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Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises on Sexual Quality of Life in Women During Pregnancy

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 452 - 460, 20.09.2020


Aim: To evaluate the effects of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) exercises on sexual quality of life in women during pregnancy. Methods: This is a randomized controlled intervention study. The study was completed with 71 pregnant women (experimental group (EG) = 36, control group (CG) = 35). Data were collected using a data collection form and the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire-Female (SQOL-F). The pregnant women in the experimental group received an education program of progressive muscle relaxation exercises except for antenatal class education. The education programs were conducted in groups of 4-5-women with a total of 8 groups. In group educations, 10 minutes of deep breathing, and 20 minutes of progressive muscles relaxation exercises were taught. After training in the antenatal class, the women were asked to continue the exercises at home for 30 minutes, once a day, for 4 weeks. Data were collected 3 times: at the introduction session, and at the end of the second and fourth weeks. Results: The SQOL-F scores, which were obtained at two weeks after the first PMR exercises (in the second measurement) were determined to be 93.3 for the EG and 83.3 for the CG. The SQOL-F scores, which were obtained at the third measurement two weeks after the first intervention, were EG=95.0 and CG=84.4.The SQOL-F scores, which were obtained at the third measurement four weeks after the first intervention, were EG=95.0 and CG=84.4. At the second (p=0.006) and third measurements (p=0.001), SQOL-F score medians were significantly different between groups. Conclusion: Almost half of the women experienced sexual problems (such as problems arousal, orgasm, sexualpain), but they did not perceive them as problems. Progressive muscle exercises conducted in the second and third trimesters increase the sexual quality of life in pregnant women.


