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Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 91, 34 - 49, 13.12.2013


Silindirli elektro lif çekimi; doğrudan sıvı yüzeyden elektriksel kuvvetler kullanarak, yüksek hızlarda nano lif üretiminin gerçekleştirildiği oldukça yeni bir tekniktir. Bu çalışmada; silindirli elektro lif çekim yönteminin temel çalışma prensibi ve üretim parametreleri (bağımlı ve bağımsız) hakkında yeni tanımlamalar ve açıklamalar yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, silindirli elektro lif çekim yöntemi ile üretilen nano lifler ve uygulama alanları hakkında literatürden örnekler verilmiştir.


  • Teo, W-E. and Ramakrishna, S. (2006), A review on
  • electrospinning design and nanofibre assemblies,
  • Nanotechnology, 17, 89-106.
  • Gibson, P., Schreuder-Gibson, H. and Rivin, D. (2001),
  • Transport properties of porous membranes based on
  • electrospun nanofibers, Colloids and Surfaces A:
  • Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 187–188, 469–481. 3.
  • Lee, K., Lee, B., Kim, C., Kim, H., Kim, K. and Nah, C. (2005),
  • thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer fiber mats,
  • Macromolecular Research, 13, 441-445.
  • Pedicini, A. and Farris, R-J. (2003), Mechanical behavior of
  • Liu Y. and He, J-H. (2007), Bubble electrospinning for mass
  • Sahay, R., Kumar, P. S., Sridhar, R., Sundaramurthy, J., Venugopal, J., Mhaisalkar, S. G. and Ramakrishna, S. (2012), Electrospun composite nanofibers and their multifaceted applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 12953-12971.
  • Jayakumar, R., Prabaharan, M., Nair, S. V. and Tamura, H. (2010), Novel chitin and chitosan nano fibers in biomedical applications, Biotechnology Advances, 28, 142-150.
  • Vasita, R. and Katti, D. S. (2006), Nanofibers and their applications in tissue engineering, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 1(1), 15–30.
  • Matthews, J. A., Wnek, G. E., Simpson, D. G. and Bowlin, G. L. (2002), Electrospinning of collagen nanofibers, Biomacromolecules, 3, 232-238.
  • Shawki, M. M., Hereba, A. M. and Ghazal, A. (2010), Formation and characterisation of antimicrobial dextran nanofibers, Romanian J. Biophys., 20, 335-346.
  • Formhals, A. (1934), Process and apparatus for preparing artificial threads, U.S. Patent, 1975504.
  • Simons, H. L. (1966), Process and apparatus for producing patterned nonwoven fabrics, U.S. Patent, 3280229.
  • Bornat, A. (1987), Production of electrostatically spun products, U.S. Patent, 4689186.
  • Lee, W. S., Jo, S. M., Go, S. G. and Chun, S. W. (2003), Apparatus of polymer web by electrospinning process, U.S. Patent, 6616435.
  • Chu, B., Hsiao, B. S. and Fang, D. (2004), Apparatus and methods for electrospinning polymeric fibers and membranes, U.S. Patent, 6713011.
  • He, J. H., Wan, Y. Q. and Yu, J. Y. (2004), Application of vibration technology to polymer electrospinning, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, 5(3), 253-262.
  • Tomaszewski, W. and Szadkowski, M. (2005), Investigation of electrospinning with the use of a multi-jet electrospinning head, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 13(4), 22-26.
  • Chugh, V., Sarkar, A., Pokorny, P., Lukas, D. (2006), Disintegration of liquid drops and bilateral electrospinner, 13th International Conference Structure and Structural Mechanics of Textiles, November, Liberec, Czech Republic.
  • Krucinska, I., Gliscinska, E., Chrzanowski, M., Komisarczyk, A. (2010), Multi-nozzle laboratory stand for electrospinning process, AUTEX 2010, 10th World Textile Conference Proceedings, pp. 25, June 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Jirsak, O., Sanetrnik, F., Lukas, D., Kotek, V., Martinova, L. and Chaloupek, J. (2005), A method of nanofibres production from a polymer solution using electrostatic spinning and a device for carrying out the method, WO 2005/024101 A1. production of nanofibers, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 8(3), 393-396.
