateş (%60) olup ortanca semptom süresi 3 gün idi. Başvuruda en sık saptanan fizik muayene bulguları ise takipne (%68.9) ve retraksiyonlar (%60.9)’di. Radyolojik incelemelerinde %85.8’inde pnömonik infiltrasyon, %3.5’inde lober konsolidasyon, %2.8’inde pnömonik infiltrasyon+plevral effüzyon, %2.1’inde pnömonik infiltrasyon+atelektazi, %1.1’inde lober konsolidasyon+plevral effüzyon ve %0.3’ünde atelektazi saptandı. Hastanede yatışları süresince hastalardan alınan kültürlerin %9’unda mikroorganizma üredi. Hastaların %56,7’si tekli antibiyotik tedavisi, diğerleri kombine antibiyotik tedavileri aldılar. Hastaneye yatış süresi ortanca 9 gün (1-115 gün) olup izlemde hastaların %25.6’sının yoğun bakım ünitesi izlemi gerekti. Pnömoni seyrinde komplikasyon gelişen hasta oranı %13.1 olarak saptandı. Yaş, prematüre doğum öyküsü, düşük doğum ağırlığı, postnatal dönemde küvözde veya mekanik ventilatörde kalma, malnütrisyon varlığı, kronik hastalık varlığı, başvuru muayenelerinde takipne, retraksiyon, ateş, ral-ronküs varlığı, akciğer grafisinde plevral effüzyonla birlikte pnömonik infiltrasyon veya lober konsolidasyon varlığı parametreleri uzamış hastane yatışında, pnömoni seyrinde komplikasyon gelişmesinde, YBÜ yatış gereksiniminde olası risk faktörleri olarak saptandı.

Sonuç: Küçük yaş, prematüre doğum öyküsü, düşük doğum ağırlığı, anne sütü almamak, eksik aşılanma ve malnütrisyon çocuklarda pnömoni nedenli hastaneye yatışlar için önemli risk faktörleridir. Yoğun bakım ünitesine yatış gereksinimini, yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatış süresini ve komplikasyon gelişimini etkileyen faktörler ise ek nörolojik ve genetik hastalıkların varlığı ve düşük oksijen saturasyonu olarak belirlenmiştir. Hastalığın seyrini ve prognozunu, komplikasyonlarını ve hastanın hastanede yatış süresini etkileyen olası risk faktörlerinin belirlenip önlenmesi çocukluk çağında pnömonilerin morbiditesini azaltacaktır. 