  • 1. Erbil N. Sexual function of pregnant women in the third trimester. Alexandria Med J2018;54:139-142.
  • 2. Gałązka I, Drosdzol‐Cop A, Naworska B, et al. Changes in the sexual function during pregnancy. Journal Sexual Med, 2015;12:445-454.
  • 3. Hanafy S, Srour NE, Mostafa T. Female sexual dysfunction across the three pregnancy trimesters: an Egyptian study. Sex. Health, 2014;11:240-243.
  • 4. Heidari M, Amin Shokravi F, Zayeri F, et al. Sexual life during pregnancy: effect of an educational intervention on the sexuality of Iranian couples: a quasi experimental study. J Sex Marital Ther, 2018;44:45-55.
  • 5. Cantarino SG, de Matos Pinto JM, García AMC, et al. The Importance of Religiosity/Spirituality in the Sexuality of Pregnant and Postpartum Women. PloS One, 2016;11:1-15.
  • 6. Corbacioglu A, Bakir V L, Akbayir O, et al. The role of pregnancy awareness on female sexual function in early gestation. Journal Sexual Med, 2012;9:1897-1903.
  • 7. Kisa S, Zeyneloglu S, Yilmaz D, et al. Quality of sexual life and its effect on marital adjustment of Turkish women in pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther,2014;40: 309-322.
  • 8. Tugut N, Golbasi Z, Bulbul T. Quality of sexual life and changes occurring in sexual life of women with high-risk pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther, 2017;43: 132-141.
  • 9. Koyun A. Evaluatıon Of Sexual function in Pregnancy. ACU SağlıkBilDerg, 2012;23:170-175.
  • 10. Güleroğlu FT, Beşer NG. Evaluation of sexual function of the pregnant women. Journal Sexual Med, 2014;11:146-153.
  • 11. Kontoyannis M, Katsetos C, Panagopoulos P. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy. J. HEALTH Sci; 2012;6:82-87.
  • 12. Aksoy A, VefikuluçayYılmaz D, Yılmaz M. What affects sexual life ın pregnancy? Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 2019;3:45-53.
  • 13. Arica SG, Alkan S, Bali S, Mansuroglu YE, et al. The effect of pregnancy over sexual life. Turkish Family Physician, 2012;2:19-24.
  • 14. Beyazıt F, Pek E, Şahin B. Alterations in sexual function during and after pregnancy: Prejudice? Or real? J Clin Psy, 2018;21:397-406.
  • 15. Ahmed MR, Madny EH, Sayed Ahmed WA. Prevalence of female sexual dysfunction during pregnancy among Egyptian women. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res, 2014;40:1023-1029.
  • 16. Jamali S, Mosalanejad L. Sexual dysfunction in Iranian pregnant women. Iran J Reprod Med, 2013;11:479-486.
  • 17. Kucukkdurmaz F, Efe E, Malkoc O, et al. Prevalence and correlates of female sexual dysfunction among Turkish pregnant women. Turk J Urol, 2016;42:178-183.
  • 18. Yeniel AO, Petri E. Pregnancy, childbirth, and sexual function: perceptions and facts. Int Urogynecol J, 2014;25:5-14.
  • 19. Yanikkerem E, Goker A, UstgorulS,et al. Evaluation of sexual function and marital adjustment of pregnant women in Turkey. Int J Impot Res, 2016;28:176-183.
  • 20. Wallwiener S, Müller M, Doster A, et al. Sexual activity and sexual dysfunction of women in the perinatal period: a longitudinal study. Arch GynecolObstet, 2017;295:873-883.
  • 21. Pauleta JR, Pereira NM, Graca LM. Sexuality during pregnancy. Journal Sexual Med, 2010;7:136-142.
  • 22. Ozturk CS, Arkar H. The relationships between marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction in married couples. LiteraturSempozyum, 2014;1:16-24.
  • 23. Johnson CE. Sexual health during pregnancy and the postpartum (CME). Journal Sexual Med, 2011;8:1267-1284.
  • 24. Altuntug K, Ege E, Kocoglu D, et al. Prevalence of dispareunia in women within postpartum one-year period and related factors. JHS, 2017;14:1669-1673.
  • 25. Alan DikmenHA, Terzioglu F. Effects of Reflexology and Progressive muscle relaxation on pain, fatigue, and quality of life during chemotherapy in gynecologic cancer patients. Pain ManagNurs, 2019;20:47-53.
  • 26. Chuang LL, Lin LC, Cheng PJ, et al. Effects of a relaxation training programme on immediate and prolonged stress responses in women with preterm labour. JAN, 2012;68:170-180.
  • 27. Duzgun AA, Ege E. Effects of relaxation exercises on the ways of coping with stress and anxiety level in primiparous pregnant women diagnosed with preterm labor. JHS, 2017;14:3158-3166.
  • 28. Nasiri S, Akbari H, Tagharrobi L, et al. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on stress, anxiety, and depression of pregnant women referred to health centers. JEHP, 2018;7:1-5.
  • 29. Urech C, Fink NS, Hoesli I, et al. Effects of relaxation on psychobiological wellbeing during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2010;35:1348-1355.
  • 30. Akmese ZB, Oran NT. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises accompanied by music on low back pain and quality of life during pregnancy. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2014;59:503-509.
  • 31. Kartal M. Art of Breathing. 1st ed. Istanbul: Sistem Publishing; 2011. p. 43,47,48.
  • 32. Seyed Ahmadi Nejad FS, Golmakani N, Shakeri MT. Effect of progressive muscle relaxation on depression, anxiety, and stress of primigravid women. EBCJ, 2015;5:67-76.
  • 33. Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG, et al. G* Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav. Res. Methods, 2007;39:175-191.
  • 34. Symonds T, Boolell M, Quirk F. Development of a questionnaire on sexual quality of life in women. J Sex Marital Ther, 2005;31:385-397.
  • 35. Tugut N, Golbasi Z. A validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the sexual quality of life questionnaire-female. Cumhuriyet Med J, 2010;32:172-180.
  • 36. Aydin M, Cayonu N, Kadihasanoglu M, et al. Comparison of sexual function in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Urol. J, 2015;12:2339-2344.
  • 37. Avasthi A, Grover S, Rao TS. Clinical practice guidelines for management of sexual dysfunction. Indian J. Psychiatry, 2017;59:91-115.
  • 38. AydinOzkan SA, Rathfisch G. The effect of relaxation exercises on sleep quality in pregnant women in the third trimester: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018;32:79-84.
  • 39. Sadeghi A, Sirati-Nir M, Ebadi A, et al. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on pregnant women's general health. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2015;20:655-660.
  • 40. Tragea C, Chrousos GP, Alexopoulos EC, et al. A randomized controlled trial of the effects of a stress management programme during pregnancy. Complement Ther Med, 2014;22:203-211

Progresif Kas Gevşeme Egzersizlerinin Gebelikte Kadınların Cinsel Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 452 - 460, 20.09.2020


