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Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 258 - 266, 30.09.2024


Climate change is one of the major threats that negatively affects wildlife species and habitats. In recent years, global temperatures have increased, extreme climate events have become more frequent, and many bird species have experienced changes in their geographic ranges, behaviors, and life cycles in response to these environmental changes. The Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor), a ground-nesting desert bird from the Glareolidae family, is a bird species that has begun to show changes in its distribution and phenology due to climate change. Normally living in arid environments in the Eastern Palearctic, this species has recently started to be observed in new areas far from its normal range, including Central Anatolia in Türkiye. In recent years, the unexpected appearance and nesting of this species in Tuz Lake, now located in central Türkiye, has raised concerns among conservationists and highlighted the species' vulnerability to climate change. This study aims to model the potential future distribution of the Cream-Coated Courser in Türkiye under two climate change scenarios (SSP 4.5 and SSP 8.5) over three time periods: 2021-2040, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080. Using MaxEnt modeling and climate change projections, the study will identify and interpret the key climatic factors driving these changes in distribution. Our findings will provide critical insights into the future range dynamics of the species and inform conservation strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change on this and other vulnerable bird species.


  • Alho, M., Granadeiro, J., Reyes, J., Geraldes, P., Catry, P., 2021. Characterization of an extinct seabird colony on the island of Santa Luzia (Cabo Verde) and its potential for future recolonizations. Journal of Ornithology, 163(1): 301-313.
  • Ankahaber, 2022. Sadece Çöl Koşullarında Yaşayan Çöl Koşarı Kuşunun Tuz Gölü’nde Görülmesi Kaygılandırdı. Accessed: 10.08.2024
  • Asensio, L., Lauenroth, W., 2012. Conservation grazing management: a novel approach to livestock management and biodiversity conservation on the Canary Islands. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 36(7): 744-758. 10.1080/ 10440046.2011.627992
  • Baldwin, R.A. 2009. Use of maximum entropy modeling in wildlife research. Entropy,11(4): 854-866. e11040854
  • Boano, G., Belemsobgo, U., Silvano, F., Hema, E. M., Belemsobgo, A., Dimobe, K., Pavia, M., 2022. An annotated checklist of the birds of Burkina Faso. Zoosystema, 44(2): 27-107. Cañadas, A., Sagarminaga, R., De Stephanis, R., Urquiola, E., Hammond, P., 2005. Habitat preference modeling as a conservation tool: proposals for marine protected areas for cetaceans in southern Spanish waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 15(5): 495-521. doi:10.1002/aqc.689
  • Commons wikimedia, 2024. Cream-colored courser (Cursorius cursor) in Jbil National Park, situated within the Sahara Desert,, Accessed: 10.08.2024
  • Cotton, P., 2003. Avian migration phenology and global climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(21): 12219-12222. 1930548100
  • Crick, H., 2004. The impact of climate change on birds. Ibis, 146: 48-56. 00327.x
  • Davis, C., Willis, C., Primack, R., Miller‐Rushing, A., 2010. The importance of phylogeny to the study of phenological response to global climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 365(1555): 3201-3213.
  • Diehl, R., 2019. Timing of migration shifts en masse. Nature Climate Change, 10(1), 18-19.
  • Doherty, K. E., Naugle, D. E., Walker, B. L., Graham, J. M., 2008. Greater sage-grouse winter habitat selection and energy development. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72(1): 187-195. doi:10.2193/2006-454
  • Elith, J., Phillips, S. J., Hastie, T., Dudík, M., Chee, Y. E., Yates, C. J., 2011. A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists. Diversity and Distributions, 17(1): 43-57.
  • Evcin, Ö., 2023. İklim Değişiminin Yaban Hayvanları ve Habitat Tercihlerine Olan Etkileri. In: İklim Değişikliği: Orman Ekosistemlerinde Etkileri ve Yönetimi Kitabı (Ed: Ayan, S.),Palme Kitabevi, Ankara, pp:347-358.
