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Fundamental Evaluations on National Heritage-Oriented Integrative Tourism Policies

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 211 - 227, 31.12.2017


structures of the societies have been under the threats of phenomenons like
globalization, materialism and 
degeneration. Also, there are observations like some of the tourism
development processes resulted tourism management implementations that
resembles to the enforcements of the colonization periods.  Therefore, it is essential to utilize
national memory and common cultural heritage constituents also in construction
of  national tourism policies for the
target of sustaining national unity. This study presents content analysis of
envisaged construction of tourism policies by evaluating the data, searched
from various policy examples of different societies. The need for protection
and strenghtening of national identity constituents and authentic national
charecteristics by integrating them to the national tourism policies is
emphasized. Also, suggestions on designing management mechanisms for the target
of  developing national tourism policies
are presented.


  • Ajtony, Z.(2015). Dilemmas of Cultural Mediation: A Case Study of Tourism, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 7, 2 (2015) 47–58, DOI: 10.1515/ausp-2015-0046.
  • Arimavičiūtė M. (2015). Developing Cultural Tourism Strategies in Lithuania, Public Policy And Administration, T. 14, Nr. 2 / 2015, Vol. 14, No 2, p. 321–334. DOI:10.13165/VPA-15-14-2-12
  • Ashworth, G. (1995). Heritage, tourism and Europe: A European future for a European past. In D. Herbert (Ed.), Heritage, Tourism and Society (pp. 68-84). New York, NY: Mansell Publishing.
  • Bazaluk, O. & Blazhevych, T. (2016). The Image Of An Ideal Ukrainian Politician. Ukrainian National Idea, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Beltramo, S. (2013) Cultural Routes and Networks of Knowledge: The Identity and Promotion of Cultural Heritage. The case study of Piedmont, AlmaTourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development N. 7, ISSN 2036-5195.
  • Bui, H. T., & Lee, T. J. (2015). Commodification and politicization of heritage: Implications for heritage tourism at the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Hanoi (Vietnam). ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 8(2), 187-202.
  • Carta, M. (1999). L’armatura Culturale Del Territorio. Il Patrimonio Culturale Come Matrice Di Identità E Strumento Di Sviluppo. Milano: Franco Angeli.
  • Casagrande, M. (2016). Heritage, Tourism, and Demography in the Island City of Venice: Depopulation and Heritagisation. Urban Island Studies, 2, 121-141.
  • Citarella, F. (2016). A Film Production Tourism ‘Club di Prodotto’ to Enhance Territory Competitiveness and Cultural Identity. ‘I Sassi di Matera’, a Strategic Niche in a Global Market, «Il capitale culturale», Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, Journal of the Section of Cultural Heritage, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata, Supplementi O4 (2016), pp. 29-65 ISSN 2039-2362 (online); ISBN 978-88-6056-466-5 DOI:
  • Hamrin-Dahl, T. (2014). This-Worldly and Other-Worldly: A Holocaust Pilgrimage, Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, [S.I.], v. 22, p.122-162, Jan 2014, ISSN 2343-4937.
  • Hawkins, J. (2013) ‘What better excuse for a real adventure’: History, Memory and Tourism on the Kokoda Trail, Public History Review, Vol 20 (2013): 1–23, ISSN: 1833-4849.
  • Herman, G.V. & Benchiș, L. B. (2017). Fairs, Forms Of Expression Of The Local Identity Case Study: Beiuș Fair, Bihor County, Romania, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Geografie Year XXVII, no. 1/2017 (June), pp. 108-113, ISSN 1221-1273, E-ISSN 2065-3409 Article no. 271111-742.
  • Herman G.V, Wendt J. (2011), Development and promotion of tourism, an extra chance in maintaining and asserting the identity and specificity of Oas Land, în GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 7(1): 87-94.
  • Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2009). Indigenous ecotourism's role in transforming ecological consciousness. Journal of Ecotourism, 8(2), 144-160. doi: 10.1080/14724040802696031
  • Huener, J. (2001). Antifascist Pilgrimage and Rehabilition at Auschwitz: The Political Tourism of Aktion Sühnezeichen and Sozialistische Jugend. German Studies Review 24 (3): 513–32.
  • Krogseth, O. (2012) Names And Collective İdentity, in B. Helleland, C.-E. Ore & S. Wikstrøm (eds.) Names and Identities, Oslo Studies in Language 4(2), 2012. 161–166. (ISSN 1890-9639).
