Time - Cost Relationships for Superstructure Projects in Turkey
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 9869 - 9896, 01.03.2020
Murat Sönmez
S.ümit Dikmen
Rıfat Akbıyıklı
concept of time-cost relationship in construction projects was first introduced
by Bromilow. Bromilow used the data of the superstructure projects completed in
Australia in the creation of the proposed time-cost model (BTC model). The aim
of this study is to determine the time-cost relationship of superstructure
projects in Turkey. Time and cost data of superstructure projects completed
between the years of 1999-2018 was used in the study. Data was grouped
primarily on the basis of the intended use of buildings (individual buildings, educational
buildings, hospitals, industrial buildings and social housing), and then
time-cost relationships were separately determined for each group. In addition,
the effects of the parameters such as exchange rates and the number of
non-working days on the time-cost relationship were investigated statistically.
- [1] Barrie, D. S., & Paulson, B. C., Professional construction management: including CM, design-construct, and general contracting. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. 1992.
- [3] Bayram, S.. Duration prediction models for construction projects: In terms of cost or physical characteristics?. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 21.6: 2049-2060.
- [2] Bromilow, F. J., Contract Time Performance Expectations and the Reality. Building Forum, 1, 70-80, 1969.
- [4] Petruseva, S., Pusic, D. C., & Pancovska, V. Z. Model for Predicting Construction Time by Using General Regression Neural Network. International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2016 (PBE2016) 29 September – 1 October, 2016, Luhacovice, Czech Republic, 2016.
- [5] Bayram, S. & Al-Jibouri, S. Reference Class Forecasting Method in Predicting Construction Project Duration. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 22 (3), pp.1132-1142, 2018
- [6] Ariful Haque, K.M., & Hasin, M.A.A. Genetic algorithm for project time-cost optimization in fuzzy environment. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5(2), pp.364-381, 2012.
- [7] Odabaşı, E., Models for Estimating Construction Duration: An Application for Selected Buildings on the METU Campus. Ankara: Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009.
- [8] Love, P. E. D., Tse, R. Y. C., & Edwards, D. J., Time-cost relationships in Australian building construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE), Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 187-194, 2005.
- [9] Ireland, V., The Role of Managerial Actions in the Cost Time and Quality Performance of High-Rise Commercial Building Projects. Construction Management and Economics, 3(1), 59-87, 1985.
- [10] Choudhury, I. & Rajan, S. S. Time-Cost Relationship for Residential Construction in Texas. CIB, 2003.
- [11] Ng, S., Mak, M., Skitmore, R. & Varnam, M. The Predictive Ability of Bromilow’s Time-Cost Model. Construction Management and Economics, 19(2), 165-173, 2001.
- [12] Kaka, A., & Price, A. D., Relationship between value and duration of construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 9(4), 383-400, 1991.
- [13] Kumaraswamy, M., Chan, D., Determinants of Construction Duration Construction Management and Economics, 13(3), 209-217, 1995.
- [14] Hoffman, G. J., Thal Jr., A. E., Webb, T. S. & Weir, J. D., Estimating Performance Time for Construction Projects. 23, 193-199, 2006.
- [15] Chan, A., Time-Cost Relationship of public sector projects in Malaysia. International Journal of Project Management, 19, 223-229, 1999.
- [16] Endut I.R., Akintoye, A. & Kelly, J., Relationship Between Duration and Cost of Malaysian Construction projects”, Proceedings of the International Conference in the Built Environment in the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur (ICiBE). 2006.
- [17] Ogunsemi, D. R. & Jagboro, G. O., Time-Cost Model for Building Projects in Nigeria. Construction Management and Economics, 253-258(3), 2006.
- [18] Ojo, G., A Study of the Relationship Between Contract Period and Tender Sum of Construction Projects in South-Western Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. 2001.
- [19] Bromilow, F.J. & Henderson, J.A., Procedures for reckoning and valuing the performance of building contracts. The Chartered Builder, 10(9), 57. 1976.
- [20] Yeong, C., Time and Cost Performance of Building Contracts in Australia And Malaysia. University of South Australia. M.Sc. Thesis, University of South Australia School of Building and Planning, 1994.
- [21] Mizanur, R. M., Dai, L. Y., Khanh, H. D. & Hyun, C. Y., Development of Time-Cost Models for Building Construction Projects in Bangladesh. 3 (4, Issue 3,). Korea: Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014.
