Pulmoner Fibrozis Gelişen Bir Çocukta Nintedanib Deneyimi
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 71 - 74, 10.01.2024
Meltem Akgül Erdal
Didem Alboğa
Birce Sunman
Hatice Nursun Özcan
Nagehan Emiralioğlu
Ebru Yalçın
Deniz Doğru
Uğur Özçelik
Nural Kiper
Çocuklarda pulmoner fibrozis (PF) çok nadir görülen, ilerleyici ve yaşamı tehdit eden bir durumdur. Nintedanib gibi antifibrotiklerin onaylanmasıyla erişkinlerde idiyopatik PF tedavisinde ilerlemeler kaydedilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, çocuklarda PF tedavisi hala daha fazla çalışılması gereken sonuçsuz bir alandır. Burada, PF'li bir çocukta nintedanib deneyimini sunuyoruz.
- Adamson I. Drug-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Environ. Health Perspect 1984;55:25-36.
- Bennett JM, Reich SD. Drugs five years later: bleomycin. Ann Intern Med 1979;90:945-8.
- Reinert T, Baldotto CSdR, Nunes FAP, Scheliga AAdS. Bleomycin-induced lung injury. J. Cancer Res 2013;2013:1-9.
- Braun S, Ferner M, Kronfeld K, Griese M. Hydroxychloroquine in children with interstitial (diffuse parenchymal) lung diseases. Pediatr Pulmonol 2015;50:410-9.
- Deterding R, Young LR, DeBoer EM, Warburton D, Cunningham S, Schwerk N, et al. Nintedanib in children and adolescents with fibrosing interstitial lung diseases. Eur Respir J 2023;61:2201512
- https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/nda/2014/205832Orig1s000TOC.cfm.
- Abid SH, Malhotra V, Perry MC. Radiation-induced and chemotherapy-induced pulmonary injury. Curr Opin Oncol 2001;13:242-8.
- Eigen H, Wyszomierski D. Bleomycin lung injury in children. Pathophysiology and guidelines for management. Am. J Pediatric Hematol Oncol 1985;7:71-8.
- Cooper Jr JAD, White DA, Matthay RA. Drug-induced pulmonary disease: Part 1: Cytotoxic drugs. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986;133:321-40.
- Graves PR, Siddiqui F, Anscher MS, Movsas B. Radiation pulmonary toxicity: from mechanisms to management. Semin Radiat Oncol 2010;20:201-7.
- Nathan N, Sileo C, Thouvenin G, Berdah L, Delestrain C, Manali E, et al. Pulmonary fibrosis in children. J Clin Med 2019;8:1312.
- Fyfe A, McKay P. Toxicities associated with bleomycin. JR Coll Physicians Edinb 2010;40:213-5.
- Banakh I, Lam A, Tiruvoipati R, Carney I, Botha J. Imatinib for bleomycin induced pulmonary toxicity: a case report and evidence‐base review. Clin Case Rep 2016;4:486-90.
- Sakamoto K, Ito S, Hashimoto N, Hasegawa Y. Pirfenidone as salvage treatment for refractory bleomycin-induced lung injury: a case report of seminoma. BMC cancer 2017;17:1-4.
- Gundogan BD, Taskinlar S, Arikoglu T, Balci Y, Citak EC. Bleomycin-induced Pneumonitis in a Child Treated With Nintedanib: Report of the First Case in a Childhood. J Pediatr. Hematol Oncol 2022;44:500-2.
Nintedanib Treatment in a Child with Pulmonary Fibrosis
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 71 - 74, 10.01.2024
Meltem Akgül Erdal
Didem Alboğa
Birce Sunman
Hatice Nursun Özcan
Nagehan Emiralioğlu
Ebru Yalçın
Deniz Doğru
Uğur Özçelik
Nural Kiper
Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in children is a very rare, progressive, and life-threatening condition. There are advances in the treatment of idiopathic PF in adults with the approval of antifibrotics like nintedanib. However, PF treatment in children is still an inconclusive area that needs to be studied further. Here, we present the nintedanib experience in a child with PF.
- Adamson I. Drug-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Environ. Health Perspect 1984;55:25-36.
- Bennett JM, Reich SD. Drugs five years later: bleomycin. Ann Intern Med 1979;90:945-8.
- Reinert T, Baldotto CSdR, Nunes FAP, Scheliga AAdS. Bleomycin-induced lung injury. J. Cancer Res 2013;2013:1-9.
- Braun S, Ferner M, Kronfeld K, Griese M. Hydroxychloroquine in children with interstitial (diffuse parenchymal) lung diseases. Pediatr Pulmonol 2015;50:410-9.
- Deterding R, Young LR, DeBoer EM, Warburton D, Cunningham S, Schwerk N, et al. Nintedanib in children and adolescents with fibrosing interstitial lung diseases. Eur Respir J 2023;61:2201512
- https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/nda/2014/205832Orig1s000TOC.cfm.
- Abid SH, Malhotra V, Perry MC. Radiation-induced and chemotherapy-induced pulmonary injury. Curr Opin Oncol 2001;13:242-8.
- Eigen H, Wyszomierski D. Bleomycin lung injury in children. Pathophysiology and guidelines for management. Am. J Pediatric Hematol Oncol 1985;7:71-8.
- Cooper Jr JAD, White DA, Matthay RA. Drug-induced pulmonary disease: Part 1: Cytotoxic drugs. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986;133:321-40.
- Graves PR, Siddiqui F, Anscher MS, Movsas B. Radiation pulmonary toxicity: from mechanisms to management. Semin Radiat Oncol 2010;20:201-7.
- Nathan N, Sileo C, Thouvenin G, Berdah L, Delestrain C, Manali E, et al. Pulmonary fibrosis in children. J Clin Med 2019;8:1312.
- Fyfe A, McKay P. Toxicities associated with bleomycin. JR Coll Physicians Edinb 2010;40:213-5.
- Banakh I, Lam A, Tiruvoipati R, Carney I, Botha J. Imatinib for bleomycin induced pulmonary toxicity: a case report and evidence‐base review. Clin Case Rep 2016;4:486-90.
- Sakamoto K, Ito S, Hashimoto N, Hasegawa Y. Pirfenidone as salvage treatment for refractory bleomycin-induced lung injury: a case report of seminoma. BMC cancer 2017;17:1-4.
- Gundogan BD, Taskinlar S, Arikoglu T, Balci Y, Citak EC. Bleomycin-induced Pneumonitis in a Child Treated With Nintedanib: Report of the First Case in a Childhood. J Pediatr. Hematol Oncol 2022;44:500-2.