  • Dosunmu, O. O., Chase, G. G., Kataphinan, W. and Reneker, D. H. (2006), Electrospinning of polymer nanofibres from multiple jets on a porous tubular surface, Nanotechnology, 17, 1123-1127.
  • Lukas, D. (2005), Electrospinning from the free liquid surface, 5th World Textile Conference, AUTEX 2005 Proceedings, 606-611, June 27-29, Slovenia.
  • Yarin, A. L. and Zussman, E. (2004), Upward needleless electrospinning of multiple nanofibers, Polymer, 45, 2977- 2980.
  • Varabhas, J. S., Chase, G. G. and Reneker, D. H. (2008), Electrospun nanofibers from a porous hollow tube, Polymer, 49, 4226-4229.
  • Petras, D., Mares, L., Cmelik, J. and Fiala, K. (2007), Device for production of nanofibers by electrostatic spinning of polymer solutions, WO 2007137530.
  • Varabhas, J. S., Tripatanasuwan, S., Chase, G. G. and Reneker, D. H. (2009), Electrospun jets launched from polymeric bubbles, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 4(4), 46-50.
  • Wang, X., Niu, H., Wang, X. and Lin, T. (2012), Needleless electrospinning of uniform nanofibers using spiral coil spinnerets, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/ 785920.
  • technology (2013).
  • Lukas, D., Sarkar, A. and Pokorny, P. (2008), Self- organization of jets in electrospinning from free liquid surface: A generalized approach. Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 084309.
  • Lukas, D., Sarkar, A., Martinova, L., Vodsed’alkova, K., Lubasova, D., Chaloupek, J., Pokorny, P., Mikes, J., Chvojka, J. and Komarek, M. (2009), Physical principles of electrospinning (Electrospinning as a nano-scale technology of the twenty-first century). Textile Progress, 41, 59-140.
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F., Jirsak, O. and Dayık, M. (2013), Investigation into the relationships between independent and dependent parameters in roller electrospinning of polyurethane, Textile Research Journal, 83(7), 718-729.
  • Yalçınkaya, B., Yener, F., Jirsak, O. and Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), Influence of NaCl concentration on the Taylor cone number and spinning performance. Strutex 2011, TUL, Czech Republic.
  • Taylor G. I., (1964), Disintegration of water drops in an electric field, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 280, 383- 397.
  • Cengiz, F., Dao, T. A. and Jirsak, O. (2010), Influence of solution properties on the roller electrospinning of poly(vinyl alcohol), Polymer Engineering and Science, 50(5), 936-943.
  • Cengiz, F. and Jirsak, O. (2009), The effect of salt on the roller electrospinning of polyurethane, Fibers and Polymers, 10(2), 177-184.
  • Dao, A. T. and Jirsak, O. (2009), Contribution to study of needleless electrospinning mechanism, Nanofibers for the 3rd Millennium-Nano for Life, March 11-12, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Dao, A. T. (2011), The role of rheological properties of polymer solutions in needleless electrostatic spinning, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), Polyurethane nano fiber production by roller electrospinning method, Ph.D. Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Yener, F. and Jirsak, O. (2012), Comparison between the needle and roller electrospinning of polyvinylbutyral. Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/839317.
  • Cengiz, F., Krucinska, I., Gliscinska, E., Chrzanowski, M. and Göktepe, F. (2009), The Comparative Analysis of Various Methods of Nanofibre Formation, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 17, 13-19.
  • Niu, H. and Lin, T., (2012), Fiber Generators in Needleless Electrospinning, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/725950.
  • Adomaviciüte, E., Stanys, S., Banuskeviciüte, A. and Milasius, R., (2010), Influence of the shape of the bottom rotating electrode on the structure of electrospun mats, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 18, 49-53.
  • Adomaviciüte, E. and Stanys, S., (2011), Formation of electrospun PVA mats on different types of support materials using various kinds of grounded electrodes, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19, 34-40.
  • Yalçınkaya, B. and Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), The effect of supporting material type on the nano fiber morphology, Proceedings of Nanocon, 21-23 September, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Jirsak, O., Sysel, P., Sanetrnik, P., Hruza, J. and Chaloupek, J., 2010, Polyamic Acid Nanofibers Produced by Needleless Electrospinning, 10.115/2010/842831.
