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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 539 - 562, 01.09.2009


Saldırganlık grubunda yer alan çok ciddi ve yaygın bir sosyal problem olan zorbalık, kişi veya kişilerin
diğer bir kişiyi incitmek/zarar vermek amacıyla tekrarlı saldırgan davranışlarda bulunması olarak
tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, zorbalığın yaygınlığını, öğretmen ve öğrenci ifadelerine göre
saptamak ve karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırmaya Bursa’da iki ilköğretim okulunun ve 8.sınıflarında
öğrenim gören 545 (296’sı kız; 249’u erkek) öğrenci ve bu okullarda görev yapan 87 öğretmen
katılmıştır. Çalışmada Colorado Okul İklimi Surveyi (Garrity et al., 1996)’nin Türkçeleştirilmiş formu
kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, öğretmenlerin bildirdiği sıklık oranlarının öğrencilerin bildirdiklerinden anlamlı
biçimde yüksek (p < .05) olduğunu göstermektedir. Öğrenciler en yüksek oranda sözel zorbalığa
uğradığını bildirirken; öğretmenler ise bunu fiziksel zorbalık olarak rapor etmektedir. Öğrenciler
zorbalığın en yüksek oranda bahçede; öğretmenler ise bahçe ve koridorda yapıldığını bildirmekte;
zorbalığa uğrayan öğrenciler zorbalığa uğradığını en yüksek oranda (% 40,9) “bir arkadaşına anlatma”
seçeneği ile ifade ederken; öğretmenler ise öğrencilerin zorbalığa uğradığını daha çok (%62,1) okuldaki
bir yetişkine anlattığını rapor etmektedir.


  • Baldry, A.C. ve Farrington, D.P. (2000). Bullies and delinquents: Personal characteristics and parenting styles. (Electronic version) Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 10, 17-31.
  • Batsche, G.M. ve Knoff, H.M. (1994). Bullies and their victims: Understanding a pervasive problem in the schools. (Electronic version) School Psychology Review, 23, 165-174.
  • Bauman, S. ve Del Rio, A. (2005). Knowledge and beliefs about bullying in schools: Comparing pre-service teachers in the United States and the United Kingdom. (Electronic version) SchoolPsychology International. 26(4), 428-442.
  • Bidwell, N. M. (1997). The Nature and Prevalence of Bullying in Elementary Schools SSTA Research Centre Report.
  • Birkinshaw, S. ve Eslea, M. (September 1998). Teachers’ attitudes and actions toward boy&girl and girl&boy bullying. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Developmental Section of the British Psychological Society, Lancaster University. İnternetten 21 Nisan 2007’de elde edilmiştir.
  • Björqvist, K., Lagerspetz, K.M.J. ve Kaukiainen, A. (1992). Do girls manipulate and boys fight? Developmental trends regarding direct and indirect aggression. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 18, 117-127.
  • Borg, M.G. ve Falzon, J.M. (1989). Primary school teachers’ perception of pupils’ undesirable behaviours. (Electronic version) Educational Studies, 3, 251-259.
  • Bosworth, K., Espelage, D.L. ve Simon, T.R. (1999). Factors associated with bullying behaviour in middle school students. (Electronic version) Journal of Early Adolescence, 19, 341-362.
  • Boulton, M.J. (1997). Teachers’ views on bullying definitions, attitudes and ability to cope. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 223-233.
  • Boulton, M. ve Underwood, K. (1992). Bully/victim problems among middle school children. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 62, 73-87.
  • Buchanan, P. ve Winzer, M. (2001). Bullying in schools: Children’s voices. (Electronic version) International Journal of SpecialEducation, 16(1), 67-79.
  • Byrne, B. (1994). Bullies and victims in a school setting with reference to some Dublin schools. (Electronic version) The Irish Journal of Psychology, 15(4), 574-586.
  • Carney, A.G. ve Merrell, K. W. (2001). Bullying in schools: Perspectives on understanding and preventing an international problem. (Electronic version) School Psychology International, 22, 364-382.
  • Clarke, E.,A. ve Kiselica, M.S. (1997). A systematic counseling approach to the problem of bullying. (Electronic version) Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 31, 310-315.
  • Cohn, A. ve Canter, (2003). Bullying: Facts for schools and parents. National Association of School Psychologists. İnternet’ten 12 Mart 2006’da elde edilmiştir.
  • Cooper, D., ve Snell, J.L. (2003). Bullying. (Electronic version) Educational Leadership. 60(6), 22-25.