- [22] Zujo, V. & Pusic, D. C., Application of "Time-cost" Model in Construction Project Management. Abstracts of the 8th International Conference Organization, Technology and Management in Construction and 5th SENET Conference (s. 1-7). Umag, Hrvatska, 2008.
- [23] Petruseva, S., Zujo, V. & Pancovska, V. Z. Neural Network Prediction Model for Construction Project Duration. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2(11), 1646-1654. 2013.
- [24] Sun, C., Xu, J., Estimation of Time for Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(3), 179-187, 2010.
- [25] Sriana, T. & Hayati, K., Time-Cost Relationship Model on the Construction of Education Building in Aceh Province. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 5(7), 328-339, 2015.
- [26] Ameyaw, C., Mensah, S. & Diss, Y. Applicability of Bromilow's Time-Cost Model on Building Projects in Ghana. 4th West Africa Built Environment Research (Waber) Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 24-26, 2012.
- [27] Le, Long, L.-H. Y., Bromilow’s Time-Cost Equation for Building Projects in Korea. Korean Society of Civil Engineers, (7) 812-815, 2009.
- [28] Choudhury, I. Time-Cost Relationship for Infrastructure Projects in India. (s.14.1270.1). American Society for Engineering Education, 2009.
- [29] Car-Pušić, D. & Radujković, M., Model for Proposed Construction Time for Transportation Facilities. Suvremeni Promet, 30(1/2), 127-130, 2010.
- [30] Jarkas, A. M., Predicting Contract Duration For Building Construction: Is Bromilow’s Time-Cost Model a Panacea?, 1 (32). Safat, Kuwait: Journal of Management in Engineering, 2016.
- [31] Waziri, B. & Nurudeen, Y. Application of Bromilow's Time-Cost (BTC) Model to Highway Projects in Nigeria. Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, 10, 1-11, 2014.
- [32] Mačková, D. & Bašková R., Applicability of Bromilow´s Time-cost Model for Residential Projects in Slovakia, SSP - Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 9, Issue 2,5-12, 2014.
- [33] Özçekiç, A. F., Türk Yüklenicilerin Uluslararası Teklif Aşamasında Kullanabileceği Bir Süre Maliyet Modeli, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enst. Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü., İstanbul, 2007.
- [34] Le-Hoai, L., & Dai Lee, Y. Time-cost relationships of building construction project in Korea. Facilities, 27 (13/14), 549-559, 2009.
- [35] Okere, G. An Evaluation of a Predictive Conceptual Method for Contract Time Determination on Highway Projects Based on Project Types. International Journal of Civil Engineering, pp.1-17, 2018.
- [36] Adeyemi, A. Y., & Masalila, K. Delay factors and time-cost performance of construction projects in Gaborone City Council, Botswana. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information & Value, 8(1), 1-18, 2016.
- [37] ISO 4217, obtained from https://www.currency-iso.org/en/home.html. web address on 03.03.2018.
- [38] Martin, J., Burrows, T. K. & Pegg, I. Predicting Construction Duration of Building Projects. XXIII FIG Congress. Munich, Germany, 2006.
- [39] Mathworks Matlab R2017a, https://www.mathworks.com/
- [40] Kenley, R., Financing Construction: Cash flows and cash farming. Routledge. 2003.
- [41] Kılıç, E., & Yıldırım, K., Sektörel reel döviz kuru volatilitesinin Türk imalat sanayi ihracatı üzerine etkileri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(1), pp.13-25, 2015.
- [42] TCMB (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) Foreign currency information, according to periods, is obtained from https://evds2.tcmb.gov.tr/index.php?/evds/seriemarket web address on 03.03.2018.
- [43] Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Circular issued on 07/07/1982 and numbered B-01 / İh.ş.Mr.Gr.3 / 99-2 / 101156-B, 1982
- [44] Thorpe, D., & Karan, E. P., Method for calculating schedule delay considering weather conditions. In Proceedings of the 24th annual conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM 2008) (Vol. 2, pp. 809-818). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). 2008.
- [45] TOBB, (2011). Türkiye İnşaat Malzemeleri Sektör Görünüm Raporu, 2011.
- [46] Dikmen, S. Ü., & Özek, S. Deprem bölgelerinde zemin sınıfının sanayi yapılarının maliyetine etkisi. Teknik Dergi, 22 (108), 5543-5558, pp.2011.
- [47] Albalushi, I., Usman, F., & Alnuaimi, A. S., Construction Cost Overrun and Variations: Investigation on its Causes and Consequences. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(14), 311-323, 2013.
