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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 73 - 90, 01.04.2017


As an interdisciplinary context, hospitality is one of the extended academic subjects from political philosophy to theory of economics. This study will be aimed to take into consideration of the subject within the correlation of commercial executions. The following question “Which transformations were happened due to commercial patterns of the context?” will be aimed to respond by pursuing the historical background of the hospitality. The reciprocal relations of the parties that encounters with some commercial practices are embrace as guest and host like a social control, shaping of this process related to economic and social variables will be alleged. By discussing the hospitality as social and economic variable, it will be tried to make contributions on its theorizing process. Secondly, with the valuation of this transformation, the reciprocal status and the relations of the merchant and host from Rome to modern day will be aimed to correlate with the construction effort of the hospitable city, culture and entrepreneurship manners


  • Abbey, R. J. (2014), Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Michigan, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
  • Altin, M., Memili, E. ve Sönmez, S., (2017), “Institutional economics and firm creation in the hospitality and Tourism industry: A comparative analysis of developing and developed economies”, Tourism Economics, 1-17.
  • Bal M. ve De Vries H., (edt.), (1997), Of Hospitality: Anne Dufourmantelle invites Jacques Derrida to Respond, California, Stanford University Press.
  • Balaguer, J. ve Cantavella-Jorda, M., (2000), “Tourism As a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: The Spanish Case”, WP-EC 2000-10, 1-15.
  • Barrows, W. C. ve Powers, T., (2009), Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, .New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bell, S., ve Henry, J. F., (2001), “Hospitality versus Exchange: the Limits of Monetary Economies”, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 59, No. 2 (June), 203- 226.
  • Brookes, M. ve Altinay, L., (2015), Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism A Global Perspective, Oxford, Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Deale, S. C., (2015), “Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism: Implications for Education and Practice”, Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally 1, 1-8.
  • Denizci, B. ve Li, R. X., (2009), “Linking Marketing Efforts to Financial Outcome: An Exploratory Study in Tourism and Hospitality Contexts”, Journal of Hospitality and & Tourism Research, Vol. 33, No. 2, May, 211-226.
  • Dorussen, H. ve Ward, H., (2010), “Trade Networks and Kantian Peace”, Journal of Peace Research 47 (1), 29-42.
  • Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Ticaret Heyetleri,
  • Enz, A. C. ve Harrison, S. J., (2008), “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Indsustry”, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration The Scholary Commons, 1-29.
  • Flynn, C., (2000), “Nationalism, Commerce and Imperial Anxiety in Defoe’s Later Works”, Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol 54, No. 2, 11-24.
  • French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, (2014), “Tourism Derives the Economy of the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region”, No. 22, September, 1-2.
  • Göncüoğlu, S. F., (2012), Yolu İstanbul’dan Geçen Kervan’ın Sarayları, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Hallak, R., Assaker G. ve Lee, C., (2015), “Tourism Entrepreneurship Performance: The Effects of Place Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Gender”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 54 (1), 36-51.
  • Head., K. ve Ries., J., (2010), “Do Trade Missions Increase Trade?”, The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 43, No. 3, 754-775.
  • Heal, F., (1984), “The Idea of Hospitality in Early Modern England”, Past and Present, No. 102, Feb, 66-93.
  • İstanbul Ticaret Odası, (2011), Haberlerden Yansıyan İTO, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Krug, B., (1999), “On Custom in Economics: The Case of Humanism and Trade Regimes”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 155, No. 3., (Sep), 405-428.
  • Lashley, C., (2008), “Studying Hospitality: Insights from Social Sciences”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 8, No. 1., 69-84.
  • Levy, E. S. ve Hawkins, E. D., (2010), “Pace Through Tourism: Commerce Based Principles and Practices”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89, Supplement 4, 569-585.
  • Long, J. ve Shleifer, A., (1993), “Princes and Merchants: European City Growth Before the Industrial Revolution”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 36. No. 2 671-702.
  • Lynch, P., Molz, J. G., Mecintosh., A., Lugosi, P., Conrad, L., (2011), “Theorizing Hospitality”, Hospitality & Society, Vol 1. Nu 1., 3-24.
  • Morris A., ve Dickinson, G., (1987), “Tourist Development in Spain: Growth versus Conservation on the Costa Brava”, Geography, Vol. 72, No. 1, (January), 16-25.
  • Naas, M., (2005), “Alors, qui etes-vous? Jacques Derrida and the Question of Hospitality”, SubStance #106, Vol. 34, No. 1, 6-17.
  • O’Gorman ve Kevin D., (2007), “Dimensions of Hospitality: Exploring Ancient Origins In: Hospitality: A Social Lens”, Advances in Tourism Research, Elsevier, Oxford, 1-34.
  • O’Gorman ve Kevin D., (2007), “Discovering Commercial Hospitality in Ancient Rome”, Hospitality Review 9 (2), 44-52.
  • O’Gorman, K., Baxter, I. ve Scott, B., (2007), “Exploring Pompeii: Discovering Hospitality through Research Synergy”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 7, 89-99.
  • Ong, C., (2011), “Hidden Injuries of Class and Bourgeoisie Dreams: Casino Workers, Traditional Shipbuilders and Boutique Hotels in Macao”, Hospitality and Society 1 (2), 173-188.
  • Polonyi, K., (2007), Büyük Dönüşüm, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Roback, J., (1990), “Eighteenth-Century Objections to Commerce: A Modern Economic Analysis”, Publius, Vol. 20, No. 2, Forming the American Constitution: Liberty and Equality (Spring), 53-68.
  • Sandoval, A., ve Wilk, D., (2005), “Princes and Maids of the City Hotel: The Cultural Politics of Commercial Hospitality in America”, The Journal of Decorative and Propoganda Arts, Vol 25, The American Hotel, 160-185.
  • Skokic, V., ve Morrison, A., (2011) “Tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship, social setting and research methodology: moving ‘into the beyond’ In: Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-20.
  • TUİK, 16/2016, 10 Şubat 2016 tarihli Basın Odası Haberleri.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu, (2016) Güncel Türkçe Sözlük.
  • Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi, (2014), Ekonomi ve Dış Ticaret Raporu.
  • Wilkinson, J. T. ve Brouthers, L. E., (2000), “Trade Shows, Trade Missions and State Governments: Increasing FDI and High-Tech Exports”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4, (4th Qtr.), 725-734.
  • Young, A., (1991), “Learning by Doing and the Dynamic Effects of International Trade”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 106, No. 2, (May), 369-405.
  • Zapalska, M. A., Vaidayanathan, G. ve Brozik, D., (2012), “Factors influencing performance of tourism and hospitality entrepreneurial businesses in West Virginia”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 10, Issues 2, 8-15.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 73 - 90, 01.04.2017


