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Colistin ile Akciğer Hasarı Oluşturulan Spraque Dawley Ratlarda Rutin’ in Etkilerinin Biyokimyasal Parametreler ile Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 140 - 147, 26.09.2024


Gram negatif bakteriler için sıklıkla kullanılan kolistin (COL) doza bağımlı olarak akciğer toksisitesinede neden olabilmektedir. Flavanoid türü antioksidanlar farklı kimyasal ajanların neden olduğu toksikasyonlara karşı günümüzde oldukça sık kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Rutin (RUT) flavanoid türü antioksidanlardan biridir. Sunulan çalışmada COL ile akciğer hasarı geliştirilen ratlarda RUT’in etkilerinin biyokimyasal parametreler ile araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Deneyde 35 adet Spraqe Dawley rat kontrol, RUT, COL, COL+RUT 50 ve COL+RUT100 olmak üzere 5 gruba (n=7) ayrıldı. COL’ in akciğer dokusu MDA değerlerini artırıp, SOD, CAT, GPx aktiviteleri ile GSH değerlerini azalttığı ve oksidatif stresi tetiklediği tespit edildi. COLuygulamasının, inflamasyon belirteçlerinden NF-kB, TNF-α, IL-1β, MPO ve COX-2 seviyelerini artırdığı, mTOR düzeylerinin azalıp ve Beclin-1 seviyelerini yükselterek otofajiyi hızlandırdığı, Caspase-3 aktivitesini artırarak apoptozisi indüklediği saptandı. RUT uygulamasının tüm bu belirteçleri tersine regüle ederek oksidatif stres, inflamasyon, otofaji ve apoptosizi baskıladığı ve hücredeki hasarı azalttığı belirlendi. Elde edilen bulgular COL kaynaklı akciğer hasarında RUT uygulamasının yararlı olacağını gösterdi.


  • Dai C, Li M, Sun T, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Shen Z, et al. Colistin-induced pulmonary toxicity involves the activation of NOX4/TGF-β/mtROS pathway and the inhibition of Akt/mTOR pathway. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022;163:112966.
  • Kankılıç NA, Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, İleritürk M, Küçükler S, et al. Protective effects of naringin on colistin-induced damage in rat testicular tissue: Modulating the levels of Nrf-2/HO-1, AKT-2/FOXO1A, Bax/Bcl2/Caspase-3, and Beclin-1/LC3A/LC3B signaling pathways. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2024;38(2):e23643.
  • Aksu EH, Kandemir FM, Küçükler S. The effects of hesperidin on colistin-induced reproductive damage, autophagy, and apoptosis by reducing oxidative stress. Andrologia. 2021;53(2):e13900.
  • Ahmed MU, Velkov T, Lin YW, Yun B, Nowell CJ, Zhou F, Zhou QT, Chan K, Azad MAK, Li J. Potential Toxicity of Polymyxins in Human Lung Epithelial Cells. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017;61(6):e02690-16.
  • Shrestha A, Soriano SM, Song M, Chihara S. Intravenous colistin-induced acute respiratory failure: A case report and a review of literature. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2014;4(3):266-70.
  • Velkov T, Abdul Rahim N, Zhou QT, Chan HK, Li J. Inhaled anti-infective chemotherapy for respiratory tract infections: successes, challenges and the road ahead. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2015;85:65-82.
  • Gur C, Kandemir FM. Molecular and biochemical investigation of the protective effects of rutin against liver and kidney toxicity caused by malathion administration in a rat model. Environ Toxicol. 2023;38(3):555-565.
  • Simsek H, Akaras N. Acacetin ameliorates acetylsalicylic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats by interfering with oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis. Int J Med Biochem 2023;6(2):96-103.
  • Kandemir FM, Ileriturk M, Gur C. Rutin protects rat liver and kidney from sodium valproate-induce damage by attenuating oxidative stress, ER stress, inflammation, apoptosis and autophagy. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(7):6063-6074.