Amaç: Gebelikte progresif kas gevşetme (PMR) egzersizlerinin kadınlarda cinsel yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Yöntem: Randomize kontrollü bir müdahale çalışmasıdır. Çalışma 71 gebe kadınla (deney grubu (DG) = 36, kontrol grubu (KG) = 35) tamamlandı. Veriler, veri toplama formu ve Cinsel Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği-Kadın (SQOL-F) kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Deney grubundaki gebelere doğum öncesi sınıf eğitimi dışında ilerleyici kas gevşetme egzersizleri eğitimi verildi. Eğitim programları 4-5 kişilik, toplam 8 gruplu gruplar halinde yürütülmüştür. Grup eğitimlerinde 10 dakikalık derin nefes alma ve 20 dakikalık progresif kas gevşeme egzersizleri öğretildi. Doğum öncesi sınıfta eğitim yaptıktan sonra, kadınlara egzersizlerini 4 hafta boyunca günde bir kez 30 dakika boyunca evde sürdürmeleri istendi. Bulgular: İlk PMR egzersizlerinden (ikinci ölçümde) iki hafta sonra elde edilen SQOL-F skorlarının DG için 93.3 ve KG için 83.3 olarak belirlendi. İlk müdahaleden dört hafta sonra üçüncü ölçümde elde edilen SQOL-F skorları DG = 95.0 ve KG = 84.4 idi. İkinci (p = 0.006) ve üçüncü ölçümlerde (p = 0.001) SQOL-F skor meydanları gruplar arasında anlamlı olarak farklıydı. Sonuç: Kadınların neredeyse yarısının gebeliklerinde cinsel problem (uyarılma problemleri, orgazm, cinsel ağrı gibi) yaşadığı, ancak var olan sorunları cinsel problem olarak algılamadıkları belirlendi. İkinci ve üçüncü trimesterde yapılan progresif kas egzersizleri, gebe kadınlarda cinsel yaşam kalitesini artırır.