  • Fick, S.E., Hijmans, R.J., 2017. WorldClim 2: new 1‐km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology, 37(12): 4302-4315.
  • Glushenkov, O., 2017. The extending of ranges of some bird species at the north-eastern border of their distribution due to intra-century climate changes. Nature Conservation Research, 2(3): 23-29.
  • Huntley, B., Green, R.E., Collingham, Y.C., Willis, S.G., 2008. A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
  • Jaffré, M., Beaugrand, G., Goberville, É., Jiguet, F., Kjellén, N., Troost, G., Dubois, P.J., Lepretre, A., & Luczak, C., 2013. Long-term phenological shifts in raptor migration and climate. Plos One, 8(11): e79112.
  • Jetz, W., Wilcove, D.S., Dobson, A.P., 2007. Projected impacts of climate and land-use change on the global diversity of birds. PLoS Biology, 5(6): e157.
  • Kalleci, B., 2023. Kastamonu Ilgaz Dağı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası ve Gavurdağı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası arasındaki yaban hayatı ekolojik koridorlarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.
  • Karataş, A., 2023. Range extension of the cream-coloured courser cursorius cursor to Central Anatolia (aves: charadriiformes). Zoology in the Middle East, 69(4): 420-423.
  • Kıraç, A., Mert, A., 2019. Will Danford’s lizard become extinct in the future. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28(3): 1741-1748.
  • Kıraç, A., 2021. Potential distribution of two lynx species in europe under paleoclimatological scenarios and anthropogenic climate change scenarios. Cerne, 27: e-102517. 10.1590/01047760202127012517
  • López‐Ramírez, S., 2024. Evaluating the expansion of African species into Europe driven by climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 30(6).
  • Mills, L. S., 2012. Conservation of wildlife populations: demography, genetics, and management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Newton, I., 2003. The Speciation and Biogeography of Birds. Academic Press, London.
  • Özdemir, S., Özkan, K., Mert, A., 2020. An ecological perspective on climate change scenarios. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 13(3): 361-371. biodicon.2020.762985
  • Palomino, D., Seoane, J., Carrascal, L., Alonso, C., 2008. Competing effects of topographic, lithological, vegetation structure and human impact in the habitat preferences of the cream-coloured courser. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(4): 401-410.
  • Pautasso, M., 2012. Observed impacts of climate change on terrestrial birds in Europe: An overview. Italian Journal of Zoology, 79(2): 296-314. 2011.627381Phillips, S.J., Anderson, R.P., Schapire, R.E., 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions. Ecological modelling, 190(3-4): 231-259.
  • R Core Team, 2021. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • Regos, A., Clavero, M., D'Amen, M., Guisan, A., Brotons, L., 2017. Wildfire–vegetation dynamics affect predictions of climate change impact on bird communities. Ecography, 41(6): 982-995.
  • Rice, R., 2023. Environmental education in the classroom: pilot study in Cabo Verde suggests differing impacts on local knowledge and environmental attitudes. Oryx, 58(2): 210-217.
  • Süel, H., Özdemir, S., Yalçınkaya, B., 2022. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Genus Anser in Turkey. In: Soil, Forest and Water Researches Giving Life to Humans (Ed: Özdemir, S., Çiçekler, M.), Klaipeda: SRA Academic Publishing, pp:89-118.
  • Teyar, Y., 2023. Breeding ecology of the cream-coloured courser Cursorius cursor (Glareolidae) on semi-arid grazing land in Souss Massa National Park, southwestern Morocco. Ostrich, 94(3): 234-238. 2266774
  • Thomas, C.D., Lennon, J.J., 1999. Birds extend their ranges northwards as a result of climate warming. Nature, 399(6733): 213-213.
  • Traba, J., Acebes, P., Malo, J., García, J., Carriles, E., Radi, M. & Znari, M., 2013. Habitat selection and partitioning of the Black-bellied sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis), the stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) and the cream-coloured courser (Cursorius cursor) in arid areas of North Africa. Journal of Arid Environments, 94: 10-17. 2013.02.007
  • Trautmann, S., 2018. Climate Change Impacts On Bird Species., In: Bird Species How They Arise, Modify and Vanish (Ed: Dieter Thomas Tietze), Springer Open, 217-234.
  • Travis, J.M.J., 2003. Climate change and habitat destruction: a deadly anthropogenic cocktail. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 270(1514): 467-473.
  • Žalakevičius, M., 2001. A review of the practical problems resulting from the impact of the climate warming on birds. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 11(3): 332-339. 2001.10512467

Beklenmeyen dağılım: İklim değişikliği sonucu Çöl Koşarı’nın (Cursorius cursor) Orta Anadolu'ya hareketi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 258 - 266, 30.09.2024


İklim değişikliği, yaban hayatı türlerini ve habitatlarını olumsuz olarak etkileyen önemli tehditlerden biridir. Özellikle son yıllarda küresel sıcaklıkların artması ve aşırı iklim olayları daha sık yaşanmakta ve birçok kuş türü bu çevresel değişikliklere yanıt olarak coğrafi aralıklarında, davranışlarında ve yaşam döngülerinde değişimler yaşamaktadır. Glareolidae ailesinden, yerde yuvalayan bir çöl kuşu olan Çöl Koşarı (Cursorius cursor), iklim değişikliği nedeniyle dağılımında ve fenolojisinde değişiklikler göstermeye başlayan bir kuş türüdür. Normal olarak Doğu Palearktik'teki kurak ortamlarda yaşayan bu tür, son zamanlarda Türkiye'deki Orta Anadolu da dahil olmak üzere, normal aralığından çok uzakta olan yeni bölgelerde gözlemlenmeye başlamıştır. Özellikle bu türün son yıllarda artık Türkiye'nin orta kısmında bulunan Tuz Gölü'nde beklenmedik bir şekilde ortaya çıkması ve yuvalaması korumacılar arasında endişelere yol açmış ve türün iklim değişikliğine karşı savunmasızlığını vurgulamıştır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki Çöl koşarı türünün potansiyel gelecekteki dağılımını iki farklı iklim değişikliği senaryosu (SSP 4.5 ve SSP 8.5) altında 2021-2040, 2041-2060 ve 2061-2080 yıllarını içeren üç zaman periyodu boyunca modellemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada MaxEnt modellemesi ve iklim değişikliği projeksiyonları kullanılarak, dağılımdaki bu değişimleri yönlendiren temel iklim faktörleri belirlenerek yorumlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, türün gelecekteki coğrafi dağılımı hakkında kritik öngörüler sağlayarak iklim değişikliğinin Çöl koşarı ve diğer savunmasız kuş türleri üzerindeki etkilerinin azaltılması için koruma stratejilerine katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.


  • Alho, M., Granadeiro, J., Reyes, J., Geraldes, P., Catry, P., 2021. Characterization of an extinct seabird colony on the island of Santa Luzia (Cabo Verde) and its potential for future recolonizations. Journal of Ornithology, 163(1): 301-313.
  • Ankahaber, 2022. Sadece Çöl Koşullarında Yaşayan Çöl Koşarı Kuşunun Tuz Gölü’nde Görülmesi Kaygılandırdı. Accessed: 10.08.2024
  • Asensio, L., Lauenroth, W., 2012. Conservation grazing management: a novel approach to livestock management and biodiversity conservation on the Canary Islands. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 36(7): 744-758. 10.1080/ 10440046.2011.627992
  • Baldwin, R.A. 2009. Use of maximum entropy modeling in wildlife research. Entropy,11(4): 854-866. e11040854
  • Boano, G., Belemsobgo, U., Silvano, F., Hema, E. M., Belemsobgo, A., Dimobe, K., Pavia, M., 2022. An annotated checklist of the birds of Burkina Faso. Zoosystema, 44(2): 27-107. Cañadas, A., Sagarminaga, R., De Stephanis, R., Urquiola, E., Hammond, P., 2005. Habitat preference modeling as a conservation tool: proposals for marine protected areas for cetaceans in southern Spanish waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 15(5): 495-521. doi:10.1002/aqc.689
  • Commons wikimedia, 2024. Cream-colored courser (Cursorius cursor) in Jbil National Park, situated within the Sahara Desert,, Accessed: 10.08.2024
  • Cotton, P., 2003. Avian migration phenology and global climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(21): 12219-12222. 1930548100
  • Crick, H., 2004. The impact of climate change on birds. Ibis, 146: 48-56. 00327.x
  • Davis, C., Willis, C., Primack, R., Miller‐Rushing, A., 2010. The importance of phylogeny to the study of phenological response to global climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 365(1555): 3201-3213.
  • Diehl, R., 2019. Timing of migration shifts en masse. Nature Climate Change, 10(1), 18-19.
  • Doherty, K. E., Naugle, D. E., Walker, B. L., Graham, J. M., 2008. Greater sage-grouse winter habitat selection and energy development. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72(1): 187-195. doi:10.2193/2006-454
  • Elith, J., Phillips, S. J., Hastie, T., Dudík, M., Chee, Y. E., Yates, C. J., 2011. A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists. Diversity and Distributions, 17(1): 43-57.
  • Evcin, Ö., 2023. İklim Değişiminin Yaban Hayvanları ve Habitat Tercihlerine Olan Etkileri. In: İklim Değişikliği: Orman Ekosistemlerinde Etkileri ve Yönetimi Kitabı (Ed: Ayan, S.),Palme Kitabevi, Ankara, pp:347-358.
  • Fick, S.E., Hijmans, R.J., 2017. WorldClim 2: new 1‐km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology, 37(12): 4302-4315.
  • Glushenkov, O., 2017. The extending of ranges of some bird species at the north-eastern border of their distribution due to intra-century climate changes. Nature Conservation Research, 2(3): 23-29.
  • Huntley, B., Green, R.E., Collingham, Y.C., Willis, S.G., 2008. A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
  • Jaffré, M., Beaugrand, G., Goberville, É., Jiguet, F., Kjellén, N., Troost, G., Dubois, P.J., Lepretre, A., & Luczak, C., 2013. Long-term phenological shifts in raptor migration and climate. Plos One, 8(11): e79112.
  • Jetz, W., Wilcove, D.S., Dobson, A.P., 2007. Projected impacts of climate and land-use change on the global diversity of birds. PLoS Biology, 5(6): e157.
  • Kalleci, B., 2023. Kastamonu Ilgaz Dağı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası ve Gavurdağı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası arasındaki yaban hayatı ekolojik koridorlarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kastamonu.
  • Karataş, A., 2023. Range extension of the cream-coloured courser cursorius cursor to Central Anatolia (aves: charadriiformes). Zoology in the Middle East, 69(4): 420-423.
  • Kıraç, A., Mert, A., 2019. Will Danford’s lizard become extinct in the future. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28(3): 1741-1748.
  • Kıraç, A., 2021. Potential distribution of two lynx species in europe under paleoclimatological scenarios and anthropogenic climate change scenarios. Cerne, 27: e-102517. 10.1590/01047760202127012517
  • López‐Ramírez, S., 2024. Evaluating the expansion of African species into Europe driven by climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 30(6).
  • Mills, L. S., 2012. Conservation of wildlife populations: demography, genetics, and management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Newton, I., 2003. The Speciation and Biogeography of Birds. Academic Press, London.
  • Özdemir, S., Özkan, K., Mert, A., 2020. An ecological perspective on climate change scenarios. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 13(3): 361-371. biodicon.2020.762985
  • Palomino, D., Seoane, J., Carrascal, L., Alonso, C., 2008. Competing effects of topographic, lithological, vegetation structure and human impact in the habitat preferences of the cream-coloured courser. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(4): 401-410.
  • Pautasso, M., 2012. Observed impacts of climate change on terrestrial birds in Europe: An overview. Italian Journal of Zoology, 79(2): 296-314. 2011.627381Phillips, S.J., Anderson, R.P., Schapire, R.E., 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions. Ecological modelling, 190(3-4): 231-259.
  • R Core Team, 2021. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • Regos, A., Clavero, M., D'Amen, M., Guisan, A., Brotons, L., 2017. Wildfire–vegetation dynamics affect predictions of climate change impact on bird communities. Ecography, 41(6): 982-995.
  • Rice, R., 2023. Environmental education in the classroom: pilot study in Cabo Verde suggests differing impacts on local knowledge and environmental attitudes. Oryx, 58(2): 210-217.
  • Süel, H., Özdemir, S., Yalçınkaya, B., 2022. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Genus Anser in Turkey. In: Soil, Forest and Water Researches Giving Life to Humans (Ed: Özdemir, S., Çiçekler, M.), Klaipeda: SRA Academic Publishing, pp:89-118.
  • Teyar, Y., 2023. Breeding ecology of the cream-coloured courser Cursorius cursor (Glareolidae) on semi-arid grazing land in Souss Massa National Park, southwestern Morocco. Ostrich, 94(3): 234-238. 2266774
  • Thomas, C.D., Lennon, J.J., 1999. Birds extend their ranges northwards as a result of climate warming. Nature, 399(6733): 213-213.
  • Traba, J., Acebes, P., Malo, J., García, J., Carriles, E., Radi, M. & Znari, M., 2013. Habitat selection and partitioning of the Black-bellied sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis), the stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) and the cream-coloured courser (Cursorius cursor) in arid areas of North Africa. Journal of Arid Environments, 94: 10-17. 2013.02.007
  • Trautmann, S., 2018. Climate Change Impacts On Bird Species., In: Bird Species How They Arise, Modify and Vanish (Ed: Dieter Thomas Tietze), Springer Open, 217-234.
  • Travis, J.M.J., 2003. Climate change and habitat destruction: a deadly anthropogenic cocktail. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 270(1514): 467-473.
  • Žalakevičius, M., 2001. A review of the practical problems resulting from the impact of the climate warming on birds. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 11(3): 332-339. 2001.10512467
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Biyoçeşitliliği
Bölüm Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Özkan Evcin 0000-0002-9019-5547

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Evcin, Ö. (2024). Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 25(3), 258-266.
AMA Evcin Ö. Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry. Eylül 2024;25(3):258-266. doi:10.18182/tjf.1533024
Chicago Evcin, Özkan. “Unexpected Expansion: Climate Change-Induced Movement of the Cream-Colored Courser (Cursorius Cursor) into Central Anatolia”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 258-66.
EndNote Evcin Ö (01 Eylül 2024) Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25 3 258–266.
IEEE Ö. Evcin, “Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, c. 25, sy. 3, ss. 258–266, 2024, doi: 10.18182/tjf.1533024.
ISNAD Evcin, Özkan. “Unexpected Expansion: Climate Change-Induced Movement of the Cream-Colored Courser (Cursorius Cursor) into Central Anatolia”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25/3 (Eylül 2024), 258-266.
JAMA Evcin Ö. Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2024;25:258–266.
MLA Evcin, Özkan. “Unexpected Expansion: Climate Change-Induced Movement of the Cream-Colored Courser (Cursorius Cursor) into Central Anatolia”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, c. 25, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 258-66, doi:10.18182/tjf.1533024.
Vancouver Evcin Ö. Unexpected expansion: Climate change-induced movement of the Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor) into Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2024;25(3):258-66.