Misafirperverlik disiplinler arası bir kavram olarak siyaset felsefesinden iktisat teorisine kadar geniş bir eksende araştırma konusudur. Bu çalışma, misafirperverlik kavramını ticaret kavramı ile ilişkilendirerek ele almayı ve tarihsel süreci izleyerek “Misafirperverliğin ticari yapısı kavramı hangi dönüşümlere sevk etmiştir?” sorusunu cevaplamayı hedeflemektedir. Ticaret yoluyla karşılaşan tarafların davranışları, misafir ile ev sahibi olan arasındaki ilişki çerçevesinde sosyal bir kontrol olarak ele alınırken; bu sürecin ekonomik ve sosyal değişkenlere göre yeniden şekillendiği iddia edilecektir. Misafirperverliğin sosyal ve ekonomik bir değişken olarak tartışılmasıyla, misafirperverlik kavramının teorileştirme sürecine katkı sunulması hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmada misafirperverlik kavramındaki bu dönüşümün, Roma’dan günümüze tüccar ve ev sahibinin karşılıklı konumlarının, ilişkilerinin, misafirperver şehirlerin ve kültürlerin inşa çabası ve girişimcilik yaklaşımı ile ilişkilendirilerek sunulması hedeflenmektedir


  • Abbey, R. J. (2014), Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Michigan, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.
  • Altin, M., Memili, E. ve Sönmez, S., (2017), “Institutional economics and firm creation in the hospitality and Tourism industry: A comparative analysis of developing and developed economies”, Tourism Economics, 1-17.
  • Bal M. ve De Vries H., (edt.), (1997), Of Hospitality: Anne Dufourmantelle invites Jacques Derrida to Respond, California, Stanford University Press.
  • Balaguer, J. ve Cantavella-Jorda, M., (2000), “Tourism As a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: The Spanish Case”, WP-EC 2000-10, 1-15.
  • Barrows, W. C. ve Powers, T., (2009), Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, .New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bell, S., ve Henry, J. F., (2001), “Hospitality versus Exchange: the Limits of Monetary Economies”, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 59, No. 2 (June), 203- 226.
  • Brookes, M. ve Altinay, L., (2015), Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism A Global Perspective, Oxford, Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Deale, S. C., (2015), “Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism: Implications for Education and Practice”, Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally 1, 1-8.
  • Denizci, B. ve Li, R. X., (2009), “Linking Marketing Efforts to Financial Outcome: An Exploratory Study in Tourism and Hospitality Contexts”, Journal of Hospitality and & Tourism Research, Vol. 33, No. 2, May, 211-226.
  • Dorussen, H. ve Ward, H., (2010), “Trade Networks and Kantian Peace”, Journal of Peace Research 47 (1), 29-42.
  • Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Ticaret Heyetleri,
  • Enz, A. C. ve Harrison, S. J., (2008), “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Indsustry”, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration The Scholary Commons, 1-29.
  • Flynn, C., (2000), “Nationalism, Commerce and Imperial Anxiety in Defoe’s Later Works”, Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol 54, No. 2, 11-24.
  • French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, (2014), “Tourism Derives the Economy of the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region”, No. 22, September, 1-2.
  • Göncüoğlu, S. F., (2012), Yolu İstanbul’dan Geçen Kervan’ın Sarayları, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Hallak, R., Assaker G. ve Lee, C., (2015), “Tourism Entrepreneurship Performance: The Effects of Place Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Gender”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 54 (1), 36-51.
  • Head., K. ve Ries., J., (2010), “Do Trade Missions Increase Trade?”, The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 43, No. 3, 754-775.