  • Craig, W.M., Pepler, D.J. ve Atlas, R. (2000). Observations of bullying in the playground and in the classroom. (Electronic version) School Psychology International, 21, 22-36.
  • Craig, W.M. ve Pepler, D. (2000). Making a difference in bullying. REPORT #60. ISSN 084-9749 ISBN 1-55014-403-0 İnternet’ten 11 Nisan 2007’de elde edilmiştir.
  • Çınkır, Ş. ve Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. (2003). Öğrenciler arası zorbalık. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 34, 236-253.
  • Demaray, M.K. ve Malecki, C.K. (2003). Perceptions of the frequency and importance of social support by students classified as victims, bullies and bully/victims in an urban middle school. (Electronic version) School Psychology Review, 32, 471-490. Dölek, N. (2007). Öğrencilerde İnternetten 28 Kasım 2007’de elde ediliştir. zorbaca davranışlar.
  • Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F.I.M. ve Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where? Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. (Electronic version) Health Education Research Theory & Practice, 20(1), 81-91.
  • Garrity, C., Jens, K., Porter, W., Sager, N. ve Short-Camilli, C. (1996). Bully- proofing Your school: a comprehensive approach. National School Safety Center News Journal, 20-23.
  • Glover, D., Gough, G., Johnson, M. ve Cartwright, N. (2000). Bullying in 25 secondary schools: Incidence, impact and intervention. (Electronic version) Educational Research, 42(2), 141-156.
  • Greeff, P. (2004). The Nature and Prevalence of Bullying During the Intermediate School Phase. Thesis of Master, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, at the Bloemfontein. University of the Free State. İnternetten 04 Haziran db//theses/available/etd-09292005-154532/unrestricted/GREEFFP.pdf elde ediliştir.
  • Hazler, R., Hoover, J.H. ve Oliver, R. (1992). What kids say about bullying. The Executive Educator, November, 20-22.
  • Hoover, J.H., Oliver, R.L. ve Thomson, K.A. (1993). Perceived victimisation by school bullies: New research and future direction. (Electronic version) Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 32, 72-84.
  • Hazler, R.J. (1994). Bullying breeds violence. You can stop it. Learning, 22(6), 38- 41. İnternet’ten 8 Temmuz, 2006’da elde edilmiştir.
  • Hazler, R.J., Miller, D.L., Carney, J.V. ve Green, S. (2001). Adult recognition of school bullying situations. (Electronic version) Educational Research. 43, 133- 146.
  • Houndoumadi, A. ve Pateraki, L. (2001). Bullying and bullies in Greek elementary schools: Pupils’ attitudes and teachers’/parents’ awareness’. (Electronic version) Educational Review, 53, 19-27.
  • Kapcı, E.G. (2004). Ilköğretim öğrencilerinin zorbalığa maruz kalma türünün ve sıklığının depresyon, kaygı ve benlik saygısıyla ilişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 37(1):1-13.
  • Kepenekçi, Y. & Çınkır, Ş. (2006). Bullying among Turkish high school students. Child Abuse & Neglect. 30(2):193-204.
  • Ma, X., Stevin, L.L. ve Mah, D.L. (2001). Bullying in school: nature, effects, and remedies. (Electronic version) Research Papers in Education, 16(3), 247-270.
  • Mouttapa, M., Valente, T., Gallaher, P., Rohrbach, L.A. ve Unger, J.B. (2004). Social network predictors of bullying and victimization. (Electronic version) Adolescence, 39, 315-336.
  • Nansel, T.R., Overpeck, M., Pilla, R.S., Ruan, W.J., Simons-Morton, B. ve Scheidt, P. (2001). Bullying behaviors among US youth: Prevalence and association with psychosocial adjustment. (Electronic version) Journal of the American Medical Association, abstract/285/16/2094 2094-2100.
  • Naylor, P., Cowie, H., Cossin, F., Bettencourt, R. ve Lemme, F. (2006). Teachers’ and pupils’ definitions of bullying. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 553-576.
  • Olafsen, R.N. ve Viemerö, V. (2000). Bully/victim problems and coping with stress among 10 to 12-year-old pupils in Åland, Finland. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 26, 57-65.
  • Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school – What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A profile of bullying. (Electronic version) Educational Leadership, 60(6), 12-17.
  • O’Moore, A.M. ve Hillery, B. (1989). Bullying in Dublin schools. (Electronic version) Irish Journal of Psychology, 10(3), 426-441.
  • Pepler, D.J., Craig, W.M., Ziegler, S. ve Charach, A. (1994). An evaluation of an anti-bullying program intervention in Toronto Schools. (Electronic version) Canadian Journal of Community MentalHealth, 13, 95-110.
