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Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri

Yıl 1961, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 131 - 144, 30.06.1961


Bu yazıda Üst Karbonifer kömürlerinin ihtiva ettiği mikro bitki fosilleri (spor ve pollen) incelenmiştir. Mevzuubahis palinolojik çalışma neticesinde iki yeni pollen cinsi ile altı yeni tür bulunmuş ve tavsifleri yapılıp, stratigrafik olarak kıymetlendirilmiştir.
Etüd edilen kömür nununeleri M.T.A. Enstitüsünün Amasra Karbonifer Havzasında yapmakta olduğu sondajlardan toplanmıştır, birkaç kömür numunesi de tektonik kuvvetlerle sürüklenere yersel olarak Üst Kretase üzerine binmiş olan Beycuma-Kabalaklar Karbonifer mostralarından tedarik edilmiştir.


  • ARNOLD, G. A. (1950): Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ. Mich., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 59-111.
  • BENNIE, I. & KIDSTON, R. (1836): On the occurrence of Spores in the Carboniferous formation of Scotland, Proc. Royal Phys, Soc, Edinb., Vol IX.
  • BONET, M. C. & DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1936): Megasporas Carboniferas de la Camocha, Intituto de Investigaciones Geologicas Lucas Mallada, Madrid.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. & KREMP, G. (1955): Die Sporen Führung der Velener Schichten des Ruhrkarbons, Geol. Jb., Band 71, pp. 51-61, 1 Taf., 5 Tab.,fHannover.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957): The Spore flora of Velener Schichten (Lower Westphalian D) in the Ruhr coal measures. Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 102, Liefg. 4-6, pp. 1I0438, Stuttgart.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957): The Palynological Investigations of the Saar Goals, Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 101, Liefg. 5-6, pp. 73-125, Stuttgart.
  • CHALONER, W. G. (1951): On Spencerisporites, gen, nov3 and S. karczewskii (Zerndt), the isolated spores of Spencerites însignls Scott, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., T. IV, Ser. 12, pp. 861-873, London.
  • CHALONER, W. G. (1952): On Lepidocarpon Waltoni, sp, n. from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., T. V., Ser. 12, pp. 572-582, Pl. 1 London.
  • DIJKSTRA, S, J. & Van VIERSSEN TRIP, P. H. (1946): Eine monographische Bearbeitung der Karbonischen Megasporen etc. Med. Geol. Sticht., Ser. C-III-I, pp. 1-101, Maastricht,
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1949): Megaspores and some other fossils from the Aachenian (Senonian) in South Limburg, Netherlands, Med. Geol.. Sticht. New Ser., Vol III, pp. 19-33, Maastricht
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1949): La signification stratigraphique de Spores, Soc. Geol. de Belgique, T. LXXII, fascicule special
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1950): Carboniferous Megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of SE England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. Ill, pp. 865-877.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1951): Wealden Megaspores and their stratigraphical value. Med. Geol. Sticht. New Ser., Vol. V, pp. 7-21, Maastricht,
  • DIJKSTRA. S. J (1952a): Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value, im. Geol.. Congr. Report XVIII th. Session, part X, Proc. of Sect. J. pp. 11-17.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1952b): New Carboniferous Megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. V, pp. 102-104.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1952c): The stratigraphical value of Megaspores. 3, Congr. Strut. Geol. Carb. Heerfeiv pp. 163-168.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955): : The Megaspores of the Westphalian D and C. Med.Geol. Sticht. New- Ser. 8, pp. 5-11.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (19S5a): La correlation des veines de charbon par les Mégaspores, Publ. Ass. Etud. Paléont. Brux., No. 21, Hors Sér., Vol VIII, pp. 197-119.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955b): Megaspores Carboniferas Espanolas y su empleo en la correlation estratigrafica (with English summary). Etudios Geol., No. 27S 28, Vol. XI, pp. 277-354, Madrid.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (19S6): Some Brazilian Megaspores, Lower Permian in age, and their comparison with Lower Gondwana Spores from India. Med. Geol. Sticht.. New Ser., Vol. IX, p. 6, Maastricht.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1956): Lower Carboniferous Megaspores, Med. Geol. Sticht., New Ser. Vol.10, pp. 5-18.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1958): On a Megaspore-bearing Lycopod strobilus. Ada Botanka Neerlandica, 7, pp. 217-222.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. & PIERART, P. (1957): Lower Carboniferous Megaspores from the Moscow Basin. Med. Geol. Sticht. New Ser., Vol. XI, pp. 5-19.
  • ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1959): The Carboniferous Megaspores from the Zonguldak and Amasra coal basin and their stratigraphical values. M. T. A. Bull. No. 53, Ankara.
  • ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1960): Amasra Havzasında Kömürlü Karbonifer seviyelerinin Palinolojiktetkiki. M. T. A. Bull. No. 55, Ankara.
  • HÜEG, O. A., BOSE, M. N. & MANUM, S. (1955): On double walls in fossil Megaspores. Nytt. Magasin for Botanikk, Vol. IV, pp. 101-107.
  • HORST, U. (1955): Die Sporae dispersae des Namurs von Westoberschlesieu und Mährich-Ostrau. Palaeont., Vol. LXCII, pp. 138-236.
  • İBRAHİM, A. C.(1933) : Sporenformen des Agirhorizontes des Ruhr-Reviers. Dissertation Th. Berlin, 1932, 46 S5 8 PL Konrad Trlitsch. Wurzburg.
  • KALIBOVA, M. (1951): Megaspores of the Radnice Goal Measure Zone of the Kladno-Rakovnik Coal Basin. Geol.. Sun. Czechoslovakia, 18 (Fal.), 21-83, PL 5-8, Prague.
  • PREM SINGH in SURANGE, K. R., PREM SINGH & P. N. SRIVASTAVA (1953): Megaspores from the West Bokaro Coalfield (Lower Gondwana) of Bihar, The Palaebotanist,, Vol II, pp. 9-17.
  • POTONIÉ, R. & KREMP, G. (1955): Die Sporae des Ruhrkarbons, Abdruck aus Paleontographica. Teil 1 und II Sonder, Bd. 98 und 99, Abt. B, Hannover.
  • POTONIÉ, R. & KREMP, G. (1956): Die Sporae dispersae des Ruhrkarbons. Teil III, Paleontl. Abt. B, 100, Liefg. 4-6, 61-21, Stuttgart.
  • POTONIÉ, R. (1956, 1958): Synopsis der Gattungen der Sporne dispersae. I u. II. - Beich. Geol. Jb., 23, 21, Hannover.
  • PIERART, P. (1955): Les Mégaspores contenues dans quelques couches de houille du Westf. B et C aux charbonnages Limburg, Meuse, Publ. Ass. Etud. Brux., Nos 21, Hors Sér., Vol VIII, pp. 125-142.
  • PIERART, P. (1956): Quelques Mégaspores contenues dans les charbons stéphaniens des Bassins de Blanzy et de Décazeville. Bull. Soc, Belge, Géol. t LXIV, fasc. 3, pp. 587-599, 6 pl.
  • PIERART, P. (1957): Note préliminaire sur les Mégaspores du Westphalien C supérireur en Campine Belge, Paläont. Z., 31,1/2, 46-52, Stuttgart.
  • ROUSSEAU, A. (1938): Etude de quelques types de Spores du Westphalien C. Bull. Mus, Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg., T. XIV, No, 33, pp. 1-6.
  • SAHABI, Y, (1936): Recherches sur les spores des Houilles Françaises, Diss. pp. 1-62, Lille.
  • SOMMER, F. W. (1953): Os Megasporos do carvao de Saata catarina e seu aproveitamento na çorrelaçao das Camadas. Div. Geol. Min. Nota Preliminares E Estudos, No 73, pp. 1-3, Rio de Janeiro.
