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Yoğun bakım hastalarının hemşirenin varlığını algılamalarında hemşirelere verilen çevresel stresörleri azaltmaya yönelik eğitimin etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 613 - 625, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Yoğun bakım ünitelerinin çevresel özellikleri hastalar için birçok stres faktörü içermektedir. Hemşirelerin yoğun bakım ünitelerinde hastayı etkileyen bu stres faktörlerini tanımaları ve çözümler geliştirmeleri oldukça önemlidir. Bu şekilde hastaların stres faktörlerine maruziyeti azalır ve hemşire tarafından önemsendiklerini hissederler. Bu çalışmanın amacı hemşirelere verilen çevresel stres faktörlerini azaltma eğitiminin yoğun bakım hastalarının hemşirenin varlığına ilişkin algıları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma yarı deneysel, ayrı örneklem gruplu bir müdahale çalışmasıdır. Araştırma, kalp ve damar cerrahisi yoğun bakım ünitesinde çalışan hemşireler ve bu hemşirelerin bakım verdiği hastalar olmak üzere iki grupta yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın örneklemini, kalp ve damar cerrahisi yoğun bakım ünitesinde çalışan hemşireler için toplam 13 hemşire ve hastalar için eğitim öncesi 33, eğitim sonrası 33 olmak üzere toplam 66 hasta oluşturmuştur. Hemşirelere yoğun bakım ortamında çevresel stresörleri azaltmak için 12 saatlik bir eğitim verilmiştir. Araştırma verileri, hemşirelerin bakım verdiği hastalarla eğitim öncesi ve sonrası görüşülerek toplanmıştır. Hastalardan toplanan veriler için ‘Hasta Bilgi Formu’, ‘Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi Çevresel Stresörler Ölçeği’, ‘Yoğun Bakım Deneyim Ölçeği’ ve ‘Hemşirenin Varlığı Ölçeği’ kullanılmıştır. Hemşirelere ait veriler ise ‘Hemşire Bilgi Formu’ ile elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS 23.0 paket programı kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Hemşirelere verilen çevresel stres faktörünü azaltma eğitimi sonrasında, hastaların yoğun bakım ünitesinde hemşirenin varlığına ilişkin algılarında ve olumlu deneyimlerinde artış gözlenirken, yoğun bakım ünitesinde çevresel stres faktörlerinin algılanma düzeyinde anlamlı bir değişiklik görülmedi.
Sonuçlar: Yoğun bakım hemşirelerine verilen 12 saatlik eğitimin, hastaların hemşirenin varlığına ilişkin algılarını olumlu yönde etkilediği, hastaların olumlu yoğun bakım deneyimlerinde etkili olduğu ve hastaları etkileyen fizyopatolojik stres faktörleri üzerinde daha etkili olduğu sonucuna varıldı.


