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Yıl 2021, , 42 - 59, 25.02.2021


This study intends to make a comprehensive analysis of the intertwined roles of the politics of belonging and political socialization in the modern political world. In this sense, basic hypothesis behind this study is that while mankind’s need to belong is regarded as among the innate traits, the politics of belonging, on the other hand, is a modern phenomenon like the nation is. In simple terms, transition from pre-modernity to the modernity basically refers to emergence of subjective rights in favour of the individual who became right-bearer entity. That also means transformation of the legal ground in which any individual could have multiple social positions in a non-stratified societal construction instead strictly depending on only one lifetime fixed social position a peculiar social layer or hierarchy as apparently seen in the pre-modernity. Therefore, the emergence of the politics of belonging is strictly associated with that of the modernity, because of the fact that the main subject of the politics of belonging is basically the modern right-bearer individual whose political preferences are formed by his/her political socialization processes. Apparently, studying the politics of belonging in the context of the modernity and taking into account its intertwined relations with the political socialization eventually makes us rethink all the modern political conceptions like nation(alism), ethnicity, gender, terrorism, religious fundamentalism, migration and refugee issues and so on.


  • Allen, D. S. (2000). The World of Prometheus: The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens. Chichester: Princeton University Press.
  • Almond, G. A. (1960). Introduction: a functional approach to comparative politics. In Gabriel A. Almond and James S. Coleman (eds), The Politics of Developing Areas (pp. 3-64). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and Spread on Nationalism. London-New York: Verso.
  • Baumeister, R. F., DeWall, C. N., Ciarocco N. J., Twenge, J. M. (2005). Social exclusion impairs self-regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(4), 589-604.
  • Baumeister, R. F., Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529.
  • Bender, G. J. (1967). Political socialization and political change. The Western Political Quarterly, 20(2), 390-407.
  • Bhambra, G.K. (2006). Culture, Identity and rights: challenging contemporary discourses of belonging. In Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran, Ulrike M. Vieten (eds), The Situated Politics of Belonging (pp. 32-41). London: SAGE.
  • Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and Loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books.
  • Brewer, M. B. (2005). The psychological impact of social isolation: discussion and commentary. In Kipling D. Williams, Joseph P. Forges, William Von Hippel (eds), The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying (pp.333-346). New York: Psychology Press.
  • Crowley, J. (1999). The politics of belonging: some theoretical considerations. In A. Geddes and A. Favell (eds), The Politics of Belonging: Migrants and Minorities in Contemporary Europe (pp. 15-41). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Den Hartog, D. N., De Hoogh A. H. B., Keegan, A. E. (2007). The interactive effects of belongingness and charisma on helping and compliance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92( 4), 1131-1139.
  • DeWall, C. N., Deckman, T., Pond R. S. Jr., Bonser, I. (2011). Belongingness as a core personality trait: how social exclusion influences social functioning and personality expression. Journal of Personality, 79(6), 979-1012.
  • Durkheim, E. (1995). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis e-Library.
  • Eckstein, H. (1963). A perspective on comparative politics, past and present. In David Apter and Harry Eckstein (eds.), Comparative Politics: A Reader (pp. 3-32). New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Freud, S. (1962). Civilization and Its Discontents. Translated and edited by James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Froman, L. A. (1961). Personality and political socialization. Journal of Politics, 23(2), 341-52.
  • Hogg M. A., Abrams, D. (1998). Social Identifications. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hogg, M.A. (2005). All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others: social identity and marginal membership. In Kipling D. Williams, Joseph P. Forges, William Von Hippel (eds). The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying (pp. 243-263). New York: Psychology Press 2005.
  • Kirk, G., Okazawa-Rey, M. (2013). Identities and social locations: who am I? who are my people?. In Maurianne Adams, Warren J. Blumenfeld, Carmelita Rosie Castañeda, Heather W. Hackman, Madeline L. Peters and Ximena Zúñiga (eds), Readings For Diversity And Social Justice (pp. 9-14). New York: Routledge.
  • Knodt, E. M. (1995). Foreword. In Luhmann, N. (1995). Social Systems (pp.ix-xxxvii). Translated by John Bednarz, Jr, and Dirk Baccker. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Langton, K. P. (1969). Political Socialization. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • LeVine, R. A. (1963). Political socialization and culture change. In Geertz Clifford (ed.), Old Societies and New States (pp. 280-303). Glencoe.
  • Luhmann, N., Law as a Social System, (USA: Oxford University Press 2004).
  • Luhmann, N. (2013). Theory of Society: Volume II. Translated by Rhodes Barrett. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Merelman, R. M. (1972). The adolescence of political socialization. Sociology of Education, 45(2), 134-166.
  • Murrey G. R., Mulvaney, M. K. (2012). Parenting styles, socialization, and the transmission of political ideology and partisanship. Politics and Policy, 40(6), 1106-30.
  • Pandey, S. K. (2011). Politics of Belonging: Identity and State Formation in Nagaland. In Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and Gérard Toffin (eds), The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas: Local Attachments and Boundary Dynamics (pp. 98-124). New Delhi: SAGE.
  • Pinson, H., Arnot M., Candappa, M. (2010). Education, Asylum and the 'Non-Citizen' Child: The Politics of Compassion and Belonging. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Saavedra, R., (2007). Group identity. In Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 393-394). US: Sage Publications.
  • Sigel, R. (1965). Assumption about learning of political values. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 361, September 1965, 1-9.
  • Singleton Jr., R. A. (2007). Groups, characteristics of’, in Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 398-400). US: Sage Publications.
  • Turner, J. J. (1982). Towards a Cognitive Redefinition of the Social Group. In Henri Tajfel (ed.). Social Identity and Intergroup Relations (pp. 15-40). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Verschraegen, G. 82006). Systems theory and the paradox of human rights. In Chris Thornhill and Michael King (eds) Luhmann on Law And Politics: Critical Appraisals And Applications (pp. 101-126). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2007). The construction of peoplehood: racism, nationalism, etnicity. In Immanuel Wallerstein and Etienne Balibar, Race, Naytion, Class: Ambiguous Identities (pp. 71-85). London-New York: Verso.
  • Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 425-452.
  • Williams, K. D., Wesselmann E. D., Chen Z. (2007). Social exclusion. In Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 896-897). US: Sage Publications.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2006) Belonging and politics of belonging. Patterns of Prejudice, 40(3), 197–214.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2004). Borders, boundaries, and the politics of belonging. In Stephen May, Tariq Modood and Judith Squires (eds), Etnicity, Nationalism, and Minority Rights (pp.214-230). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2006). Introduction: situating contemporary politics of belonging. In Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran, Ulrike Vieten (eds), The Situated Politics of Belonging (pp. 1-14).London:SAGE.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2010). Theorizing identity: beyond the ‘us’ and ‘them’ dichotomy’, Patterns of Prejudice, 44 (3), 261-280.