  • STACH, E. U, & ZERNDT, J. (1931): Die Sporen in den Flamm- Gasflammıınd Gaskohlen der Ruhrkarbons, Glückaufs 67, pp. 1118-1124, Essen.
  • SCHOPF, J. M. (1988): Spores from the Herrin (No, 6) Goal Bed in Illinois, Rept. Investig. III. Geol. Surv., No. 50: 1-55.
  • TRIPATHI, B. A. (1952): A Note on Megasporos from Lower Gondwana Coal of Umarla Coalfieldş District Sabdol (Vindhya Pradesh). Current Science, Vol. 21, pp. 308-309.
  • TREVEDI, H S. (1953): Megaspores and other plant remains from Lower Gondwana of Singrauli Coalfield, District Mirzapur, U.P, Jour. Indian Bot. Soc. Vol. XXXII, pp. 70-85, Bangalore.
  • TRINDADE, N. M. (1954): Megasporos do carvao Gondwanico do Rio Grando do SuL. e sua apîîcao em correlaçoes estratigraficas, Div. Geol. Min., Notas Preliminares E Estudos, No. 78, ppe 1-6, Rio de Janeiro.
  • WICHER, G. A. (1934): Über Abortiverscheinungen bei fossilen Sporen und Ihre phylogenetische Bedeutung. Arb. Inst. Paläobot. Petrogr. Brennst, 5, 87-96, Preuss. Geol. L. -A. Berlin.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1956): Azdavay kömürlerinin stratigrafik yaşı hakkında. M. T. A. Derg. Sayı 48, s. 140, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1959): Zonguldak ve Amasra kömür havzasmda yeni Karbonifer Megasporları. M. T. A. Derg,, Sayı 53, s. 100, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN Kâzım New Carboniferous Megaspores from the Zonguldak arid Amasra coal basin. M. T.A. Bull No. 53, p. 102, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1960) : New Spore Flora from the Amasra Coal Basin. - M. T. A. Bull. No. 55, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım & ERGÖNÜL, Yaşar (1958): Amasra (Tarlaağzı) E. K. İ. Galerisindeki kömür damarlarının sporolojik etüdü ve korelâsyonu. M.T.A.Derg. Sayı 51, s. 42, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım & ERGÖNÜL, Yaşar (1959): Permian Megaspores from Hazru (Diyarbakır), M.T.A. Bull. No. 53, p. 94, Ankara.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1930): Petrograficzne badania weglia z Podladu «Izabella» W Trzebini. Przegladu Gorniczo-Putnicsaga Dabrow Goru Humiezego, 1-4, 5 Tafeln.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1932): Megasporen aus den Zwickauer und Lugau-Ölsnitzer Karbon. Jahresben Berg- und Hüttenwesen in Sachsen, 9-16, 4 Tafeln, Freiberg.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1934): Les Mégaspores du Bassin Houilier Polonais. I. Bull de l'Acad. Pol des Sci. et des Lettres, Trav. Géol. 1-56, 32 TL, Krakau.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1937): Les Mégaspores du Bassin Houilier Polonais. II Boil, de l'Acad, Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres, 1-78, 241-278, Krakau.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1938): Die Eignung von Megasporen als Leitfossilien. II. Carhon, Congr. Heerlen 1935, Compte Rendu 3,1711-1732, Maastricht.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1939): Sporowozdanie z badan Mcgaspore. Przyczynki do Geologii Polski, 1-4.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1940): Megasporen des Saarkarboris. Paleontographica, 84, Abt. B, 133-150. Tafeln 9-13, Stuttgart.

The Palynological Description of New Pollen Genera and Species from the Amasra Upper Carbonierous

Yıl 1961, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 131 - 144, 30.06.1961


In this paper is investigated the content of the plant micro fossils (spore and pollen grains) in the Upper Carboniferous coals in consequence of these palynological studies two new genera and six species were found, that are described and stratıgraphıcally evaluated here.
The coal samples for this study were collected from the borings carried out by the M.T.A. Institute in the Amasra Carboniferous Basin and a few coal samples were obtained from the Beycuma-Kabalaklar Carboniferous outcrops, that were dragged by tectonical forces and locally imbricated over the upper Cretaceous strata.


