Uluslararası Ortak Girişimlerin Başarısında Kültürel Uyumun Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 7845 - 7864, 01.04.2017
Beliz Özorhon
Hasan Altun
Uluslararası ortak girişimler (UOG) stratejik
bir alternatif olarak küresel rekabette büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Farklı
ülkelerden ortakların kurduğu girişimlerde, kültürel farklılıklar daha düşük
performansa neden olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın başlıca amacı ulusal ve
kurumsal kültür açısından ortakların uyumunun UOG performansı üzerindeki
etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda, Türkiye Müteahhitler Birliği (TMB) üyesi
olan orta ve büyük ölçekli yüklenicilerin katılımıyla bir anket çalışması
yapılmıştır. Elde edilen toplam 68 projeye ait veri regresyon ve korelasyon
analizi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Türk firmalarının yabancı ortakları ile
aralarındaki kurumsal ve ulusal kültür uyumu hesaplanmıştır. Kurumsal kültürün
ulusal kültüre nazaran performansı etkilemekte daha baskın olduğu
- Porter M. E., The competitive advantage of nations. New York, Free Press, 1990.
- Geringer, J. M., Joint venture partner selection: Strategies for developing countries, Quorum, New York., 1988.
- Makino, S., Beamish, P. W., Performance and survival of international joint ventures with non-conventional ownership structures. J. Int. Business Stud., 29(4), 797–818, 1998.
- Parkhe, A., “Messy” research, methodological predispositions, and theory development in international joint ventures. Academy of Management Review, 18(2), 227–268, 1993.
- Robson, M. J., Leonidou, L. C., Katsikeas, C. S., Factors Influencing International Joint Venture Performance: Theoretical Perspectives, Assessment, and Future Directions Management International Review, 42(4), 385-418, 2002.
- Bing, L., Tiong, R. L. K., Risk management model for international construction joint ventures. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 125(5), 377–384, 1999.
- Bing, L., Tiong, R. L. K., Fan, W. W.,Chew, D. A. S,.Risk management in international construction joint ventures. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 125(4), 277–284, 1999.
- Mohamed, S., Performance in international construction joint ventures: Modeling perspective. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 129(6), 619–626, 2003.
- Gale, A., Luo, J., Factors affecting construction joint ventures in China. Int. J. Proj. Manage., 22(1), 33–42, 2004.
- Chan, E. H. W., Tse, R. Y. C., Cultural considerations in international construction contracts. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129, 375-381, 2003.
- Ozorhon, B., Arditi, D., Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., The performance of international joint ventures in construction. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 26, 209-222, 2010.
- Larimo, J. A., Nguyen, H. L., International joint venture strategies and performance in the Baltic States. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(1), 52-72, 2015.
- Gollnhofer, J. F., Turkina, E., Cultural distance and entry modes: implications for global expansion strategy. Cross Cultural Management, 22(1), 21-41, 2015.
- Kagioglou, M., Cooper, R., Aouad, G., Performance management in construction: A conceptual framework. Constr. Manage. Econom., 19, 85–95, 2001.
- Chan, A. P. C., Chan, D. W. M., Chiang, Y. H., Tang, B. S., Chan, E. H. W., Ho, K. S. K., Exploring critical success factors for partnering in construction projects. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 130(2), 188–198, 2004.
- Ozorhon, B., Arditi, D., Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., Implications of culture in the performance of international construction joint ventures. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 134, 361-370, 2008.
- Abdul-Rahman, H., Wang, C., Wood, L. C., Ismail, S., International joint venture between Asean and Gulf: Bidding and delivering Bahraın international Formula-1 circuit. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(4), 357-382, 2014.
- Kogut, B., Singh, H., The effect of national culture on the choice of entry mode. Journal of International Business Studies, 19, 411-432, 1988.
- Park, S. H., Ungson, G. R., The effect of national culture, organizational complementarity, and economic motivation on joint venture dissolution. Academy of Management Journal, 40, 279–307, 1997.
