Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, , 97 - 115, 27.07.2023


Güvenlik, yakın döneme kadar devlet merkezli ve askeri stratejiler çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Fakat 1990’lardan itibaren ortaya çıkan yeni gelişmeler sonucunda klasik güvenlik anlayışı değişime uğramıştır. Birleşmiş Milletler’in 1994'te yayınladığı İnsani Gelişme Raporu, insan güvenliğine ilişkin yeni bir paradigmanın ortaya çıkmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. “Güvenlik” kavramının çok uzun süredir dar bir şekilde yorumlandığı göz önüne alındığında, bu rapor, klasik güvenlik anlayışının değişmeye başladığının göstergesi olmuştur. Günümüzde bireyi merkeze alan özne temelli güvenlik anlayışı ön plana çıkmıştır. Özellikle de uluslararası göç hareketlerinin artışı güvenliğe dair yeni tartışma alanını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Uluslararası göç hareketleri sonucunda insani güvenlik küresel dünya sorunlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Aynı şekilde uluslararası insan hakları normları, insan güvenliği kavramıyla bağlantılıdır. Bu nedenle çağdaş dünyada, insan hakları ve insan güvenliği arasındaki bağlantıları anlamak son derece önemlidir. Bu amaçla çalışmada yeni güvenlik alanları ile insani güvenlik kavramının birbiriyle olan ilişkisi, uluslararası göç hareketleriyle güvenlik anlayışının geçirmiş olduğu değişim ve bu değişimin insan haklarını etkileme süreçleri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Ayrıca insan hakları ve ihlallerinin temelde insani güvenlik anlayışıyla doğrudan ilişkili olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Kapsamlı bir şekilde değerlendirildiğinde insani güvenlik bireylerin yaşam alanlarına etki eden temel ihtiyaçları ve insan kimliğiyle ilgilidir. Bu alanlara yönelik tehditler aynı zamanda temel hak ve özgürlüklere karşı bir tehdit anlamına gelmektedir. Ayrıca savaş politikaları sonucunda ortaya çıkan insan hareketliliği kaynak sorununun ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. İnsanlar temel yaşam kaynakları olan barınma, gıda ve sağlık gibi ihtiyaçlardan mahrum kalmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda da insani güvenlik tehdidi ortaya çıkmakta, küresel problemler bu tehdidi arttırmaktadır. Bu çerçevede uluslararası göç hareketleri, insani güvenlik ve insan hakları yeniden çözümlenmektedir.