  • Küçükler S, Kandemir FM, Özdemir S, Çomaklı S, Caglayan C. Protective effects of rutin against deltamethrin-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats via regulation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2021;28(44):62975-62990.
  • Çelik H, Kandemir FM, Caglayan C, Özdemir S, Çomaklı S, Kucukler S, Yardım A. Neuroprotective effect of rutin against colistin-induced oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in rat brain associated with the CREB/BDNF expressions. Mol Biol Rep. 2020;47(3):2023-2034.
  • Aebi H. Catalase in vitro. Methods Enzymol. 1984;105:121-6.
  • Matkovics B. Determination of enzyme activity in lipid peroxidation and glutathione pathways. Laboratoriumi Diagnosztika. 1988;15:248-250.
  • Sun YI, Oberley LW, Li Y. A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clinical chemistry, 1988;34(3):497-500.
  • Placer ZA, Cushman LL, Johnson BC. Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical biochemistry. 1966;16(2):359-64.
  • Sedlak J, Lindsay RH. Estimation of total, protein-bound, and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in tissue with Ellman's reagent. Analytical biochemistry, 1968;25:192-205.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1951;193:265–75.
  • Nasrullah MZ, Eljaaly K, Neamatallah T, et al. Omeprazole Prevents Colistin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Emphasis on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis and Colistin Accumulation in Kidneys [published correction appears in Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2024;17(4):540.
  • Kandemir FM, Ozkaraca M, Küçükler S, Caglayan C, Hanedan B. Preventive effects of hesperidin on diabetic nephropathy induced by streptozotocin via modulating TGF-β1 and oxidative DNA damage. Toxin reviews. 2018;37(4):287-93.
  • Ekinci Akdemir FN, Yildirim S, Kandemir FM, Aksu EH, Guler MC, Kiziltunc Ozmen H, et al. The antiapoptotic and antioxidant effects of eugenol against cisplatin-induced testicular damage in the experimental model. Andrologia. 2019;51(9):e13353.
  • Zeren S, Bayhan Z, Kocak FE, Kocak C, Akcılar R, Bayat Z, et al. Gastroprotective effects of sulforaphane and thymoquinone against acetylsalicylic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats. J Surg Res. 2016;203(2):348-59.
  • Kocak C, Kocak FE, Akcilar R, Isiklar OO, Kocak H, Bayat Z, et al. Molecular and biochemical evidence on the protective effects of embelin and carnosic acid in isoproterenol-induced acute myocardial injury in rats. Life Sci. 2016;147:15-23.
  • Kankılıç NA, Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, Küçükler S, İleritürk M, et al. The ameliorative effects of chrysin on bortezomib-induced nephrotoxicity in rats: Reduces oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation damage, apoptotic and autophagic death. Food Chem Toxicol. 2024;190:114791.
  • Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, Küçükler S, Kandemir FM. Beneficial effects of Chrysin on Cadmium-induced nephrotoxicity in rats: Modulating the levels of Nrf2/HO-1, RAGE/NLRP3, and Caspase-3/Bax/Bcl-2 signaling pathways. Gene. 2023;875:147502.
  • Akaras N, Ileriturk M, Gur C, Kucukler S, Oz M, Kandemir FM. The protective effects of chrysin on cadmium-induced pulmonary toxicity; a multi-biomarker approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023;30(38):89479-89494.
  • Keleş O, Can S, Cigsar G, Colak S, Erol H, Akaras N, et al. Hepatoprotective effects of B-1, 3-(D)-glucan on bortezomib-induced liver damage in rats. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2014;20(6):929-38.
  • Ileriturk M, Ileriturk D, Kandemir O, Akaras N, Simsek H, Erdogan E, et al. Naringin attenuates oxaliplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity: A molecular, biochemical, and histopathological approach in a rat model. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2024;38(1):e23604.