Yıl 2021, , 42 - 59, 25.02.2021


Bu makelede, aidiyet siyaseti ve siyasal sosyalleşmenin modern siyasal dünyada iç içe geçmiş olan rollerinin kapsamlı bir analizinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma temel olarak, aidiyet ihtiyacı insan doğasının temel özelliğini ifade etmesine karşın, aidiyet siyasetinin, ulus gibi, modern dünyaya özgü bir olgu olduğu hipotezine dayanmaktadır. Basitçe ifade edilecek olursa, modern öncesi dönemden moderniteye geçiş, temel olarak, bireyi belirli haklara sahip olan siyasal bir varlığa dönüştüren subjektif hakların ortaya çıkışıyla ilgilidir. Bu, aynı zamanda, belirli bir sosyal tabaka ya da hiyerarşi içindeki bireyi, ömür boyu sabit bir sosyal konumda bırakan modern öncesi yasal zeminin ve sosyal düzenin dönüşmesi ve bireyin artık tabakasız ya da hiyerarşik olmayan modern toplumsal yapıda çoklu sosyal konumlar elde edebilmesi anlamına gelmekteydi. Bu nedenledir ki, aidiyet siyasetinin ortaya çıkışı modernitenin ortaya çıkışıyla yakından ilgilidir; öyle ki aidiyet siyasetinin temel öznesi, otoriteye karşı belirli haklara sahip olan ve siyasal tercihleri kendi öznel politik siyasallaşma süreçleri tarafından biçimlenen bireydir. Açıkça görülmektedir ki, aidiyet siyasetini modernite bağlamında düşünmek ve onu siyasal sosyalleşmeyle iç içe geçmiş olan rolleriyle birlikte yeniden ele almak, nihayetinde ulus, etnisite, toplumsal cinsiyet, terörizm, dinsel köktencilik, göç ve mülteci sorunları vs. gibi modern siyasal kavramların yeniden düşünülmesine yol açacaktır.


