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Yenidoğan Sarılığında Fototerapi Cihazlarının ve Banyonun Etkisi: Derleme Makale

Yıl 2024, , 55 - 64, 25.10.2024


Yenidoğan bebeklerde başka bir sağlık sorunu olmadan tıbbi yaklaşım gerektiren en sık klinik bulgulardan biri sarılıktır. Sarılık, term bebeklerin yaklaşık %30-50’sinde, preterm bebeklerin ise yaklaşık %70-80’inde görülür. Bu genel olarak geçici bir durum olmasına rağmen, doğumdan sonra ilk haftalarda hastaneye yatışların en sık nedenlerinden birisidir ve tedavi edilmediğinde yenidoğanda kalıcı nöro-gelişimsel problemlere neden olmaktadır. Yenidoğan sarılığında kullanılan tedavi yöntemleri fototerapi ve kan değişimidir. İlk ve etkin uygulamalardan biri olan fototerapi tedavisi kliniklerde farklı etkinliklere sahip cihazlar ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu cihazların yenidoğan sarılığını azaltırken bazı yan etkileri de ortaya çıkardığı bilinmektedir. Yan etkilerin azaltılmasında ve bilirubinin düşürülmesinde hemşireler farklı tipteki banyo uygulamalarından yararlanmaktadır. Fototerapi cihazlarının ve banyo şeklinin farklı olduğu durumlarda sarılık düzeyinin düşme hızının bilinmesi klinik uygulamalara katkı sağlayabilir. Bu nedenle; bu derleme ile yenidoğan sarılığında bilirubin düzeyinin azaltılmasında kullanılan farklı tipteki fototerapi cihazlarına ve banyo uygulamalarına yönelik literatürün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışmada herhangi bir etik sorun bulunmadığını yazarlar adına beyan ederim.

Destekleyen Kurum

Çalışmanın orijinal makalesi 120S732 proje numarası ile TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir.

Proje Numarası

Çalışmanın orijinal makalesi 120S732 proje numarası ile TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir.




  • 1. Shaughnessy EE, Goyal NK. Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn. 21st ed. Philadelphia: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics; 2019. p 953-61.
  • 2. Watchko JF. Avery's diseases of the newborn. 10th ed. Washington: Juul, SE; 2019. p 1198-218.
  • 3. Çoban A, Kaynak Türkmen M, Gürsoy T. Türk neonatoloji derneği yenidoğan sarılıklarında yaklaşım, izlem ve tedavi rehberi. Turk Pediatri Ars. 2018;53(Supp: 1):172-9.
  • 4. Kaplan M, Wong RJ, Burgis JC, Sibley E, Stevensen DK. Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-perinatal medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia. 2020(91):1788-852 p.
  • 5. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation. J. Pediatr. 2004(114):297-316.
  • 6. Bagwell GA, Steward DK. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care. 6th ed. New York. Springer Publishing Company; 2020. p 315-35. 7. Yurdakök M. Phototherapy in the newborn: what’s new?. JPNIM. 2015; 4(2):e040255.
  • 8. Maisels MJ, Ramaswamy D, Kring EA. Does phototherapy cause benign skin rashes in newborn infants?. Acta Paediatr. 2014;103(3):133-5.
  • 9. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: 4th ed. Washington, DC. 2018. (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 10. Brogan J, Rapkin G. Implementing evidence-based neonatal skin care with parent-performed, delayed immersion baths. Nurs Womens Health 2017;21(6):442-50.
  • 11. Çınar V, Küçükoğlu S. Effects of sponge bath on bilirubin levels of neonatals who underwent phototherapy. IJIRR. 2018;2(2):10-4.
  • 12. Dağ YS, Yayan EH. The effect on bilirubin levels of massage, tub bath, and sponge bath in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Integr Med. 2019;(27):70-4.
  • 13. Mohammadi Pirkashani L, Asghari G, Marofi M, Barekatain B. Effect of chicory extract bath on neonatal bilirubin levels: A randomized clinical trial study. Int J Pediatr.2017;5(12):6679-88.