  • 1. Erbil N. Sexual function of pregnant women in the third trimester. Alexandria Med J2018;54:139-142.
  • 2. Gałązka I, Drosdzol‐Cop A, Naworska B, et al. Changes in the sexual function during pregnancy. Journal Sexual Med, 2015;12:445-454.
  • 3. Hanafy S, Srour NE, Mostafa T. Female sexual dysfunction across the three pregnancy trimesters: an Egyptian study. Sex. Health, 2014;11:240-243.
  • 4. Heidari M, Amin Shokravi F, Zayeri F, et al. Sexual life during pregnancy: effect of an educational intervention on the sexuality of Iranian couples: a quasi experimental study. J Sex Marital Ther, 2018;44:45-55.
  • 5. Cantarino SG, de Matos Pinto JM, García AMC, et al. The Importance of Religiosity/Spirituality in the Sexuality of Pregnant and Postpartum Women. PloS One, 2016;11:1-15.
  • 6. Corbacioglu A, Bakir V L, Akbayir O, et al. The role of pregnancy awareness on female sexual function in early gestation. Journal Sexual Med, 2012;9:1897-1903.
  • 7. Kisa S, Zeyneloglu S, Yilmaz D, et al. Quality of sexual life and its effect on marital adjustment of Turkish women in pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther,2014;40: 309-322.
  • 8. Tugut N, Golbasi Z, Bulbul T. Quality of sexual life and changes occurring in sexual life of women with high-risk pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther, 2017;43: 132-141.
  • 9. Koyun A. Evaluatıon Of Sexual function in Pregnancy. ACU SağlıkBilDerg, 2012;23:170-175.
  • 10. Güleroğlu FT, Beşer NG. Evaluation of sexual function of the pregnant women. Journal Sexual Med, 2014;11:146-153.
  • 11. Kontoyannis M, Katsetos C, Panagopoulos P. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy. J. HEALTH Sci; 2012;6:82-87.
  • 12. Aksoy A, VefikuluçayYılmaz D, Yılmaz M. What affects sexual life ın pregnancy? Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 2019;3:45-53.
  • 13. Arica SG, Alkan S, Bali S, Mansuroglu YE, et al. The effect of pregnancy over sexual life. Turkish Family Physician, 2012;2:19-24.
  • 14. Beyazıt F, Pek E, Şahin B. Alterations in sexual function during and after pregnancy: Prejudice? Or real? J Clin Psy, 2018;21:397-406.
  • 15. Ahmed MR, Madny EH, Sayed Ahmed WA. Prevalence of female sexual dysfunction during pregnancy among Egyptian women. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res, 2014;40:1023-1029.
  • 16. Jamali S, Mosalanejad L. Sexual dysfunction in Iranian pregnant women. Iran J Reprod Med, 2013;11:479-486.
  • 17. Kucukkdurmaz F, Efe E, Malkoc O, et al. Prevalence and correlates of female sexual dysfunction among Turkish pregnant women. Turk J Urol, 2016;42:178-183.
  • 18. Yeniel AO, Petri E. Pregnancy, childbirth, and sexual function: perceptions and facts. Int Urogynecol J, 2014;25:5-14.
  • 19. Yanikkerem E, Goker A, UstgorulS,et al. Evaluation of sexual function and marital adjustment of pregnant women in Turkey. Int J Impot Res, 2016;28:176-183.
  • 20. Wallwiener S, Müller M, Doster A, et al. Sexual activity and sexual dysfunction of women in the perinatal period: a longitudinal study. Arch GynecolObstet, 2017;295:873-883.
  • 21. Pauleta JR, Pereira NM, Graca LM. Sexuality during pregnancy. Journal Sexual Med, 2010;7:136-142.
  • 22. Ozturk CS, Arkar H. The relationships between marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction in married couples. LiteraturSempozyum, 2014;1:16-24.
  • 23. Johnson CE. Sexual health during pregnancy and the postpartum (CME). Journal Sexual Med, 2011;8:1267-1284.
  • 24. Altuntug K, Ege E, Kocoglu D, et al. Prevalence of dispareunia in women within postpartum one-year period and related factors. JHS, 2017;14:1669-1673.
  • 25. Alan DikmenHA, Terzioglu F. Effects of Reflexology and Progressive muscle relaxation on pain, fatigue, and quality of life during chemotherapy in gynecologic cancer patients. Pain ManagNurs, 2019;20:47-53.
  • 26. Chuang LL, Lin LC, Cheng PJ, et al. Effects of a relaxation training programme on immediate and prolonged stress responses in women with preterm labour. JAN, 2012;68:170-180.
  • 27. Duzgun AA, Ege E. Effects of relaxation exercises on the ways of coping with stress and anxiety level in primiparous pregnant women diagnosed with preterm labor. JHS, 2017;14:3158-3166.
  • 28. Nasiri S, Akbari H, Tagharrobi L, et al. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on stress, anxiety, and depression of pregnant women referred to health centers. JEHP, 2018;7:1-5.
  • 29. Urech C, Fink NS, Hoesli I, et al. Effects of relaxation on psychobiological wellbeing during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2010;35:1348-1355.
  • 30. Akmese ZB, Oran NT. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises accompanied by music on low back pain and quality of life during pregnancy. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2014;59:503-509.
  • 31. Kartal M. Art of Breathing. 1st ed. Istanbul: Sistem Publishing; 2011. p. 43,47,48.
  • 32. Seyed Ahmadi Nejad FS, Golmakani N, Shakeri MT. Effect of progressive muscle relaxation on depression, anxiety, and stress of primigravid women. EBCJ, 2015;5:67-76.
  • 33. Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG, et al. G* Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav. Res. Methods, 2007;39:175-191.
  • 34. Symonds T, Boolell M, Quirk F. Development of a questionnaire on sexual quality of life in women. J Sex Marital Ther, 2005;31:385-397.
  • 35. Tugut N, Golbasi Z. A validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the sexual quality of life questionnaire-female. Cumhuriyet Med J, 2010;32:172-180.
  • 36. Aydin M, Cayonu N, Kadihasanoglu M, et al. Comparison of sexual function in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Urol. J, 2015;12:2339-2344.
  • 37. Avasthi A, Grover S, Rao TS. Clinical practice guidelines for management of sexual dysfunction. Indian J. Psychiatry, 2017;59:91-115.
  • 38. AydinOzkan SA, Rathfisch G. The effect of relaxation exercises on sleep quality in pregnant women in the third trimester: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018;32:79-84.
  • 39. Sadeghi A, Sirati-Nir M, Ebadi A, et al. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on pregnant women's general health. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2015;20:655-660.
  • 40. Tragea C, Chrousos GP, Alexopoulos EC, et al. A randomized controlled trial of the effects of a stress management programme during pregnancy. Complement Ther Med, 2014;22:203-211
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Orijinal Makaleler

Hacer Alan Dikmen 0000-0001-9617-4897

İlknur Gönenç 0000-0001-6834-1010

Yasemin Şanlı 0000-0001-9169-0577

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Alan Dikmen H, Gönenç İ, Şanlı Y. Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises on Sexual Quality of Life in Women During Pregnancy. TJFMPC. 2020;14(3):452-60.

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