  • Pişkin, M. (2006). Akran zorbalığı olgusunun ilköğretim öğrencileri arasındaki yaygınlığının incelenmesi. I.Şiddet ve Okul: Okul ve Çevresinde Çocuğa Yönelik Şiddet ve Alınabilecek Tedbirler Sempozyumu, 28-31 Mart 2006, İstanbul.
  • Richter, L., Palmary, I. & de Wet, T. (2000). The transmission of violence in schools: Birth to ten children's experiences of bullying. (Electronic version) Urban Health & Development Bulletin, 3,19-22.
  • Rigby, K. (1997). Attitudes and beliefs about bullying among Australian school children. (Electronic version) Irish Journal of Psychology, 18(2), 202-220.
  • Salmivalli, C. ve Nieminen, E. (2002). Proactive and reactive aggression among school bullies, victims and bully-victims. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 28, 30-44.
  • Seals, D. ve Young, J. (2003). Bullying and Victimization: Prevalence and relationship to gender, grade level, ethnicity, self-esteem and depression. (Electronic version) Adolescence, 38, 735-747.
  • Siann, G., Gallaghan, M., Lockhart, R., & Rawson, L. (1993). Bullying: Teachers’ views and school effects. (Electronic version) Educational Studies, 19, 307- 321.
  • Smith, P.K.. ve Shu, S. (2000). What good school can do about bullying: findings from a survey in English schools after a decade of research and action. (Electronic version) Childhood, 7(2), 93-212.
  • Stockdale, M., Hangaduambo, S., Duys, D., Larson, K. ve Sarvela, P.D. (2002). Rural elementary students’, parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of bullying. (Electronic version) American Journal of Health Behavior, 26, 266-277.
  • Wolk, D., Woods, S.,Bloomfield, L. ve Karstadt, L. (2000). The association between direct and relational bullying and behavior problems among primary school children. (Electronic version) Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 41(8), 989-1002.
  • Wolke, D., Woods, S., Stanford, K. ve Schulz, H. (2001). Bullying and victimization of primary school children in England and Germany: Prevalence and school factors. (Electronic version) British Journal of Psychology, 92, 673-696.
  • Yıldırım, S. (2001). Zorbalık, aile ortamı ve popülarite arasındaki ilişkiler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • Yoon, J.S. ve Kerber, K. (2003). Bullying: Elementary teachers’ attitudes and intervention strategies. (Electronic version) Research in Education, 69, 27-35.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 539 - 562, 01.09.2009


Bullying is defined as the intentional behaviors of an individual or a group to hurt or injure another
person repeatedly over time. Bullying is a kind of aggressive behavior and it is a serious and widespread
social problem. The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence of bullying according to the
reports of teachers and the students and to compare these. 545 students from four to eight grades of two
elementary schools in Bursa at lower SES and 87 teachers were participated in this descriptive study.
Turkish translation version of Colorado School Climate Survey was used in the study. The frequency of
the teachers for different kinds of bullying were significantly higher than frequency of students (p < .05).
The most frequent bullying type is verbal bullying according to the students, but it was physical bullying
according to the teachers. The students said that the bullying mostly takes place in the garden; on the
other hand the teachers reported that it takes place mostly in the garden and corridors of the school.
40.9% of the students expressed that they talk with their friends when they are bullied, but the teachers
declared that the students talk to an adult in the school when they are bullied (62.1%).


  • Baldry, A.C. ve Farrington, D.P. (2000). Bullies and delinquents: Personal characteristics and parenting styles. (Electronic version) Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 10, 17-31.
  • Batsche, G.M. ve Knoff, H.M. (1994). Bullies and their victims: Understanding a pervasive problem in the schools. (Electronic version) School Psychology Review, 23, 165-174.
  • Bauman, S. ve Del Rio, A. (2005). Knowledge and beliefs about bullying in schools: Comparing pre-service teachers in the United States and the United Kingdom. (Electronic version) SchoolPsychology International. 26(4), 428-442.
  • Bidwell, N. M. (1997). The Nature and Prevalence of Bullying in Elementary Schools SSTA Research Centre Report.
  • Birkinshaw, S. ve Eslea, M. (September 1998). Teachers’ attitudes and actions toward boy&girl and girl&boy bullying. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Developmental Section of the British Psychological Society, Lancaster University. İnternetten 21 Nisan 2007’de elde edilmiştir.
