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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5, 362 - 375, 28.02.2019


Yaşamda izi silinemeyen ağır olaylar büyük
korkuların, çaresizlik ve güçsüzlük duygusunun ortaya çıkmasına neden olur ve
travmayı yaşamış kişilerin duygularını, düşüncelerini ve ruhsal durumlarını
uzun süre etkisi altına alır. Bu tür olaylar “travmatik durum” veya “travma”
olarak adlandırılır. Bir travma sonrasında insan ruhsal, kısmen fiziksel
yaralar alır. Travmayı yaşamış kişinin dünyası değişir, artık hiçbir şey eskisi
gibi gelmez ona. Fiziksel yaralar görülebilir ve doktorlar tarafından tedavi
edilebilir. Buna karşın ruhsal yaralar görülmez ve bu nedenle sıklıkla tedavi
edilmezler. Bu, travmayı yaşamış kişilere büyük acılar verir; örneğin
gerginliğe, ağrılara, uyku bozukluğuna, korku durumlarına veya depresyona neden
olur. Travma kavramının psikiyatride resmi olarak yer alması 1980’de Ruhsal
Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal El Kitabının (DSM) üçüncü baskısında “Travma
Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu”nun (TSSB) tanımlanmasıyla olsa da bu tarihten önce de
travmanın psikiyatrik bozukluklara yol açtığına dair görüşler bulunmaktadır.
Travmanın psikolojik sonuçları ile ilgili çalışmalar pek çok siyasi ve politik
süreçlerden etkilenmiş ve çoğu zaman içinde bulunduğu dönemin özelliklerine
göre şekillenmiştir. Bu süreçlere genel olarak bakıldığında travma
çalışmalarının inişli çıkışlı bir geçmişi vardır; yani travmanın psikolojik
etkisinin yoğun araştırıldığı dönemler ile hiç önemsenmediği dönemler birbirini
izlemiştir. Travma kavramının psikiyatri tarihindeki değişiklikleri,
psikiyatrik hastalıkların geçirdiği süreci göstermede önemli bir yere sahiptir.


  • Appel, J., & Beebe G. (1946). Preventive psychiatry; an epidemiologic approach. Journal of the American Medical Association, 131, 1469-75.
  • Avina,C ve O’Donohue,W. (2002). Sexual harassment and PTSD: is sexual harassment diagnosable trauma? Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15; 69-75.
  • Bonaparte, M., Freud, A., ve Kris, E. (1954). The origins of psychoanalysis. New York: Basic books.
  • Brownmiller, S. (1975) Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Burgess, A.W., ve Holmstrom, L.L.(1974). Rape trauma syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry 131(10):981-986
  • Çolak B., Er. O., Kokurcan A. ve ark. (2013). Interrater reliability of structual imaging assesment with visual rating scales in patients with Alzheimer disease. European NeuropsychopharmacologyVolume 23, Supplement 2, 543-4.
  • DSM III. (1980). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 79-055868 Copyright © The American Psychiatric Association.
  • Eitinger, L. (1980). Survivors, Victims and Perpatrators, 127-62.
  • Ellenberger, H. (1970). The Discovery of the Unconscious, BasicBooks, New York, 130-145.
  • Ellis, J. (1980). The Sharp End of War The Fighting Man in World War II, London, 30-50.
  • Gerson B (1992) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: The History of a Recent Concept British Journal of Psychiatry 161;742-748.
  • Green, B. L. (1994). Psyhosocial research in traumatic stress: An update. Journal of Traumatic Stress. V.7. Pp:341-362
  • Grinker, R. R., & Spiegel, J. P. (1943). War Neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign (January–May 1943). New York: Air Surgeon, Army Air Forces.
  • Herman, J. ve Hirschman, L. (1977). Father-daughter incest. Signs: J. Women Cultur e Soc., 2:735-756
  • Herman, J.L. (2016). Travma ve İyileşme. Literatür Yayınları 4. Baskı. İstanbul.
  • Horowitz M (1986) Stress Response Syndromes, Northvale, 93-94.
  • Jones, E. (2007). A Paradigm shift in the conceptualization of psychological trauma in the 20th century. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 21: 164-175.
