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Dolgan dili

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 23 - Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics, 177 - 199, 31.12.2023


Bu makale, Dolgancanın temel özelliklerini 2008 yılında kaydedilmiş olan doğal bir konuşma üzerinden betimlemektedir. Taymır yarımadasında ve komşu bölgelerde birkaç bin kişi tarafından konuşulan Dolganca, coğrafi olarak en kuzeydeki Türk dilidir. Makale, Dolgancanın, Sakaca (Yakutça) ile yakın akraba olmasına rağmen, bazıları kalıtsal, bazıları ise (başka dillerle temas kaynaklı) yenilikler olmak üzere benzersiz özellikler sergilediğini göstermektedir. Sözkonusu yenilikler arasında, ad tamlamalarının biçimsel olarak yeniden analiz edilmiş olması, süreklilik/alışılmışlık kategorisinin sıkça yüklemsel kullanılıyor olması, özne-fiil-nesne şeklindeki söz diziminin oransal olarak daha sıklıkla tercihi, Evenki dilinden kopyalanmış sözcüklerin dilde büyük bir katman oluşturmuş olması ve akrabalık terimi sisteminin Evenki dili modelinde yeniden düzenlenmiş olması sayılabilir.


  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. 2013a. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij. Čast’ 1. Vvedenie, obščie voprosy, fonetika i grafika, leksika [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools 1. Introduction, general questions, phonetics and graphics, lexicon]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. 2013b. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij 2. Morfologija [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools. 2. Morphology]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. & Nazmutdinova, Tatjana S. & Spiridonova, Z› anna P. 2013. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij. 3. Sintaksis [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools. 3. Syntax]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz- Graf.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2022. A grammar of Dolgan. A Northern Siberian Turkic language of the Taimyr Peninsula. Leiden: Brill.
  • Li, Yong-Song 2011. A study of Dolgan. (Altaic Languages Series 5.) Seoul: Seoul National University Press.
  • Siegl, Florian 2020. Negation in Taimyr Dolgan. Turkic Languages 24/2, 233–289.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1997. Dolganische Wortbildung [Dolgan word formation]. Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka.
  • Stapert, Eugénie 2013. Contact-induced change in Dolgan: an investigation into the role of linguistic data for the reconstruction of a people’s (pre-)history. (LOT Publications). Utrecht: Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (LOT).
  • Ubrjatova, Elizaveta I. 1985. Jazyk Norilskich dolgan [The language of the Norilsk Dolgans]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.
  • Dictionaries Barbolina, Anna A. & Kudrjakova, Nina S. & Z› arkova, Natalja N. & Fujishiro, Setsu 2019. Dolganskorusskij slovar: 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych organizacij [Dolgan-Russian dictionary: 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools]. Scientific editor: Aleksandr A. Petrov. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1993. Dolganischer Wortschatz [Dolgan vocabulary]. (Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagielloń skiego. Prace Językoznawcze 114). Cracow: Uniwersytet Jagielloń ski.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1998. Dolganischer Wortschatz. Supplementband [Dolgan vocabulary. Supplement volume]. Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka.
  • Corpora, text collections and language materials
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2020a. User’s guide to INEL Dolgan Corpus (Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology 4). Szeged & Hamburg: Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Szeged & Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora der Universität Hamburg.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2020b. The INEL Dolgan Corpus. Turkic Languages 24, 142–151.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse & Kudryakova, Nina & Stapert, Eugénie 2022. INEL Dolgan Corpus. Version 2.0. Publication date 2022-11-30. Archived at Universität Hamburg. In: The INEL corpora of indigenous Northern Eurasian languages.
  • Efremov, Prokopij E. (ed.) 2000. Fol’klor Dolgan [Dolgan folklore]. (Pamjatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka 19.) Novosibirsk: Izdatel’stvo Instituta Archeologii i E— tnografii Sibirskogo Otdelenija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. Sociolinguistics, history and ethnography
  • Dolgich, Boris O. 1963. Proischoždenie dolgan [The origin of the Dolgans]. Sibirskij Ėtnografičeskij Sbornik 5, 92–141.
  • Popov, Andrej A. 1934. Materialy po rodovomu stroju dolgan [Materials on the tribal order of the Dolgans]. Sovetskaja Ėtnografija 4, 116–139.
  • Popov, Andrej A. 1946. Semejnaja žizn’ u dolgan [Family life of the Dolgans]. Sovetskaja Ėtnografija 4, 50–74.
  • Siegl, Florian 2013a. The sociolinguistics status quo on the Taimyr Peninsula. (Études finno-ugriennes 45 [en ligne]).
  • Additional references used in this paper
  • Arkhipov, Alexandre 2020. INEL corpora general transcription and annotation principles. (Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology 5). Szeged & Hamburg: Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Szeged & Hamburger Zentrum fü r Sprachkorpora der Universitä t Hamburg.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2019. First person imperative in Dolgan. Clusivity or number distinction? Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen 43, 1–12.
  • ESTYa VI 2000 = Levitskaja, Lija E. & Dybo, Anna V. & Rassadin, Valentin I. 2000. Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurkskich jazykov. VI. Obščetjurkskie i mežtjurkskie osnovy na bukvu ‘Қ’ [Etymological dictionary of the Turkic languages. 6. Common Turkic and Middle Turkic roots with the letter ‘Q’]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Indrik.
  • Johanson, Lars 2021. Turkic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Károly, László 2009. Dominancy in Yakut: a historical approach. International Journal of Central Asian Studies 13, 343–353.
  • Pakendorf, Brigitte 2008. The shift of [s] to [h] in Sakha. (Yakut)-external influence or internal change Turkic Languages 12, 3–21.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 23 - Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics, 177 - 199, 31.12.2023