Time - Cost Relationships for Superstructure Projects in Turkey
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 9869 - 9896, 01.03.2020
Murat Sönmez
S.ümit Dikmen
Rıfat Akbıyıklı
The concept of time-cost relationship in construction projects was first introduced by Bromilow. Bromilow used the data of the superstructure projects completed in Australia in the creation of the proposed time-cost model (BTC model). The aim of this study is to determine the time-cost relationship of superstructure projects in Turkey. Time and cost data of superstructure projects completed between the years of 1999-2018 was used in the study. Data was grouped primarily on the basis of the intended use of buildings (individual buildings, educational buildings, hospitals, industrial buildings and social housing), and then time-cost relationships were separately determined for each group. In addition, the effects of the parameters such as exchange rates and the number of non-working days on the time-cost relationship were investigated statistically.
- [1] Barrie, D. S., & Paulson, B. C., Professional construction management: including CM, design-construct, and general contracting. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. 1992.
- [3] Bayram, S.. Duration prediction models for construction projects: In terms of cost or physical characteristics?. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 21.6: 2049-2060.
- [2] Bromilow, F. J., Contract Time Performance Expectations and the Reality. Building Forum, 1, 70-80, 1969.
- [4] Petruseva, S., Pusic, D. C., & Pancovska, V. Z. Model for Predicting Construction Time by Using General Regression Neural Network. International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2016 (PBE2016) 29 September – 1 October, 2016, Luhacovice, Czech Republic, 2016.
- [5] Bayram, S. & Al-Jibouri, S. Reference Class Forecasting Method in Predicting Construction Project Duration. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 22 (3), pp.1132-1142, 2018
- [6] Ariful Haque, K.M., & Hasin, M.A.A. Genetic algorithm for project time-cost optimization in fuzzy environment. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5(2), pp.364-381, 2012.
- [7] Odabaşı, E., Models for Estimating Construction Duration: An Application for Selected Buildings on the METU Campus. Ankara: Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009.
- [8] Love, P. E. D., Tse, R. Y. C., & Edwards, D. J., Time-cost relationships in Australian building construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE), Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 187-194, 2005.
- [9] Ireland, V., The Role of Managerial Actions in the Cost Time and Quality Performance of High-Rise Commercial Building Projects. Construction Management and Economics, 3(1), 59-87, 1985.
- [10] Choudhury, I. & Rajan, S. S. Time-Cost Relationship for Residential Construction in Texas. CIB, 2003.
- [11] Ng, S., Mak, M., Skitmore, R. & Varnam, M. The Predictive Ability of Bromilow’s Time-Cost Model. Construction Management and Economics, 19(2), 165-173, 2001.
- [12] Kaka, A., & Price, A. D., Relationship between value and duration of construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 9(4), 383-400, 1991.
- [13] Kumaraswamy, M., Chan, D., Determinants of Construction Duration Construction Management and Economics, 13(3), 209-217, 1995.
- [14] Hoffman, G. J., Thal Jr., A. E., Webb, T. S. & Weir, J. D., Estimating Performance Time for Construction Projects. 23, 193-199, 2006.
- [15] Chan, A., Time-Cost Relationship of public sector projects in Malaysia. International Journal of Project Management, 19, 223-229, 1999.
- [16] Endut I.R., Akintoye, A. & Kelly, J., Relationship Between Duration and Cost of Malaysian Construction projects”, Proceedings of the International Conference in the Built Environment in the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur (ICiBE). 2006.
- [17] Ogunsemi, D. R. & Jagboro, G. O., Time-Cost Model for Building Projects in Nigeria. Construction Management and Economics, 253-258(3), 2006.
- [18] Ojo, G., A Study of the Relationship Between Contract Period and Tender Sum of Construction Projects in South-Western Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. 2001.
- [19] Bromilow, F.J. & Henderson, J.A., Procedures for reckoning and valuing the performance of building contracts. The Chartered Builder, 10(9), 57. 1976.
- [20] Yeong, C., Time and Cost Performance of Building Contracts in Australia And Malaysia. University of South Australia. M.Sc. Thesis, University of South Australia School of Building and Planning, 1994.
- [21] Mizanur, R. M., Dai, L. Y., Khanh, H. D. & Hyun, C. Y., Development of Time-Cost Models for Building Construction Projects in Bangladesh. 3 (4, Issue 3,). Korea: Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014.