  • Jones, E. ve Wessely, S. (2005). Shell shock to PTSD, military psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf war. Hove: Psychology Press.
  • Kardiner, A., & Spiegel, H. (1947). War, stress and neurotic illness (second ed.). New York: Hoeber.
  • Kardiner, A, (1959.) Traumatic neuroses of war. In: Arieti, S. (Ed.). American handbook of psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.Vol. 1: 245–257.
  • Kokurcan, A. ve Özsan, H. H. (2012). Travma Kavramının Psikiyatri Tarihindeki Seyri. Kriz Dergisi, 20 (1-3), 19-24.
  • Lerner, M. J. (1980). The belief in a just world: A fundamental delusion. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Lifton, R., J. (1973) Home From the War; Vietnam Veterans: Neither Victims Nor Executioners. New York; Touchstone.
  • Maier, E. (2006). Review of Elbourne’s Situations and Individuals, MIT Press. LinguistList,
  • Myers, D.G. (1978). Polarizing Effect of Social Comparison, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, V:14. Pp:554-563
  • Micale, M. (1989). Hysteria and Its Historiography: A Review of Past and Present Writings, 223-47.
  • Norman, M. (1989). These Good Men: Friendships Forged From War, New York, 139- 141.
  • O’Brien TO (1990) How tol Tell a True War Story, The Things They Carried, Boston, 80-95. American Psychiatric Association. (1952). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-I. Washington, DC. (1. edition)
  • Russell, D. (1984). Sexual Exploitation - Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, and Workplace Harassment, Washington, DC US Dept of Health and Human Services, 245-62.
  • Sarachild, K, (1978), Feminist Revolution, New York: Random House, 143-147.
  • Showalter, E. (1985). Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibility of Feminist Criticism. In P. Parker and G. Hartman (Eds.), Shakespeare and the Question of Theory (pp. 77-94). NY: Routledge.
  • Turnbull, G. (1998). A review of posttraumatic stres disorder. Part 1: historical development and classification, Injury Vol. 29, No.2;87-91
  • Veith, I. (1977). Four Thousand Years of Hysteria, 7-93.
  • Wilson J (1994) The Historical Evolution of PTSD Diagnostic Criteria: From Freud to DSM-IV, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 7, No. 4: 681-698.
  • Yehuda, R ve McFarlane, A.C. (1995). Conflict between current knowledge about posttraumatic stress disorder and its original conceptual basis, Am. J. Psychiatry, 152: 1705-1713.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5, 362 - 375, 28.02.2019


Severe events that can not be wiped
out in life cause great fear, helplessness and weakness to emerge. It affects
the feelings, thoughts and mood of those who have experienced trauma for a long
time. Such events are called "traumatic conditions" or
"trauma". After a trauma, the human receives mental, partly physical
injuries. The world of a person who has experienced trauma changes, and now
nothing comes to him as an old one. Physical injuries can be seen and treated
by doctors. However, spiritual injuries do not occur and are therefore often
not treated. This gives great suffering to those who have experienced trauma;
such as tension, soreness, sleep disturbance, fear states or depression.
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD) has
been admitted as a diagnosis in 1980 with the publication of DSM-III. It was
the first diagnosis which determined trauma as a cause of psychiatric
disorders. The psychological consequences of trauma studies in psychiatry were
influenced by many political and cultural processes. The studies of trauma had
a history of cycle including the pauses for a long time and starts with a
traumatic process. The studies finished with the omission of the traumatic
process. The history of trauma had an interesting story in psychiatry which is
an example demonstrating the big changes of psychiatric diseases.


  • Appel, J., & Beebe G. (1946). Preventive psychiatry; an epidemiologic approach. Journal of the American Medical Association, 131, 1469-75.
  • Avina,C ve O’Donohue,W. (2002). Sexual harassment and PTSD: is sexual harassment diagnosable trauma? Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15; 69-75.
  • Bonaparte, M., Freud, A., ve Kris, E. (1954). The origins of psychoanalysis. New York: Basic books.
