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Factors Affecting Colostrum Quality in Dairy Cows, Measurement of Colostrum Quality and Efficiency of Passive Transfer

Yıl 2021, , 317 - 324, 31.12.2021


Colostrum is the first milk secreted by mammary gland following birth and it is secreted within the first week after calving. It has many benefical components for neonates. Colostrum has protective features against pathogens and affects viability and growth of the calves. Due to the placental structure of ruminants, calves born agammaglobulinemic. So, the calves have to intake adequate and high quality colostrum into the proper time after parturition. Numerous factors affect the quality of colostrum such as breed, milk yield, number of births, calving season, the length of the dry period, leakage of milk from the udder in the prepartum period, nutrition, diseases, the period between birth and colostrum feeding,and vaccination status of the dam. These factors should be considered to maximize the efficiency. In this review, knowledge about the on importance of colostrum, factors affecting colostrums quality, measurement of colostrums quality and the efficiency of passive transfer was reviewed.


  • 1. Örsan G. Neonatal buzağılar ve kolostrum. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2006; 12.1: 103-108.
  • 2. Koyuncu M, Karaca M. "Buzağılarda Yaşama Gücünün Anahtarı;“Kolostrum”." Hayvansal Üretim. 2018; 59.1: 67-78.
  • 3. MacFarlane JA, Grove‐White DH, Royal MD, Smith RF. (2015). Identification and quantification of factors affecting neonatal immunological transfer in dairy calves in the UK. Veterinary Record. 2015; 176(24), 625-625.
  • 4. Thornhill JB, Krebs, GL, Petzel CE. Evaluation of the B rix refractometer as an on‐farm tool for the detection of passive transfer of immunity in dairy calves. Australian veterinary journal.2015; 93(1-2), 26-30.
  • 5. Hedegaard CJ, Heegaard PM. Passive immunisation, an old idea revisited: Basic principles and application to modern animal production systems.Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. 2016; 174, 50-63.
  • 6. Cobo-Abreu R, Martın SW, Willoughby RA, Stone JB. The association between disease, production and culling in a university dairy herd. Can Vet J.20: 1979; 191-195.
  • 7. Lorenz I, Mee JF, Earley B, More SJ. Calf health from birth to weaning. I. General aspects of disease prevention.Irish veterinary journal. 2011; 64(1), 1-8.
  • 8. Bolacalı M, Küçük M.Buzağı kayıplarında işletme hatalarının rolü. Buzağı Hastalıkları Sempozyumu Kitabı, Van: 2017 18-21.
  • 9. Waltner-Toews DMSWMAH, Martin SW, Meek AH. Dairy calf management, morbidity and mortality in Ontario Holstein herds. III. Association of management with morbidity.Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1986; 4(2), 137-158.
  • 10. Godden S. Colostrum management for dairy calves.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 2008; 24(1), 19-39.
  • 11. McGuirk SM, Collins M. Managing the production, storage, and delivery of colostrum.Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice. 2004; 20(3), 593-603.
  • 12. Breen J, Down P, Kerby M, Bradley A. Restoring the dairy herd: rearing youngstock and replacing cows. Dairy herd health. 2012: 35-72.
  • 13. Besser TE, Gay CC. The importance of colostrum to the health of the neonatal calf.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 1994; 10(1), 107-117.
  • 14. Foley JA, Otterby DE. Availability, storage, treatment, composition, and feeding value of surplus colostrum: a review. J Dairy Sci. 1978;61:1033–60
  • 15. Hammon HM, Zanker IA, Blum JW. Delayed colostrum feeding affects IGF-1 and insulin plasma concentrations in neonatal calves. J Dairy Sci. 2000;83:85–92
  • 16. Jankowska M, Baliński J. Changes in active acidity and specific weight of colostrum depending on the selected factors. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ. 2009; 5(2): 75-81. (in Polish)
  • 17. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. Neonatal buzağılarda kolostral immünoglobulinlerin pasif transferi.Türkiye Klinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013; 4(1), 18-46.
