Advertising is not just an object of science, it has been studied
and given various definitions by the scholars of several fields, such as
economics, linguistics, psychology, sociology. The article examines these
definitions and recommends the authors about definitions. Opinions
were also expressed on the origin, evolution and role of advertising
in the modern communication process. Advertising is an almost new
phenomenon in the Uzbek speech discourse. Works on this field are just
underway to create advertisements that are in line with Uzbek traditions
and communication traditions.
In determining the position of the promotional product in the market
economy and, accordingly, in choosing the type of presentation, the
information is required to provide for the customers about each aspect of
the finished product and determine the consumer layer. With the adoption
of any proposals in the development of such and similar rules, the change
in society’s outlook as a result of social diachronic and synchronous
situations, there is a lot of debate on the problem of classifying the
advertising industry among global advertisers.
Popular culture manipulates the human mind. The article analyzes the
process of penetration of popular culture through advertising.
Advertising advertising classifications advertisements manipulation popular culture.
Reklama sohasi yagona fan ob’ekti emas, iqtisodiyot, lingvistika,
psixologiya, sotsiologiya kabi bir nechta soha egalari tomonidan
o‘rganilgan va unga turli xil ta’riflar berilgan. Maqolada ana shu ta’riflar
o‘rganib chiqilgan va mualliflar ta’rifi tavsiya qilingan. Reklamaning
kelib chiqishi, tadriji va zamonaviy muloqot jarayonidagi o‘rni borasida
ham fikrlar bildirilgan. Reklama O‘zbek muloqot diskursida deyarli yangi
hodisa hisoblanadi. O‘zbeklar urf-odati va muloqot an’analariga mos
keluvchi reklamalar yaratish ustida endigina ish olib borilmoqda.
Reklama mahsulotining bozor iqtisodiyotidagi o‘rnini belgilashda va
shunga ko‘ra namoyish turini tanlashda buyurtmachi tomonidan tayyor
mahsulotning har qanday tomonini haqida ma’lumot berish va iste’mol
qatlamini aniqlab olish talab etiladi. Shu va shu kabi qoidalarni ishlab
chiqishda har qanday takliflar qabul qilinishi, ijtimoiy diaxron va sinxron
holatlar natijasida jamiyatning dunyoqarashi o‘zgarishi sari reklama
sohasini dunyo reklamachilari doirasida tasniflash muammosiga doir
ko‘plab bahslar davom etaveradi turadi va hozirgi kungacha reklamaning
yagona tasnifi tan olinmaydi.
Ommaviy madaniyat inson ongini manipulyatsiya qiladi. Maqolada
ommaviy madaniyatning reklama orqali kirib kelish jarayoni tahlil etilgan.
Reklama reklama tasniflari e’lon reklama e’lonlari manipulyatsiya ommaviy madaniyat.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Dil Çalışmaları |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 27 Ekim 2021 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2021 Sayı: 52 |