  • Malasauskiene, J. and Milasius, R., (2013), Investigation and Estimation of Structure of Web from Electrospun Nanofibres, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi: 10.1155/2013/416961.
  • Cengiz, F., Jirsak, O. and Dayık, M., (2009), An investigation the effects of ambient humidity on the roller electrospinning of nanofiber production, Electronic Journal of Textile Technologies, 3, 24–32.
  • Dao, A. T. and Jirsak, O., (2010), Roller Electrospinning in Various Ambient Parameters, Nanocon 2010, 12-14 October, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • Yalçınkaya, B., (2012), İğneli ve İğnesiz Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemleri ile Nano Lif Üretiminde Taylor Koni Yapısı ve Fıskiye Ömrünün Analizi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
  • Baumgarten, P. K. (1971), Electrostatic spinning of acrylic microfibers, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 36, 75-79.
  • Doshi, J. and Reneker, D. H. (1995), Electrospinning process and applications of electrospun fibers, Journal of Electrostatics, 35(2-3), 151-60.
  • Deitzel, J. M., Kleinmeyer, J. D., Harris, D. and Beck Tan, N. C. (2000), The effect of processing variables on the morphology of electrospun nanofibers and textiles, Polymer, 42, 261-272.
  • Demir, M. M, Yilgor, I., Yilgor, E. and Erman, B. (2002), Electrospinning of polyurethane fibers, Polymer, 43, 3303- 3309.
  • Mituppatham, C., Nithitanakul, M. and Supaphol, P. (2004), Ultrafine electrospun polyamide-6 fibers: effect of solution conditions on morphology and average fiber diameter, Journal of Macromolecular Chemist. Physics, 205, 2327-2338.
  • Supaphol, P., Mit-uppatham, C. and Nithitanakul, M. (2005), Ultrafine electrospun polyamide-6 fibers: effects of solvent system and emitting electrode polarity on morphology and average fiber diameter, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290, 933-942.
  • Reneker, D. H. and Yarin, A. L. (2008), Electrospinning jets and polymer nanofibers, Polymer, 49, 2387-2425.
  • Baji, A., Mai, Y. M., Wong, S. C. et al. (2010), Electrospinning of poymer nanofibers: effects on oriented morphology, structures and tensile properties, Composites Science and Technology, 70, 703-718.
  • Patel, S. U., Manzo, G. M., Patel, S. U., Kulkarni, P. S. and Chase, G. G. (2012), Permeability of electrospun superhydrophobic nanofiber mats, Journal Nanotechnology, doi:10.1155/2012/483976. of
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. ve Jirsak, O. (2013), Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Poliüretan Nano Lif Üretiminde Polimer ve Tuz Konsantrasyonunun Lif Özelliklerine Etkisi, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 20:90, 1-16.
  • Yener, F. and Jirsak, O. (2011), Improving performance of polyvinyl butyral electrospinning, Proceedings of Nanocon, 21-23 September, Brno, Czech Republic. Daneleviciute-Vaisniene, A., Katunskis, J. and Buika, G. (2009), Electrospun PVA nanofibres for gas filtration applications, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 17(6), 40- 43.
  • Mohrova, J. and Kalinova, K. (2012), Different structures of PVA nanofibrous membrane for sound absorption application, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/ 2012/643043.
  • Nien, Y-H., Chen, Z-B., Liang, J-I., Yeh, M-L., Hsu, H-C. and Su, F-C. (2009), Fabrication and cell affinity of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers via electrospinning, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 29(2), 98-101.
  • Sheikh, F. A., Barakat, N. A. M., Kanjwal, M. A., Chaudhari, A. A., Jung, I. H., Lee, J. H. and Kim, H. Y. (2009), Electrospun antimicrobial polyurethane nanofibers containing silver nanoparticles for biotechnological applications, Macromolecular Research, 17(9), 688-696.
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  • Gorji, M., Jeddi, A. A. A. and Gharehaghaji, A. A. (2012), Fabrication and characterization of polyurethane 80. Jirsak, O. and Lukas, D., (2007), Nanofibers, technology electrospun nanofiber membranes for protective clothing applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, 4135-4141.
