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Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey

Yıl 2019, , 8961 - 8985, 01.03.2019


Unfair wage
policies that fail to meet the needs of employees have been cited to be one of
the most important reasons for high turnover rates of construction professionals.
Despite, little research has been conducted related to the determinants of a
fair wage, and industry-wide wage policies. Hence, a questionnaire survey was
conducted in 2016 with 305 company/human resource managers and 410 construction
engineers working in Turkish construction industry, which is one of the largest
in the world, in order to determine wage policies of the companies. Findings of
the questionnaire survey are discussed within the frame of the literature
findings related to the prerequisites of a fair wage. Wages of respondents are
compared to the legal minimum wage requirements. Effects of some compensable
variables like the level of education, experience, seniority in the company,
foreign language skills, computer skills, the complexity of the project, the
location of the project and the size of the company on the wages are examined
by using multinomial logistic regression analysis and Self Organizing Maps.
Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients are used to represent and analyse the wage
distribution of the respondents. Multi-national comparisons are presented where

The findings
of the current research present a benchmark for further research related to the
prevailing wages, wage inequalities, and the wage policies, not only for Turkish
construction industry but also for the construction industry worldwide. 


  • Abu-Hijleh, S. F., Ibbs, C. W. “Schedule-based construction incentives.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 115(3), 430-443,1989. Addabbo, T., Favaro, D. “Gender wage differentials by education in Italy.” Applied Economics, 43(29),4589-4605, 2011.
  • Ahmad, M. “Estimation of distribution of income among various occupations/professions in Pakistan”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 119-134,2001. Arahspour, M., Arashpour, M. “Important factors influencing personnel performance of construction companies”, Economics , Business and Management, Vol.2., 32-37,2011.
  • Arumugam, V. C., Mojtahedzadeh, R. “The impact of human resource management practices on financial performance of Malaysian industries”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 80, (49–54,2011.
  • Babecký, J., Dybczak, K., Galuščák, K. “Survey on wage and price formation of Czech firms.” Czech National Bank Working Paper Series, (12),2008.
  • Berber, N., Morley, M. J., Slavić, A., Poór, J. “Management compensation systems in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis” ,The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1661-1689, 2017.
  • Bhattarai, K. R., Wisniewski, T. “Determinants of wages and labour supply in the UK.”, Chinese Business Review, 16(3), 126-140, 2002.
  • Boudarbat, B., Lemieux, T., Riddell, W.C. “Recent trends in wage inequality and the wage structure in Canada.” Dimensions of Inequality in Canada, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, Canada, 2006.
  • Brewster, C., Sparrow, P.,Vernon, G. International Human Resource Management. 2nd ed., 2007.
  • Buildecon, “Turkey Construction Market Report 2012”, Turkey, 2012.
  • Business Roundtable Integrating Construction Resources and Technology into Engineering, Report No. B-1A, Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness Project Report, New York, 1982.
  • Chen, Z., Ge, Y., Lai, H., and Wan, C. “Globalization and gender wage inequality in China.” World Development, 44, 256-266,2013.
  • Cheng, E. W., and Li, H. “Job performance evaluation for construction companies: an analytic network process approach.” ,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(8), 827-835, 2006.
  • Chih,Y.Y., Kiazad, K.,Zhou,L., Capezio,A. Li, M., Restubog, S.L.D. “Investigating employee turnover in the construction”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,142(6), 2016.
  • Dainty, A. R., Cheng, M. I.,Moore, D. R. “Redefining performance measures for construction project managers: an empirical evaluation.” Construction Management and Economics, 21(2), 209-218,2003.
  • Dainty, A. R., Cheng, M. I.,Moore, D. R. ,“Competency-based model for predicting construction project managers’ performance.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 21(1), 2-9,2005.
  • Di Paolo, A., and Tansel, A. “Returns to foreign language skills in a developing country: The case of Turkey.” The Journal of Development Studies, 51(4), 407-421, 2015.
  • Doloi, H. “Analysis of Incentivised Remuneration Schemes in Construction Industries.” 22st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 11-14 September, Ferrara, Italy, 2005.
  • EFBWW. (2009). “Wages in Construction” The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers., Accessed November 7,2017.
  • Enshassi A., Mohamed S., Abu Mustafa Z., and Mayer P. E. “Factors affecting labour productivity in building projects in the Gaza strip.” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 13(4),245-254,2007.
  • Fay, C. H., Thompson, M. A. “Contextual determinants of reward systems' success: An exploratory study”, Human Resource Management, 40(3), 213-226,2001.
  • Galuscak, K., Keeney, M., Nicolitsas, D., Smets, F., Strzelecki, P., Vodopivec, M. “The determination of wages of newly hired employees: Survey evidence on internal versus external factors.”, Labour Economics, 19(5), 802-812, 2012.
  • Gazioğlu, S., Tansel, A. “Job satisfaction in Britain: individual and job related factors.” Applied Economics, 38(10), 1163-1171, 2006.
  • Ginsburgh, V. A., Melitz, J., and Toubal, F. “Foreign language learning: an econometric analysis.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10101 ,2014.
  • Ginsburgh, V. A., Melitz, J.,Toubal, F. “Foreign language learning and trade.” Review of International Economics, 25(2), 320-361, 2017.