  • 18. Korhonen H, Marnila P, Gill HS. Milk immunoglobulins and complement factors. British Journal of Nutrition. 2000; 84(S1), 75-80.
  • 19. Larson BL, HL Heary Jr, JE Devery. Immunoglobulin production and transport by the mammary gland. J. Dairy Sci. 1980; 63:665–671
  • 20. Roy JHB. Factors affecting susceptibility of calves to disease.Journal of dairy science. 1980; 63(4), 650-664.
  • 21. Ağaoğlu ÖK, Ağaoğlu AR. Süt sığırı yetiştiriciliğinde doğum localarının önemi.Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9(1): 43-50.
  • 22. Jaster EH. Evaluation of quality, quantity, and timing of colostrum feeding on immunoglobulin G1 absorption in Jersey calves.Journal of dairy science. 2005; 88(1), 296-302.
  • 23. Puppel K, Gołębiewski M, Grodkowski G, Slósarz J, Kunowska-Slósarz M, Solarczy P, et al.Composition and factors affecting quality of bovine colostrum: a review. Animals. 2019; 9(12), 1070.
  • 24. Odde KC. Survival of the neonatal calf.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 1988; 4(3), 501-508.
  • 25. Quigley Iii, JD, JJ Drewry. "Nutrient and immunity transfer from cow to calf pre-and postcalving." Journal of Dairy Science. 1998; 81.10, 2779-2790.
  • 26. Cortese VS. Neonatal immunology.Vet Clin N Am Food A. 2009; 25 (1): 221-227.
  • 27. Stott GH, Marx DB, Menefee BE, Nightengale GT. Colostral immunoglobulin transfer in calves I. Period of absorption. Journal of dairy science. 1979; 62(10), 1632-1638.
  • 28. Topal O. Buzağılarda neonatal dönem sağlığını değerlendirmede ilk onbeş günde önemli olan klinik bulguların belirlenmesi. (Doktora tezi). Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018
  • 29. Arancı A. İneklerde prepartium dönemde verilen levamizolün buzağılardaki neonatal cerrahi hastalıkların önlenmesindeki etkinliğinin araştırılması.(Doktora tezi). Kars: Kafkas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2006.
  • 30. Smith GW, Foster DM. Absorption of protein and immunoglobulin G in calves fed a colostrum replacer.Journal of dairy science. 2007;90(6), 2905-2908.
  • 31. Erdem H, Atasever S. Yeni doğan buzağılarda ağız sütüun önemi.Anadolu Tarım Bilim Derg. 2005;20(2): 79-84.
  • 32. Bartens MC, Drillich M, Rychli K. Assessment of different methods to estimate bovine colostrum quality on farm. New Zeal Vet J. 2016; 64(5): 263-267.
  • 33. Gavin K, Neibergs H, Hoffman A, Kiser JN, Cornmesser MA, Haredasht SA, et al. Low colostrum yield in Jersey cattle and potential risk factors.Journal of dairy science. 2018; 101(7), 6388-6398.
  • 34. Phipps AJ, Beggs DS, Murray AJ, Mansell PD, Pyman MF. Factors associated with colostrum immunoglobulin G concentration in northern‐Victorian dairy cows.Australian veterinary journal. 2017; 95(7), 237-243.
  • 35. Guy MA, McFadden TB, Cockrell DC, Besser TE. Regulation of colostrum formation in beef and dairy cows.Journal of Dairy Science. 1994; 77(10), 3002-3007.
  • 36. Muller LD, Ellinger DK. Colostral immunoglobulin concentrations among breeds of dairy cattle.Journal of Dairy Science. 1981; 64(8), 1727-1730.
  • 37. Godden SM, Lombard JE, Woolums AR. Colostrum management for dairy calves.Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice. 2019; 35(3), 535-556.