- [22] Zujo, V. & Pusic, D. C., Application of "Time-cost" Model in Construction Project Management. Abstracts of the 8th International Conference Organization, Technology and Management in Construction and 5th SENET Conference (s. 1-7). Umag, Hrvatska, 2008.
- [23] Petruseva, S., Zujo, V. & Pancovska, V. Z. Neural Network Prediction Model for Construction Project Duration. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2(11), 1646-1654. 2013.
- [24] Sun, C., Xu, J., Estimation of Time for Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(3), 179-187, 2010.
- [25] Sriana, T. & Hayati, K., Time-Cost Relationship Model on the Construction of Education Building in Aceh Province. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 5(7), 328-339, 2015.
- [26] Ameyaw, C., Mensah, S. & Diss, Y. Applicability of Bromilow's Time-Cost Model on Building Projects in Ghana. 4th West Africa Built Environment Research (Waber) Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 24-26, 2012.
- [27] Le, Long, L.-H. Y., Bromilow’s Time-Cost Equation for Building Projects in Korea. Korean Society of Civil Engineers, (7) 812-815, 2009.
- [28] Choudhury, I. Time-Cost Relationship for Infrastructure Projects in India. (s.14.1270.1). American Society for Engineering Education, 2009.
- [29] Car-Pušić, D. & Radujković, M., Model for Proposed Construction Time for Transportation Facilities. Suvremeni Promet, 30(1/2), 127-130, 2010.
- [30] Jarkas, A. M., Predicting Contract Duration For Building Construction: Is Bromilow’s Time-Cost Model a Panacea?, 1 (32). Safat, Kuwait: Journal of Management in Engineering, 2016.
- [31] Waziri, B. & Nurudeen, Y. Application of Bromilow's Time-Cost (BTC) Model to Highway Projects in Nigeria. Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, 10, 1-11, 2014.
- [32] Mačková, D. & Bašková R., Applicability of Bromilow´s Time-cost Model for Residential Projects in Slovakia, SSP - Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 9, Issue 2,5-12, 2014.
- [33] Özçekiç, A. F., Türk Yüklenicilerin Uluslararası Teklif Aşamasında Kullanabileceği Bir Süre Maliyet Modeli, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enst. Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü., İstanbul, 2007.
- [34] Le-Hoai, L., & Dai Lee, Y. Time-cost relationships of building construction project in Korea. Facilities, 27 (13/14), 549-559, 2009.
- [35] Okere, G. An Evaluation of a Predictive Conceptual Method for Contract Time Determination on Highway Projects Based on Project Types. International Journal of Civil Engineering, pp.1-17, 2018.
- [36] Adeyemi, A. Y., & Masalila, K. Delay factors and time-cost performance of construction projects in Gaborone City Council, Botswana. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information & Value, 8(1), 1-18, 2016.
- [37] ISO 4217, obtained from https://www.currency-iso.org/en/home.html. web address on 03.03.2018.
- [38] Martin, J., Burrows, T. K. & Pegg, I. Predicting Construction Duration of Building Projects. XXIII FIG Congress. Munich, Germany, 2006.
- [39] Mathworks Matlab R2017a, https://www.mathworks.com/
- [40] Kenley, R., Financing Construction: Cash flows and cash farming. Routledge. 2003.
- [41] Kılıç, E., & Yıldırım, K., Sektörel reel döviz kuru volatilitesinin Türk imalat sanayi ihracatı üzerine etkileri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(1), pp.13-25, 2015.
- [42] TCMB (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) Foreign currency information, according to periods, is obtained from https://evds2.tcmb.gov.tr/index.php?/evds/seriemarket web address on 03.03.2018.
- [43] Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Circular issued on 07/07/1982 and numbered B-01 / İh.ş.Mr.Gr.3 / 99-2 / 101156-B, 1982
- [44] Thorpe, D., & Karan, E. P., Method for calculating schedule delay considering weather conditions. In Proceedings of the 24th annual conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM 2008) (Vol. 2, pp. 809-818). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). 2008.
- [45] TOBB, (2011). Türkiye İnşaat Malzemeleri Sektör Görünüm Raporu, 2011.
- [46] Dikmen, S. Ü., & Özek, S. Deprem bölgelerinde zemin sınıfının sanayi yapılarının maliyetine etkisi. Teknik Dergi, 22 (108), 5543-5558, pp.2011.
- [47] Albalushi, I., Usman, F., & Alnuaimi, A. S., Construction Cost Overrun and Variations: Investigation on its Causes and Consequences. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(14), 311-323, 2013.