  • Güngör MD. Rights, powers and responsibilities of intensive care nurses, (pp. 51- 60) In: Mine DG, Gamze T, Adem S, editors. Intensive Care Nursing Book. Nobel Medical Bookstores. İstanbul. 2014.
  • T.R. Ministry of Health, Standards of Intensive Care Units. 03.04.2008. Ankara. Access Address:[ HM/dosya/1-222/h/yogunbakimgenelgesi200853.doc], (Date of access: 27.05.2020).
  • Carroll DL. The Effect of intensive care unit environments on nurse perceptions of family presence during resuscitation and invasive procedures. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 2014; 33(1): 34-39.
  • Kumsar A, Yilmaz F. The effects of the intensive care unit on the intensive care patient and nursing care. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2013; 10(2): 56-60.
  • Puntillo KA, Arai S, Cohen NH, Gropper MA, Neuhaus J, Paul SM, Miaskowski C. Symptoms experienced by intensive care unit patients at high risk of dying. Critical Care Medicine. 2010; 38(11): 2155–2160.
  • Silay F, Akyol A. The role of the nurse in pain control in intensive care units. Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal. 2018; 3(3): 31-38.
  • Uslu Y, Demir Korkmaz F. Sleep in intensive care patients: Nursing care. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2015; 12(3): 156-161.
  • Yaman Aktaş Y, Karabulut N, Yilmaz D, Özkan AS. Environmental stressors perceived by patients treated in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit. Caucasian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015; 5(3): 81–86.
  • Karabacak Ü, Şenturan L, Özdilek S, Şimşek A, Karateke Y, Eti Aslan F, Yildiz N, Kaya B, Ertekin C. Effect of visit on vital signs in surgical intensive care patients: Pilot study. National Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery. 2012; 18(1): 18-22.
  • Bozdoğan Yeşilot S, Öz F. Cancer patients' perception of the nurse's presence. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2017; 8(3): 150-156. 11. Bozdoğan Yeşilot S, Öz F. The presence of the nurse: A theoretical perspective. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2016; 7(2): 94-99.
  • Kol E, Geçkil E, Arikan C, Mihrap İlter S, Şakirgün E, Uygun G, Kiliç D, Macit M, Uslular E, Sizli A, Çakir N, Solak D, Kavgaci A, Sabancioğullari S, Atay S. Examining the perception of nursing care in Turkey. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences. 2017; 3:163-172.
  • Twayana S, Adhikari RH. Patient’s perception regarding nursing care at inpatient department of hospitals in Bhaktapur district. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2015; 5:1-3.
  • Zhao SH, Akkadechanunt T. Patients perceptions of quality nursing care in a Chinese hospital. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 2011; 3: 145-149.
  • Kostovich CT. Development and psychometric assessment of the presence of nursing scale. Nurse Science Quarterly. 2012; 25: 167–175.
  • Aslan F. Environmental stressors perceived by patients treated in the intensive care unit: Validity and reliability study. T.R. Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, İstanbul. 2010.
  • Demir Y, Akin E, Eşer İ, Khorshid L. Validity and reliability study of the Intensive Care Experience Scale. Turkish Clinics Nursing Sciences. 2009; 1: 1-11.
  • Rattray J, Johnston M, Wildsmith J. The intensive care experience: development of the ICE questionnaıre. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2004; 47: 64–73.
  • An GJ, Jo KH. The effect of a nursing presence program on reducing stress in older adults in two Korean nursing homes. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2009; 26:79–85.
  • Engqvist I, Ferszt G, Nilsson K. Swedish registered psychiatric nurses’ de scriptions of presence when caring for women with post-partum psychosis: an interview study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2010; 19: 313–21.
  • Alaca Ç, Yiğit R, Özcan A. Comparison of patient and nurse opinions regarding the experiences of patients in the intensive care unit during the disease process. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2011; 2(2): 69-74.
  • Çagliyan H, Dağ SG. Determination of intensive care experiences of patients discharged from cardiovascular surgery and coronary intensive care unit. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Health Sciences. 2019; 10(4): 349-356.
  • Tuna A, Bektaş M, Orhan F, Ayran G, Oyur Çelik G. Patient experiences in coronary intensive care. Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014; 8(2): 77-81.
  • Tezcan Karadeniz F, Kanan N. Reanimasyon yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan hastaların çevresel stresörlerden etkilenme durumları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2019; 23(1): 1-8.
  • Hweidi I, Nizamlı F. Stressors in intensive care units in syria: patients' perceptions. Journal of Research in Nursing. 2015; 20(2): 1-13.
  • Koyuncu F, Yılmaz Şahin S, İyigün E. Evaluation the effect of environmental stressors on sleep pattern in general surgery intensive care unit patients. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2021; 25(3):152-159.
  • Gencer A, Karakoç Kumsar A. The Effect of Perception of Envıronmental Stressors on Sleep Quality of Patients Treated in Intensive Care Unit. Online Turkish Journal of Health Sciences. 2020;5(3):434-443
  • Zaybak A, Çelik K. Perception of stressors in the intensive care unit by patients and nurses. Journal of Intensive Care. 2015; 6: 4-9.
  • Zaybak A, Yapucu Güneş Ü. Examination of patients' intensive care experiences. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 2010; 26(2): 17-26.
  • Şahin M, Köçkar Ç. Intensive care as a stressor. Life Skills Journal of Psychology. 2018; 2(4): 207-214.
  • Tezcan Karadeniz F, Kanan N. The effects of environmental stressors on patients in the reanimation intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care Nursing. 2019; 23(1): 1-8.
  • Özdemir L. Determining the experiences of patients staying in coronary intensive care. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing. 2010; 1: 5-12. SEN ATASAYAR&ERKAL ILHAN The effect of the training given to nurses on patients
  • Dikmen Y. Mechanical ventilation: Fundamentals of clinical practice. Güneş Medical Bookstore. 2012; 171-85. Ankara.
  • Lee K, Oh H, Suh Y, Seo W. Patterns and clinical correlates of pain among brain injury patients in critical care assessed with the critical care pain observation tool. Pain Management of Nursing. 2013; 14: 259-67.
  • Gültekin Y, Özçelik Z, Akinci SB, Yorganci HK. Evaluation of stressors in intensive care units. Turk Journal of Surgery. 2018; 34: 5-8.
  • Adsay E, Dedeli Ö. Evaluation of intensive care experiences of patients discharged from the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Journal. 2015; 6: 90-97.