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  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F., Jirsak, O. and Dayik, M. (2013), The influence of non-solvent addition on the independent and dependent parameters in roller electrospinning of polyurethane, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13, 4727-4735.
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The Production of Nanofiber by Roller Electrospinning Method

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 91, 34 - 49, 13.12.2013


Roller electrospinning is quite a new technique which provides nanofiber production directly from liquid surface using electrical forces at high production rate. In this study, new definitons and explanations about main principle of roller electrospinning and production parameters (dependent and independent) are introduced. Also, examples from literature about nanofibers produced by roller electrospinning and application areas are given.


  • Teo, W-E. and Ramakrishna, S. (2006), A review on
  • electrospinning design and nanofibre assemblies,
  • Nanotechnology, 17, 89-106.
  • Gibson, P., Schreuder-Gibson, H. and Rivin, D. (2001),
  • Transport properties of porous membranes based on
  • electrospun nanofibers, Colloids and Surfaces A:
  • Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 187–188, 469–481. 3.
  • Lee, K., Lee, B., Kim, C., Kim, H., Kim, K. and Nah, C. (2005),
  • thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer fiber mats,
  • Macromolecular Research, 13, 441-445.
  • Pedicini, A. and Farris, R-J. (2003), Mechanical behavior of
  • Liu Y. and He, J-H. (2007), Bubble electrospinning for mass
  • Sahay, R., Kumar, P. S., Sridhar, R., Sundaramurthy, J., Venugopal, J., Mhaisalkar, S. G. and Ramakrishna, S. (2012), Electrospun composite nanofibers and their multifaceted applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 12953-12971.
  • Jayakumar, R., Prabaharan, M., Nair, S. V. and Tamura, H. (2010), Novel chitin and chitosan nano fibers in biomedical applications, Biotechnology Advances, 28, 142-150.
  • Vasita, R. and Katti, D. S. (2006), Nanofibers and their applications in tissue engineering, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 1(1), 15–30.
  • Matthews, J. A., Wnek, G. E., Simpson, D. G. and Bowlin, G. L. (2002), Electrospinning of collagen nanofibers, Biomacromolecules, 3, 232-238.
  • Shawki, M. M., Hereba, A. M. and Ghazal, A. (2010), Formation and characterisation of antimicrobial dextran nanofibers, Romanian J. Biophys., 20, 335-346.
  • Formhals, A. (1934), Process and apparatus for preparing artificial threads, U.S. Patent, 1975504.
  • Simons, H. L. (1966), Process and apparatus for producing patterned nonwoven fabrics, U.S. Patent, 3280229.
  • Bornat, A. (1987), Production of electrostatically spun products, U.S. Patent, 4689186.
  • Lee, W. S., Jo, S. M., Go, S. G. and Chun, S. W. (2003), Apparatus of polymer web by electrospinning process, U.S. Patent, 6616435.
  • Chu, B., Hsiao, B. S. and Fang, D. (2004), Apparatus and methods for electrospinning polymeric fibers and membranes, U.S. Patent, 6713011.
  • He, J. H., Wan, Y. Q. and Yu, J. Y. (2004), Application of vibration technology to polymer electrospinning, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, 5(3), 253-262.
  • Tomaszewski, W. and Szadkowski, M. (2005), Investigation of electrospinning with the use of a multi-jet electrospinning head, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 13(4), 22-26.
  • Chugh, V., Sarkar, A., Pokorny, P., Lukas, D. (2006), Disintegration of liquid drops and bilateral electrospinner, 13th International Conference Structure and Structural Mechanics of Textiles, November, Liberec, Czech Republic.
  • Krucinska, I., Gliscinska, E., Chrzanowski, M., Komisarczyk, A. (2010), Multi-nozzle laboratory stand for electrospinning process, AUTEX 2010, 10th World Textile Conference Proceedings, pp. 25, June 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Jirsak, O., Sanetrnik, F., Lukas, D., Kotek, V., Martinova, L. and Chaloupek, J. (2005), A method of nanofibres production from a polymer solution using electrostatic spinning and a device for carrying out the method, WO 2005/024101 A1. production of nanofibers, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 8(3), 393-396.