  • 38. Conneely M, Berry DP, Sayers R, Murphy JP, Lorenz I, Doherty ML, et al. Factors associated with the concentration of immunoglobulin G in the colostrum of dairy cows. Animal. 2013; 7(11), 1824-1832.
  • 39. Shivley CB, Lombard J, Urie NJ, Haines DM, Sargent R, Kopral CA, et al. Preweaned heifer management on US dairy operations: Part II. Factors associated with colostrum quality and passive transfer status of dairy heifer calves.Journal of dairy science. 2018;101(10), 9185-9198.
  • 40. Nardone A, Lacetera N, Bernabucci U, Ronchi B. Composition of colostrum from dairy heifers exposed to high air temperatures during late pregnancy and the early postpartum period.Journal of dairy Science. 1997; 80(5), 838-844.
  • 41. Pritchett LC, Gay CC, Besser TE, Hancock DD. Management and production factors influencing immunoglobulin G1 concentration in colostrum from Holstein cows.Journal of dairy science. 1991; 74(7), 2336-2341.
  • 42. Rastani RR, Grummer RR, Bertics SJ, Gümen A, Wiltbank MC, Mashek DG, et al. Reducing dry period length to simplify feeding transition cows: milk production, energy balance, and metabolic profiles.Journal of dairy science. 2005; 88(3), 1004-1014.
  • 43. Grusenmeyer DJ, Ryan CM, Galton DM, Overton TR. Shortening the dry period from 60 to 40 days does not affect colostrum quality but decreases colostrum yield by Holstein cows. InJournal of Animal Science. 2006; 84, 336-336.
  • 44. Verweij JJ, Koets AP, Eisenberg SWF. Effect of continuous milking on immunoglobulin concentrations in bovine colostrum.Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. 2014; 160(3-4), 225-229.
  • 45. Petrie L. Maximising the absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in the newborn dairy calf.The Veterinary Record. 1984; 114(7), 157-163.
  • 46. Hough RL, McCarthy FD, Kent HD, Eversole DE, Wahlberg ML. Influence of nutritional restriction during late gestation on production measures and passive immunity in beef cattle.Journal of animal science. 1990; 68(9), 2622-2627.
  • 47. Nowak W, Mikuła R, Zachwieja A, Paczyńska K, Pecka E, Drzazga K, et al.The impact of cow nutrition in the dry period on colostrum quality and immune status of calves.Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2012; 15(1), 77-82.
  • 48. Toghyani E, Moharrery A. Effect of various levels of dietary protein in transition period on colostrum quality and serum immunoglobulin concentration in Holstein cows and their newborn calves. Annals of Animal Science. 2015;15(2), 493-504.
  • 49. Jolazadeh AR, Mohammadabadi T, Dehghan-Banadaky M, Chaji M, Garcia M. Effect of supplementing calcium salts of n-3 and n-6 fatty acid to pregnant nonlactating cows on colostrum composition, milk yield, and reproductive performance of dairy cows.Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2019; 247, 127-140.
  • 50. Kamada H, Nonaka I, Ueda Y, Murai M. Selenium addition to colostrum increases immunoglobulin G absorption by newborn calves.Journal of Dairy Science. 2007; 90(12), 5665-5670.
  • 51. Hall JA, Bobe G, Vorachek WR, Estill CT, Mosher WD, Pirelli GJ, et al. Effect of supranutritional maternal and colostral selenium supplementation on passive absorption of immunoglobulin G in selenium-replete dairy calves.Journal of Dairy Science. 2014; 97(7), 4379-4391.
  • 52. Maunsell FP, Morin DE, Constable PD, Hurley WL, McCoy GC, Kakoma I, et al. Effects of mastitis on the volume and composition of colostrum produced by Holstein cows.Journal of Dairy Science. 1998; 81(5), 1291-1299.
  • 53. Yıldırım K, Koçak S. Afyonkarahisar Damızlık Süt Sığırı İşletmelerinde Buzağı Bakımı ve Yaşama Gücünün Değerlendirilmesi. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi. 2019;12(3), 1-1.