  • Şimşek H, Gür C, Küçükler S, İleritürk M, Akaras N, Öz M, et al. Carvacrol Reduces Mercuric Chloride-Induced Testicular Toxicity by Regulating Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Histopathological Changes. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2023 Dec 22.
  • Ozyigit F, Deger AN, Kocak FE, Ekici MF, Simsek H, Arık O. Protective effects of hesperidin in gastric damage caused by experimental ischemia-reperfusion injury model in rats. Acta Cir Bras. 2024;39:e391124.
  • Gur C, Akarsu SA, Akaras N, Tuncer SC, Kandemir FM. Carvacrol reduces abnormal and dead sperm counts by attenuating sodium arsenite-induced oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy in the testicular tissues of rats. Environ Toxicol. 2023;38(6):1265-1276.
  • Aydin M, Cevik A, Kandemir FM, Yuksel M, Apaydin AM. Evaluation of hormonal change, biochemical parameters, and histopathological status of uterus in rats exposed to 50-Hz electromagnetic field. Toxicol Ind Health. 2009;25(3):153-8.
  • Hanedan B, Ozkaraca M, Kirbas A, Kandemir FM, Aktas MS, Kilic K, et al. Investigation of the effects of hesperidin and chrysin on renal injury induced by colistin in rats. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;108:1607-1616.
  • Aktas M, Kandemir F, Özkaraca M, Hanedan B, Kirbas A. Protective Effects of Rutin on Acute Lung Injury Induced by Oleic Acid in Rats. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;23(3):445-51.
  • Yesildag K, Gur C, Ileriturk M, Kandemir FM. Evaluation of oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, oxidative DNA damage and metalloproteinases in the lungs of rats treated with cadmium and carvacrol. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(2):1201-1211.
  • Semis HS, Gur C, Ileriturk M, Kandemir FM, Kaynar O. Evaluation of Therapeutic Effects of Quercetin Against Achilles Tendinopathy in Rats via Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Metalloproteinases. Am J Sports Med. 2022;50(2):486-498.
  • Şimşek H, Küçükler S, Gür C, Akaras N, Kandemir FM. Protective effects of sinapic acid against lead acetate-induced nephrotoxicity: a multi-biomarker approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023;30(45):101208-22.
  • Ileriturk M, Kandemir O, Akaras N, Simsek H, Genc A, Kandemir FM. Hesperidin has a protective effect on paclitaxel-induced testicular toxicity through regulating oxidative stress, apoptosis, inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Reprod Toxicol. 2023;118:108369.
  • Şimşek H, Küçükler S, Gür C, İleritürk M, Aygörmez S, Kandemir FM. Protective effects of zingerone against sodium arsenite-induced lung toxicity: A multi-biomarker approach. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2023;26(9):1098-1106.
  • Caglayan C, Kandemir FM, Yildirim S, Kucukler S, Eser G. Rutin protects mercuric chloride-induced nephrotoxicity via targeting of aquaporin 1 level, oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation in rats. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2019;54:69-78.
  • Yılmaz S, Küçükler S, Şimşek H, Aygörmez S, Kandemir FM. Naringin protects against colistin-induced sciatic nerve damage by reducing oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation damage. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2024;41(1):53-9.
  • He Q, Hao H, Zhao K. (2024). Investigating the anti-inflammatory effects of rutin in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity: role of TLR4/MyD88/NFκB signaling pathway modulation. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2024;20(1):107-15.
  • Wang Y, Liu Z, Shu S, Cai J, Tang C, Dong Z. AMPK/mTOR Signaling in Autophagy Regulation During Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury. Front Physiol. 2020;11:619730.
  • Fei J, Sun Y, Duan Y, Xia J, Yu S, Ouyang P, et al. Low concentration of rutin treatment might alleviate the cardiotoxicity effect of pirarubicin on cardiomyocytes via activation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. Biosci Rep. 2019;39(6):BSR20190546.