  • Dosunmu, O. O., Chase, G. G., Kataphinan, W. and Reneker, D. H. (2006), Electrospinning of polymer nanofibres from multiple jets on a porous tubular surface, Nanotechnology, 17, 1123-1127.
  • Lukas, D. (2005), Electrospinning from the free liquid surface, 5th World Textile Conference, AUTEX 2005 Proceedings, 606-611, June 27-29, Slovenia.
  • Yarin, A. L. and Zussman, E. (2004), Upward needleless electrospinning of multiple nanofibers, Polymer, 45, 2977- 2980.
  • Varabhas, J. S., Chase, G. G. and Reneker, D. H. (2008), Electrospun nanofibers from a porous hollow tube, Polymer, 49, 4226-4229.
  • Petras, D., Mares, L., Cmelik, J. and Fiala, K. (2007), Device for production of nanofibers by electrostatic spinning of polymer solutions, WO 2007137530.
  • Varabhas, J. S., Tripatanasuwan, S., Chase, G. G. and Reneker, D. H. (2009), Electrospun jets launched from polymeric bubbles, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 4(4), 46-50.
  • Wang, X., Niu, H., Wang, X. and Lin, T. (2012), Needleless electrospinning of uniform nanofibers using spiral coil spinnerets, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/ 785920.
  • technology (2013).
  • Lukas, D., Sarkar, A. and Pokorny, P. (2008), Self- organization of jets in electrospinning from free liquid surface: A generalized approach. Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 084309.
  • Lukas, D., Sarkar, A., Martinova, L., Vodsed’alkova, K., Lubasova, D., Chaloupek, J., Pokorny, P., Mikes, J., Chvojka, J. and Komarek, M. (2009), Physical principles of electrospinning (Electrospinning as a nano-scale technology of the twenty-first century). Textile Progress, 41, 59-140.
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F., Jirsak, O. and Dayık, M. (2013), Investigation into the relationships between independent and dependent parameters in roller electrospinning of polyurethane, Textile Research Journal, 83(7), 718-729.
  • Yalçınkaya, B., Yener, F., Jirsak, O. and Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), Influence of NaCl concentration on the Taylor cone number and spinning performance. Strutex 2011, TUL, Czech Republic.
  • Taylor G. I., (1964), Disintegration of water drops in an electric field, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 280, 383- 397.
  • Cengiz, F., Dao, T. A. and Jirsak, O. (2010), Influence of solution properties on the roller electrospinning of poly(vinyl alcohol), Polymer Engineering and Science, 50(5), 936-943.
  • Cengiz, F. and Jirsak, O. (2009), The effect of salt on the roller electrospinning of polyurethane, Fibers and Polymers, 10(2), 177-184.
  • Dao, A. T. and Jirsak, O. (2009), Contribution to study of needleless electrospinning mechanism, Nanofibers for the 3rd Millennium-Nano for Life, March 11-12, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Dao, A. T. (2011), The role of rheological properties of polymer solutions in needleless electrostatic spinning, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), Polyurethane nano fiber production by roller electrospinning method, Ph.D. Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
  • Yener, F. and Jirsak, O. (2012), Comparison between the needle and roller electrospinning of polyvinylbutyral. Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/839317.
  • Cengiz, F., Krucinska, I., Gliscinska, E., Chrzanowski, M. and Göktepe, F. (2009), The Comparative Analysis of Various Methods of Nanofibre Formation, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 17, 13-19.
  • Niu, H. and Lin, T., (2012), Fiber Generators in Needleless Electrospinning, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2012/725950.
  • Adomaviciüte, E., Stanys, S., Banuskeviciüte, A. and Milasius, R., (2010), Influence of the shape of the bottom rotating electrode on the structure of electrospun mats, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 18, 49-53.
  • Adomaviciüte, E. and Stanys, S., (2011), Formation of electrospun PVA mats on different types of support materials using various kinds of grounded electrodes, Fibres&Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19, 34-40.
  • Yalçınkaya, B. and Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. (2011), The effect of supporting material type on the nano fiber morphology, Proceedings of Nanocon, 21-23 September, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Jirsak, O., Sysel, P., Sanetrnik, P., Hruza, J. and Chaloupek, J., 2010, Polyamic Acid Nanofibers Produced by Needleless Electrospinning, 10.115/2010/842831.