  • 54. Moore M, Tyler JW, Chigerwe M, Dawes ME, Middleton JR. Effect of delayed colostrum collection on colostral IgG concentration in dairy cows.Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2005; 226(8), 1375-1377.
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  • 57. Ferdowsi Nia E, Nikkhah A, Rahmani HR, Alikhani M, Mohammad Alipour M, Ghorbani GR. Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre‐weaning calf immunity, health and growth. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. 2010; 94(5), 628-634.
  • 58. Puppel K, Gołębiewski M, Grodkowski G, Solarczyk P, Kostusiak P, Klopčič M, et al. Use of somatic cell count as an indicator of colostrum quality. Plos one. 2020; 15(8), e0237615.
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Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü

Yıl 2021, , 317 - 324, 31.12.2021


Ağız sütü, doğumu izleyen ilk hafta içerisinde meme bezinden salgılanan buzağılar için yararlı birçok bileşene sahip ilk süttür. Ağız sütü, patojenlere karşı koruyucu özelliğe sahiptir ve buzağıların hayatta kalması ve uygun şekilde gelişimini sağlamaktadır. Ruminantların plasenta yapısı nedeniyle buzağılar gamaglobülinsiz olarak doğarlar. Bu nedenle buzağılar doğumdan sonra uygun zamanda, yeterli ve kaliteli ağız sütü almalıdır. Ağız sütünün kalitesini etkileyen birçok faktör vardır. Bunlar: ırk, süt verimi, doğum sayısı, doğum mevsimi, kuru dönem uzunluğu, prepartum dönemde memeden süt sızması, beslenme, hastalıklar, doğum ile ağız sütünün verilme zamanı arasında geçen süre ve ananın aşılanma durumudur. Bu faktörleri bilmek ağız sütünün en iyi şekilde yönetimi için önemlidir. Bu derlemede, ağız sütünün önemi, ağız sütünün kalitesini etkileyen faktörler ve kalitesinin ölçümü ve pasif transferin etkinliği hakkında güncel bilgiler ele alınacaktır.


  • 1. Örsan G. Neonatal buzağılar ve kolostrum. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2006; 12.1: 103-108.
  • 2. Koyuncu M, Karaca M. "Buzağılarda Yaşama Gücünün Anahtarı;“Kolostrum”." Hayvansal Üretim. 2018; 59.1: 67-78.
  • 3. MacFarlane JA, Grove‐White DH, Royal MD, Smith RF. (2015). Identification and quantification of factors affecting neonatal immunological transfer in dairy calves in the UK. Veterinary Record. 2015; 176(24), 625-625.
  • 4. Thornhill JB, Krebs, GL, Petzel CE. Evaluation of the B rix refractometer as an on‐farm tool for the detection of passive transfer of immunity in dairy calves. Australian veterinary journal.2015; 93(1-2), 26-30.
  • 5. Hedegaard CJ, Heegaard PM. Passive immunisation, an old idea revisited: Basic principles and application to modern animal production systems.Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. 2016; 174, 50-63.
  • 6. Cobo-Abreu R, Martın SW, Willoughby RA, Stone JB. The association between disease, production and culling in a university dairy herd. Can Vet J.20: 1979; 191-195.
  • 7. Lorenz I, Mee JF, Earley B, More SJ. Calf health from birth to weaning. I. General aspects of disease prevention.Irish veterinary journal. 2011; 64(1), 1-8.
  • 8. Bolacalı M, Küçük M.Buzağı kayıplarında işletme hatalarının rolü. Buzağı Hastalıkları Sempozyumu Kitabı, Van: 2017 18-21.
  • 9. Waltner-Toews DMSWMAH, Martin SW, Meek AH. Dairy calf management, morbidity and mortality in Ontario Holstein herds. III. Association of management with morbidity.Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1986; 4(2), 137-158.