  • Allen, D. S. (2000). The World of Prometheus: The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens. Chichester: Princeton University Press.
  • Almond, G. A. (1960). Introduction: a functional approach to comparative politics. In Gabriel A. Almond and James S. Coleman (eds), The Politics of Developing Areas (pp. 3-64). New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and Spread on Nationalism. London-New York: Verso.
  • Baumeister, R. F., DeWall, C. N., Ciarocco N. J., Twenge, J. M. (2005). Social exclusion impairs self-regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(4), 589-604.
  • Baumeister, R. F., Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529.
  • Bender, G. J. (1967). Political socialization and political change. The Western Political Quarterly, 20(2), 390-407.
  • Bhambra, G.K. (2006). Culture, Identity and rights: challenging contemporary discourses of belonging. In Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran, Ulrike M. Vieten (eds), The Situated Politics of Belonging (pp. 32-41). London: SAGE.
  • Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and Loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books.
  • Brewer, M. B. (2005). The psychological impact of social isolation: discussion and commentary. In Kipling D. Williams, Joseph P. Forges, William Von Hippel (eds), The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying (pp.333-346). New York: Psychology Press.
  • Crowley, J. (1999). The politics of belonging: some theoretical considerations. In A. Geddes and A. Favell (eds), The Politics of Belonging: Migrants and Minorities in Contemporary Europe (pp. 15-41). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Den Hartog, D. N., De Hoogh A. H. B., Keegan, A. E. (2007). The interactive effects of belongingness and charisma on helping and compliance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92( 4), 1131-1139.
  • DeWall, C. N., Deckman, T., Pond R. S. Jr., Bonser, I. (2011). Belongingness as a core personality trait: how social exclusion influences social functioning and personality expression. Journal of Personality, 79(6), 979-1012.
  • Durkheim, E. (1995). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis e-Library.
  • Eckstein, H. (1963). A perspective on comparative politics, past and present. In David Apter and Harry Eckstein (eds.), Comparative Politics: A Reader (pp. 3-32). New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Freud, S. (1962). Civilization and Its Discontents. Translated and edited by James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Froman, L. A. (1961). Personality and political socialization. Journal of Politics, 23(2), 341-52.
  • Hogg M. A., Abrams, D. (1998). Social Identifications. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hogg, M.A. (2005). All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others: social identity and marginal membership. In Kipling D. Williams, Joseph P. Forges, William Von Hippel (eds). The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying (pp. 243-263). New York: Psychology Press 2005.
  • Kirk, G., Okazawa-Rey, M. (2013). Identities and social locations: who am I? who are my people?. In Maurianne Adams, Warren J. Blumenfeld, Carmelita Rosie Castañeda, Heather W. Hackman, Madeline L. Peters and Ximena Zúñiga (eds), Readings For Diversity And Social Justice (pp. 9-14). New York: Routledge.
  • Knodt, E. M. (1995). Foreword. In Luhmann, N. (1995). Social Systems (pp.ix-xxxvii). Translated by John Bednarz, Jr, and Dirk Baccker. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Langton, K. P. (1969). Political Socialization. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • LeVine, R. A. (1963). Political socialization and culture change. In Geertz Clifford (ed.), Old Societies and New States (pp. 280-303). Glencoe.
  • Luhmann, N., Law as a Social System, (USA: Oxford University Press 2004).
  • Luhmann, N. (2013). Theory of Society: Volume II. Translated by Rhodes Barrett. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Merelman, R. M. (1972). The adolescence of political socialization. Sociology of Education, 45(2), 134-166.
  • Murrey G. R., Mulvaney, M. K. (2012). Parenting styles, socialization, and the transmission of political ideology and partisanship. Politics and Policy, 40(6), 1106-30.
  • Pandey, S. K. (2011). Politics of Belonging: Identity and State Formation in Nagaland. In Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and Gérard Toffin (eds), The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas: Local Attachments and Boundary Dynamics (pp. 98-124). New Delhi: SAGE.
  • Pinson, H., Arnot M., Candappa, M. (2010). Education, Asylum and the 'Non-Citizen' Child: The Politics of Compassion and Belonging. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Saavedra, R., (2007). Group identity. In Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 393-394). US: Sage Publications.
  • Sigel, R. (1965). Assumption about learning of political values. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 361, September 1965, 1-9.
  • Singleton Jr., R. A. (2007). Groups, characteristics of’, in Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 398-400). US: Sage Publications.
  • Turner, J. J. (1982). Towards a Cognitive Redefinition of the Social Group. In Henri Tajfel (ed.). Social Identity and Intergroup Relations (pp. 15-40). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Verschraegen, G. 82006). Systems theory and the paradox of human rights. In Chris Thornhill and Michael King (eds) Luhmann on Law And Politics: Critical Appraisals And Applications (pp. 101-126). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2007). The construction of peoplehood: racism, nationalism, etnicity. In Immanuel Wallerstein and Etienne Balibar, Race, Naytion, Class: Ambiguous Identities (pp. 71-85). London-New York: Verso.
  • Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 425-452.
  • Williams, K. D., Wesselmann E. D., Chen Z. (2007). Social exclusion. In Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs (eds), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 896-897). US: Sage Publications.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2006) Belonging and politics of belonging. Patterns of Prejudice, 40(3), 197–214.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2004). Borders, boundaries, and the politics of belonging. In Stephen May, Tariq Modood and Judith Squires (eds), Etnicity, Nationalism, and Minority Rights (pp.214-230). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2006). Introduction: situating contemporary politics of belonging. In Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran, Ulrike Vieten (eds), The Situated Politics of Belonging (pp. 1-14).London:SAGE.
  • Yuval-Davis, N. (2010). Theorizing identity: beyond the ‘us’ and ‘them’ dichotomy’, Patterns of Prejudice, 44 (3), 261-280.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Suat Taşkesen 0000-0001-7398-917X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşkesen, S. (2021). INTERTWINED ROLES OF THE POLITICS OF BELONGING AND POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION IN THE MODERN POLITICAL PROJECTS. The Journal of Social Science, 5(9), 42-59. https://doi.org/10.30520/tjsosci.827277

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