  • Wu X, Wang J, Li B, Gong M, Cao C, Song L, et al. Chlorogenic acid, rutin, and quercetin from Lysimachia christinae alleviate triptolide-induced multi-organ injury in vivo by modulating immunity and AKT/mTOR signal pathway to inhibit ferroptosis and apoptosis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2023;467:116479.
  • Lu Z, Miao Y, Muhammad I, Tian E, Hu W, Wang J, et al. Colistin-induced autophagy and apoptosis involves the JNK-Bcl2-Bax signaling pathway and JNK-p53-ROS positive feedback loop in PC-12 cells. Chem Biol Interact. 2017;277:62-73.
  • Akarsu SA, Gür C, İleritürk M, Akaras N, Küçükler S, Kandemir FM. Effect of syringic acid on oxidative stress, autophagy, apoptosis, inflammation pathways against testicular damage induced by lead acetate. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2023;80:127315.
  • Akcılar R, Akcılar A, Koçak C, Koçak FE, Bayat Z, Şimşek H, et al. Effects of Ukrain on intestinal apoptosis caused by ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(12):22158-66.
  • Şimşek H, Demiryürek Ş, Demir T, Atabay HD, Çeribasi AO, Bayraktar R, et al. Assessment of expressions of Bcl-XL, b-FGF, Bmp-2, Caspase-3, PDGFR-α, Smad1 and TGF-β1 genes in a rat model of lung ischemia/reperfusion. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2016;19(2):209-14.
  • Semis HS, Kandemir FM, Kaynar O, Dogan T, Arikan SM. The protective effects of hesperidin against paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in rats. Life Sci. 2021;287:120104.
  • Gur C, Kandemir FM, Caglayan C, Satıcı E. Chemopreventive effects of hesperidin against paclitaxel-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity via amendment of Nrf2/HO-1 and caspase-3/Bax/Bcl-2 signaling pathways. Chem Biol Interact. 2022;365:110073.
  • Güçlü A, Erken HA, Erken G, Dodurga Y, Yay A, Özçoban Ö, et al. The effects of ozone therapy on caspase pathways, TNF-α, and HIF-1α in diabetic nephropathy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016;48(3):441-50.
  • Worakajit N, Thipboonchoo N, Chaturongakul S, Jutabha P, Soontornniyomkij V, Tuchinda P, et al. Nephroprotective potential of Panduratin A against colistin-induced renal injury via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction and cell apoptosis. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022;148:112732.
  • Aksu EH, Kandemir FM, Küçükler S, Mahamadu A. Improvement in colistin-induced reproductive damage, apoptosis, and autophagy in testes via reducing oxidative stress by chrysin. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2018;32(11):e22201.
  • Gür C, Kandemir FM. Evaluation of the levels of metalloproteinases as well as markers of oxidative stress and apoptosis in lung tissues after malathion and rutin administrations to rats. TJNS. 2022;11(3):51-7.
  • Rafiee S, Nouri A, Heidarian E. Role of NF-κB/IL-1β Pathway and Caspase 3 in mediating the hepatoprotective effect of rutin against paraquat-ınduced liver toxicity in male rats. Chem Biodivers. 2023;20(4):e202200248.
  • Rahmani S, Naraki K, Roohbakhsh A, Hayes AW, Karimi G. The protective effects of rutin on the liver, kidneys, and heart by counteracting organ toxicity caused by synthetic and natural compounds. Food Sci Nutr. 2022;11(1):39-56.
  • Akaras N, Kandemir FM, Şimşek H, Gür C, Aygörmez S. Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory, and Antiapoptotic Effects of Rutin in Spleen Toxicity Induced by Sodium Valproate in Rats. TJNS. 2023;12(2), 138-144.
  • Caglayan C, Kandemir FM, Darendelioğlu E, Yıldırım S, Kucukler S, Dortbudak MB. Rutin ameliorates mercuric chloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats via interfering with oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2019; 56, 60-68.

Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 140 - 147, 26.09.2024


Colistin (COL), frequently used for Gram-negative bacteria, may cause pulmonary toxicity in a dose-dependent manner. Flavanoid-type antioxidants have started to be used frequently against toxicity caused by different chemical agents. Rutin (RUT) is one of the flavanoid-type antioxidants. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of RUT in rats with COL-induced lung injury using biochemical parameters. In the experiment, 35 Spraqe Dawley rats were divided into five groups (n=7): Control, RUT, COL, COL+RUT50, and COL+RUT100. It was determined that COL increased lung tissue MDA values, decreased SOD, CAT, GPx activities, and GSH values, and triggered oxidative stress. COL administration increased NF-kB, TNF-α, IL-1β, MPO, and COX-2 levels, decreased mTOR levels, increased Beclin-1 levels and accelerated autophagy, increased Caspase-3 activity, and induced apoptosis. It was determined that RUT administration suppressed oxidative stress, inflammation, autophagy, and apoptosis by reversely regulating all these markers and reducing cell damage. The findings showed that the RUT application would be useful in COL-induced lung injury.


  • Dai C, Li M, Sun T, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Shen Z, et al. Colistin-induced pulmonary toxicity involves the activation of NOX4/TGF-β/mtROS pathway and the inhibition of Akt/mTOR pathway. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022;163:112966.
  • Kankılıç NA, Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, İleritürk M, Küçükler S, et al. Protective effects of naringin on colistin-induced damage in rat testicular tissue: Modulating the levels of Nrf-2/HO-1, AKT-2/FOXO1A, Bax/Bcl2/Caspase-3, and Beclin-1/LC3A/LC3B signaling pathways. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2024;38(2):e23643.
  • Aksu EH, Kandemir FM, Küçükler S. The effects of hesperidin on colistin-induced reproductive damage, autophagy, and apoptosis by reducing oxidative stress. Andrologia. 2021;53(2):e13900.
  • Ahmed MU, Velkov T, Lin YW, Yun B, Nowell CJ, Zhou F, Zhou QT, Chan K, Azad MAK, Li J. Potential Toxicity of Polymyxins in Human Lung Epithelial Cells. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017;61(6):e02690-16.
  • Shrestha A, Soriano SM, Song M, Chihara S. Intravenous colistin-induced acute respiratory failure: A case report and a review of literature. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2014;4(3):266-70.
  • Velkov T, Abdul Rahim N, Zhou QT, Chan HK, Li J. Inhaled anti-infective chemotherapy for respiratory tract infections: successes, challenges and the road ahead. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2015;85:65-82.
  • Gur C, Kandemir FM. Molecular and biochemical investigation of the protective effects of rutin against liver and kidney toxicity caused by malathion administration in a rat model. Environ Toxicol. 2023;38(3):555-565.
  • Simsek H, Akaras N. Acacetin ameliorates acetylsalicylic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats by interfering with oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis. Int J Med Biochem 2023;6(2):96-103.
  • Kandemir FM, Ileriturk M, Gur C. Rutin protects rat liver and kidney from sodium valproate-induce damage by attenuating oxidative stress, ER stress, inflammation, apoptosis and autophagy. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(7):6063-6074.
  • Küçükler S, Kandemir FM, Özdemir S, Çomaklı S, Caglayan C. Protective effects of rutin against deltamethrin-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats via regulation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2021;28(44):62975-62990.
  • Çelik H, Kandemir FM, Caglayan C, Özdemir S, Çomaklı S, Kucukler S, Yardım A. Neuroprotective effect of rutin against colistin-induced oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in rat brain associated with the CREB/BDNF expressions. Mol Biol Rep. 2020;47(3):2023-2034.
  • Aebi H. Catalase in vitro. Methods Enzymol. 1984;105:121-6.
  • Matkovics B. Determination of enzyme activity in lipid peroxidation and glutathione pathways. Laboratoriumi Diagnosztika. 1988;15:248-250.