  • Lloyd, K. , Suchet-Pearson, S. , Wright, S. , Tofa, M. , Rowland, C. , Burarrwanga, L. , Ganambarr, R. , Ganambarr, M. , Ganambarr, B. , Maymuru, D. (2015). Transforming Tourists and "Culturalising Commerce": Indigenous Tourism at Bawaka in Northern Australia, The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 6(4) . Retrieved from: DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2015.6.4.6.
  • Lynch, M. F., Duinker, P., Sheehan, L., & Chute, J. (2010). Sustainable Mi'kmaw cultural tourism development in Nova Scotia, Canada: Examining cultural tourist and Mi'kmaw perspectives. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(4), 539-556. doi: 10.1080/09669580903406605
  • Magnani, E. & Pistocchi, F. (2017) The Role of Lighthouses in the Construction of Coastal Identities, AlmaTourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development N. 7, ISSN 2036-5195,
  • Mahfud, C. (2014). The Role of Cheng Ho Mosque, The New Silk Road, Indonesia-China Relations in Islamic Cultural Identity, Journal Of Indonesıan Islam, Vol. 08, No 01, June 2014, DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2014.8.1.23-38.
  • Martínez, I. M. T. (2017). A Territorial Cohesion Through Cultural Tourism: The Case Of The Umayyad Route, Methaodos.Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2017, 5 (1), p: 74-83 ISSN: 2340-8413 |
  • Mᾰnilᾰ, M. Religious Heritage, An Important Element In Creating and Identity of Vrancea County Tourism, Journal of Tourism, No: 12 Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Mohamad, N. H. & Hamzah, A. (2015). Social Identity and Community Resilience towards Tourism Development in Mabul Island, Semporna Sabah, Malaysia, International Journal Of Built Environment And Sustainability, IJBES Special Edition 2(4)/2015— 13th APSA Congress 2015, 330-338.
  • Morais, D. B. , Lee, S. , Hou, J. , Lin, C. , Yarnal, C. M. , Chick, G. (2010). Heritage Tourism in Taiwan’s Desinicized Nationalism, PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, Vol. 8 Nº2 p. 277-292. ISSN 1695-7121.
  • Mushba, V. K. & Dzhindzholi, O. R. (2012). Socio-Cultural Influence on Region by Tourism, European Researcher, 2012, Vol.(22), № 5-3.
  • Narottama, N. (2016). Spiritual Tourism: A Case Study Of Foreigners’ Participation In The Pitrayajna Ceremony In The Desa Pakraman Of Muncan, Selat, Karangasem, Bali, E-Journal of Tourism Udayana University Vol. 3. No.1, p: 42-57.
  • Nwanaju, U. T. (2013). Can Culture Unite? An Explorative Gestalt Of Iwa Akwa And Seigbein Festivals, Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-4, p. 22-31.
  • Paul, B.D. (2012). The Impacts of Tourism on Society, Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 1(1), p.500-506, July.
  • Peleggi, M. (2002). The Politics Of Ruins And The Business Of Nostalgia. Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus.
  • Republic of South Africa, Deparment of Tourism, (2012). National Heritage and Cultural Tourism Strategy, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Richard, T. (2017). Competing Iconographies in Jerusalem’s Old City, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Richards G. (2012). Cultural Tourism And Local Development, Relazione Presentata a Crossroads of Europe, Pavia 7 Giugno 2012.
  • Richter, L. K. (1999). After Political Turmoil: The lessons of Rebuilding Tourism in Three Asian Coun¬tries. Journal of Travel Research, 38(1), p. 41-45.
  • Salamurović, A. (2015). Communication And Cultural Memory In Contemporary Tourism Media Products: Culture-Specific And Cross-Cultural Perspectives,Култура / Culture, 9 / 2015 p.93-102.
  • Sari, S. R. & Darmawan, E. & Wahyunıngrum, S. H. (2016). The Role Of Social Cohesion As Strategy For Reducing Tourism Spatial Conflict, Dimensi − Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Vol. 43, No. 2, December 2016, 131-136, DOI: 10.9744/dimensi.43.2.131-136
  • Shavit, Z. (2014). Constructing a Symbolic Desert: Place and Identity in Contemporary Israel, Jourrnal of New Frontiers in Spatial Concepts, ISSN 1868-6648, Vol. 6(2014), 57-69, KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • Same, S. & Solarte-Vasquez, M.C. (2014). Country Branding and Country Image: Insights, Challenges and Prospects. The Case of Estonia, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology (ISSN 2228-0588), Vol. 4, No. 1 (16).