  • Adger, W. N., de Campos, R. S., Siddiqui, T., Gavonel, M. F., Szaboova, L., Rocky, M. H., Bhuiyan, M. R. A., Billah, T. (2021). Human Security of Urban Migrant Populations Affected by Length of Residence and Environmental Hazards. Journal of Peace Research, 58(1), 50–66.
  • Altunok, M. (2019). Migration Organization and Policy in Turkish Public Administration. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 209- 244). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Birdişli, F. (2014). “Eleştirel Güvenlik Çalışmaları Kapsamında Frankfurt Okulu ve Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Güvenlik Sorunlarına Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım: Galler Ekolü”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 10, 229-256
  • Bourbeau, P. (2011). The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Castles, S. (2010). Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1565- 1586.
  • Choucri, N. (2002). Migration and security: Some key linkages. Journal of International Affairs, 56(1), 97–122.
  • Erbaş, H. (2019). Migration and İmmigrants from Departures to Escapes, Theory, Method and Field Writings. Ankara: Phoenix Publications.
  • Erdoğan, M. M. (2020). Syrians Barometer: Framework for Living in Harmony with Syrians. Ankara: Orion Bookstore.
  • Gasper, D. (2010) The idea of Human Security. In: O’Brien Karen, Clair Asun St, Kristoffersen Berit (eds) Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 23–46.
  • Giddens, A., Simon G.. Sociology. Polity, 2006.
  • Giddens, A. (1981). The nation-state and violence. California: University of California Press.
  • Guidero, A. (2022). Humanitarian (in)security: risk management in complex settings. Disasters, 46: 162-184.
  • Hampson, F. O. (2008). Human Security. In P. D. Williams (Edt.), Routledge, Security Studies: An Introduction. Newyork.
  • Hazan, C., J. (2012). Forced Migration from the Past to the Future: Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, In Öner-Ihlamur, G., S., Şirin Öner, A., N., (Ed.) Migration in the Age of Globalization: Concepts, Discussions (pp. 183-198). İstanbul: İletişim Publications.
  • Human Rights Watch (2016). World Report. download/wr2016_web.pdf, adresinden 1 Ocak 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • IOM (2022). World Migration Report 2022. wmr-2022-interactive/
  • Kapar, R. (2020). Economic and social rights of irregular migrants in Turkiye within the framework of international conventions. In Songül Sallan Gül, Saniye Dedeoğlu, Özlem Kahya Nizam (Edt.), Refugeeism, forced migration and social cohesion in Turkey, return or coexistence? (pp. 146-173). Istanbul, Context Publishing.
  • Kilic, C., Boylu, A. A., Gunay, G. (2019). Women’s Migration and Human Security. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 137-156). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Nas, F. (2018). Immigration and the problems caused by immigration. In Rıdvan Şimşek (Edt.), Sociology of Migration (pp. 73-94). Ankara: Academician Bookstore.
  • Özcelik, S. (2019). Internal Conflicts and Migration. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 245-267). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Rudolph, C. (2017). National Security and Immigration in the United States after September 11. UC San Diego Working Papers. Retrieved from dist/prd/content/qt8rq8k6nd/qt8rq8k6nd.pdf (accessed on 1 March 2019).
  • Sağır, A. (2019). Migration, Integration, Threat and Collapse: Is It Possible to Construct New Societies? In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 113-136). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Sayın, H. (2019). International Migration and İnternational Security. Ankara, Berikan Publishing House.
  • Telatar, G. (2019). Immigration and Security. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 7-38). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Thompson, C. (2013). Frontiers and threats: Should transnational migration be considered a security issue? Global Policy Journal, 20, 11.
  • Ullah, A. A., Hasan, N. H., Mohamad, S. M., & Chattoraj, D. (2020). Migration and Security: Implications for Minority Migrant Groups. India Quarterly, 76(1), 136–153. https://doi. org/10.1177/0974928419901199
  • Ünver, O. C. (2021). International Migrants and Human Rights İgnored. In Mehmet Karakaş, Demet Çak (Edt.) Migration and its Effects (pp. 225-243). Istanbul: Pegem Academy.
  • Yavcan, B. (2019). Traditional Security and Human Security. Available from: https://trguvenlikportali. com


Yıl 2023, , 97 - 115, 27.07.2023


Security has been evaluated within the framework of state-centered and military strategies until recently. However, new developments that emerged in the 1990s have led to a change in the classical understanding of security. The Human Development Report published by the United Nations in 1994 laid the groundwork for a new paradigm regarding human security. Considering that the concept of "security" has been narrowly interpreted for a long time, this report has been an indicator of the change in the classical understanding of security.
Nowadays, the subject-based security understanding, which focuses on the individual, has come to the forefront. In particular, the increase in international migration movements has brought about a new area of discussion on security. As a result of international migration movements, human security has become one of the global world problems. Similarly, international human rights norms are related to the concept of human security. Therefore, understanding the connections between human rights and human security is of great importance in the contemporary world. For this purpose, the relationship between new security areas and the concept of human security, the changes in the understanding of security with international migration movements, and the processes of this change affecting human rights are emphasized in the study. It is also emphasized that human rights violations are directly related to the understanding of human security. When comprehensively evaluated, human security is related to the basic needs and human identity that affect individuals' living spaces. Threats to these areas also mean a threat to fundamental rights and freedoms. In addition, human mobility resulting from war policies leads to the emergence of the source problem. People are deprived of basic needs such as housing, food, and health. As a result, a threat to human security arises, and global problems increase this threat. In this context, international migration movements, human security, and human rights are being reinterpreted.