  • Malasauskiene, J. and Milasius, R., (2013), Investigation and Estimation of Structure of Web from Electrospun Nanofibres, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi: 10.1155/2013/416961.
  • Cengiz, F., Jirsak, O. and Dayık, M., (2009), An investigation the effects of ambient humidity on the roller electrospinning of nanofiber production, Electronic Journal of Textile Technologies, 3, 24–32.
  • Dao, A. T. and Jirsak, O., (2010), Roller Electrospinning in Various Ambient Parameters, Nanocon 2010, 12-14 October, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • Yalçınkaya, B., (2012), İğneli ve İğnesiz Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemleri ile Nano Lif Üretiminde Taylor Koni Yapısı ve Fıskiye Ömrünün Analizi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Isparta.
  • Baumgarten, P. K. (1971), Electrostatic spinning of acrylic microfibers, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 36, 75-79.
  • Doshi, J. and Reneker, D. H. (1995), Electrospinning process and applications of electrospun fibers, Journal of Electrostatics, 35(2-3), 151-60.
  • Deitzel, J. M., Kleinmeyer, J. D., Harris, D. and Beck Tan, N. C. (2000), The effect of processing variables on the morphology of electrospun nanofibers and textiles, Polymer, 42, 261-272.
  • Demir, M. M, Yilgor, I., Yilgor, E. and Erman, B. (2002), Electrospinning of polyurethane fibers, Polymer, 43, 3303- 3309.
  • Mituppatham, C., Nithitanakul, M. and Supaphol, P. (2004), Ultrafine electrospun polyamide-6 fibers: effect of solution conditions on morphology and average fiber diameter, Journal of Macromolecular Chemist. Physics, 205, 2327-2338.
  • Supaphol, P., Mit-uppatham, C. and Nithitanakul, M. (2005), Ultrafine electrospun polyamide-6 fibers: effects of solvent system and emitting electrode polarity on morphology and average fiber diameter, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290, 933-942.
  • Reneker, D. H. and Yarin, A. L. (2008), Electrospinning jets and polymer nanofibers, Polymer, 49, 2387-2425.
  • Baji, A., Mai, Y. M., Wong, S. C. et al. (2010), Electrospinning of poymer nanofibers: effects on oriented morphology, structures and tensile properties, Composites Science and Technology, 70, 703-718.
  • Patel, S. U., Manzo, G. M., Patel, S. U., Kulkarni, P. S. and Chase, G. G. (2012), Permeability of electrospun superhydrophobic nanofiber mats, Journal Nanotechnology, doi:10.1155/2012/483976. of
  • Cengiz-Çallıoğlu, F. ve Jirsak, O. (2013), Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Poliüretan Nano Lif Üretiminde Polimer ve Tuz Konsantrasyonunun Lif Özelliklerine Etkisi, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 20:90, 1-16.
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Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Funda Cengiz Çallıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 91

Kaynak Göster

APA Çallıoğlu, F. C. (2013). Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, 20(91), 34-49.
AMA Çallıoğlu FC. Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. Eylül 2013;20(91):34-49. doi:10.7216/130075992013209105
Chicago Çallıoğlu, Funda Cengiz. “Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi Ile Nano Lif Üretimi”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis 20, sy. 91 (Eylül 2013): 34-49.
EndNote Çallıoğlu FC (01 Eylül 2013) Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi. Tekstil ve Mühendis 20 91 34–49.
IEEE F. C. Çallıoğlu, “Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi”, Tekstil ve Mühendis, c. 20, sy. 91, ss. 34–49, 2013, doi: 10.7216/130075992013209105.
ISNAD Çallıoğlu, Funda Cengiz. “Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi Ile Nano Lif Üretimi”. Tekstil ve Mühendis 20/91 (Eylül 2013), 34-49.
JAMA Çallıoğlu FC. Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2013;20:34–49.
MLA Çallıoğlu, Funda Cengiz. “Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi Ile Nano Lif Üretimi”. Tekstil Ve Mühendis, c. 20, sy. 91, 2013, ss. 34-49, doi:10.7216/130075992013209105.
Vancouver Çallıoğlu FC. Silindirli Elektro Lif Çekim Yöntemi ile Nano Lif Üretimi. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2013;20(91):34-49.