  • Swedenburg, T. (1997). Saida Sultan/Danna International: Transgender Pop and the Polysemiotics of Sex, Nation, and Ethnicity on the Israeli-Egyptian Border, The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 81, No. 1 p. 81-108 Oxford University Press, URL:
  • Turtureanu, A. G. , Tureac, C. , Pripoaie, R. , Nuta, A. (2012) The Importance of a Country Brand in the International Tourism Promotion, The 7th Edition of the International Conference, European Integration Realities and Perspectives, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Wahba, A. L. (1995). Tashilat Isra'iliya Li-jadb Al-shabab Al-Misri [Israeli Facilita- tions to Attract Egyptian Youth], Al-AhaMl, 2.
  • Wright, S., Suchet-Pearson, S., Lloyd, K., Burarrwanga, D. & Burarrwanga, L. (2009). 'That means the fish are fat': Sharing Experiences of Animals Through Indigenous Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 12(5), 505-527. doi: 10.1080/13683500903042907
  • Yusof, M.F.M. & Ismail, H.N. (2014). Destination Branding Identity from the Stakeholders’ Perspectives, International Journal Of Built Environment And Sustainability, 1(1)/2014 – p: 71-75.
  • Zotic, V. , Alexandru, D.-E. , Dezsi, Ş. (2014). Debate On Tourism In Postmodernism And Beyond, The Business of Tourism, No: 13, June 2014, p. 79 – 93, Presented at the Second Belgrade International Tourism Conference.

Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 211 - 227, 31.12.2017


yapıları; küreselleşme, maddecilik ve yozlaşma gibi olguların tehditleri
altındadır. Ayrıca turizm gelişiminin, sömürgecilik dönemi icraatlarını
hatırlatan turizm yönetimi uygulamalarına yol açtığı tespitleri mevcuttur. Bu
sebeple, mili hafıza ve ortak kültürel mirası unsurlarından, milli birliği
sürdürmek amacı doğrultusunda milli turizm politikaları inşasında da istifade
edilmesi elzemdir. Bu çalışmada farklı toplumlardaki çeşitli politika örnekleri
araştırılıp edinilen veriler değerlendirilerek edilerek inşa edilmesi
tasarlanan turizm politikaları için içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Milli kimlik
unsurları ve özgün milli niteliklerin ulusal turizm politikalarına dahil
edilerek korunması, güçlendirilmesi ihtiyacı vurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca, milli
turizm politikaları geliştirilmesi amacı doğrultusunda tasarlanabilecek yönetim
mekanizmaları için öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Ajtony, Z.(2015). Dilemmas of Cultural Mediation: A Case Study of Tourism, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 7, 2 (2015) 47–58, DOI: 10.1515/ausp-2015-0046.
  • Arimavičiūtė M. (2015). Developing Cultural Tourism Strategies in Lithuania, Public Policy And Administration, T. 14, Nr. 2 / 2015, Vol. 14, No 2, p. 321–334. DOI:10.13165/VPA-15-14-2-12
  • Ashworth, G. (1995). Heritage, tourism and Europe: A European future for a European past. In D. Herbert (Ed.), Heritage, Tourism and Society (pp. 68-84). New York, NY: Mansell Publishing.
  • Bazaluk, O. & Blazhevych, T. (2016). The Image Of An Ideal Ukrainian Politician. Ukrainian National Idea, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Beltramo, S. (2013) Cultural Routes and Networks of Knowledge: The Identity and Promotion of Cultural Heritage. The case study of Piedmont, AlmaTourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development N. 7, ISSN 2036-5195.
  • Bui, H. T., & Lee, T. J. (2015). Commodification and politicization of heritage: Implications for heritage tourism at the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Hanoi (Vietnam). ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 8(2), 187-202.
  • Carta, M. (1999). L’armatura Culturale Del Territorio. Il Patrimonio Culturale Come Matrice Di Identità E Strumento Di Sviluppo. Milano: Franco Angeli.
  • Casagrande, M. (2016). Heritage, Tourism, and Demography in the Island City of Venice: Depopulation and Heritagisation. Urban Island Studies, 2, 121-141.