  • Ebeledike C, Ahmad T. Pediatric Pneumonia. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL); 2019.
  • WHO. Pneumonia 2017. Erişim adresi:
  • Kosai H, Tamaki R, Saito M, et al. Incidence and Risk Factors of Childhood Pneumonia-Like Episodes in Biliran Island, Philippines--A Community-Based Study. PLoS One 2015;10:e0125009.
  • Jain S, Williams DJ, Arnold SR, et al. Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children. N Engl J Med 2015;372:835-45.
  • Banstola A, Banstola A. The epidemiology of hospitalization for pneumonia in children under five in the rural western region of Nepal: a descriptive study. PLoS One 2013;8:e71311.
  • Colin AA, McEvoy C, Castile RG. Respiratory morbidity and lung function in preterm infants of 32 to 36 weeks' gestational age. Pediatrics 2010;126:115-28.
  • Hassan MaK, Al-Sadoon I. Risk factors for severe pneumonia in children in Basrah. Tropical doctor 2001;31:139-41.
  • César JA, Victora CG, Barros FC, et al. Impact of breast feeding on admission for pneumonia during postneonatal period in Brazil: nested case-control study. BMJ 1999;318:1316-20.
  • Unicef. Erişim adresi:
  • Eskiocak M, Marangoz B. TTB: Türkiye’de Bağışıklama Hizmetlerinin Durumu. Erişim adresi:
  • Zubarenko O, Kopiyka G, Kravchenko T, et al. [Peculiarities of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children with Neurological Pathology]. Georgian Med News 2017:95-9.
  • Millman AJ, Finelli L, Bramley AM, et al. Community-Acquired Pneumonia Hospitalization among Children with Neurologic Disorders. J Pediatr 2016;173:188-95 e4.
  • Le Roux DM, Myer L, Nicol MP, et al. Incidence and severity of childhood pneumonia in the first year of life in a South African birth cohort: the Drakenstein Child Health Study. Lancet Glob Health 2015;3:e95-e103.
  • Moustaki M, Nicolaidou P, Stefos E, et al. Is there an association between wheezing and pneumonia? Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2010;38:4-7.
  • Okşak N, Karakılçık AZ. Pasif sigara içimine maruz kalan pnömonili çocuklarda antioksidan enzim aktiviteleri, kapiller kan oksijen satürasyonu ve laktik asit değerleri. Genel Tip Dergisi 2018;28.
  • Da Fonseca Lima EJ, Mello MJG, Lopes MIL, et al. Risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia in children under five years of age in the post-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era in Brazil: a case control study. BMC pediatrics 2016;16:157.
  • Wonodi CB, Deloria-Knoll M, Feikin DR, et al. Evaluation of risk factors for severe pneumonia in children: the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study. Clinical infectious diseases 2012;54:S124-S31.
  • WHO. Pneumonia 2017. Erişim adresi:
  • Usen S, Weber M, Mulholland K, et al. Clinical predictors of hypoxaemia in Gambian children with acute lower respiratory tract infection: prospective cohort study. Bmj 1999;318:86-91.
  • Berman S, Simoes E, Lanata C. Respiratory rate and pneumonia in infancy. Archives of disease in childhood 1991;66:81.
  • Taylor JA, Del Beccaro M, Done S, et al. Establishing clinically relevant standards for tachypnea in febrile children younger than 2 years. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 1995;149:283-7.
  • Rodriguez L, Cervantes E, Ortiz R. Malnutrition and gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in children: a public health problem. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2011;8:1174-205.
  • Tomkins A, Watson F. Malnutrition and infection: a review. Malnutrition and infection: a review 1989.
  • Hooli S, Colbourn T, Lufesi N, et al. Correction: Predicting Hospitalised Paediatric Pneumonia Mortality Risk: An External Validation of RISC and mRISC, and Local Tool Development (RISC-Malawi) from Malawi. PLoS One 2018;13:e0193557.
  • Hooli S, Colbourn T, Lufesi N, et al. Predicting Hospitalised Paediatric Pneumonia Mortality Risk: An External Validation of RISC and mRISC, and Local Tool Development (RISC-Malawi) from Malawi. PLoS One 2016;11:e0168126.
  • Ngari MM, Fegan G, Mwangome MK, et al. Mortality after Inpatient Treatment for Severe Pneumonia in Children: a Cohort Study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2017;31:233-42.
  • Hsu C-L, Lee Y-S, Chen C-J, et al. A population-based analysis of children with pneumonia among intensive care units in Taiwan. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 2015;48:153-9.
  • Majumdar SR, Eurich DT, Gamble JM, et al. Oxygen saturations less than 92% are associated with major adverse events in outpatients with pneumonia: a population-based cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 2011;52:325-31.
  • Reny J-L, Vuagnat A, Ract C, et al. Diagnosis and follow-up of infections in intensive care patients: value of C-reactive protein compared with other clinical and biological variables. Critical care medicine 2002;30:529-35.
  • Chalmers JD, Singanayagam A, Hill AT. C-reactive protein is an independent predictor of severity in community-acquired pneumonia. The American journal of medicine 2008;121:219-25.
  • Korppi M. Community-acquired pneumonia in children. Pediatric Drugs 2003;5:821-32.
  • Shaheen SO, Sterne JA, Tucker JS, et al. Birth weight, childhood lower respiratory tract infection, and adult lung function. Thorax 1998;53:549-53.
  • Cevey-Macherel M, Galetto-Lacour A, Gervaix A, et al. Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children based on WHO clinical guidelines. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1429-36.
  • Myers AL, Hall M, Williams DJ, et al. Prevalence of bacteremia in hospitalized pediatric patients with community-acquired pneumonia. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2013;32:736.
  • Neuman MI, Hall M, Lipsett SC, et al. Utility of blood culture among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Pediatrics 2017;140:e20171013.
  • Alpern ER, Alessandrini EA, Bell LM, et al. Occult bacteremia from a pediatric emergency department: current prevalence, time to detection, and outcome. Pediatrics 2000;106:505-11.
  • Mocelin HT, Fischer GB. Epidemiology, presentation and treatment of pleural effusion. Paediatr Respir Rev 2002;3:292-7.
  • Givan DC, Eigen H. Common pleural effusions in children. Clin Chest Med 1998;19:363-71.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İç Hastalıkları

Pınar Saka Ümit 0000-0002-3871-6675

Güzin Cinel 0000-0002-6209-196X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Saka Ümit, P., & Cinel, G. (2021). Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 15(4), 262-271.
AMA Saka Ümit P, Cinel G. Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Temmuz 2021;15(4):262-271. doi:10.12956/tchd.688129
Chicago Saka Ümit, Pınar, ve Güzin Cinel. “Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 15, sy. 4 (Temmuz 2021): 262-71.
EndNote Saka Ümit P, Cinel G (01 Temmuz 2021) Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 15 4 262–271.
IEEE P. Saka Ümit ve G. Cinel, “Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 15, sy. 4, ss. 262–271, 2021, doi: 10.12956/tchd.688129.
ISNAD Saka Ümit, Pınar - Cinel, Güzin. “Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 15/4 (Temmuz 2021), 262-271.
JAMA Saka Ümit P, Cinel G. Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2021;15:262–271.
MLA Saka Ümit, Pınar ve Güzin Cinel. “Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, c. 15, sy. 4, 2021, ss. 262-71, doi:10.12956/tchd.688129.
Vancouver Saka Ümit P, Cinel G. Pnömoni Tanısı İle Hastaneye Yatırılan Çocuk Hastalarda Olası Risk Faktörlerinin Morbidite Üzerine Etkileri. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2021;15(4):262-71.

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