- O’Grady, S., Lane, H. W., The psychic distance paradox. J. Int. Business Stud., 27(2), 309–333, 1996.
- Mead, R., International management. Oxford, Blackwell, 2nd Ed., 1998.
- Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., Cultures and organizations:Software of the mind, 2nd Ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
- Evans, J., Treadgold, A., Mavondo, F., Explaining export development through psychic distance. International Marketing Review 17(2), 164–168, 2000.
- Hofstede, G., Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values, Beverly Hills, California, Sage, 1980.
- Hofstede, G., Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind, intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival, McGrawHill, New York, 1991.
- Demirbag, M., Mirza, H., Factors affecting international joint venture success: An empirical analysis of foreign-local partner relationships and performance in joint ventures in Turkey. Int. Bus. Rev., 9(1), 1–35, 2000.
- Janger, A. R., Organization of international joint ventures. New York: The Conference Board, 1980.
- Killing, P. J., Strategies for joint venture success. London. Croom Helm, 1983.
- Tatoglu, E., Glaister, K. W., Performance of international joint ventures in Turkey: Perspectives of Western firms and Turkish firms. International Business Review, 7, 635-656, 1998.
- Morris, D., Hergert, M., Trends in international collaborative agreements. Columbia Journal of World Business, 23(2), 15–21, 1987.
- Harrigan, K. R., Joint ventures and competitive strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 9(2), 141–158, 1988.
- Parkhe, A., Interfirm diversity, organizational learning, and longevity in global strategic alliances. Journal of International Business Studies, Fourth Quarter, 579–601, 1991.
- Beamish, P. W, Multinational joint ventures in developing countries, London, Routledge, 1988.
- Luo, Y., Joint venture success in China: How should we select a good partner? J. World Bus., 33(2), 145–166, 1998.
- Inkpen, A. C., Currall, S. C., The nature, antecedents, and consequences of joint venture trust. J. Int. Manag., 4(1), 1–20, 1998.
- Mohr, J., Spekman, R., Characteristics of partnership success: partnership attributes, communication behaviour, and conflict resolution techniques. Strategic Management Journal, 15(2), 135–152, 1994.
- Hennart, J. F., Kim, D. J., Zeng, M., The impact of joint venture status on the longevity of Japanese stakes in U.S. manufacturing affiliates. Org. Sci., 9(3), 382–395, 1998.
- Johanson, J., Vahlne, J. E., The internationalization process of the firm-a model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. J. Int. Business Stud., 8(1), 23–32, 1977.
- Luo, Y., Partner selection and venturing success: The case of joint ventures with firms in the People’s Republic of China. Org. Sci., 8(6), 648–662, 1997.
- Gunhan, S., Arditi, A., Factors affecting international construction. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 131(3), 273–282, 2005.
- [1] Beamish, P.W., Joint venture performance in developing countries. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1984.
- [2] Sridharan, G., Factors affecting the performance of international joint ventures-A research model. Proc., 1st Int. Conf. on Construction Industry Development, National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore, 2, 84–91, 1997.
- [3] Cartwright, S., Cooper, C. L., The role of culture compatibility in successful organizational marriage. Acad. Manage. Exec., 7(2), 57–70, 1993.
- [4] Barkema, H. G. Vermeulen, F., What differences in the cultural backgrounds of partners are detrimental for international joint ventures? Journal of International Business Studies, 28, 845–864, 1997.
- [5] Brouthers, K., Brouthers, L., Explaining the national cultural distance paradox. J. Int. Business Stud.,32(1), 177–189, 2001.
- [6] Sim, A. B., Ali, M. Y., Determinants of stability in international joint ventures: Evidence from a developing country context. Asia Pac. J. Manage., 17(3), 373–397, 2000.
- [7] Nielsen, B. B., Determining international strategic alliance performance. Working Paper-6, Copenhagen Business School Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
- [8] Fey, C. F., Beamish, P. W., The importance of organizational climate similarity between parent firms and the JV: The case of IJVs in Russia. Organization Studies, 22, 853-882, 2001.