  • Citarella, F. (2016). A Film Production Tourism ‘Club di Prodotto’ to Enhance Territory Competitiveness and Cultural Identity. ‘I Sassi di Matera’, a Strategic Niche in a Global Market, «Il capitale culturale», Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, Journal of the Section of Cultural Heritage, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata, Supplementi O4 (2016), pp. 29-65 ISSN 2039-2362 (online); ISBN 978-88-6056-466-5 DOI:
  • Hamrin-Dahl, T. (2014). This-Worldly and Other-Worldly: A Holocaust Pilgrimage, Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, [S.I.], v. 22, p.122-162, Jan 2014, ISSN 2343-4937.
  • Hawkins, J. (2013) ‘What better excuse for a real adventure’: History, Memory and Tourism on the Kokoda Trail, Public History Review, Vol 20 (2013): 1–23, ISSN: 1833-4849.
  • Herman, G.V. & Benchiș, L. B. (2017). Fairs, Forms Of Expression Of The Local Identity Case Study: Beiuș Fair, Bihor County, Romania, Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Geografie Year XXVII, no. 1/2017 (June), pp. 108-113, ISSN 1221-1273, E-ISSN 2065-3409 Article no. 271111-742.
  • Herman G.V, Wendt J. (2011), Development and promotion of tourism, an extra chance in maintaining and asserting the identity and specificity of Oas Land, în GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 7(1): 87-94.
  • Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2009). Indigenous ecotourism's role in transforming ecological consciousness. Journal of Ecotourism, 8(2), 144-160. doi: 10.1080/14724040802696031
  • Huener, J. (2001). Antifascist Pilgrimage and Rehabilition at Auschwitz: The Political Tourism of Aktion Sühnezeichen and Sozialistische Jugend. German Studies Review 24 (3): 513–32.
  • Krogseth, O. (2012) Names And Collective İdentity, in B. Helleland, C.-E. Ore & S. Wikstrøm (eds.) Names and Identities, Oslo Studies in Language 4(2), 2012. 161–166. (ISSN 1890-9639).
  • Lloyd, K. , Suchet-Pearson, S. , Wright, S. , Tofa, M. , Rowland, C. , Burarrwanga, L. , Ganambarr, R. , Ganambarr, M. , Ganambarr, B. , Maymuru, D. (2015). Transforming Tourists and "Culturalising Commerce": Indigenous Tourism at Bawaka in Northern Australia, The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 6(4) . Retrieved from: DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2015.6.4.6.
  • Lynch, M. F., Duinker, P., Sheehan, L., & Chute, J. (2010). Sustainable Mi'kmaw cultural tourism development in Nova Scotia, Canada: Examining cultural tourist and Mi'kmaw perspectives. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(4), 539-556. doi: 10.1080/09669580903406605
  • Magnani, E. & Pistocchi, F. (2017) The Role of Lighthouses in the Construction of Coastal Identities, AlmaTourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development N. 7, ISSN 2036-5195,
  • Mahfud, C. (2014). The Role of Cheng Ho Mosque, The New Silk Road, Indonesia-China Relations in Islamic Cultural Identity, Journal Of Indonesıan Islam, Vol. 08, No 01, June 2014, DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2014.8.1.23-38.
  • Martínez, I. M. T. (2017). A Territorial Cohesion Through Cultural Tourism: The Case Of The Umayyad Route, Methaodos.Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2017, 5 (1), p: 74-83 ISSN: 2340-8413 |
  • Mᾰnilᾰ, M. Religious Heritage, An Important Element In Creating and Identity of Vrancea County Tourism, Journal of Tourism, No: 12 Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Mohamad, N. H. & Hamzah, A. (2015). Social Identity and Community Resilience towards Tourism Development in Mabul Island, Semporna Sabah, Malaysia, International Journal Of Built Environment And Sustainability, IJBES Special Edition 2(4)/2015— 13th APSA Congress 2015, 330-338.
  • Morais, D. B. , Lee, S. , Hou, J. , Lin, C. , Yarnal, C. M. , Chick, G. (2010). Heritage Tourism in Taiwan’s Desinicized Nationalism, PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, Vol. 8 Nº2 p. 277-292. ISSN 1695-7121.
  • Mushba, V. K. & Dzhindzholi, O. R. (2012). Socio-Cultural Influence on Region by Tourism, European Researcher, 2012, Vol.(22), № 5-3.
  • Narottama, N. (2016). Spiritual Tourism: A Case Study Of Foreigners’ Participation In The Pitrayajna Ceremony In The Desa Pakraman Of Muncan, Selat, Karangasem, Bali, E-Journal of Tourism Udayana University Vol. 3. No.1, p: 42-57.