  • ARNOLD, G. A. (1950): Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ. Mich., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 59-111.
  • BENNIE, I. & KIDSTON, R. (1836): On the occurrence of Spores in the Carboniferous formation of Scotland, Proc. Royal Phys, Soc, Edinb., Vol IX.
  • BONET, M. C. & DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1936): Megasporas Carboniferas de la Camocha, Intituto de Investigaciones Geologicas Lucas Mallada, Madrid.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. & KREMP, G. (1955): Die Sporen Führung der Velener Schichten des Ruhrkarbons, Geol. Jb., Band 71, pp. 51-61, 1 Taf., 5 Tab.,fHannover.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957): The Spore flora of Velener Schichten (Lower Westphalian D) in the Ruhr coal measures. Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 102, Liefg. 4-6, pp. 1I0438, Stuttgart.
  • BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957): The Palynological Investigations of the Saar Goals, Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 101, Liefg. 5-6, pp. 73-125, Stuttgart.
  • CHALONER, W. G. (1951): On Spencerisporites, gen, nov3 and S. karczewskii (Zerndt), the isolated spores of Spencerites însignls Scott, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., T. IV, Ser. 12, pp. 861-873, London.
  • CHALONER, W. G. (1952): On Lepidocarpon Waltoni, sp, n. from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., T. V., Ser. 12, pp. 572-582, Pl. 1 London.
  • DIJKSTRA, S, J. & Van VIERSSEN TRIP, P. H. (1946): Eine monographische Bearbeitung der Karbonischen Megasporen etc. Med. Geol. Sticht., Ser. C-III-I, pp. 1-101, Maastricht,
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1949): Megaspores and some other fossils from the Aachenian (Senonian) in South Limburg, Netherlands, Med. Geol.. Sticht. New Ser., Vol III, pp. 19-33, Maastricht
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1949): La signification stratigraphique de Spores, Soc. Geol. de Belgique, T. LXXII, fascicule special
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1950): Carboniferous Megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of SE England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. Ill, pp. 865-877.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1951): Wealden Megaspores and their stratigraphical value. Med. Geol. Sticht. New Ser., Vol. V, pp. 7-21, Maastricht,
  • DIJKSTRA. S. J (1952a): Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value, im. Geol.. Congr. Report XVIII th. Session, part X, Proc. of Sect. J. pp. 11-17.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1952b): New Carboniferous Megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. V, pp. 102-104.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1952c): The stratigraphical value of Megaspores. 3, Congr. Strut. Geol. Carb. Heerfeiv pp. 163-168.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955): : The Megaspores of the Westphalian D and C. Med.Geol. Sticht. New- Ser. 8, pp. 5-11.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (19S5a): La correlation des veines de charbon par les Mégaspores, Publ. Ass. Etud. Paléont. Brux., No. 21, Hors Sér., Vol VIII, pp. 197-119.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955b): Megaspores Carboniferas Espanolas y su empleo en la correlation estratigrafica (with English summary). Etudios Geol., No. 27S 28, Vol. XI, pp. 277-354, Madrid.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (19S6): Some Brazilian Megaspores, Lower Permian in age, and their comparison with Lower Gondwana Spores from India. Med. Geol. Sticht.. New Ser., Vol. IX, p. 6, Maastricht.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1956): Lower Carboniferous Megaspores, Med. Geol. Sticht., New Ser. Vol.10, pp. 5-18.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1958): On a Megaspore-bearing Lycopod strobilus. Ada Botanka Neerlandica, 7, pp. 217-222.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. & PIERART, P. (1957): Lower Carboniferous Megaspores from the Moscow Basin. Med. Geol. Sticht. New Ser., Vol. XI, pp. 5-19.
  • ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1959): The Carboniferous Megaspores from the Zonguldak and Amasra coal basin and their stratigraphical values. M. T. A. Bull. No. 53, Ankara.
  • ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1960): Amasra Havzasında Kömürlü Karbonifer seviyelerinin Palinolojiktetkiki. M. T. A. Bull. No. 55, Ankara.
  • HÜEG, O. A., BOSE, M. N. & MANUM, S. (1955): On double walls in fossil Megaspores. Nytt. Magasin for Botanikk, Vol. IV, pp. 101-107.
  • HORST, U. (1955): Die Sporae dispersae des Namurs von Westoberschlesieu und Mährich-Ostrau. Palaeont., Vol. LXCII, pp. 138-236.
  • İBRAHİM, A. C.(1933) : Sporenformen des Agirhorizontes des Ruhr-Reviers. Dissertation Th. Berlin, 1932, 46 S5 8 PL Konrad Trlitsch. Wurzburg.
  • KALIBOVA, M. (1951): Megaspores of the Radnice Goal Measure Zone of the Kladno-Rakovnik Coal Basin. Geol.. Sun. Czechoslovakia, 18 (Fal.), 21-83, PL 5-8, Prague.
  • PREM SINGH in SURANGE, K. R., PREM SINGH & P. N. SRIVASTAVA (1953): Megaspores from the West Bokaro Coalfield (Lower Gondwana) of Bihar, The Palaebotanist,, Vol II, pp. 9-17.
  • POTONIÉ, R. & KREMP, G. (1955): Die Sporae des Ruhrkarbons, Abdruck aus Paleontographica. Teil 1 und II Sonder, Bd. 98 und 99, Abt. B, Hannover.
  • POTONIÉ, R. & KREMP, G. (1956): Die Sporae dispersae des Ruhrkarbons. Teil III, Paleontl. Abt. B, 100, Liefg. 4-6, 61-21, Stuttgart.
  • POTONIÉ, R. (1956, 1958): Synopsis der Gattungen der Sporne dispersae. I u. II. - Beich. Geol. Jb., 23, 21, Hannover.
  • PIERART, P. (1955): Les Mégaspores contenues dans quelques couches de houille du Westf. B et C aux charbonnages Limburg, Meuse, Publ. Ass. Etud. Brux., Nos 21, Hors Sér., Vol VIII, pp. 125-142.
  • PIERART, P. (1956): Quelques Mégaspores contenues dans les charbons stéphaniens des Bassins de Blanzy et de Décazeville. Bull. Soc, Belge, Géol. t LXIV, fasc. 3, pp. 587-599, 6 pl.
  • PIERART, P. (1957): Note préliminaire sur les Mégaspores du Westphalien C supérireur en Campine Belge, Paläont. Z., 31,1/2, 46-52, Stuttgart.
  • ROUSSEAU, A. (1938): Etude de quelques types de Spores du Westphalien C. Bull. Mus, Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg., T. XIV, No, 33, pp. 1-6.
  • SAHABI, Y, (1936): Recherches sur les spores des Houilles Françaises, Diss. pp. 1-62, Lille.
  • SOMMER, F. W. (1953): Os Megasporos do carvao de Saata catarina e seu aproveitamento na çorrelaçao das Camadas. Div. Geol. Min. Nota Preliminares E Estudos, No 73, pp. 1-3, Rio de Janeiro.
  • STACH, E. U, & ZERNDT, J. (1931): Die Sporen in den Flamm- Gasflammıınd Gaskohlen der Ruhrkarbons, Glückaufs 67, pp. 1118-1124, Essen.
  • SCHOPF, J. M. (1988): Spores from the Herrin (No, 6) Goal Bed in Illinois, Rept. Investig. III. Geol. Surv., No. 50: 1-55.
  • TRIPATHI, B. A. (1952): A Note on Megasporos from Lower Gondwana Coal of Umarla Coalfieldş District Sabdol (Vindhya Pradesh). Current Science, Vol. 21, pp. 308-309.
  • TREVEDI, H S. (1953): Megaspores and other plant remains from Lower Gondwana of Singrauli Coalfield, District Mirzapur, U.P, Jour. Indian Bot. Soc. Vol. XXXII, pp. 70-85, Bangalore.