- [9] Tihanyi, L., Griffith, D. A., Russell, C. J., The effect of cultural distance on entry mode choice, international diversification. and MNE performance: A meta-analysis. J. Int. Bus. Stud., 36(3), 270-283, 2005.
- [10] Schein, E., Organizational culture and leadership, 2nd Ed., San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1992.
- Erez, M., Gati, E., A dynamic, multi-level model of culture: From the micro level of the individual to the macro level of a global culture. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(4), 583-598, 2004.
- Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D., Sanders, G., Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 286-316, 1990.
- Pothukuchi, V., Damanpour, F., Choi, J., Chen, C.C., Park, S. H., National and organizational culture differences and international joint venture performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33, 243-265, 2002.
- Brown L. T., Rugman A. M., Verbeke A., Japanese joint ventures with Western multinationals: Synthesizing the economic and cultural explanations of failure. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 6(2), 225–242, 1989.
- Hofstede, G., Identifying organizational subcultures: An empirical approach. J. Manage. Stud. (Oxford), 35(1), 1–12, 1998.
- Kogut, B., Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Strategic Manage. J., 9(4), 319–332, 1988.
- Contractor, F. J. Lorange, P,. Why should firms cooperate? The strategy and economics basis for cooperative ventures. Cooperative strategies in international business, F. J. Contractor and P. Lorange, eds., Lexington books, Lexington, Mass, 1988.
- Schneeweiss, H., Komlos, J., Probabilistic Rounding and Sheppard’s Correction. Technical Report Number 045, Department of Statistics University of Munich, Munich, 2008.
- Wold, H., Sheppard's correction formulae in several variables. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1934(1), 1934.
- Yue, S., Pilon, P., Cavadias, G., Power of the Mann–Kendall and Spearman's rho tests for detecting monotonic trends in hydrological series. Journal of Hydrology, 264(1–4), 262-263, 2002.
- Taylor, R., Interpretation of the Correlation Coefficient: A Basic Review. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonofgraphy, 6, 35-39, 1990.
Investigation of the Effect of Cultural Adaptation on International Joint Venture Performance
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 7845 - 7864, 01.04.2017
Beliz Özorhon
Hasan Altun
joint ventures (IJVs) have a great importance as a strategic alternative in
global competition. Cultural differences between partners from different
countries may cause lower performance levels in such ventures. The major
objective of this study is to investigate the influence of national and
organizational culture adaptation of partners
on the IJV performance. In this respect, a questionnaire survey was
administered to medium to large scale contractors,
thgat are members of the Turkish Contractors
Association (TCA). A total of 68 project data was studied using regression and
correlation analysis. Organizational and national culture adaptation between Turkish firms and their foreign
partners was calculated. It is observed that compared to the national culture,
organizational culture has a more significant effect on the IJV performance.
- Porter M. E., The competitive advantage of nations. New York, Free Press, 1990.
- Geringer, J. M., Joint venture partner selection: Strategies for developing countries, Quorum, New York., 1988.
- Makino, S., Beamish, P. W., Performance and survival of international joint ventures with non-conventional ownership structures. J. Int. Business Stud., 29(4), 797–818, 1998.
- Parkhe, A., “Messy” research, methodological predispositions, and theory development in international joint ventures. Academy of Management Review, 18(2), 227–268, 1993.
- Robson, M. J., Leonidou, L. C., Katsikeas, C. S., Factors Influencing International Joint Venture Performance: Theoretical Perspectives, Assessment, and Future Directions Management International Review, 42(4), 385-418, 2002.
- Bing, L., Tiong, R. L. K., Risk management model for international construction joint ventures. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 125(5), 377–384, 1999.
- Bing, L., Tiong, R. L. K., Fan, W. W.,Chew, D. A. S,.Risk management in international construction joint ventures. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 125(4), 277–284, 1999.
