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The Use of' Citation Analysis Detecting the Value of' the Information Resources and the Library Institution in the Process of Information Production and Methodology Problem -1

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 6 - 24, 01.01.2013


As it is seen in the application examples in the literature, citation analysis and bibliometric studies are significant instruments to consider in the discipline and at the evaluation stage of products of the process of information production in general. In addition, to this in the treatment, in other words in the methodological approaches of citation analysis and researches based on bibliometrics, taking into consideration the deficiencies in addition to qualifications, it is necessary to put forward its powerful aspects in full as much as possible and eliminate its weak sides and this subject is still open to new methodological approaches. Literature as far as it can be traced has some certain gaps regarding the process of information production of library institution in terms of metrical studies which support its contributions with concrete data. The gap should be filled with new approaches and methodologies by colleagues engaged in research at the application level and academicians working in the field of our discipline.


  • Al, U., Şahiner, M. ve Tonta, Y. (2006). Arts and humanities literature: Bibliometric characteristics of contributions by Turkish authors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 57(8), 1011-1022.
  • Al, U. ve Tonta, Y. (2004). Atıf analizi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kütüphanecilik Bölümü tezlerinde atıf yapılan kaynaklar. Bilgi Dünyası, 5(1), 19-47.
  • Archambault, E. ve Vignola-Gagne, E. (2004). The use ofbibliometrics in the social sciences and humanities. Science-metrix final report. Prepared for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC). Montreal: Science-Metrix. 10 Şubat 2009 tarihinde Science.pdf
  • Beile P. M., Boole, D. N. ve Killingsworth, E. K. (2004). A microscope or a mirror?: A question of study validity regarding the use of dissertation citation analysis for evaluating research collections. The Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 30(5), 347-353.
  • Brazzeal, B. ve Fowler, R. (2005). Patterns of information use in graduate research in forestry: A citation analysis of master’s theses at Mississippi State University. Science & Technology Libraries, 26(2), 91-106.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1952). An analysis of literature cited in the American Sociological Review. American Sociological Review, 17(3), 355-357.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1987). Early approaches to bibliometrics. Journal ofthe American Societyfor Information Science, 38 (March), 127-129.
  • CHASS - Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. (2005). Measures of quality and impact ofpublicly funded research in the humanities, arts and social sciences. CHASS Occasional Paper 2. Canberra: CHASS.
  • Dilek-Kayaoğlu, H. (1999). Derme oluşturma ve geliştirme: İ. Ü. Merkez Kütüphanesinde bütçe yönetimi, (Nisan 1994 - Kasım 1997). İstanbul: Mavibulut.
  • Dilek-Kayaoğlu, H. (2007). Elektronik dergi kullanımı ile bilim dalı ilişkisi: Betimleyici bir inceleme. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 21(4), 440-458.
  • East, J. W. (2006). Ranking journals in the humanities: An Australian case study. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 37(1), 3-16.
  • Edwards, S. (1999). Citation analysis as a collection development tool: A bibliometric study of polymer science theses and dissertation. Serials Review, 25(1), 11-20.
  • Enger, K. B. (2009). Using citation analysis to develop core book collections in academic libraries. Library & Information Science Research, 31(2), 107-112.
  • Garfield, E. (1972). Citation analysis as a tool in journal evaluation. Science, 178(4060), 471-479.
  • Glanzel, W. (1996). A bibliometric approach to social sciences: National research performance in 6 selected social science areas, 1990-1992. Scientometrics, 35(3), 291-307.
  • Gülgöz, S., Yedekçioğlu, Ö. A. ve Yurtsever, E. (2002). Turkey’s output in social science publications: 1970-1999. Scientometrics, 55(1), 103-121.
  • Gürdal Tamdoğan, O. (2009). Bilgi üretiminde yazın ürünleri ve kütüphaneler: Atıfların tespiti ve analizi yoluyla araştırma (Büyük Ata’ya). Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 23(2), 254-277.
  • Haddow, G. (2008). Quality Australians journals in the humanities and social sciences. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 39(2), 79-91.
  • Heinzkill, R. (2007). References in scholarly English and American literary journals thirty years later: A citation study. College & Research Libraries, 68(2), 141-153.
  • Hicks, D. (1999). The difficulty of achieving full coverage of international social science literature and the bibliometric consequences. Scientometrics, 44(2), 193-215.
  • Hicks D. (2004). The four literatures of social science. Forthcoming in Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research. Ed. Henk Moed. Dordrecht: KluwerAcademic.
  • Hoffmann, K. ve Doucette, L. (2012). A review of citation analysis methodologies for collection management. College & Research Libraries, 73(4), 321-335.
  • Iivonen, M., Nygren, U., Valtari, A. ve Heikkila, T (2009). Library collections contribute to doctoral studies: Citation analysis of dissertations in the field of economics and administration. Library Management, 30(3), 185-203.
  • Ingwersen P. (1997). The international visibility ofDanish and Scandinavian research 1988-1996: A general overview ofscience & technology, the humanities and social sciences by online publication analysis. CIS Report 5.3. Centre for Informetric Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science.
  • Kayongo, J. ve Helm, C. (2012). Relevance of library collections for graduate student research: A citation analysis study of doctoral dissertations at Notre Dame. College & Research Libraries, 73(1), 47-67.
  • Knievel, J. E. ve Kellsey, C. (2005). Citation analysis for collection development: A comparative study of eight humanities fields. Library Quarterly, 75(2), 142-168.
  • Kriz, H. M. (1977). Citation counting and the future of engineering libraries. Engineering Education, 67(April), 707-710.
  • Kuyper-Rushing, L. (1999). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163.
  • McCain, K. W. ve Bobick, J. E. (1981). Patterns of journal use in a departmental library: A citation analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 32(4), 257-267.
  • Nederhof, A. J. ve Zwaan, R. A. (1991). Quality judgments of journals as indicators of research performance in the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences. Journal ofthe American SocietyforInformation Science, 42(5), 332-340.
  • Nederhof, A. J., Zwaan, R. A., De Bruin, R. E. ve Dekker, P. J. (1989). Assessing the usefulness of bibliometric indicators for the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences: A comparative study. Scientometrics, 15(5-6), 423-435.
  • Nisonger, T E. (1992). Collection evaluation in academic libraries: A literature guide and annotated bibliography. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
  • Tonta, Y., ve Al, U. (2006). Scatter and obsolescence of journals cited in theses and dissertations of librarianship. Library & Information Science Research, 28, 281-296.
  • Tonta, Y. ve İlhan, M. (1997). Sosyal bilimlerde Türkiye’nin dünyadaki yeri. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 12(40), 67-75.
  • Tonta, Y. ve Ünal, Y. (2008). Dergi kullanım verilerinin bibliyometrik analizi ve koleksiyon yönetiminde kullanımı. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 22(3), 335-350.
  • Uçak, (Özenç) N. ve Al, U. (2009). Bilimsel iletişimin zamana göre değişimi: Bir atıf analizi çalışması. Bilgi Dünyası, 10(1), 1-22.
  • Uzun, A. (1998). A scientometric profile of social sciences research in Turkey. The International Information & Library Review, 30(3), 159-184.
  • Walcott, R. (1994). Local citation studies: A short cut to local knowledge. Science & Technology Libraries, 14(3), 1-14.
  • Webster, B. M. (1998). Polish sociology citation index as an example of usage of national citation indexes in scientometric analysis of social sciences. Journal ofInformation Science, 24(1), 19-32.
  • White, E. C. (1985). Bibliometrics: From curiosity to convention. Special Libraries, 76 (Winter), 35-36.
  • White, H. D., Boell, S., Yu, H., Davis, M., Wilson, C. S. ve Cole, F T H. (2009). Libcitations: A measure for comparative assessment of book publications in the humanities and social sciences. Journal ofthe American Societyfor Information Science & Technology, 60(6), 1083-1096.
  • Winclawska, B. M. (1996). Polish Sociology Citation Index (Principles for creation and the first results). Scientometrics, 35(3), 387-391.