  • TRINDADE, N. M. (1954): Megasporos do carvao Gondwanico do Rio Grando do SuL. e sua apîîcao em correlaçoes estratigraficas, Div. Geol. Min., Notas Preliminares E Estudos, No. 78, ppe 1-6, Rio de Janeiro.
  • WICHER, G. A. (1934): Über Abortiverscheinungen bei fossilen Sporen und Ihre phylogenetische Bedeutung. Arb. Inst. Paläobot. Petrogr. Brennst, 5, 87-96, Preuss. Geol. L. -A. Berlin.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1956): Azdavay kömürlerinin stratigrafik yaşı hakkında. M. T. A. Derg. Sayı 48, s. 140, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1959): Zonguldak ve Amasra kömür havzasmda yeni Karbonifer Megasporları. M. T. A. Derg,, Sayı 53, s. 100, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN Kâzım New Carboniferous Megaspores from the Zonguldak arid Amasra coal basin. M. T.A. Bull No. 53, p. 102, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım (1960) : New Spore Flora from the Amasra Coal Basin. - M. T. A. Bull. No. 55, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım & ERGÖNÜL, Yaşar (1958): Amasra (Tarlaağzı) E. K. İ. Galerisindeki kömür damarlarının sporolojik etüdü ve korelâsyonu. M.T.A.Derg. Sayı 51, s. 42, Ankara.
  • YAHŞIMAN, Kâzım & ERGÖNÜL, Yaşar (1959): Permian Megaspores from Hazru (Diyarbakır), M.T.A. Bull. No. 53, p. 94, Ankara.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1930): Petrograficzne badania weglia z Podladu «Izabella» W Trzebini. Przegladu Gorniczo-Putnicsaga Dabrow Goru Humiezego, 1-4, 5 Tafeln.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1932): Megasporen aus den Zwickauer und Lugau-Ölsnitzer Karbon. Jahresben Berg- und Hüttenwesen in Sachsen, 9-16, 4 Tafeln, Freiberg.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1934): Les Mégaspores du Bassin Houilier Polonais. I. Bull de l'Acad. Pol des Sci. et des Lettres, Trav. Géol. 1-56, 32 TL, Krakau.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1937): Les Mégaspores du Bassin Houilier Polonais. II Boil, de l'Acad, Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres, 1-78, 241-278, Krakau.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1938): Die Eignung von Megasporen als Leitfossilien. II. Carhon, Congr. Heerlen 1935, Compte Rendu 3,1711-1732, Maastricht.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1939): Sporowozdanie z badan Mcgaspore. Przyczynki do Geologii Polski, 1-4.
  • ZERNDT, J. (1940): Megasporen des Saarkarboris. Paleontographica, 84, Abt. B, 133-150. Tafeln 9-13, Stuttgart.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Genel Jeoloji, Paleontoloji
Bölüm Makaleler - Articles

Yaşar Ergönül Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 1961
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Aralık 1960
Kabul Tarihi 1 Mart 1961
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1961 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ergönül, Y. (1961). Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 7(2), 131-144.
AMA Ergönül Y. Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. Haziran 1961;7(2):131-144.
Chicago Ergönül, Yaşar. “Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri Ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 7, sy. 2 (Haziran 1961): 131-44.
EndNote Ergönül Y (01 Haziran 1961) Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 7 2 131–144.
IEEE Y. Ergönül, “Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri”, Türkiye Jeol. Bült., c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 131–144, 1961.
ISNAD Ergönül, Yaşar. “Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri Ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 7/2 (Haziran 1961), 131-144.
JAMA Ergönül Y. Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 1961;7:131–144.
MLA Ergönül, Yaşar. “Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri Ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, c. 7, sy. 2, 1961, ss. 131-44.
Vancouver Ergönül Y. Amasra Üst Karboniferinde Yeni Pollen Cinsleri ve Türlerinin Palinolojik Tavsifleri. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 1961;7(2):131-44.

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