  • 10. Godden S. Colostrum management for dairy calves.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 2008; 24(1), 19-39.
  • 11. McGuirk SM, Collins M. Managing the production, storage, and delivery of colostrum.Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice. 2004; 20(3), 593-603.
  • 12. Breen J, Down P, Kerby M, Bradley A. Restoring the dairy herd: rearing youngstock and replacing cows. Dairy herd health. 2012: 35-72.
  • 13. Besser TE, Gay CC. The importance of colostrum to the health of the neonatal calf.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 1994; 10(1), 107-117.
  • 14. Foley JA, Otterby DE. Availability, storage, treatment, composition, and feeding value of surplus colostrum: a review. J Dairy Sci. 1978;61:1033–60
  • 15. Hammon HM, Zanker IA, Blum JW. Delayed colostrum feeding affects IGF-1 and insulin plasma concentrations in neonatal calves. J Dairy Sci. 2000;83:85–92
  • 16. Jankowska M, Baliński J. Changes in active acidity and specific weight of colostrum depending on the selected factors. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ. 2009; 5(2): 75-81. (in Polish)
  • 17. Gökçe E, Erdoğan HM. Neonatal buzağılarda kolostral immünoglobulinlerin pasif transferi.Türkiye Klinikleri Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013; 4(1), 18-46.
  • 18. Korhonen H, Marnila P, Gill HS. Milk immunoglobulins and complement factors. British Journal of Nutrition. 2000; 84(S1), 75-80.
  • 19. Larson BL, HL Heary Jr, JE Devery. Immunoglobulin production and transport by the mammary gland. J. Dairy Sci. 1980; 63:665–671
  • 20. Roy JHB. Factors affecting susceptibility of calves to disease.Journal of dairy science. 1980; 63(4), 650-664.
  • 21. Ağaoğlu ÖK, Ağaoğlu AR. Süt sığırı yetiştiriciliğinde doğum localarının önemi.Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9(1): 43-50.
  • 22. Jaster EH. Evaluation of quality, quantity, and timing of colostrum feeding on immunoglobulin G1 absorption in Jersey calves.Journal of dairy science. 2005; 88(1), 296-302.
  • 23. Puppel K, Gołębiewski M, Grodkowski G, Slósarz J, Kunowska-Slósarz M, Solarczy P, et al.Composition and factors affecting quality of bovine colostrum: a review. Animals. 2019; 9(12), 1070.
  • 24. Odde KC. Survival of the neonatal calf.Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. 1988; 4(3), 501-508.
  • 25. Quigley Iii, JD, JJ Drewry. "Nutrient and immunity transfer from cow to calf pre-and postcalving." Journal of Dairy Science. 1998; 81.10, 2779-2790.
  • 26. Cortese VS. Neonatal immunology.Vet Clin N Am Food A. 2009; 25 (1): 221-227.
  • 27. Stott GH, Marx DB, Menefee BE, Nightengale GT. Colostral immunoglobulin transfer in calves I. Period of absorption. Journal of dairy science. 1979; 62(10), 1632-1638.
  • 28. Topal O. Buzağılarda neonatal dönem sağlığını değerlendirmede ilk onbeş günde önemli olan klinik bulguların belirlenmesi. (Doktora tezi). Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018
  • 29. Arancı A. İneklerde prepartium dönemde verilen levamizolün buzağılardaki neonatal cerrahi hastalıkların önlenmesindeki etkinliğinin araştırılması.(Doktora tezi). Kars: Kafkas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2006.
  • 30. Smith GW, Foster DM. Absorption of protein and immunoglobulin G in calves fed a colostrum replacer.Journal of dairy science. 2007;90(6), 2905-2908.
  • 31. Erdem H, Atasever S. Yeni doğan buzağılarda ağız sütüun önemi.Anadolu Tarım Bilim Derg. 2005;20(2): 79-84.
  • 32. Bartens MC, Drillich M, Rychli K. Assessment of different methods to estimate bovine colostrum quality on farm. New Zeal Vet J. 2016; 64(5): 263-267.