  • Gooderham, P., Parry, E., Ringdal, K. “The impact of bundles of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of European firms”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(11), 2041-2056,2008.
  • Gupta, N., Shaw, J. D. “Employee compensation: The neglected area of HRM research”, Human Resource Management Review, 24(1),1-4,2014.
  • Huselid, M. A., “The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672,1995.
  • Igalens, J., & Roussel, P. “A study of the relationships between compensation package, work motivation and job satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1003-1025,1999.
  • ILO. “Definition of Wage”, 2017, Accessed November 8, 2017.
  • ILO, “General Survey concerning the Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131), and the Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation, 1970 (No. 135), Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations” [online], [cited 08 November 2017]. International Labour Organization. Available from Internet:, 2014.
  • Jarkas, A. M., Radosavljevic, M. “Motivational factors impacting the productivity of construction master craftsmen in Kuwait”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4),446-454,2012.
  • Judge, T. A., Piccolo, R. F., Podsakoff, N. P., Shaw, J. C., & Rich, B. L. “The relationship between pay and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis of the literature”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(2), 157-167,2010.
  • Kagioglou, M., Cooper, R., and Aouad, G. “Performance management in construction: a conceptual framework.”, Construction Management and Economics, 19(1), 85-95,2001.
  • Kazaz A., Manisalı E., Ulubeyli S. “Effect of Basic Motivational Factors on Construction Workforce Productivity in Turkey.”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 14(2), 95-106,2008.
  • Korkmaz, A., Avsallı, H. “Türkiye'de Asgari Ücretin Hukuksal Yönü”, Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 4(2), 2012.
  • Labour Law 4857.,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2003.
  • Linghard D. H., “The Impact of Individual and Job Characteristics on 'Burnout' Among Civil Engineers in Australia and the Implications for Employee Turnover”, Construction Management and Economics, 21, 69-80,2003.
  • Liu L., and Zhang C. “Wages for migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta: determining factors.” Social Sciences in China, 29(3), 104-120,2008.
  • Lorenz, M. O. "Methods of measuring the concentration of wealth". Publications of the American Statistical Association,9 (70), 209-219,1905. MET. “Company Reports 2016.” Ministry of Economy of Turkey, 2016.
  • Morikawa, M. “A comparison of the wage structure between the public and private sectors in Japan.” ,Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 39, 73-90,2016.
  • Mudor, H. and P. Tooksoon, “Conceptual framework on the relationship between human resource management practices, job satisfaction, and turnover”, Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2(2),41-49,2011.
  • Nestić, D. “The determinants of wages in Croatia: evidence from earnings regressions.” 65th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Economics, 18-19 November 2004, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005.
  • OECD,Income inequality (indicator)., Accessed December 7, 2017,2017.
  • Ogunlana, S., Siddiqui, Z., Yisa, S., and Olomolaiye, P. “Factors and procedures used in matching project managers to construction projects in Bangkok.” International Journal of Project Management, 20(5),385-400,2002.
  • Oral E., Oral,M. “Predicting construction crew productivity by using Self Organizing Maps”,Automation in Construction,19 (6), 791-797,2010.
  • Peng, C. Y. J., Lee, K. L., Ingersoll, G. M. ,“An introduction to logistic regression analysis and reporting.”, The Journal of Educational Research, 96(1), 3-14,2002.
  • Randeree, K., Ghaffar Chaudhry, A.,“Leadership–style, satisfaction and commitment: An exploration in the United Arab Emirates' construction sector.” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 19(1),61-85,2012.
  • Regulation on the Records of Building Contractors and the Site Managers and Licenced Foremen (Yapı Müteahhitlerinin Kayıtları ile Şantiye Şefleri ve Yetki Belgeli Ustalar Hakkında Yönetmelik) ,Accessed December 7, 2017,2010.
  • Siems, F. U., Goelzner, H., Moosmayer, D. C. “Reference compensation: a transfer of reference price theory to human resource management”, Review of Managerial Science, 6(2), 103-129,2012.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., Fidell L.S., Using Multivariate Statistics, 6th ed. Pearson, Boston, 2016.
  • Tanriverdi, H., Çakmak, C., Altindag, E. “The relationship of organizational culture and wage policies in Turkish family firms.”, Business Management Dynamics, 5(7), 1-16.,2016.
  • TSI, “Construction Labor Input Indices 2016.”,Turkish Statistical Institute,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2016.
  • TSI. “Construction Seasonally and Calendar Adjusted Gross Wages-Salaries Index and Percentage Changes (2010=100)”, Turkish Statistical Institute,, 2017, Accessed November 8, 2017.
  • UCTEA. “Meeting Decisions (19.12.2015).” Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects,, 2015, Accessed November 8, 2017, 2015.
  • UCTEA. “Member Information 2016.” , Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2017.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)) Human Development Reports , 2017, Accessed December 15, 2017.
  • Williams, M. L., Brower, H. H., Ford, L. R., Williams, L. J., & Carraher, S. M. “A comprehensive model and measure of compensation satisfaction”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81(4), 639-668, 2008.
  • World Bank Group Inequality Measures, Poverty Manual, All, JH Revision of August 8, p. 218, 2005.
  • Yang, J., and Mayston, D. “Impact of Overeducation on Wages in China.”, Chinese Economy, 45(2), 65-89,2012.

Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey

Yıl 2019, , 8961 - 8985, 01.03.2019


Unfair wage policies that fail to meet the needs of employees have been cited to be one of the most important reasons for high turnover rates of construction professionals. Despite, little research has been conducted related to the determinants of a fair wage, and industry-wide wage policies. Hence, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2016 with 305 company/human resource managers and 410 construction engineers working in Turkish construction industry, which is one of the largest in the world, in order to determine wage policies of the companies. Findings of the questionnaire survey are discussed within the frame of the literature findings related to the prerequisites of a fair wage. Wages of respondents are compared to the legal minimum wage requirements. Effects of some compensable variables like the level of education, experience, seniority in the company, foreign language skills, computer skills, the complexity of the project, the location of the project and the size of the company on the wages are examined by using multinomial logistic regression analysis and Self Organizing Maps. Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients are used to represent and analyse the wage distribution of the respondents. Multi-national comparisons are presented where possible.

The findings of the current research present a benchmark for further research related to the prevailing wages, wage inequalities, and the wage policies, not only for Turkish construction industry but also for the construction industry worldwide. 


  • Abu-Hijleh, S. F., Ibbs, C. W. “Schedule-based construction incentives.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 115(3), 430-443,1989. Addabbo, T., Favaro, D. “Gender wage differentials by education in Italy.” Applied Economics, 43(29),4589-4605, 2011.
  • Ahmad, M. “Estimation of distribution of income among various occupations/professions in Pakistan”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 119-134,2001. Arahspour, M., Arashpour, M. “Important factors influencing personnel performance of construction companies”, Economics , Business and Management, Vol.2., 32-37,2011.
  • Arumugam, V. C., Mojtahedzadeh, R. “The impact of human resource management practices on financial performance of Malaysian industries”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 80, (49–54,2011.
  • Babecký, J., Dybczak, K., Galuščák, K. “Survey on wage and price formation of Czech firms.” Czech National Bank Working Paper Series, (12),2008.
  • Berber, N., Morley, M. J., Slavić, A., Poór, J. “Management compensation systems in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis” ,The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1661-1689, 2017.
  • Bhattarai, K. R., Wisniewski, T. “Determinants of wages and labour supply in the UK.”, Chinese Business Review, 16(3), 126-140, 2002.
  • Boudarbat, B., Lemieux, T., Riddell, W.C. “Recent trends in wage inequality and the wage structure in Canada.” Dimensions of Inequality in Canada, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, Canada, 2006.
  • Brewster, C., Sparrow, P.,Vernon, G. International Human Resource Management. 2nd ed., 2007.
  • Buildecon, “Turkey Construction Market Report 2012”, Turkey, 2012.
  • Business Roundtable Integrating Construction Resources and Technology into Engineering, Report No. B-1A, Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness Project Report, New York, 1982.
  • Chen, Z., Ge, Y., Lai, H., and Wan, C. “Globalization and gender wage inequality in China.” World Development, 44, 256-266,2013.
  • Cheng, E. W., and Li, H. “Job performance evaluation for construction companies: an analytic network process approach.” ,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(8), 827-835, 2006.
  • Chih,Y.Y., Kiazad, K.,Zhou,L., Capezio,A. Li, M., Restubog, S.L.D. “Investigating employee turnover in the construction”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,142(6), 2016.
  • Dainty, A. R., Cheng, M. I.,Moore, D. R. “Redefining performance measures for construction project managers: an empirical evaluation.” Construction Management and Economics, 21(2), 209-218,2003.
  • Dainty, A. R., Cheng, M. I.,Moore, D. R. ,“Competency-based model for predicting construction project managers’ performance.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 21(1), 2-9,2005.
  • Di Paolo, A., and Tansel, A. “Returns to foreign language skills in a developing country: The case of Turkey.” The Journal of Development Studies, 51(4), 407-421, 2015.
  • Doloi, H. “Analysis of Incentivised Remuneration Schemes in Construction Industries.” 22st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 11-14 September, Ferrara, Italy, 2005.
  • EFBWW. (2009). “Wages in Construction” The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers., Accessed November 7,2017.
  • Enshassi A., Mohamed S., Abu Mustafa Z., and Mayer P. E. “Factors affecting labour productivity in building projects in the Gaza strip.” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 13(4),245-254,2007.
  • Fay, C. H., Thompson, M. A. “Contextual determinants of reward systems' success: An exploratory study”, Human Resource Management, 40(3), 213-226,2001.
  • Galuscak, K., Keeney, M., Nicolitsas, D., Smets, F., Strzelecki, P., Vodopivec, M. “The determination of wages of newly hired employees: Survey evidence on internal versus external factors.”, Labour Economics, 19(5), 802-812, 2012.
  • Gazioğlu, S., Tansel, A. “Job satisfaction in Britain: individual and job related factors.” Applied Economics, 38(10), 1163-1171, 2006.
  • Ginsburgh, V. A., Melitz, J., and Toubal, F. “Foreign language learning: an econometric analysis.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10101 ,2014.
  • Ginsburgh, V. A., Melitz, J.,Toubal, F. “Foreign language learning and trade.” Review of International Economics, 25(2), 320-361, 2017.