  • 14. TND (Türk Neonatoloji Derneği Yenidoğan Sarılıklarında Yaklaşım, İzlem ve Tedavi Rehberi) 2014. (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 15. Karabudak SS, Ergün S. Yenidoğan hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. 3 baskı. Ankara, Akademisyen Tıp Kitabevi; 2021. p 289-352.
  • 16. NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). Routine postnatal care of women and their babies. 2014; NICE Clinical Guide no 37. 66142082148037 (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 17. McDonagh AF. Phototherapy: from ancient egypt to the new millennium. J. Perinatol. 2001;21(1):7-12.
  • 18. Lucey J, Ferreiro M, Hewitt J. Prevention of hyperbilirubinemia of prematurity by phototherapy. Pediatr. 1968;41(6):1047-54.
  • 19. Itoh S, Okada H, Kuboi T, Kusaka T. Phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Pediatr. Int. 2017;59(9):959-66.
  • 20. Kuboi T, Kusaka T, Okazaki K, Yasuda S, Okada H, Itoh S. Efficacy of green led phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: an in vivo study. J. Jpn. Soc. Neonatal Health Dev. 2015; 27: 280-6.
  • 21. Kato S, Iwata O, Yamada Y, Kakita H, Yamada T, Nakashima H et al. Standardization of phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia using multiple-wavelength irradiance integration. Pediatr. Neonatol. 2020;61(1):100-5.
  • 22. Vreman HJ, Wong RJ, Stevenson DK. Phototherapy: Current methods and future directions. Semin. Perinatol. 2004;28(5):326-33.
  • 23. Mreihil K, Madsen P, Nakstad B, Benth JŠ, Ebbesen F, Hansen TWR. Early formation of bilirubin isomers during phototherapy for neonatal jaundice: effects of single vs. double fluorescent lamps vs. photodiodes. Pediatr Res.2015;78(1):56-62.
  • 24. Sampurna MT, Ratnasari KA, Saharso D, Bos AF, Sauer PJ, Dijk PH et al. Current phototherapy practice on java, Indonesia. BMC Pediatr.2019;19(1):188.
  • 25. Kumar P, Chawla D, Deorari A. Light‐emitting diode phototherapy for unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia in neonates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2011;(12):CD007969.
  • 26. Pratesi S, Di Fabio S, Bresci C, Di Natale C, Bar S, Dani C. Broad-spectrum light versus blue light for phototherapy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Perinatol. 2015;32(08):779-84. 27. Salehzadeh F, Mirza Rahimi M, Janhangiri S, Habibzadeh S, Amini Sani N, Samshirgara M et al. Mirror covered tunnel phototherapy increases the efficacy of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice. Iranian J. Neonatol. 2010;1(1):20-23.
  • 28. Olusanya BO, Imam ZO, Mabogunje CA, Emokpae AA, Slusher TM. Maternal satisfaction with a novel filtered-sunlight phototherapy for newborn jaundice in southwest Nigeria. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14(1):180.
  • 29. Elser HE. Bathing basics. Adv. Neonatal Care. 2013;13(3):188–9.
  • 30. Liaw JJ, Yang L, Chang LH, Chou HL, Chao SC. Improving neonatal caregiving through a developmentally supportive care training program. Appl Nurs Res. 2009;22(2):86-93.
  • 31. Quraishy K, Bowles SM, Moore J. A protocol for swaddled bathing in the neonatal intensive care unit. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2013;13(1):48-50.
  • 32. Çaka SY, Gözen D. Effects of swaddled and traditional tub bathing methods on crying and physiological responses of newborns. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2018; 23(1): e12202.
  • 33. Fernández D, Antolín-Rodríguez R. Bathing a premature infant in the intensive care unit: a systematic review. J. Pediatr. Nurs. 2018;42:52-7.