  • Björqvist, K., Lagerspetz, K.M.J. ve Kaukiainen, A. (1992). Do girls manipulate and boys fight? Developmental trends regarding direct and indirect aggression. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 18, 117-127.
  • Borg, M.G. ve Falzon, J.M. (1989). Primary school teachers’ perception of pupils’ undesirable behaviours. (Electronic version) Educational Studies, 3, 251-259.
  • Bosworth, K., Espelage, D.L. ve Simon, T.R. (1999). Factors associated with bullying behaviour in middle school students. (Electronic version) Journal of Early Adolescence, 19, 341-362.
  • Boulton, M.J. (1997). Teachers’ views on bullying definitions, attitudes and ability to cope. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 223-233.
  • Boulton, M. ve Underwood, K. (1992). Bully/victim problems among middle school children. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 62, 73-87.
  • Buchanan, P. ve Winzer, M. (2001). Bullying in schools: Children’s voices. (Electronic version) International Journal of SpecialEducation, 16(1), 67-79.
  • Byrne, B. (1994). Bullies and victims in a school setting with reference to some Dublin schools. (Electronic version) The Irish Journal of Psychology, 15(4), 574-586.
  • Carney, A.G. ve Merrell, K. W. (2001). Bullying in schools: Perspectives on understanding and preventing an international problem. (Electronic version) School Psychology International, 22, 364-382.
  • Clarke, E.,A. ve Kiselica, M.S. (1997). A systematic counseling approach to the problem of bullying. (Electronic version) Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 31, 310-315.
  • Cohn, A. ve Canter, (2003). Bullying: Facts for schools and parents. National Association of School Psychologists. İnternet’ten 12 Mart 2006’da elde edilmiştir.
  • Cooper, D., ve Snell, J.L. (2003). Bullying. (Electronic version) Educational Leadership. 60(6), 22-25.
  • Craig, W.M., Pepler, D.J. ve Atlas, R. (2000). Observations of bullying in the playground and in the classroom. (Electronic version) School Psychology International, 21, 22-36.
  • Craig, W.M. ve Pepler, D. (2000). Making a difference in bullying. REPORT #60. ISSN 084-9749 ISBN 1-55014-403-0 İnternet’ten 11 Nisan 2007’de elde edilmiştir.
  • Çınkır, Ş. ve Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. (2003). Öğrenciler arası zorbalık. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 34, 236-253.
  • Demaray, M.K. ve Malecki, C.K. (2003). Perceptions of the frequency and importance of social support by students classified as victims, bullies and bully/victims in an urban middle school. (Electronic version) School Psychology Review, 32, 471-490. Dölek, N. (2007). Öğrencilerde İnternetten 28 Kasım 2007’de elde ediliştir. zorbaca davranışlar.
  • Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F.I.M. ve Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where? Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. (Electronic version) Health Education Research Theory & Practice, 20(1), 81-91.
  • Garrity, C., Jens, K., Porter, W., Sager, N. ve Short-Camilli, C. (1996). Bully- proofing Your school: a comprehensive approach. National School Safety Center News Journal, 20-23.
  • Glover, D., Gough, G., Johnson, M. ve Cartwright, N. (2000). Bullying in 25 secondary schools: Incidence, impact and intervention. (Electronic version) Educational Research, 42(2), 141-156.
  • Greeff, P. (2004). The Nature and Prevalence of Bullying During the Intermediate School Phase. Thesis of Master, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, at the Bloemfontein. University of the Free State. İnternetten 04 Haziran db//theses/available/etd-09292005-154532/unrestricted/GREEFFP.pdf elde ediliştir.
  • Hazler, R., Hoover, J.H. ve Oliver, R. (1992). What kids say about bullying. The Executive Educator, November, 20-22.
  • Hoover, J.H., Oliver, R.L. ve Thomson, K.A. (1993). Perceived victimisation by school bullies: New research and future direction. (Electronic version) Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 32, 72-84.
  • Hazler, R.J. (1994). Bullying breeds violence. You can stop it. Learning, 22(6), 38- 41. İnternet’ten 8 Temmuz, 2006’da elde edilmiştir.
  • Hazler, R.J., Miller, D.L., Carney, J.V. ve Green, S. (2001). Adult recognition of school bullying situations. (Electronic version) Educational Research. 43, 133- 146.
  • Houndoumadi, A. ve Pateraki, L. (2001). Bullying and bullies in Greek elementary schools: Pupils’ attitudes and teachers’/parents’ awareness’. (Electronic version) Educational Review, 53, 19-27.
  • Kapcı, E.G. (2004). Ilköğretim öğrencilerinin zorbalığa maruz kalma türünün ve sıklığının depresyon, kaygı ve benlik saygısıyla ilişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 37(1):1-13.
  • Kepenekçi, Y. & Çınkır, Ş. (2006). Bullying among Turkish high school students. Child Abuse & Neglect. 30(2):193-204.
  • Ma, X., Stevin, L.L. ve Mah, D.L. (2001). Bullying in school: nature, effects, and remedies. (Electronic version) Research Papers in Education, 16(3), 247-270.
  • Mouttapa, M., Valente, T., Gallaher, P., Rohrbach, L.A. ve Unger, J.B. (2004). Social network predictors of bullying and victimization. (Electronic version) Adolescence, 39, 315-336.
  • Nansel, T.R., Overpeck, M., Pilla, R.S., Ruan, W.J., Simons-Morton, B. ve Scheidt, P. (2001). Bullying behaviors among US youth: Prevalence and association with psychosocial adjustment. (Electronic version) Journal of the American Medical Association, abstract/285/16/2094 2094-2100.
  • Naylor, P., Cowie, H., Cossin, F., Bettencourt, R. ve Lemme, F. (2006). Teachers’ and pupils’ definitions of bullying. (Electronic version) British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 553-576.
  • Olafsen, R.N. ve Viemerö, V. (2000). Bully/victim problems and coping with stress among 10 to 12-year-old pupils in Åland, Finland. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 26, 57-65.
  • Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school – What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A profile of bullying. (Electronic version) Educational Leadership, 60(6), 12-17.
  • O’Moore, A.M. ve Hillery, B. (1989). Bullying in Dublin schools. (Electronic version) Irish Journal of Psychology, 10(3), 426-441.
  • Pepler, D.J., Craig, W.M., Ziegler, S. ve Charach, A. (1994). An evaluation of an anti-bullying program intervention in Toronto Schools. (Electronic version) Canadian Journal of Community MentalHealth, 13, 95-110.
  • Pişkin, M. (2006). Akran zorbalığı olgusunun ilköğretim öğrencileri arasındaki yaygınlığının incelenmesi. I.Şiddet ve Okul: Okul ve Çevresinde Çocuğa Yönelik Şiddet ve Alınabilecek Tedbirler Sempozyumu, 28-31 Mart 2006, İstanbul.
  • Richter, L., Palmary, I. & de Wet, T. (2000). The transmission of violence in schools: Birth to ten children's experiences of bullying. (Electronic version) Urban Health & Development Bulletin, 3,19-22.
  • Rigby, K. (1997). Attitudes and beliefs about bullying among Australian school children. (Electronic version) Irish Journal of Psychology, 18(2), 202-220.
  • Salmivalli, C. ve Nieminen, E. (2002). Proactive and reactive aggression among school bullies, victims and bully-victims. (Electronic version) Aggressive Behavior, 28, 30-44.
  • Seals, D. ve Young, J. (2003). Bullying and Victimization: Prevalence and relationship to gender, grade level, ethnicity, self-esteem and depression. (Electronic version) Adolescence, 38, 735-747.
  • Siann, G., Gallaghan, M., Lockhart, R., & Rawson, L. (1993). Bullying: Teachers’ views and school effects. (Electronic version) Educational Studies, 19, 307- 321.
  • Smith, P.K.. ve Shu, S. (2000). What good school can do about bullying: findings from a survey in English schools after a decade of research and action. (Electronic version) Childhood, 7(2), 93-212.
  • Stockdale, M., Hangaduambo, S., Duys, D., Larson, K. ve Sarvela, P.D. (2002). Rural elementary students’, parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of bullying. (Electronic version) American Journal of Health Behavior, 26, 266-277.
  • Wolk, D., Woods, S.,Bloomfield, L. ve Karstadt, L. (2000). The association between direct and relational bullying and behavior problems among primary school children. (Electronic version) Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 41(8), 989-1002.
  • Wolke, D., Woods, S., Stanford, K. ve Schulz, H. (2001). Bullying and victimization of primary school children in England and Germany: Prevalence and school factors. (Electronic version) British Journal of Psychology, 92, 673-696.
  • Yıldırım, S. (2001). Zorbalık, aile ortamı ve popülarite arasındaki ilişkiler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • Yoon, J.S. ve Kerber, K. (2003). Bullying: Elementary teachers’ attitudes and intervention strategies. (Electronic version) Research in Education, 69, 27-35.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA32BU77SV
Bölüm Makaleler

Hülya Kartal Bu kişi benim

Asude Bilgin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster


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