  • 33. Gavin K, Neibergs H, Hoffman A, Kiser JN, Cornmesser MA, Haredasht SA, et al. Low colostrum yield in Jersey cattle and potential risk factors.Journal of dairy science. 2018; 101(7), 6388-6398.
  • 34. Phipps AJ, Beggs DS, Murray AJ, Mansell PD, Pyman MF. Factors associated with colostrum immunoglobulin G concentration in northern‐Victorian dairy cows.Australian veterinary journal. 2017; 95(7), 237-243.
  • 35. Guy MA, McFadden TB, Cockrell DC, Besser TE. Regulation of colostrum formation in beef and dairy cows.Journal of Dairy Science. 1994; 77(10), 3002-3007.
  • 36. Muller LD, Ellinger DK. Colostral immunoglobulin concentrations among breeds of dairy cattle.Journal of Dairy Science. 1981; 64(8), 1727-1730.
  • 37. Godden SM, Lombard JE, Woolums AR. Colostrum management for dairy calves.Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice. 2019; 35(3), 535-556.
  • 38. Conneely M, Berry DP, Sayers R, Murphy JP, Lorenz I, Doherty ML, et al. Factors associated with the concentration of immunoglobulin G in the colostrum of dairy cows. Animal. 2013; 7(11), 1824-1832.
  • 39. Shivley CB, Lombard J, Urie NJ, Haines DM, Sargent R, Kopral CA, et al. Preweaned heifer management on US dairy operations: Part II. Factors associated with colostrum quality and passive transfer status of dairy heifer calves.Journal of dairy science. 2018;101(10), 9185-9198.
  • 40. Nardone A, Lacetera N, Bernabucci U, Ronchi B. Composition of colostrum from dairy heifers exposed to high air temperatures during late pregnancy and the early postpartum period.Journal of dairy Science. 1997; 80(5), 838-844.
  • 41. Pritchett LC, Gay CC, Besser TE, Hancock DD. Management and production factors influencing immunoglobulin G1 concentration in colostrum from Holstein cows.Journal of dairy science. 1991; 74(7), 2336-2341.
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Toplam 86 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Gözer 0000-0001-8658-5916

Onur Bahan 0000-0003-0878-6338

Mustafa Kemal Sarıbay 0000-0002-9903-4942

Emre Karsavuranoğlu 0000-0002-9771-8750

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gözer, A., Bahan, O., Sarıbay, M. K., Karsavuranoğlu, E. (2021). Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, 10(2), 317-324.
AMA Gözer A, Bahan O, Sarıbay MK, Karsavuranoğlu E. Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü. TDFD. Aralık 2021;10(2):317-324. doi:10.46810/tdfd.894003
Chicago Gözer, Ahmet, Onur Bahan, Mustafa Kemal Sarıbay, ve Emre Karsavuranoğlu. “Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin Ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 317-24.
EndNote Gözer A, Bahan O, Sarıbay MK, Karsavuranoğlu E (01 Aralık 2021) Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 10 2 317–324.
IEEE A. Gözer, O. Bahan, M. K. Sarıbay, ve E. Karsavuranoğlu, “Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü”, TDFD, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 317–324, 2021, doi: 10.46810/tdfd.894003.
ISNAD Gözer, Ahmet vd. “Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin Ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü”. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 10/2 (Aralık 2021), 317-324.
JAMA Gözer A, Bahan O, Sarıbay MK, Karsavuranoğlu E. Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü. TDFD. 2021;10:317–324.
MLA Gözer, Ahmet vd. “Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin Ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 317-24, doi:10.46810/tdfd.894003.
Vancouver Gözer A, Bahan O, Sarıbay MK, Karsavuranoğlu E. Süt İneklerinde Ağız Sütü Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler, Ağız Sütü Kalitesinin ve Pasif Transferin Etkinliğinin Ölçümü. TDFD. 2021;10(2):317-24.