- Mohamed, S., Performance in international construction joint ventures: Modeling perspective. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 129(6), 619–626, 2003.
- Gale, A., Luo, J., Factors affecting construction joint ventures in China. Int. J. Proj. Manage., 22(1), 33–42, 2004.
- Chan, E. H. W., Tse, R. Y. C., Cultural considerations in international construction contracts. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129, 375-381, 2003.
- Ozorhon, B., Arditi, D., Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., The performance of international joint ventures in construction. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 26, 209-222, 2010.
- Larimo, J. A., Nguyen, H. L., International joint venture strategies and performance in the Baltic States. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(1), 52-72, 2015.
- Gollnhofer, J. F., Turkina, E., Cultural distance and entry modes: implications for global expansion strategy. Cross Cultural Management, 22(1), 21-41, 2015.
- Kagioglou, M., Cooper, R., Aouad, G., Performance management in construction: A conceptual framework. Constr. Manage. Econom., 19, 85–95, 2001.
- Chan, A. P. C., Chan, D. W. M., Chiang, Y. H., Tang, B. S., Chan, E. H. W., Ho, K. S. K., Exploring critical success factors for partnering in construction projects. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 130(2), 188–198, 2004.
- Ozorhon, B., Arditi, D., Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., Implications of culture in the performance of international construction joint ventures. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 134, 361-370, 2008.
- Abdul-Rahman, H., Wang, C., Wood, L. C., Ismail, S., International joint venture between Asean and Gulf: Bidding and delivering Bahraın international Formula-1 circuit. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(4), 357-382, 2014.
- Kogut, B., Singh, H., The effect of national culture on the choice of entry mode. Journal of International Business Studies, 19, 411-432, 1988.
- Park, S. H., Ungson, G. R., The effect of national culture, organizational complementarity, and economic motivation on joint venture dissolution. Academy of Management Journal, 40, 279–307, 1997.
- O’Grady, S., Lane, H. W., The psychic distance paradox. J. Int. Business Stud., 27(2), 309–333, 1996.
- Mead, R., International management. Oxford, Blackwell, 2nd Ed., 1998.
- Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., Cultures and organizations:Software of the mind, 2nd Ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
- Evans, J., Treadgold, A., Mavondo, F., Explaining export development through psychic distance. International Marketing Review 17(2), 164–168, 2000.
- Hofstede, G., Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values, Beverly Hills, California, Sage, 1980.
- Hofstede, G., Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind, intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival, McGrawHill, New York, 1991.
- Demirbag, M., Mirza, H., Factors affecting international joint venture success: An empirical analysis of foreign-local partner relationships and performance in joint ventures in Turkey. Int. Bus. Rev., 9(1), 1–35, 2000.
- Janger, A. R., Organization of international joint ventures. New York: The Conference Board, 1980.
- Killing, P. J., Strategies for joint venture success. London. Croom Helm, 1983.
- Tatoglu, E., Glaister, K. W., Performance of international joint ventures in Turkey: Perspectives of Western firms and Turkish firms. International Business Review, 7, 635-656, 1998.
- Morris, D., Hergert, M., Trends in international collaborative agreements. Columbia Journal of World Business, 23(2), 15–21, 1987.
- Harrigan, K. R., Joint ventures and competitive strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 9(2), 141–158, 1988.
- Parkhe, A., Interfirm diversity, organizational learning, and longevity in global strategic alliances. Journal of International Business Studies, Fourth Quarter, 579–601, 1991.
- Beamish, P. W, Multinational joint ventures in developing countries, London, Routledge, 1988.
- Luo, Y., Joint venture success in China: How should we select a good partner? J. World Bus., 33(2), 145–166, 1998.
- Inkpen, A. C., Currall, S. C., The nature, antecedents, and consequences of joint venture trust. J. Int. Manag., 4(1), 1–20, 1998.
- Mohr, J., Spekman, R., Characteristics of partnership success: partnership attributes, communication behaviour, and conflict resolution techniques. Strategic Management Journal, 15(2), 135–152, 1994.
