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Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 294 - 300, 30.09.2019



Aim: The study was conducted to
determine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of university students on
rational drug use. In recent years, non-rational drug use has become a global

Material and Methods: The developed questionnaire was
applied to 640 medical school students, who agreed to participate in the study,
with face-to-face interview technique. The questionnaire has items to question
the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors of individuals regarding the rational drug

Of the study group, 54.6% (n=350) uses medicines only prescribed by physicians,
87.5% (n=560) uses drugs in accordance with the prescription, and 27.5% (n=176)
stated to store medications under appropriate conditions. Of the respondents,
16.0% (n=103) was taking antibiotics on their own on complaints such as
influenza and common cold, 15.5% (n=101) was taking vitamin and mineral
supplements every day regularly, and 57.5% (n=368) had never used
vitamin-mineral supplements regularly.

Non-rational drug use leads to decrease in adherence to treatment, drug
interactions, resistance to certain drugs, recurrence or prolongation of the
diseases, increased frequency of adverse conditions and increased treatment
costs for patients. Of the respondents, 27.66% stated that he/she did not waste
any medication, but the remaining 72.34% was wasting drugs more or less. The
81.56% rate of "Yes" response to the question "Would you like to
receive training on rational drug use?", despite the 19.22%
"Yes" to the "Have you received training on rational drug
use?" in our study suggests that there is a need for more education on
rational drug use.


  • 1-Ulupınar S, Akıcı A. Rational drug use in nursing practice. Turkey clinics pharmacol special topics 2015; 3: 84-93.
  • 2-Ojo MA, Igwilo CI, Emedoh T. Prescribing patterns and perceptions of health care professionals about rational drug use in a specialist hospital clinic. J Public Health Afr 2014; 5: 242.
  • 3-Aydın B, Gelal A. Rational drug use: its dissemination and role of medicine education. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2012; 26: 1: 57-63
  • 4-Gülhan R. Yaşlılarda akılcı ilaç kullanımı. Okmeydani Tip Dergisi 2013; 29: 99-105.
  • 5-Tasdemir S. Rational drug use. Inönü University Vocational School of Health Services Journal 2013; 1: 1-5.
  • 6-Yılmaztürk A. The rational use of drugs in the world and Turkey. Kastamonu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal 2013; 2: 42-49.
  • 7-Altındiş S. A Systematic Review of Rational Drug Use. Journal of biotechnology and strategic health research 2017; 1: 34-38.
  • 8-Lal LS, Rosenau PV. Evaluation of rational use of medications in the United States. J Prim Care Community Health 2010; 1: 62-8.
  • 9-Ekenler Ş, Koçoğlu D. Knowledge and practices of individuals on rational drug use. Hacettepe University Faculty Nursing Journal 2016; 3: 44-55.
  • 10-Bian C, Xu S, Wang H et al. A study on the application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills (imb) model on rational drug use behavior among second-level hospital outpatients in anhui, China. PLoS One 2015; 10: e0135782.
  • 11-Özçelikay G. A pilot study on the rational drug use. Ankara University Faculty Of Pharmacy Journal 2001; 30: 9-18.
  • 12-Yılmaz M, Kırbıyıkoğlu Fİ, Ariç Z, Kurşun B. Determination of rational drug use of individuals admitted to a faculty of dentistry hospital. ERÜ Faculty of Health Sciences Journal 2014; 2: 39-47.
  • 13-Barutçu A, Tengilimoğlu D, Naldöken Ü. Evaluation of rational drug use, knowledge and attitudes of citizens: case of Ankara metropolitan districts. Gazi University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2017; 19:1062-78.
  • 14-Pınar N. Determination of rational drug use patterns of students at Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine. Mustafa Kemal University Medicine Journal 2017; 8: 34-40.
  • 15-Reddy MR. Advances in rational drug design. Curr Pharm Des 2013; 19: 4673.
  • 16-Acar A, Yeğenoğlu S. Pharmacoeconomics and hospital formulas in respect to rational drug use. Ankara University Faculty Of Pharmacy Journal. 2005; 34: 207-218.
  • 17-İlhan M, Aydemir Ö, Çakır M, Aycan S. Non-rational drug use behaviors: Case of three districts in Ankara. Turkish Journal Of Public Health 2017; 12: 188-200.
  • 18-Kubat H. Physicians' knowledge and attitudes towards the rational drug use and pharmacovigilance. Cukurova Medical Journal 2018; 43: 286-294.
  • 19-Mousavi S, Mansouri A, Jahangard-Rafsanjani Z, Sarayani A, Hadjibabaie M, Gholami K. Bibliographic search of publication patterns in rational use of drugs in Iran: a systematic approach. Acta Med Iran 2014; 52: 76-81.
  • 20-Kıroğlu O, Berktaş F, Şahan E, Karataş Y. Knowledge and awareness of research assistants about rational drug use. Cukurova Medical Journal 2018; 43: 164-171.
  • 21-Gözel M. Rational antibiotic use in adult patients followed-up and treated in outpatient clinic. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal 2012; 34: 527-33.
  • 22-Ramírez D. Computational methods applied to rational drug design. Open Med Chem J 2016; 10: 7-20.
  • 23-Baş FY, Cankara F, Yeşilot Ş. Evaluation of Prescription Drug Use among Medical School Students. SDU Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013; 4: 46-53.
  • 24-Esin MN, Bulduk S, Dural Ç, Şenolan G, Temel E. Drug use behaviors of adult individuals. Florence Nightingale Nursing Journal 2007; 15: 139-45.
  • 25-Özel Ç, Büyüktanır BÖ. Obligation of physicians and pharmacists in provision of information regarding the rational drug use. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Law 2008; 66: 327-44.

Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin akılcı ilaç kullanımına yönelik bilgi ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 294 - 300, 30.09.2019


Çalışma, üniversite
öğrencilerinin akılcı ilaç kullanımı hakkındaki bilgi-tutum-davranışlarını
belirlemek amacı ile yapıldı.
Son yıllarda, rasyonel olmayan ilaç kullanımı
küresel bir sorun haline gelmiştir.

ve Yöntemler:
Hazırlanan anket
yüz-yüze görüşme tekniği ile çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 640 Tıp Fakültesi
öğrencisinde uygulandı. Ankette kişilerin akılcı ilaç kullanımına yönelik
bilgi-tutum-davranışlarını sorgulayan sorular yer aldı.

Çalışma grubunun
%54.6’sı (n=350) sadece hekimin verdiği ilaçları, %87.5’u (n=560) re­çeteye
uygun kullandıkları, %27.5’i (n=176) ilaçları uygun koşullarda sakladıklarını
bildirdi. Katılımcıların %16.0’ı (n= 103) grip, nezle, soğuk algınlığı gibi
şikayetler üzerine muayene olmadan, kendi başına antibiyotik kullandıklarını,
%15.7’si (n=101) her gün düzenli vitamin-mineral desteği kullandığını, %57.5’i
(n=368) ise düzenli vitamin-mineral desteği hiç kullanmadıklarını

olmayan ilaç kullanımı hastaların tedaviye uyuncunun azalmasına, ilaç
etkileşimlerine, bazı ilaçlara karşı direnç gelişmesine, hastalıkların
tekrarlamasına ya da uzamasına, advers olay görülme sıklığının artmasına,
tedavi maliyetlerinin artmasına neden olur.