  • Adger, W. N., de Campos, R. S., Siddiqui, T., Gavonel, M. F., Szaboova, L., Rocky, M. H., Bhuiyan, M. R. A., Billah, T. (2021). Human Security of Urban Migrant Populations Affected by Length of Residence and Environmental Hazards. Journal of Peace Research, 58(1), 50–66.
  • Altunok, M. (2019). Migration Organization and Policy in Turkish Public Administration. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 209- 244). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Birdişli, F. (2014). “Eleştirel Güvenlik Çalışmaları Kapsamında Frankfurt Okulu ve Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Güvenlik Sorunlarına Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım: Galler Ekolü”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 10, 229-256
  • Bourbeau, P. (2011). The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Castles, S. (2010). Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1565- 1586.
  • Choucri, N. (2002). Migration and security: Some key linkages. Journal of International Affairs, 56(1), 97–122.
  • Erbaş, H. (2019). Migration and İmmigrants from Departures to Escapes, Theory, Method and Field Writings. Ankara: Phoenix Publications.
  • Erdoğan, M. M. (2020). Syrians Barometer: Framework for Living in Harmony with Syrians. Ankara: Orion Bookstore.
  • Gasper, D. (2010) The idea of Human Security. In: O’Brien Karen, Clair Asun St, Kristoffersen Berit (eds) Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 23–46.
  • Giddens, A., Simon G.. Sociology. Polity, 2006.
  • Giddens, A. (1981). The nation-state and violence. California: University of California Press.
  • Guidero, A. (2022). Humanitarian (in)security: risk management in complex settings. Disasters, 46: 162-184.
  • Hampson, F. O. (2008). Human Security. In P. D. Williams (Edt.), Routledge, Security Studies: An Introduction. Newyork.
  • Hazan, C., J. (2012). Forced Migration from the Past to the Future: Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, In Öner-Ihlamur, G., S., Şirin Öner, A., N., (Ed.) Migration in the Age of Globalization: Concepts, Discussions (pp. 183-198). İstanbul: İletişim Publications.
  • Human Rights Watch (2016). World Report. download/wr2016_web.pdf, adresinden 1 Ocak 2022 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • IOM (2022). World Migration Report 2022. wmr-2022-interactive/
  • Kapar, R. (2020). Economic and social rights of irregular migrants in Turkiye within the framework of international conventions. In Songül Sallan Gül, Saniye Dedeoğlu, Özlem Kahya Nizam (Edt.), Refugeeism, forced migration and social cohesion in Turkey, return or coexistence? (pp. 146-173). Istanbul, Context Publishing.
  • Kilic, C., Boylu, A. A., Gunay, G. (2019). Women’s Migration and Human Security. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 137-156). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Nas, F. (2018). Immigration and the problems caused by immigration. In Rıdvan Şimşek (Edt.), Sociology of Migration (pp. 73-94). Ankara: Academician Bookstore.
  • Özcelik, S. (2019). Internal Conflicts and Migration. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 245-267). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Rudolph, C. (2017). National Security and Immigration in the United States after September 11. UC San Diego Working Papers. Retrieved from dist/prd/content/qt8rq8k6nd/qt8rq8k6nd.pdf (accessed on 1 March 2019).
  • Sağır, A. (2019). Migration, Integration, Threat and Collapse: Is It Possible to Construct New Societies? In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 113-136). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Sayın, H. (2019). International Migration and İnternational Security. Ankara, Berikan Publishing House.
  • Telatar, G. (2019). Immigration and Security. In Gökhan Telatar, Umut Kedikli (Edt.), International Migration and Security (pp. 7-38). Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Thompson, C. (2013). Frontiers and threats: Should transnational migration be considered a security issue? Global Policy Journal, 20, 11.
  • Ullah, A. A., Hasan, N. H., Mohamad, S. M., & Chattoraj, D. (2020). Migration and Security: Implications for Minority Migrant Groups. India Quarterly, 76(1), 136–153. https://doi. org/10.1177/0974928419901199
  • Ünver, O. C. (2021). International Migrants and Human Rights İgnored. In Mehmet Karakaş, Demet Çak (Edt.) Migration and its Effects (pp. 225-243). Istanbul: Pegem Academy.
  • Yavcan, B. (2019). Traditional Security and Human Security. Available from: https://trguvenlikportali. com
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İbrahim Mavi 0000-0002-8268-6899

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster