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A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood

Yıl 2021, , 33 - 37, 26.03.2021


In this study, the effects of potassium borohydride (KBH4) added to the cooking liquor (white liquor) in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) woods on the chemical, physical and optical properties of the pulp were investigated. Soda (NaOH) method, which is one of the environmentally friendly cooking methods, was used in the pulp production from R. pseudoacacia woods. By adding 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7% KBH4 to the white liquor, four different cooking experiments were carried out. The yields, kappa numbers and viscosity values of the pulps were measured with the relevant standards. Test papers were produced from each pulp and their physical and optical properties were determined. With 0.7% KBH4 added to the cooking solution, the total yield and viscosity increased by 9.54% and 10.4%, respectively compared to KBH4-free pulp, while the kappa number decreased by 9.48%. As a result of statistical analysis, it has been observed that there is no significant difference between the physical and optical properties of the papers produced from KBH4-free and KBH4-added pulps. Consequently, it was concluded that adding KBH4 to the white liquor in the pulp production from R. pseudoacacia wood with soda method, positively affected the chemical properties of the pulps and did not have a significant effect on the physical and optical properties.


  • Akgul, M., Erdonmez, I., Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2018. The investigations on pulp and paper production with modified kraft pulping method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(3): 357-365
  • Akgul, M., Temiz, S., 2006. Determination of Kraft-NaBH4 pulping conditions of Uludag fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 9(13): 2493-2497.
  • ASTM E313, 2020. Standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured color coordinates. American Society for Testing and Materials, PA, USA.
  • Birinci, E., Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., 2020. Evaluation of Rhododendron luteum and Rhododendron ponticum in pulp and paper production. Drvna industrija, 71(4): 365-370. Brännvall, E., 2018. Increasing pulp yield in kraft cooking of softwoods by high initial effective alkali concentration (HIEAC) during impregnation leading to decreasing secondary peeling of cellulose. Holzforschung, 72(10): 819-827.
  • Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2019. Effects of potassium borohydride on the Pinus brutia pulp properties. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 22(2): 38-47.
  • Copur, Y., Tozluoglu, A., 2008. A comparison of kraft, PS, kraft-AQ and kraft-NaBH4 pulps of Brutia pine. Bioresource Technology, 99(5): 909-913.
  • Correia, F.M., d'Angelo, J.V.H., Almeida, G.M., Mingoti, S.A., 2018. Predicting Kappa number in a Kraft pulp continuous digester: A comparison of forecasting methods. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(3): 1081-1094.
  • Erkan, S., Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2020. Comparison of Pinus pinea heartwood and sapwood pulps obtained by soda-potassium borohydride method. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 8(3): 1894-1902.
  • Eroglu, H., 1981. Cooking wood chips with oxygen alkali method and bleaching pulp. Journal of Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Forestry, 2: 314-315.
  • Gulsoy, S.K., Eroglu, H., 2011. Influence of sodium borohydride on kraft pulping of European black pine as a digester additive. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(4): 2441-2444.
  • Gulsoy, S.K., Oguz, S., Uysal, S, Simsir, S., Tas, M., 2016. The influence of potassium borohydride (KBH4) on kraft pulp properties of Maritime pine. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 18(2): 103-106.
  • ISO 11476, 2010. Paper and board-Determination of CIE whiteness, C/2 degrees (indoor illumination conditions). International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 2469, 2014. Paper, board and pulps-Measurement of diffuse radiance factor (diffuse reflectance factor). International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5267-1, 1999. Pulps-Determination of drainability-Part 1: Schopper-Riegler method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5269-2, 2014. Pulps-Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing-Part 2: Rapid-Köthen method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5351, 2010. Pulps-Determination of limiting viscosity number in cupri-ethylenediamine (CED) solution. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Istek, A., Gonteki, E., 2009. Utilization of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in kraft pulping process. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(6): 951-953.
  • Istek, A., Ozkan, I., 2008. Effect of sodium borohydride on Populus tremula L. kraft pulping. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32: 131–136.
  • Kirci, H., 2006. Pulp Industry Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry Publication, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Meller, A., 1963. Retention of polysaccharides in kraft pulping. Part 1. The effect of borohydride treatment of Pinus radiata wood on its alkali stability. Tappi, 46(5): 317-319.
  • Misra, N.D., 1973. A tentative method of grading hardwoods for chemical grade pulp. Indian Pulp and Paper , 27(10): 7-10.
  • Pettersson, S.E., Rydholm, S.A., 1961. Hemicelluloses and paper properties of birch pulps, Part 3. Svensk Papperstidning, 64(1): 4-17.
  • Saracbasi, A., Sahin, H.T., Karademir, A., 2016. Effects of sodium borohydride addition to kraft pulping process of some pine species. Journal of Forestry Research, 1(4): 134-143.
  • Smook, G.A., 1992. Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists. Angus Wilde Publication, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Tappi T236, 2013. Kappa number of pulp. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T402, 2013. Standard conditioning and testing atmospheres for paper, board, pulp handsheets, and related products. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T403, 2015. Bursting strength of paper. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T494, 2006. Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tavast, D., Brännvall, E., 2017. Increased pulp yield by prolonged impregnation in softwood kraft pulping. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 32(1), 14-20.
  • Tutus, A., Alma, M.H., 2005. Use of boron compounds in pulp and bleaching. I. National Boron Workshop Proceedings, 28-29 April, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 399-403.
  • Tutus, A., Ates, S., Deniz, I., 2010. Pulp and paper production from spruce wood with kraft and modified kraft methods. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(11): 1648- 1654.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., 2016. Evaluation of common wheat stubbles (Triticum aestivum L.) for pulp and paper production. Drvna Industrija, 67(3): 271-279.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ayaz, A., 2016. Evaluation of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) wood on pulp and paper production. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 17(1): 61-67.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Deniz, I., 2012. Using of burnt red pine wood for pulp and paper production. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Special Issue: 90-95.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B., 2011. Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from poppy Stems. II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium, 8-10 September, Isparta, Turkey, pp. 183-190.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, F., Yilmaz, U., 2014. Evaluation of Diospyros kaki pulp and paper production. II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium, 22-24 October, Isparta, Turkey, pp. 775-784.
  • Tutus, A., Kazaskeroglu, Y., Cicekler, M., 2015. Evaluation of tea wastes in usage pulp and paper production. Bioresources, 10(3): 5407-5416.

Yalancı akasya (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) odunundan kağıt hamuru ve kağıt üretiminde potasyum borhidrürün etkileri üzerine bir çalışma

Yıl 2021, , 33 - 37, 26.03.2021


Bu çalışmada, yalancı akasya (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) odunlarından kağıt hamuru ve kağıt üretiminde pişirme çözeltisine (beyaz çözelti) eklenen potasyum borhidrürün (KBH4) kağıt hamurunun kimyasal, fiziksel ve optik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. R. pseudoacacia odunlarından kağıt hamuru üretiminde çevre dostu pişirme yöntemlerinden biri olan Soda (NaOH) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Beyaz çözeltiye %0, 0.3, 0.5 ve 0.7 KBH4 ilave edilerek dört farklı pişirme deneyi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kağıt hamurlarının verimleri, kappa sayıları ve viskozite değerleri ilgili standartlara bağlı kalınarak ölçülmüştür. Her bir deneyden elde edilen kağıt hamurlarından test kağıtları üretilerek fiziksel ve optik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Beyaz çözeltiye eklenen %0.7 KBH4 ile toplam verim ve viskozite, KBH4 içermeyen kağıt hamurlarına göre sırasıyla %9.54 ve %10.4 artarken, kappa sayısı %9,48 azalmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler sonucunda KBH4 içermeyen ve KBH4 katkılı kağıt hamurlarından üretilen kağıtların fiziksel ve optik özellikleri arasında önemli bir fark olmadığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, yalancı akasya odunlarından soda yöntemi ile kağıt hamuru üretiminde pişirme çözeltisine KBH4 ilave edilmesinin kimyasal özellikleri olumlu yönde etkilediği, fiziksel ve optik özellikler üzerinde belirgin bir etki göstermediği sonucuna varılmıştır


  • Akgul, M., Erdonmez, I., Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2018. The investigations on pulp and paper production with modified kraft pulping method from Canola (Brassica napus L.) stalks. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(3): 357-365
  • Akgul, M., Temiz, S., 2006. Determination of Kraft-NaBH4 pulping conditions of Uludag fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 9(13): 2493-2497.
  • ASTM E313, 2020. Standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured color coordinates. American Society for Testing and Materials, PA, USA.
  • Birinci, E., Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., 2020. Evaluation of Rhododendron luteum and Rhododendron ponticum in pulp and paper production. Drvna industrija, 71(4): 365-370. Brännvall, E., 2018. Increasing pulp yield in kraft cooking of softwoods by high initial effective alkali concentration (HIEAC) during impregnation leading to decreasing secondary peeling of cellulose. Holzforschung, 72(10): 819-827.
  • Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2019. Effects of potassium borohydride on the Pinus brutia pulp properties. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 22(2): 38-47.
  • Copur, Y., Tozluoglu, A., 2008. A comparison of kraft, PS, kraft-AQ and kraft-NaBH4 pulps of Brutia pine. Bioresource Technology, 99(5): 909-913.
  • Correia, F.M., d'Angelo, J.V.H., Almeida, G.M., Mingoti, S.A., 2018. Predicting Kappa number in a Kraft pulp continuous digester: A comparison of forecasting methods. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(3): 1081-1094.
  • Erkan, S., Cicekler, M., Tutus, A., 2020. Comparison of Pinus pinea heartwood and sapwood pulps obtained by soda-potassium borohydride method. Düzce University Journal of Science & Technology, 8(3): 1894-1902.
  • Eroglu, H., 1981. Cooking wood chips with oxygen alkali method and bleaching pulp. Journal of Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Forestry, 2: 314-315.
  • Gulsoy, S.K., Eroglu, H., 2011. Influence of sodium borohydride on kraft pulping of European black pine as a digester additive. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(4): 2441-2444.
  • Gulsoy, S.K., Oguz, S., Uysal, S, Simsir, S., Tas, M., 2016. The influence of potassium borohydride (KBH4) on kraft pulp properties of Maritime pine. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 18(2): 103-106.
  • ISO 11476, 2010. Paper and board-Determination of CIE whiteness, C/2 degrees (indoor illumination conditions). International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 2469, 2014. Paper, board and pulps-Measurement of diffuse radiance factor (diffuse reflectance factor). International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5267-1, 1999. Pulps-Determination of drainability-Part 1: Schopper-Riegler method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5269-2, 2014. Pulps-Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing-Part 2: Rapid-Köthen method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 5351, 2010. Pulps-Determination of limiting viscosity number in cupri-ethylenediamine (CED) solution. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Istek, A., Gonteki, E., 2009. Utilization of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in kraft pulping process. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(6): 951-953.
  • Istek, A., Ozkan, I., 2008. Effect of sodium borohydride on Populus tremula L. kraft pulping. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32: 131–136.
  • Kirci, H., 2006. Pulp Industry Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry Publication, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Meller, A., 1963. Retention of polysaccharides in kraft pulping. Part 1. The effect of borohydride treatment of Pinus radiata wood on its alkali stability. Tappi, 46(5): 317-319.
  • Misra, N.D., 1973. A tentative method of grading hardwoods for chemical grade pulp. Indian Pulp and Paper , 27(10): 7-10.
  • Pettersson, S.E., Rydholm, S.A., 1961. Hemicelluloses and paper properties of birch pulps, Part 3. Svensk Papperstidning, 64(1): 4-17.
  • Saracbasi, A., Sahin, H.T., Karademir, A., 2016. Effects of sodium borohydride addition to kraft pulping process of some pine species. Journal of Forestry Research, 1(4): 134-143.
  • Smook, G.A., 1992. Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists. Angus Wilde Publication, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Tappi T236, 2013. Kappa number of pulp. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T402, 2013. Standard conditioning and testing atmospheres for paper, board, pulp handsheets, and related products. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T403, 2015. Bursting strength of paper. TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tappi T494, 2006. Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) TAPPI, Atlanta, USA.
  • Tavast, D., Brännvall, E., 2017. Increased pulp yield by prolonged impregnation in softwood kraft pulping. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 32(1), 14-20.
  • Tutus, A., Alma, M.H., 2005. Use of boron compounds in pulp and bleaching. I. National Boron Workshop Proceedings, 28-29 April, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 399-403.
  • Tutus, A., Ates, S., Deniz, I., 2010. Pulp and paper production from spruce wood with kraft and modified kraft methods. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(11): 1648- 1654.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., 2016. Evaluation of common wheat stubbles (Triticum aestivum L.) for pulp and paper production. Drvna Industrija, 67(3): 271-279.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ayaz, A., 2016. Evaluation of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) wood on pulp and paper production. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 17(1): 61-67.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Deniz, I., 2012. Using of burnt red pine wood for pulp and paper production. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Special Issue: 90-95.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Karatas, B., 2011. Pulp and paper production by Kraft-Sodium Borohydride method from poppy Stems. II. International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium, 8-10 September, Isparta, Turkey, pp. 183-190.
  • Tutus, A., Cicekler, M., Ozdemir, F., Yilmaz, U., 2014. Evaluation of Diospyros kaki pulp and paper production. II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium, 22-24 October, Isparta, Turkey, pp. 775-784.
  • Tutus, A., Kazaskeroglu, Y., Cicekler, M., 2015. Evaluation of tea wastes in usage pulp and paper production. Bioresources, 10(3): 5407-5416.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa Çiçekler 0000-0001-5793-2827

Saniye Erkan 0000-0002-6549-8319

Ahmet Tutuş 0000-0003-2922-4916

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Mart 2021
Kabul Tarihi 9 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiçekler, M., Erkan, S., & Tutuş, A. (2021). A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 22(1), 33-37.
AMA Çiçekler M, Erkan S, Tutuş A. A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood. Turkish Journal of Forestry. Mart 2021;22(1):33-37. doi:10.18182/tjf.860207
Chicago Çiçekler, Mustafa, Saniye Erkan, ve Ahmet Tutuş. “A Study on the Effects of Potassium Borohydride in Pulp and Paper Production from Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) Wood”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 22, sy. 1 (Mart 2021): 33-37.
EndNote Çiçekler M, Erkan S, Tutuş A (01 Mart 2021) A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood. Turkish Journal of Forestry 22 1 33–37.
IEEE M. Çiçekler, S. Erkan, ve A. Tutuş, “A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, c. 22, sy. 1, ss. 33–37, 2021, doi: 10.18182/tjf.860207.
ISNAD Çiçekler, Mustafa vd. “A Study on the Effects of Potassium Borohydride in Pulp and Paper Production from Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) Wood”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 22/1 (Mart 2021), 33-37.
JAMA Çiçekler M, Erkan S, Tutuş A. A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2021;22:33–37.
MLA Çiçekler, Mustafa vd. “A Study on the Effects of Potassium Borohydride in Pulp and Paper Production from Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) Wood”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, c. 22, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 33-37, doi:10.18182/tjf.860207.
Vancouver Çiçekler M, Erkan S, Tutuş A. A study on the effects of potassium borohydride in pulp and paper production from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2021;22(1):33-7.