This paper describes the main characteristics of Dolgan illustrating them by a piece of natural speech recorded in 2008. Dolgan is the northernmost Turkic language, spoken by several thousand people on the Taimyr Peninsula and in adjacent areas. This paper shows that Dolgan, though being closely related to Sakha (Yakut), exhibits several unique traits, some being inherited and some being (contact-induced) innovations. The latter include, among others, the formal reanalysis of relational nouns, the frequent predicative use of the habitual, a comparably high share of (S)VO word order patterns, a large stratum of lexical code-copies from Evenki and the reorganisation of the system of kinship terms following the Evenki model.


  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. 2013a. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij. Čast’ 1. Vvedenie, obščie voprosy, fonetika i grafika, leksika [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools 1. Introduction, general questions, phonetics and graphics, lexicon]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. 2013b. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij 2. Morfologija [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools. 2. Morphology]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Artem’ev, Nikolaj M. & Nazmutdinova, Tatjana S. & Spiridonova, Z› anna P. 2013. Dolganskij jazyk. 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych učreždenij. 3. Sintaksis [The Dolgan language. 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools. 3. Syntax]. Saint Petersburg: Almaz- Graf.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2022. A grammar of Dolgan. A Northern Siberian Turkic language of the Taimyr Peninsula. Leiden: Brill.
  • Li, Yong-Song 2011. A study of Dolgan. (Altaic Languages Series 5.) Seoul: Seoul National University Press.
  • Siegl, Florian 2020. Negation in Taimyr Dolgan. Turkic Languages 24/2, 233–289.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1997. Dolganische Wortbildung [Dolgan word formation]. Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka.
  • Stapert, Eugénie 2013. Contact-induced change in Dolgan: an investigation into the role of linguistic data for the reconstruction of a people’s (pre-)history. (LOT Publications). Utrecht: Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (LOT).
  • Ubrjatova, Elizaveta I. 1985. Jazyk Norilskich dolgan [The language of the Norilsk Dolgans]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.
  • Dictionaries Barbolina, Anna A. & Kudrjakova, Nina S. & Z› arkova, Natalja N. & Fujishiro, Setsu 2019. Dolganskorusskij slovar: 10–11 klassy. Učebnoe posobie dlja obščeobrazovatel’nych organizacij [Dolgan-Russian dictionary: 10th to 11th grade. Textbook for secondary schools]. Scientific editor: Aleksandr A. Petrov. Saint Petersburg: Almaz-Graf.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1993. Dolganischer Wortschatz [Dolgan vocabulary]. (Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagielloń skiego. Prace Językoznawcze 114). Cracow: Uniwersytet Jagielloń ski.
  • Stachowski, Marek 1998. Dolganischer Wortschatz. Supplementband [Dolgan vocabulary. Supplement volume]. Cracow: Księgarnia Akademicka.
  • Corpora, text collections and language materials
