In the Carboniferous and Permian rocks from Turkey, which we have been studying for some time, we have quite often observed some microproblematic foraminifera about which, so far as we know, no papers have been published. Although some of these forms phylogenetically can be assigned to some family and genera, we feel that not enough investigation and study has been made to give them a more definite systematic position and therefore, for the time being, we prefer to accept them as Microprohlematica.
Among those in samples from lower and particularly middle Permian rocks, two forms, one being comparative with the Vermiporella and the other with a microforaminifera or a primitive Algae, are quite often observed.
Until recently, excepting a few old publlcations, there were no papers available concerning these forms. Lately however, we have been able to make more certain identification of the large collection of fossil Algae in our possession, benefiting from a series of publications put out during the recent years by G. F. Elliott of the Iraq Petroleum Company.
Today's talk is going to be about these Algae which are offten observed in the samples from Permian rocks in Turkey.