  • Gooderham, P., Parry, E., Ringdal, K. “The impact of bundles of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of European firms”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(11), 2041-2056,2008.
  • Gupta, N., Shaw, J. D. “Employee compensation: The neglected area of HRM research”, Human Resource Management Review, 24(1),1-4,2014.
  • Huselid, M. A., “The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672,1995.
  • Igalens, J., & Roussel, P. “A study of the relationships between compensation package, work motivation and job satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1003-1025,1999.
  • ILO. “Definition of Wage”, 2017, Accessed November 8, 2017.
  • ILO, “General Survey concerning the Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131), and the Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation, 1970 (No. 135), Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations” [online], [cited 08 November 2017]. International Labour Organization. Available from Internet:, 2014.
  • Jarkas, A. M., Radosavljevic, M. “Motivational factors impacting the productivity of construction master craftsmen in Kuwait”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4),446-454,2012.
  • Judge, T. A., Piccolo, R. F., Podsakoff, N. P., Shaw, J. C., & Rich, B. L. “The relationship between pay and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis of the literature”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(2), 157-167,2010.
  • Kagioglou, M., Cooper, R., and Aouad, G. “Performance management in construction: a conceptual framework.”, Construction Management and Economics, 19(1), 85-95,2001.
  • Kazaz A., Manisalı E., Ulubeyli S. “Effect of Basic Motivational Factors on Construction Workforce Productivity in Turkey.”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 14(2), 95-106,2008.
  • Korkmaz, A., Avsallı, H. “Türkiye'de Asgari Ücretin Hukuksal Yönü”, Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 4(2), 2012.
  • Labour Law 4857.,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2003.
  • Linghard D. H., “The Impact of Individual and Job Characteristics on 'Burnout' Among Civil Engineers in Australia and the Implications for Employee Turnover”, Construction Management and Economics, 21, 69-80,2003.
  • Liu L., and Zhang C. “Wages for migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta: determining factors.” Social Sciences in China, 29(3), 104-120,2008.
  • Lorenz, M. O. "Methods of measuring the concentration of wealth". Publications of the American Statistical Association,9 (70), 209-219,1905. MET. “Company Reports 2016.” Ministry of Economy of Turkey, 2016.
  • Morikawa, M. “A comparison of the wage structure between the public and private sectors in Japan.” ,Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 39, 73-90,2016.
  • Mudor, H. and P. Tooksoon, “Conceptual framework on the relationship between human resource management practices, job satisfaction, and turnover”, Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2(2),41-49,2011.
  • Nestić, D. “The determinants of wages in Croatia: evidence from earnings regressions.” 65th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Economics, 18-19 November 2004, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005.
  • OECD,Income inequality (indicator)., Accessed December 7, 2017,2017.
  • Ogunlana, S., Siddiqui, Z., Yisa, S., and Olomolaiye, P. “Factors and procedures used in matching project managers to construction projects in Bangkok.” International Journal of Project Management, 20(5),385-400,2002.
  • Oral E., Oral,M. “Predicting construction crew productivity by using Self Organizing Maps”,Automation in Construction,19 (6), 791-797,2010.
  • Peng, C. Y. J., Lee, K. L., Ingersoll, G. M. ,“An introduction to logistic regression analysis and reporting.”, The Journal of Educational Research, 96(1), 3-14,2002.
  • Randeree, K., Ghaffar Chaudhry, A.,“Leadership–style, satisfaction and commitment: An exploration in the United Arab Emirates' construction sector.” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 19(1),61-85,2012.
  • Regulation on the Records of Building Contractors and the Site Managers and Licenced Foremen (Yapı Müteahhitlerinin Kayıtları ile Şantiye Şefleri ve Yetki Belgeli Ustalar Hakkında Yönetmelik) ,Accessed December 7, 2017,2010.
  • Siems, F. U., Goelzner, H., Moosmayer, D. C. “Reference compensation: a transfer of reference price theory to human resource management”, Review of Managerial Science, 6(2), 103-129,2012.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., Fidell L.S., Using Multivariate Statistics, 6th ed. Pearson, Boston, 2016.
  • Tanriverdi, H., Çakmak, C., Altindag, E. “The relationship of organizational culture and wage policies in Turkish family firms.”, Business Management Dynamics, 5(7), 1-16.,2016.
  • TSI, “Construction Labor Input Indices 2016.”,Turkish Statistical Institute,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2016.
  • TSI. “Construction Seasonally and Calendar Adjusted Gross Wages-Salaries Index and Percentage Changes (2010=100)”, Turkish Statistical Institute,, 2017, Accessed November 8, 2017.
  • UCTEA. “Meeting Decisions (19.12.2015).” Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects,, 2015, Accessed November 8, 2017, 2015.
  • UCTEA. “Member Information 2016.” , Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects,, Accessed November 8, 2017,2017.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)) Human Development Reports , 2017, Accessed December 15, 2017.
  • Williams, M. L., Brower, H. H., Ford, L. R., Williams, L. J., & Carraher, S. M. “A comprehensive model and measure of compensation satisfaction”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81(4), 639-668, 2008.
  • World Bank Group Inequality Measures, Poverty Manual, All, JH Revision of August 8, p. 218, 2005.
  • Yang, J., and Mayston, D. “Impact of Overeducation on Wages in China.”, Chinese Economy, 45(2), 65-89,2012.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnşaat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makale

Serkan Aydınlı 0000-0002-2897-4144

Mustafa Oral 0000-0001-9127-8857

Emel Oral 0000-0002-7477-7993

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydınlı, S., Oral, M., & Oral, E. (2019). Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey. Teknik Dergi, 30(2), 8961-8985.
AMA Aydınlı S, Oral M, Oral E. Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey. Teknik Dergi. Mart 2019;30(2):8961-8985. doi:10.18400/tekderg.378955
Chicago Aydınlı, Serkan, Mustafa Oral, ve Emel Oral. “Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey”. Teknik Dergi 30, sy. 2 (Mart 2019): 8961-85.
EndNote Aydınlı S, Oral M, Oral E (01 Mart 2019) Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey. Teknik Dergi 30 2 8961–8985.
IEEE S. Aydınlı, M. Oral, ve E. Oral, “Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey”, Teknik Dergi, c. 30, sy. 2, ss. 8961–8985, 2019, doi: 10.18400/tekderg.378955.
ISNAD Aydınlı, Serkan vd. “Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey”. Teknik Dergi 30/2 (Mart 2019), 8961-8985.
JAMA Aydınlı S, Oral M, Oral E. Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey. Teknik Dergi. 2019;30:8961–8985.
MLA Aydınlı, Serkan vd. “Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey”. Teknik Dergi, c. 30, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 8961-85, doi:10.18400/tekderg.378955.
Vancouver Aydınlı S, Oral M, Oral E. Wage Determinants and Wage Inequalities –Case of Construction Engineers In Turkey. Teknik Dergi. 2019;30(2):8961-85.