  • Sun YI, Oberley LW, Li Y. A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clinical chemistry, 1988;34(3):497-500.
  • Placer ZA, Cushman LL, Johnson BC. Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical biochemistry. 1966;16(2):359-64.
  • Sedlak J, Lindsay RH. Estimation of total, protein-bound, and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in tissue with Ellman's reagent. Analytical biochemistry, 1968;25:192-205.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1951;193:265–75.
  • Nasrullah MZ, Eljaaly K, Neamatallah T, et al. Omeprazole Prevents Colistin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Emphasis on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis and Colistin Accumulation in Kidneys [published correction appears in Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2024;17(4):540.
  • Kandemir FM, Ozkaraca M, Küçükler S, Caglayan C, Hanedan B. Preventive effects of hesperidin on diabetic nephropathy induced by streptozotocin via modulating TGF-β1 and oxidative DNA damage. Toxin reviews. 2018;37(4):287-93.
  • Ekinci Akdemir FN, Yildirim S, Kandemir FM, Aksu EH, Guler MC, Kiziltunc Ozmen H, et al. The antiapoptotic and antioxidant effects of eugenol against cisplatin-induced testicular damage in the experimental model. Andrologia. 2019;51(9):e13353.
  • Zeren S, Bayhan Z, Kocak FE, Kocak C, Akcılar R, Bayat Z, et al. Gastroprotective effects of sulforaphane and thymoquinone against acetylsalicylic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats. J Surg Res. 2016;203(2):348-59.
  • Kocak C, Kocak FE, Akcilar R, Isiklar OO, Kocak H, Bayat Z, et al. Molecular and biochemical evidence on the protective effects of embelin and carnosic acid in isoproterenol-induced acute myocardial injury in rats. Life Sci. 2016;147:15-23.
  • Kankılıç NA, Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, Küçükler S, İleritürk M, et al. The ameliorative effects of chrysin on bortezomib-induced nephrotoxicity in rats: Reduces oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation damage, apoptotic and autophagic death. Food Chem Toxicol. 2024;190:114791.
  • Şimşek H, Akaras N, Gür C, Küçükler S, Kandemir FM. Beneficial effects of Chrysin on Cadmium-induced nephrotoxicity in rats: Modulating the levels of Nrf2/HO-1, RAGE/NLRP3, and Caspase-3/Bax/Bcl-2 signaling pathways. Gene. 2023;875:147502.
  • Akaras N, Ileriturk M, Gur C, Kucukler S, Oz M, Kandemir FM. The protective effects of chrysin on cadmium-induced pulmonary toxicity; a multi-biomarker approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023;30(38):89479-89494.
  • Keleş O, Can S, Cigsar G, Colak S, Erol H, Akaras N, et al. Hepatoprotective effects of B-1, 3-(D)-glucan on bortezomib-induced liver damage in rats. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2014;20(6):929-38.
  • Ileriturk M, Ileriturk D, Kandemir O, Akaras N, Simsek H, Erdogan E, et al. Naringin attenuates oxaliplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity: A molecular, biochemical, and histopathological approach in a rat model. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2024;38(1):e23604.
  • Şimşek H, Gür C, Küçükler S, İleritürk M, Akaras N, Öz M, et al. Carvacrol Reduces Mercuric Chloride-Induced Testicular Toxicity by Regulating Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Histopathological Changes. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2023 Dec 22.
  • Ozyigit F, Deger AN, Kocak FE, Ekici MF, Simsek H, Arık O. Protective effects of hesperidin in gastric damage caused by experimental ischemia-reperfusion injury model in rats. Acta Cir Bras. 2024;39:e391124.
  • Gur C, Akarsu SA, Akaras N, Tuncer SC, Kandemir FM. Carvacrol reduces abnormal and dead sperm counts by attenuating sodium arsenite-induced oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, and autophagy in the testicular tissues of rats. Environ Toxicol. 2023;38(6):1265-1276.