- Hennart, J. F., Kim, D. J., Zeng, M., The impact of joint venture status on the longevity of Japanese stakes in U.S. manufacturing affiliates. Org. Sci., 9(3), 382–395, 1998.
- Johanson, J., Vahlne, J. E., The internationalization process of the firm-a model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. J. Int. Business Stud., 8(1), 23–32, 1977.
- Luo, Y., Partner selection and venturing success: The case of joint ventures with firms in the People’s Republic of China. Org. Sci., 8(6), 648–662, 1997.
- Gunhan, S., Arditi, A., Factors affecting international construction. J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 131(3), 273–282, 2005.
- [1] Beamish, P.W., Joint venture performance in developing countries. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1984.
- [2] Sridharan, G., Factors affecting the performance of international joint ventures-A research model. Proc., 1st Int. Conf. on Construction Industry Development, National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore, 2, 84–91, 1997.
- [3] Cartwright, S., Cooper, C. L., The role of culture compatibility in successful organizational marriage. Acad. Manage. Exec., 7(2), 57–70, 1993.
- [4] Barkema, H. G. Vermeulen, F., What differences in the cultural backgrounds of partners are detrimental for international joint ventures? Journal of International Business Studies, 28, 845–864, 1997.
- [5] Brouthers, K., Brouthers, L., Explaining the national cultural distance paradox. J. Int. Business Stud.,32(1), 177–189, 2001.
- [6] Sim, A. B., Ali, M. Y., Determinants of stability in international joint ventures: Evidence from a developing country context. Asia Pac. J. Manage., 17(3), 373–397, 2000.
- [7] Nielsen, B. B., Determining international strategic alliance performance. Working Paper-6, Copenhagen Business School Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
- [8] Fey, C. F., Beamish, P. W., The importance of organizational climate similarity between parent firms and the JV: The case of IJVs in Russia. Organization Studies, 22, 853-882, 2001.
- [9] Tihanyi, L., Griffith, D. A., Russell, C. J., The effect of cultural distance on entry mode choice, international diversification. and MNE performance: A meta-analysis. J. Int. Bus. Stud., 36(3), 270-283, 2005.
- [10] Schein, E., Organizational culture and leadership, 2nd Ed., San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1992.
- Erez, M., Gati, E., A dynamic, multi-level model of culture: From the micro level of the individual to the macro level of a global culture. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(4), 583-598, 2004.
- Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D., Sanders, G., Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 286-316, 1990.
- Pothukuchi, V., Damanpour, F., Choi, J., Chen, C.C., Park, S. H., National and organizational culture differences and international joint venture performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33, 243-265, 2002.
- Brown L. T., Rugman A. M., Verbeke A., Japanese joint ventures with Western multinationals: Synthesizing the economic and cultural explanations of failure. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 6(2), 225–242, 1989.
- Hofstede, G., Identifying organizational subcultures: An empirical approach. J. Manage. Stud. (Oxford), 35(1), 1–12, 1998.
- Kogut, B., Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Strategic Manage. J., 9(4), 319–332, 1988.
- Contractor, F. J. Lorange, P,. Why should firms cooperate? The strategy and economics basis for cooperative ventures. Cooperative strategies in international business, F. J. Contractor and P. Lorange, eds., Lexington books, Lexington, Mass, 1988.
- Schneeweiss, H., Komlos, J., Probabilistic Rounding and Sheppard’s Correction. Technical Report Number 045, Department of Statistics University of Munich, Munich, 2008.
- Wold, H., Sheppard's correction formulae in several variables. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1934(1), 1934.
- Yue, S., Pilon, P., Cavadias, G., Power of the Mann–Kendall and Spearman's rho tests for detecting monotonic trends in hydrological series. Journal of Hydrology, 264(1–4), 262-263, 2002.
- Taylor, R., Interpretation of the Correlation Coefficient: A Basic Review. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonofgraphy, 6, 35-39, 1990.