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2020a. User’s guide to INEL Dolgan Corpus (Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology 4). Szeged & Hamburg: Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Szeged & Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora der Universität Hamburg.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2020b. The INEL Dolgan Corpus. Turkic Languages 24, 142–151.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse & Kudryakova, Nina & Stapert, Eugénie 2022. INEL Dolgan Corpus. Version 2.0. Publication date 2022-11-30. Archived at Universität Hamburg. In: The INEL corpora of indigenous Northern Eurasian languages.
  • Efremov, Prokopij E. (ed.) 2000. Fol’klor Dolgan [Dolgan folklore]. (Pamjatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka 19.) Novosibirsk: Izdatel’stvo Instituta Archeologii i E— tnografii Sibirskogo Otdelenija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. Sociolinguistics, history and ethnography
  • Dolgich, Boris O. 1963. Proischoždenie dolgan [The origin of the Dolgans]. Sibirskij Ėtnografičeskij Sbornik 5, 92–141.
  • Popov, Andrej A. 1934. Materialy po rodovomu stroju dolgan [Materials on the tribal order of the Dolgans]. Sovetskaja Ėtnografija 4, 116–139.
  • Popov, Andrej A. 1946. Semejnaja žizn’ u dolgan [Family life of the Dolgans]. Sovetskaja Ėtnografija 4, 50–74.
  • Siegl, Florian 2013a. The sociolinguistics status quo on the Taimyr Peninsula. (Études finno-ugriennes 45 [en ligne]).
  • Additional references used in this paper
  • Arkhipov, Alexandre 2020. INEL corpora general transcription and annotation principles. (Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology 5). Szeged & Hamburg: Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the University of Szeged & Hamburger Zentrum fü r Sprachkorpora der Universitä t Hamburg.
  • Däbritz, Chris Lasse 2019. First person imperative in Dolgan. Clusivity or number distinction? Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen 43, 1–12.
  • ESTYa VI 2000 = Levitskaja, Lija E. & Dybo, Anna V. & Rassadin, Valentin I. 2000. Ėtimologičeskij slovar’ tjurkskich jazykov. VI. Obščetjurkskie i mežtjurkskie osnovy na bukvu ‘Қ’ [Etymological dictionary of the Turkic languages. 6. Common Turkic and Middle Turkic roots with the letter ‘Q’]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Indrik.
  • Johanson, Lars 2021. Turkic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Károly, László 2009. Dominancy in Yakut: a historical approach. International Journal of Central Asian Studies 13, 343–353.
  • Pakendorf, Brigitte 2008. The shift of [s] to [h] in Sakha. (Yakut)-external influence or internal change Turkic Languages 12, 3–21.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Chris Lasse Däbritz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 23 - Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics

Kaynak Göster

APA Däbritz, C. L. (2023). Dolgan. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi, 13(23), 177-199.
AMA Däbritz CL. Dolgan. TDD. Aralık 2023;13(23):177-199.
Chicago Däbritz, Chris Lasse. “Dolgan”. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi 13, sy. 23 (Aralık 2023): 177-99.
EndNote Däbritz CL (01 Aralık 2023) Dolgan. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi 13 23 177–199.
IEEE C. L. Däbritz, “Dolgan”, TDD, c. 13, sy. 23, ss. 177–199, 2023.
ISNAD Däbritz, Chris Lasse. “Dolgan”. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi 13/23 (Aralık 2023), 177-199.
JAMA Däbritz CL. Dolgan. TDD. 2023;13:177–199.
MLA Däbritz, Chris Lasse. “Dolgan”. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 23, 2023, ss. 177-99.
Vancouver Däbritz CL. Dolgan. TDD. 2023;13(23):177-99.

Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi (TDD)

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