  • Aydin M, Cevik A, Kandemir FM, Yuksel M, Apaydin AM. Evaluation of hormonal change, biochemical parameters, and histopathological status of uterus in rats exposed to 50-Hz electromagnetic field. Toxicol Ind Health. 2009;25(3):153-8.
  • Hanedan B, Ozkaraca M, Kirbas A, Kandemir FM, Aktas MS, Kilic K, et al. Investigation of the effects of hesperidin and chrysin on renal injury induced by colistin in rats. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;108:1607-1616.
  • Aktas M, Kandemir F, Özkaraca M, Hanedan B, Kirbas A. Protective Effects of Rutin on Acute Lung Injury Induced by Oleic Acid in Rats. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;23(3):445-51.
  • Yesildag K, Gur C, Ileriturk M, Kandemir FM. Evaluation of oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, oxidative DNA damage and metalloproteinases in the lungs of rats treated with cadmium and carvacrol. Mol Biol Rep. 2022;49(2):1201-1211.
  • Semis HS, Gur C, Ileriturk M, Kandemir FM, Kaynar O. Evaluation of Therapeutic Effects of Quercetin Against Achilles Tendinopathy in Rats via Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Metalloproteinases. Am J Sports Med. 2022;50(2):486-498.
  • Şimşek H, Küçükler S, Gür C, Akaras N, Kandemir FM. Protective effects of sinapic acid against lead acetate-induced nephrotoxicity: a multi-biomarker approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023;30(45):101208-22.
  • Ileriturk M, Kandemir O, Akaras N, Simsek H, Genc A, Kandemir FM. Hesperidin has a protective effect on paclitaxel-induced testicular toxicity through regulating oxidative stress, apoptosis, inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Reprod Toxicol. 2023;118:108369.
  • Şimşek H, Küçükler S, Gür C, İleritürk M, Aygörmez S, Kandemir FM. Protective effects of zingerone against sodium arsenite-induced lung toxicity: A multi-biomarker approach. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2023;26(9):1098-1106.
  • Caglayan C, Kandemir FM, Yildirim S, Kucukler S, Eser G. Rutin protects mercuric chloride-induced nephrotoxicity via targeting of aquaporin 1 level, oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation in rats. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2019;54:69-78.
  • Yılmaz S, Küçükler S, Şimşek H, Aygörmez S, Kandemir FM. Naringin protects against colistin-induced sciatic nerve damage by reducing oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation damage. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2024;41(1):53-9.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hücre Metabolizması, Biyokimya ve Hücre Biyolojisi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Özge Kandemir 0000-0001-8884-4168

Sefa Küçükler 0000-0002-8222-5515

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kandemir, Ö., & Küçükler, S. (2024). Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, 13(3), 140-147.
AMA Kandemir Ö, Küçükler S. Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury. TDFD. Eylül 2024;13(3):140-147. doi:10.46810/tdfd.1511831
Chicago Kandemir, Özge, ve Sefa Küçükler. “Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats With Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 140-47.
EndNote Kandemir Ö, Küçükler S (01 Eylül 2024) Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 13 3 140–147.
IEEE Ö. Kandemir ve S. Küçükler, “Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury”, TDFD, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 140–147, 2024, doi: 10.46810/tdfd.1511831.
ISNAD Kandemir, Özge - Küçükler, Sefa. “Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats With Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury”. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi 13/3 (Eylül 2024), 140-147.
JAMA Kandemir Ö, Küçükler S. Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury. TDFD. 2024;13:140–147.
MLA Kandemir, Özge ve Sefa Küçükler. “Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats With Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury”. Türk Doğa Ve Fen Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 140-7, doi:10.46810/tdfd.1511831.
Vancouver Kandemir Ö, Küçükler S. Investigation of the Effects of Rutin in Spraque Dawley Rats with Biochemical Parameters in Colistin-Induced Lung Injury. TDFD. 2024;13(3):140-7.