  • Heal, F., (1984), “The Idea of Hospitality in Early Modern England”, Past and Present, No. 102, Feb, 66-93.
  • İstanbul Ticaret Odası, (2011), Haberlerden Yansıyan İTO, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları.
  • Krug, B., (1999), “On Custom in Economics: The Case of Humanism and Trade Regimes”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 155, No. 3., (Sep), 405-428.
  • Lashley, C., (2008), “Studying Hospitality: Insights from Social Sciences”, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 8, No. 1., 69-84.
  • Levy, E. S. ve Hawkins, E. D., (2010), “Pace Through Tourism: Commerce Based Principles and Practices”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89, Supplement 4, 569-585.
  • Long, J. ve Shleifer, A., (1993), “Princes and Merchants: European City Growth Before the Industrial Revolution”, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 36. No. 2 671-702.
  • Lynch, P., Molz, J. G., Mecintosh., A., Lugosi, P., Conrad, L., (2011), “Theorizing Hospitality”, Hospitality & Society, Vol 1. Nu 1., 3-24.
  • Morris A., ve Dickinson, G., (1987), “Tourist Development in Spain: Growth versus Conservation on the Costa Brava”, Geography, Vol. 72, No. 1, (January), 16-25.
  • Naas, M., (2005), “Alors, qui etes-vous? Jacques Derrida and the Question of Hospitality”, SubStance #106, Vol. 34, No. 1, 6-17.
  • O’Gorman ve Kevin D., (2007), “Dimensions of Hospitality: Exploring Ancient Origins In: Hospitality: A Social Lens”, Advances in Tourism Research, Elsevier, Oxford, 1-34.
  • O’Gorman ve Kevin D., (2007), “Discovering Commercial Hospitality in Ancient Rome”, Hospitality Review 9 (2), 44-52.
  • O’Gorman, K., Baxter, I. ve Scott, B., (2007), “Exploring Pompeii: Discovering Hospitality through Research Synergy”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 7, 89-99.
  • Ong, C., (2011), “Hidden Injuries of Class and Bourgeoisie Dreams: Casino Workers, Traditional Shipbuilders and Boutique Hotels in Macao”, Hospitality and Society 1 (2), 173-188.
  • Polonyi, K., (2007), Büyük Dönüşüm, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Roback, J., (1990), “Eighteenth-Century Objections to Commerce: A Modern Economic Analysis”, Publius, Vol. 20, No. 2, Forming the American Constitution: Liberty and Equality (Spring), 53-68.
  • Sandoval, A., ve Wilk, D., (2005), “Princes and Maids of the City Hotel: The Cultural Politics of Commercial Hospitality in America”, The Journal of Decorative and Propoganda Arts, Vol 25, The American Hotel, 160-185.
  • Skokic, V., ve Morrison, A., (2011) “Tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship, social setting and research methodology: moving ‘into the beyond’ In: Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-20.
  • TUİK, 16/2016, 10 Şubat 2016 tarihli Basın Odası Haberleri.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu, (2016) Güncel Türkçe Sözlük.
  • Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi, (2014), Ekonomi ve Dış Ticaret Raporu.
  • Wilkinson, J. T. ve Brouthers, L. E., (2000), “Trade Shows, Trade Missions and State Governments: Increasing FDI and High-Tech Exports”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4, (4th Qtr.), 725-734.
  • Young, A., (1991), “Learning by Doing and the Dynamic Effects of International Trade”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 106, No. 2, (May), 369-405.
  • Zapalska, M. A., Vaidayanathan, G. ve Brozik, D., (2012), “Factors influencing performance of tourism and hospitality entrepreneurial businesses in West Virginia”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 10, Issues 2, 8-15.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Uğur Yasin Asal Bu kişi benim

Uğur Yasin Asal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Asal, U. Y., & Asal, U. Y. (2017). TİCARİ BİR KAVRAM OLARAK MİSAFİRPERVERLİK: GİRİŞİMCİLİK EKSENİNDE YENİDEN YAPILANMA. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Girişimcilik Dergisi, 1(1), 73-90.