The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients' perception of the presence of the nurse

Yıl 2024, , 613 - 625, 31.12.2024


Aim: The environmental characteristics of intensive care units include many stressors for patients. It is very important for nurses to recognize these stressors affecting the patient in intensive care units and develop solutions. In this way, patients’ exposure to stressors decreases and they feel cared by the nurse. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients' perception of the presence of the nurse.
Material and Methods: The study is a quasi-experimental, separate sample group intervention study. The study was conducted in two groups: nurses working in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit and patients cared for by these nurses. The sample of the study consisted of 13 nurses working in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit and 66 patients, 33 before and 33 after the training. The nurses were given a 12-hour training to reduce environmental stressors in the intensive care environment. The study data were collected by interviewing the patients cared for by the nurses before and after the training. The ‘Patient Information Form’, ‘The Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stressors Scale’, ‘The Intensive Care Experience Scale’ and ‘The Nurse Presence Scale’ were used for the data collected from the patients. The data belonging to the nurses were obtained with the ‘Nurse Information Form’. SPSS 23.0 package program was used in the analysis of the data obtained in the study.
Results: After the environmental stress factor reduction training provided to the nurses, an increase was observed in patients' perceptions of the nurse's presence and positive experiences in the intensive care unit, while no significant change was seen in the level of perception of environmental stress factors in the intensive care unit
Conclusion: It was concluded that the 12-hour training given to intensive care nurses positively affected patients' perception of the presence of the nurse, was effective in patients' positive intensive care experiences and was more effective on physiopathologic stressors affecting patients.


  • Güngör MD. Rights, powers and responsibilities of intensive care nurses, (pp. 51- 60) In: Mine DG, Gamze T, Adem S, editors. Intensive Care Nursing Book. Nobel Medical Bookstores. İstanbul. 2014.
  • T.R. Ministry of Health, Standards of Intensive Care Units. 03.04.2008. Ankara. Access Address:[ HM/dosya/1-222/h/yogunbakimgenelgesi200853.doc], (Date of access: 27.05.2020).
  • Carroll DL. The Effect of intensive care unit environments on nurse perceptions of family presence during resuscitation and invasive procedures. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 2014; 33(1): 34-39.
  • Kumsar A, Yilmaz F. The effects of the intensive care unit on the intensive care patient and nursing care. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2013; 10(2): 56-60.
  • Puntillo KA, Arai S, Cohen NH, Gropper MA, Neuhaus J, Paul SM, Miaskowski C. Symptoms experienced by intensive care unit patients at high risk of dying. Critical Care Medicine. 2010; 38(11): 2155–2160.
  • Silay F, Akyol A. The role of the nurse in pain control in intensive care units. Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal. 2018; 3(3): 31-38.
  • Uslu Y, Demir Korkmaz F. Sleep in intensive care patients: Nursing care. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2015; 12(3): 156-161.
  • Yaman Aktaş Y, Karabulut N, Yilmaz D, Özkan AS. Environmental stressors perceived by patients treated in the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit. Caucasian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015; 5(3): 81–86.
  • Karabacak Ü, Şenturan L, Özdilek S, Şimşek A, Karateke Y, Eti Aslan F, Yildiz N, Kaya B, Ertekin C. Effect of visit on vital signs in surgical intensive care patients: Pilot study. National Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery. 2012; 18(1): 18-22.
  • Bozdoğan Yeşilot S, Öz F. Cancer patients' perception of the nurse's presence. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2017; 8(3): 150-156. 11. Bozdoğan Yeşilot S, Öz F. The presence of the nurse: A theoretical perspective. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2016; 7(2): 94-99.
  • Kol E, Geçkil E, Arikan C, Mihrap İlter S, Şakirgün E, Uygun G, Kiliç D, Macit M, Uslular E, Sizli A, Çakir N, Solak D, Kavgaci A, Sabancioğullari S, Atay S. Examining the perception of nursing care in Turkey. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences. 2017; 3:163-172.
  • Twayana S, Adhikari RH. Patient’s perception regarding nursing care at inpatient department of hospitals in Bhaktapur district. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2015; 5:1-3.
  • Zhao SH, Akkadechanunt T. Patients perceptions of quality nursing care in a Chinese hospital. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 2011; 3: 145-149.
  • Kostovich CT. Development and psychometric assessment of the presence of nursing scale. Nurse Science Quarterly. 2012; 25: 167–175.
  • Aslan F. Environmental stressors perceived by patients treated in the intensive care unit: Validity and reliability study. T.R. Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, İstanbul. 2010.
  • Demir Y, Akin E, Eşer İ, Khorshid L. Validity and reliability study of the Intensive Care Experience Scale. Turkish Clinics Nursing Sciences. 2009; 1: 1-11.
  • Rattray J, Johnston M, Wildsmith J. The intensive care experience: development of the ICE questionnaıre. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2004; 47: 64–73.
  • An GJ, Jo KH. The effect of a nursing presence program on reducing stress in older adults in two Korean nursing homes. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2009; 26:79–85.
  • Engqvist I, Ferszt G, Nilsson K. Swedish registered psychiatric nurses’ de scriptions of presence when caring for women with post-partum psychosis: an interview study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2010; 19: 313–21.
  • Alaca Ç, Yiğit R, Özcan A. Comparison of patient and nurse opinions regarding the experiences of patients in the intensive care unit during the disease process. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2011; 2(2): 69-74.
  • Çagliyan H, Dağ SG. Determination of intensive care experiences of patients discharged from cardiovascular surgery and coronary intensive care unit. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Health Sciences. 2019; 10(4): 349-356.
  • Tuna A, Bektaş M, Orhan F, Ayran G, Oyur Çelik G. Patient experiences in coronary intensive care. Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014; 8(2): 77-81.
  • Tezcan Karadeniz F, Kanan N. Reanimasyon yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatan hastaların çevresel stresörlerden etkilenme durumları. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2019; 23(1): 1-8.
  • Hweidi I, Nizamlı F. Stressors in intensive care units in syria: patients' perceptions. Journal of Research in Nursing. 2015; 20(2): 1-13.
  • Koyuncu F, Yılmaz Şahin S, İyigün E. Evaluation the effect of environmental stressors on sleep pattern in general surgery intensive care unit patients. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2021; 25(3):152-159.
  • Gencer A, Karakoç Kumsar A. The Effect of Perception of Envıronmental Stressors on Sleep Quality of Patients Treated in Intensive Care Unit. Online Turkish Journal of Health Sciences. 2020;5(3):434-443
  • Zaybak A, Çelik K. Perception of stressors in the intensive care unit by patients and nurses. Journal of Intensive Care. 2015; 6: 4-9.
  • Zaybak A, Yapucu Güneş Ü. Examination of patients' intensive care experiences. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 2010; 26(2): 17-26.
  • Şahin M, Köçkar Ç. Intensive care as a stressor. Life Skills Journal of Psychology. 2018; 2(4): 207-214.
  • Tezcan Karadeniz F, Kanan N. The effects of environmental stressors on patients in the reanimation intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care Nursing. 2019; 23(1): 1-8.
  • Özdemir L. Determining the experiences of patients staying in coronary intensive care. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing. 2010; 1: 5-12. SEN ATASAYAR&ERKAL ILHAN The effect of the training given to nurses on patients
  • Dikmen Y. Mechanical ventilation: Fundamentals of clinical practice. Güneş Medical Bookstore. 2012; 171-85. Ankara.
  • Lee K, Oh H, Suh Y, Seo W. Patterns and clinical correlates of pain among brain injury patients in critical care assessed with the critical care pain observation tool. Pain Management of Nursing. 2013; 14: 259-67.
  • Gültekin Y, Özçelik Z, Akinci SB, Yorganci HK. Evaluation of stressors in intensive care units. Turk Journal of Surgery. 2018; 34: 5-8.
  • Adsay E, Dedeli Ö. Evaluation of intensive care experiences of patients discharged from the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Journal. 2015; 6: 90-97.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Cerrahi Hastalıklar Hemşireliği, Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Belgin Şen Atasayar 0000-0001-9680-7439