The Effect of Phototherapy Devices and Bathing in Neonatal Jaundice: Review Article

Yıl 2024, , 55 - 64, 25.10.2024


Jaundice is one of the most common clinical findings that require medical attention in newborn babies without any other health problem. It is seen in approximately 30-50% of term and 70-80% of preterm infants. It is one of the most common causes of hospitalization in the first weeks; although, it is generally a temporary condition, after birth and causes permanent neuro-developmental problems in the newborn if left untreated. The treatment methods used in neonatal jaundice are phototherapy and exchange transfusion. Phototherapy treatment, which is one of the first and most effective applications, is carried out in clinics with devices with different efficacy. These devices are known to reduce neonatal jaundice while also causing some side effects. Benefit from different types of bathing practices in reducing side effects and reducing bilirubin. Newborn bathing can be performed in different ways in neonatal intensive care units. Knowing the rate of decrease in the level of jaundşce can contribute to clinical applications in cases where phototherapy devices and the type of bath are different. Therefore; in this review, it is aimed to examine the literature on different types of phototherapy devices and bath applications used to reduce bilirubin levels in neonatal jaundice.

Proje Numarası

Çalışmanın orijinal makalesi 120S732 proje numarası ile TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir.


  • 1. Shaughnessy EE, Goyal NK. Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn. 21st ed. Philadelphia: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics; 2019. p 953-61.
  • 2. Watchko JF. Avery's diseases of the newborn. 10th ed. Washington: Juul, SE; 2019. p 1198-218.
  • 3. Çoban A, Kaynak Türkmen M, Gürsoy T. Türk neonatoloji derneği yenidoğan sarılıklarında yaklaşım, izlem ve tedavi rehberi. Turk Pediatri Ars. 2018;53(Supp: 1):172-9.
  • 4. Kaplan M, Wong RJ, Burgis JC, Sibley E, Stevensen DK. Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-perinatal medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia. 2020(91):1788-852 p.
  • 5. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation. J. Pediatr. 2004(114):297-316.
  • 6. Bagwell GA, Steward DK. Comprehensive neonatal nursing care. 6th ed. New York. Springer Publishing Company; 2020. p 315-35. 7. Yurdakök M. Phototherapy in the newborn: what’s new?. JPNIM. 2015; 4(2):e040255.
  • 8. Maisels MJ, Ramaswamy D, Kring EA. Does phototherapy cause benign skin rashes in newborn infants?. Acta Paediatr. 2014;103(3):133-5.
  • 9. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: 4th ed. Washington, DC. 2018. (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 10. Brogan J, Rapkin G. Implementing evidence-based neonatal skin care with parent-performed, delayed immersion baths. Nurs Womens Health 2017;21(6):442-50.
  • 11. Çınar V, Küçükoğlu S. Effects of sponge bath on bilirubin levels of neonatals who underwent phototherapy. IJIRR. 2018;2(2):10-4.
  • 12. Dağ YS, Yayan EH. The effect on bilirubin levels of massage, tub bath, and sponge bath in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Integr Med. 2019;(27):70-4.
  • 13. Mohammadi Pirkashani L, Asghari G, Marofi M, Barekatain B. Effect of chicory extract bath on neonatal bilirubin levels: A randomized clinical trial study. Int J Pediatr.2017;5(12):6679-88.
  • 14. TND (Türk Neonatoloji Derneği Yenidoğan Sarılıklarında Yaklaşım, İzlem ve Tedavi Rehberi) 2014. (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 15. Karabudak SS, Ergün S. Yenidoğan hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. 3 baskı. Ankara, Akademisyen Tıp Kitabevi; 2021. p 289-352.
  • 16. NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). Routine postnatal care of women and their babies. 2014; NICE Clinical Guide no 37. 66142082148037 (Erişim: 21.05.2021).
  • 17. McDonagh AF. Phototherapy: from ancient egypt to the new millennium. J. Perinatol. 2001;21(1):7-12.
  • 18. Lucey J, Ferreiro M, Hewitt J. Prevention of hyperbilirubinemia of prematurity by phototherapy. Pediatr. 1968;41(6):1047-54.
  • 19. Itoh S, Okada H, Kuboi T, Kusaka T. Phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Pediatr. Int. 2017;59(9):959-66.
  • 20. Kuboi T, Kusaka T, Okazaki K, Yasuda S, Okada H, Itoh S. Efficacy of green led phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: an in vivo study. J. Jpn. Soc. Neonatal Health Dev. 2015; 27: 280-6.
  • 21. Kato S, Iwata O, Yamada Y, Kakita H, Yamada T, Nakashima H et al. Standardization of phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia using multiple-wavelength irradiance integration. Pediatr. Neonatol. 2020;61(1):100-5.
  • 22. Vreman HJ, Wong RJ, Stevenson DK. Phototherapy: Current methods and future directions. Semin. Perinatol. 2004;28(5):326-33.
  • 23. Mreihil K, Madsen P, Nakstad B, Benth JŠ, Ebbesen F, Hansen TWR. Early formation of bilirubin isomers during phototherapy for neonatal jaundice: effects of single vs. double fluorescent lamps vs. photodiodes. Pediatr Res.2015;78(1):56-62.
  • 24. Sampurna MT, Ratnasari KA, Saharso D, Bos AF, Sauer PJ, Dijk PH et al. Current phototherapy practice on java, Indonesia. BMC Pediatr.2019;19(1):188.
  • 25. Kumar P, Chawla D, Deorari A. Light‐emitting diode phototherapy for unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia in neonates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2011;(12):CD007969.
  • 26. Pratesi S, Di Fabio S, Bresci C, Di Natale C, Bar S, Dani C. Broad-spectrum light versus blue light for phototherapy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Perinatol. 2015;32(08):779-84. 27. Salehzadeh F, Mirza Rahimi M, Janhangiri S, Habibzadeh S, Amini Sani N, Samshirgara M et al. Mirror covered tunnel phototherapy increases the efficacy of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice. Iranian J. Neonatol. 2010;1(1):20-23.
  • 28. Olusanya BO, Imam ZO, Mabogunje CA, Emokpae AA, Slusher TM. Maternal satisfaction with a novel filtered-sunlight phototherapy for newborn jaundice in southwest Nigeria. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14(1):180.
  • 29. Elser HE. Bathing basics. Adv. Neonatal Care. 2013;13(3):188–9.
  • 30. Liaw JJ, Yang L, Chang LH, Chou HL, Chao SC. Improving neonatal caregiving through a developmentally supportive care training program. Appl Nurs Res. 2009;22(2):86-93.
  • 31. Quraishy K, Bowles SM, Moore J. A protocol for swaddled bathing in the neonatal intensive care unit. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2013;13(1):48-50.
  • 32. Çaka SY, Gözen D. Effects of swaddled and traditional tub bathing methods on crying and physiological responses of newborns. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2018; 23(1): e12202.
  • 33. Fernández D, Antolín-Rodríguez R. Bathing a premature infant in the intensive care unit: a systematic review. J. Pediatr. Nurs. 2018;42:52-7.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği
Bölüm Derlemeler

Serap Özdemir 0000-0003-4589-7264

Serap Balcı 0000-0001-8915-6690

Proje Numarası Çalışmanın orijinal makalesi 120S732 proje numarası ile TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir.
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 7 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 15 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özdemir S, Balcı S. Yenidoğan Sarılığında Fototerapi Cihazlarının ve Banyonun Etkisi: Derleme Makale. THDD. 2024;5(1):55-64.