  • Brownmiller, S. (1975) Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Burgess, A.W., ve Holmstrom, L.L.(1974). Rape trauma syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry 131(10):981-986
  • Çolak B., Er. O., Kokurcan A. ve ark. (2013). Interrater reliability of structual imaging assesment with visual rating scales in patients with Alzheimer disease. European NeuropsychopharmacologyVolume 23, Supplement 2, 543-4.
  • DSM III. (1980). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 79-055868 Copyright © The American Psychiatric Association.
  • Eitinger, L. (1980). Survivors, Victims and Perpatrators, 127-62.
  • Ellenberger, H. (1970). The Discovery of the Unconscious, BasicBooks, New York, 130-145.
  • Ellis, J. (1980). The Sharp End of War The Fighting Man in World War II, London, 30-50.
  • Gerson B (1992) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: The History of a Recent Concept British Journal of Psychiatry 161;742-748.
  • Green, B. L. (1994). Psyhosocial research in traumatic stress: An update. Journal of Traumatic Stress. V.7. Pp:341-362
  • Grinker, R. R., & Spiegel, J. P. (1943). War Neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign (January–May 1943). New York: Air Surgeon, Army Air Forces.
  • Herman, J. ve Hirschman, L. (1977). Father-daughter incest. Signs: J. Women Cultur e Soc., 2:735-756
  • Herman, J.L. (2016). Travma ve İyileşme. Literatür Yayınları 4. Baskı. İstanbul.
  • Horowitz M (1986) Stress Response Syndromes, Northvale, 93-94.
  • Jones, E. (2007). A Paradigm shift in the conceptualization of psychological trauma in the 20th century. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 21: 164-175.
  • Jones, E. ve Wessely, S. (2005). Shell shock to PTSD, military psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf war. Hove: Psychology Press.
  • Kardiner, A., & Spiegel, H. (1947). War, stress and neurotic illness (second ed.). New York: Hoeber.
  • Kardiner, A, (1959.) Traumatic neuroses of war. In: Arieti, S. (Ed.). American handbook of psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.Vol. 1: 245–257.
  • Kokurcan, A. ve Özsan, H. H. (2012). Travma Kavramının Psikiyatri Tarihindeki Seyri. Kriz Dergisi, 20 (1-3), 19-24.
  • Lerner, M. J. (1980). The belief in a just world: A fundamental delusion. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Lifton, R., J. (1973) Home From the War; Vietnam Veterans: Neither Victims Nor Executioners. New York; Touchstone.
  • Maier, E. (2006). Review of Elbourne’s Situations and Individuals, MIT Press. LinguistList,
  • Myers, D.G. (1978). Polarizing Effect of Social Comparison, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, V:14. Pp:554-563
  • Micale, M. (1989). Hysteria and Its Historiography: A Review of Past and Present Writings, 223-47.
  • Norman, M. (1989). These Good Men: Friendships Forged From War, New York, 139- 141.
  • O’Brien TO (1990) How tol Tell a True War Story, The Things They Carried, Boston, 80-95. American Psychiatric Association. (1952). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-I. Washington, DC. (1. edition)
  • Russell, D. (1984). Sexual Exploitation - Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, and Workplace Harassment, Washington, DC US Dept of Health and Human Services, 245-62.
  • Sarachild, K, (1978), Feminist Revolution, New York: Random House, 143-147.
  • Showalter, E. (1985). Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibility of Feminist Criticism. In P. Parker and G. Hartman (Eds.), Shakespeare and the Question of Theory (pp. 77-94). NY: Routledge.
  • Turnbull, G. (1998). A review of posttraumatic stres disorder. Part 1: historical development and classification, Injury Vol. 29, No.2;87-91
  • Veith, I. (1977). Four Thousand Years of Hysteria, 7-93.
  • Wilson J (1994) The Historical Evolution of PTSD Diagnostic Criteria: From Freud to DSM-IV, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 7, No. 4: 681-698.
  • Yehuda, R ve McFarlane, A.C. (1995). Conflict between current knowledge about posttraumatic stress disorder and its original conceptual basis, Am. J. Psychiatry, 152: 1705-1713.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Yener Özen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Özen, Y. (2019). PSİKOLOJİK TRAVMANIN İNSANLIK KADAR ESKİ TARİHİ. The Journal of Social Science, 3(5), 362-375.