Sibel Erkal İlhan 0000-0002-8395-9705

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Şen Atasayar, B., & Erkal İlhan, S. (2024). The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 15(4), 613-625.
AMA Şen Atasayar B, Erkal İlhan S. The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse. TJCL. Aralık 2024;15(4):613-625. doi:10.18663/tjcl.1559724
Chicago Şen Atasayar, Belgin, ve Sibel Erkal İlhan. “The Effect of Training on Reducing Environmental Stressors Given to Nurses on Intensive Care patients’ Perception of the Presence of the Nurse”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 613-25.
EndNote Şen Atasayar B, Erkal İlhan S (01 Aralık 2024) The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15 4 613–625.
IEEE B. Şen Atasayar ve S. Erkal İlhan, “The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse”, TJCL, c. 15, sy. 4, ss. 613–625, 2024, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.1559724.
ISNAD Şen Atasayar, Belgin - Erkal İlhan, Sibel. “The Effect of Training on Reducing Environmental Stressors Given to Nurses on Intensive Care patients’ Perception of the Presence of the Nurse”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15/4 (Aralık 2024), 613-625.
JAMA Şen Atasayar B, Erkal İlhan S. The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse. TJCL. 2024;15:613–625.
MLA Şen Atasayar, Belgin ve Sibel Erkal İlhan. “The Effect of Training on Reducing Environmental Stressors Given to Nurses on Intensive Care patients’ Perception of the Presence of the Nurse”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, c. 15, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 613-25, doi:10.18663/tjcl.1559724.
Vancouver Şen Atasayar B, Erkal İlhan S. The effect of training on reducing environmental stressors given to nurses on intensive care patients’ perception of the presence of the nurse. TJCL. 2024;15(4):613-25.

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