oranında kesim hiç ilaç atmadığını belirtmekte ancak kalan %72,34  gibi yüksek bir kesim az ya da çok ilaçları
atmaktadır. Çalışmamızda bulunan eğitim sürecinde akılcı ilaç eğitim aldınız mı
sorusuna verilen evet cevabının %19,22 olması ve akılcı ilaç konusunda eğitim
almak ister misiniz sorusuna verilen 
evet cevabının %81,56 gibi yüksek çıkması akılcı ilaç eğitimlerinin daha
sık yapılması gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • 1-Ulupınar S, Akıcı A. Rational drug use in nursing practice. Turkey clinics pharmacol special topics 2015; 3: 84-93.
  • 2-Ojo MA, Igwilo CI, Emedoh T. Prescribing patterns and perceptions of health care professionals about rational drug use in a specialist hospital clinic. J Public Health Afr 2014; 5: 242.
  • 3-Aydın B, Gelal A. Rational drug use: its dissemination and role of medicine education. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2012; 26: 1: 57-63
  • 4-Gülhan R. Yaşlılarda akılcı ilaç kullanımı. Okmeydani Tip Dergisi 2013; 29: 99-105.
  • 5-Tasdemir S. Rational drug use. Inönü University Vocational School of Health Services Journal 2013; 1: 1-5.
  • 6-Yılmaztürk A. The rational use of drugs in the world and Turkey. Kastamonu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal 2013; 2: 42-49.
  • 7-Altındiş S. A Systematic Review of Rational Drug Use. Journal of biotechnology and strategic health research 2017; 1: 34-38.
  • 8-Lal LS, Rosenau PV. Evaluation of rational use of medications in the United States. J Prim Care Community Health 2010; 1: 62-8.
  • 9-Ekenler Ş, Koçoğlu D. Knowledge and practices of individuals on rational drug use. Hacettepe University Faculty Nursing Journal 2016; 3: 44-55.
  • 10-Bian C, Xu S, Wang H et al. A study on the application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills (imb) model on rational drug use behavior among second-level hospital outpatients in anhui, China. PLoS One 2015; 10: e0135782.
  • 11-Özçelikay G. A pilot study on the rational drug use. Ankara University Faculty Of Pharmacy Journal 2001; 30: 9-18.
  • 12-Yılmaz M, Kırbıyıkoğlu Fİ, Ariç Z, Kurşun B. Determination of rational drug use of individuals admitted to a faculty of dentistry hospital. ERÜ Faculty of Health Sciences Journal 2014; 2: 39-47.
  • 13-Barutçu A, Tengilimoğlu D, Naldöken Ü. Evaluation of rational drug use, knowledge and attitudes of citizens: case of Ankara metropolitan districts. Gazi University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2017; 19:1062-78.
  • 14-Pınar N. Determination of rational drug use patterns of students at Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine. Mustafa Kemal University Medicine Journal 2017; 8: 34-40.
  • 15-Reddy MR. Advances in rational drug design. Curr Pharm Des 2013; 19: 4673.
  • 16-Acar A, Yeğenoğlu S. Pharmacoeconomics and hospital formulas in respect to rational drug use. Ankara University Faculty Of Pharmacy Journal. 2005; 34: 207-218.
  • 17-İlhan M, Aydemir Ö, Çakır M, Aycan S. Non-rational drug use behaviors: Case of three districts in Ankara. Turkish Journal Of Public Health 2017; 12: 188-200.
  • 18-Kubat H. Physicians' knowledge and attitudes towards the rational drug use and pharmacovigilance. Cukurova Medical Journal 2018; 43: 286-294.
  • 19-Mousavi S, Mansouri A, Jahangard-Rafsanjani Z, Sarayani A, Hadjibabaie M, Gholami K. Bibliographic search of publication patterns in rational use of drugs in Iran: a systematic approach. Acta Med Iran 2014; 52: 76-81.
  • 20-Kıroğlu O, Berktaş F, Şahan E, Karataş Y. Knowledge and awareness of research assistants about rational drug use. Cukurova Medical Journal 2018; 43: 164-171.
  • 21-Gözel M. Rational antibiotic use in adult patients followed-up and treated in outpatient clinic. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal 2012; 34: 527-33.
  • 22-Ramírez D. Computational methods applied to rational drug design. Open Med Chem J 2016; 10: 7-20.
  • 23-Baş FY, Cankara F, Yeşilot Ş. Evaluation of Prescription Drug Use among Medical School Students. SDU Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013; 4: 46-53.
  • 24-Esin MN, Bulduk S, Dural Ç, Şenolan G, Temel E. Drug use behaviors of adult individuals. Florence Nightingale Nursing Journal 2007; 15: 139-45.
  • 25-Özel Ç, Büyüktanır BÖ. Obligation of physicians and pharmacists in provision of information regarding the rational drug use. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Law 2008; 66: 327-44.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Makale

Osman Kukula 0000-0001-5503-2462

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kukula, O. (2019). Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 10(3), 294-300.
AMA Kukula O. Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use. TJCL. Eylül 2019;10(3):294-300. doi:10.18663/tjcl.469300
Chicago Kukula, Osman. “Evaluation of Knowledge and Behaviors of Students in Faculty of Medicine towards Rational Drug Use”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10, sy. 3 (Eylül 2019): 294-300.
EndNote Kukula O (01 Eylül 2019) Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10 3 294–300.
IEEE O. Kukula, “Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use”, TJCL, c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 294–300, 2019, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.469300.
ISNAD Kukula, Osman. “Evaluation of Knowledge and Behaviors of Students in Faculty of Medicine towards Rational Drug Use”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10/3 (Eylül 2019), 294-300.
JAMA Kukula O. Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use. TJCL. 2019;10:294–300.
MLA Kukula, Osman. “Evaluation of Knowledge and Behaviors of Students in Faculty of Medicine towards Rational Drug Use”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, c. 10, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 294-00, doi:10.18663/tjcl.469300.
Vancouver Kukula O. Evaluation of knowledge and behaviors of students in faculty of medicine towards rational drug use. TJCL. 2019;10(3):294-300.

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