  • Nwanaju, U. T. (2013). Can Culture Unite? An Explorative Gestalt Of Iwa Akwa And Seigbein Festivals, Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-4, p. 22-31.
  • Paul, B.D. (2012). The Impacts of Tourism on Society, Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 1(1), p.500-506, July.
  • Peleggi, M. (2002). The Politics Of Ruins And The Business Of Nostalgia. Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus.
  • Republic of South Africa, Deparment of Tourism, (2012). National Heritage and Cultural Tourism Strategy, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Richard, T. (2017). Competing Iconographies in Jerusalem’s Old City, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Richards G. (2012). Cultural Tourism And Local Development, Relazione Presentata a Crossroads of Europe, Pavia 7 Giugno 2012.
  • Richter, L. K. (1999). After Political Turmoil: The lessons of Rebuilding Tourism in Three Asian Coun¬tries. Journal of Travel Research, 38(1), p. 41-45.
  • Salamurović, A. (2015). Communication And Cultural Memory In Contemporary Tourism Media Products: Culture-Specific And Cross-Cultural Perspectives,Култура / Culture, 9 / 2015 p.93-102.
  • Sari, S. R. & Darmawan, E. & Wahyunıngrum, S. H. (2016). The Role Of Social Cohesion As Strategy For Reducing Tourism Spatial Conflict, Dimensi − Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Vol. 43, No. 2, December 2016, 131-136, DOI: 10.9744/dimensi.43.2.131-136
  • Shavit, Z. (2014). Constructing a Symbolic Desert: Place and Identity in Contemporary Israel, Jourrnal of New Frontiers in Spatial Concepts, ISSN 1868-6648, Vol. 6(2014), 57-69, KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • Same, S. & Solarte-Vasquez, M.C. (2014). Country Branding and Country Image: Insights, Challenges and Prospects. The Case of Estonia, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology (ISSN 2228-0588), Vol. 4, No. 1 (16).
  • Swedenburg, T. (1997). Saida Sultan/Danna International: Transgender Pop and the Polysemiotics of Sex, Nation, and Ethnicity on the Israeli-Egyptian Border, The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 81, No. 1 p. 81-108 Oxford University Press, URL:
  • Turtureanu, A. G. , Tureac, C. , Pripoaie, R. , Nuta, A. (2012) The Importance of a Country Brand in the International Tourism Promotion, The 7th Edition of the International Conference, European Integration Realities and Perspectives, Erişim Tarihi: 25.09.2017,
  • Wahba, A. L. (1995). Tashilat Isra'iliya Li-jadb Al-shabab Al-Misri [Israeli Facilita- tions to Attract Egyptian Youth], Al-AhaMl, 2.
  • Wright, S., Suchet-Pearson, S., Lloyd, K., Burarrwanga, D. & Burarrwanga, L. (2009). 'That means the fish are fat': Sharing Experiences of Animals Through Indigenous Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 12(5), 505-527. doi: 10.1080/13683500903042907
  • Yusof, M.F.M. & Ismail, H.N. (2014). Destination Branding Identity from the Stakeholders’ Perspectives, International Journal Of Built Environment And Sustainability, 1(1)/2014 – p: 71-75.
  • Zotic, V. , Alexandru, D.-E. , Dezsi, Ş. (2014). Debate On Tourism In Postmodernism And Beyond, The Business of Tourism, No: 13, June 2014, p. 79 – 93, Presented at the Second Belgrade International Tourism Conference.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Yusuf Fırıncı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Fırıncı, Y. (2017). Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 211-227.
AMA Fırıncı Y. Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. Aralık 2017;2(2):211-227.
Chicago Fırıncı, Yusuf. “Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler”. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 2, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 211-27.
EndNote Fırıncı Y (01 Aralık 2017) Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 2 2 211–227.
IEEE Y. Fırıncı, “Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler”, Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 211–227, 2017.
ISNAD Fırıncı, Yusuf. “Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler”. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi 2/2 (Aralık 2017), 211-227.
JAMA Fırıncı Y. Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2017;2:211–227.
MLA Fırıncı, Yusuf. “Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler”. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 211-27.
Vancouver Fırıncı Y. Milli Miras Odaklı Bütüncül Turizm Politikaları Üzerine Temel Değerlendirmeler. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2017;2(2):211-27.