Bilgi Üretimi Sürecinde Bilgi Kaynakları ve Kütüphane Kurumunun Yarattığı Değeri Saptamak Üzere Atıf Analizinin Kullanımı ve Metodoloji Sorunu - I

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 6 - 24, 01.01.2013


Literatürde yer alan uygulama örneklerinde de görülmektedir ki, atıf analizi ve bibliyometrik araştırmalar, disiplinimizde ve genel anlamda bilgi üretimi sürecinin ürünlerini değerlendirme aşamasında dikkate alınması gereken önemli enstrümanlardır. Bununla birlikte atıf analizi ve bibliyometriye dayalı çalışmaların, ele alınış biçimlerinde, bir başka deyişle metodolojik yaklaşımlarında, yeterlilikleri yanında yetersizlikleri de göz önünde tutularak, mümkün olduğunca güçlü yanlarının eksiksiz biçimde öne çıkarılması, zayıf yanlarının da elemine edilmesi yönünde çaba gösterilmesi gerekmektedir ve konu, hâlâ yeni metodolojik yaklaşımlara açıktır. Literatür, izlenebildiği ölçüde, özellikle kütüphane kurumunun bilgi üretimi sürecinde katkısını somut veriler ile destekleyen metrik çalışmalar açısından kimi boşluklara sahiptir. Boşluğun, yine disiplinimiz alanında çalışan akademisyenler ve uygulama düzeyinde araştırma yapan meslektaşlar tarafından geliştirilecek yeni yaklaşımlar ve metodolojiler ile doldurulması gerekmektedir.


  • Al, U., Şahiner, M. ve Tonta, Y. (2006). Arts and humanities literature: Bibliometric characteristics of contributions by Turkish authors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 57(8), 1011-1022.
  • Al, U. ve Tonta, Y. (2004). Atıf analizi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kütüphanecilik Bölümü tezlerinde atıf yapılan kaynaklar. Bilgi Dünyası, 5(1), 19-47.
  • Archambault, E. ve Vignola-Gagne, E. (2004). The use ofbibliometrics in the social sciences and humanities. Science-metrix final report. Prepared for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC). Montreal: Science-Metrix. 10 Şubat 2009 tarihinde Science.pdf
  • Beile P. M., Boole, D. N. ve Killingsworth, E. K. (2004). A microscope or a mirror?: A question of study validity regarding the use of dissertation citation analysis for evaluating research collections. The Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 30(5), 347-353.
  • Brazzeal, B. ve Fowler, R. (2005). Patterns of information use in graduate research in forestry: A citation analysis of master’s theses at Mississippi State University. Science & Technology Libraries, 26(2), 91-106.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1952). An analysis of literature cited in the American Sociological Review. American Sociological Review, 17(3), 355-357.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1987). Early approaches to bibliometrics. Journal ofthe American Societyfor Information Science, 38 (March), 127-129.
  • CHASS - Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. (2005). Measures of quality and impact ofpublicly funded research in the humanities, arts and social sciences. CHASS Occasional Paper 2. Canberra: CHASS.
  • Dilek-Kayaoğlu, H. (1999). Derme oluşturma ve geliştirme: İ. Ü. Merkez Kütüphanesinde bütçe yönetimi, (Nisan 1994 - Kasım 1997). İstanbul: Mavibulut.
  • Dilek-Kayaoğlu, H. (2007). Elektronik dergi kullanımı ile bilim dalı ilişkisi: Betimleyici bir inceleme. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 21(4), 440-458.
  • East, J. W. (2006). Ranking journals in the humanities: An Australian case study. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 37(1), 3-16.
  • Edwards, S. (1999). Citation analysis as a collection development tool: A bibliometric study of polymer science theses and dissertation. Serials Review, 25(1), 11-20.
  • Enger, K. B. (2009). Using citation analysis to develop core book collections in academic libraries. Library & Information Science Research, 31(2), 107-112.
  • Garfield, E. (1972). Citation analysis as a tool in journal evaluation. Science, 178(4060), 471-479.
  • Glanzel, W. (1996). A bibliometric approach to social sciences: National research performance in 6 selected social science areas, 1990-1992. Scientometrics, 35(3), 291-307.
  • Gülgöz, S., Yedekçioğlu, Ö. A. ve Yurtsever, E. (2002). Turkey’s output in social science publications: 1970-1999. Scientometrics, 55(1), 103-121.
  • Gürdal Tamdoğan, O. (2009). Bilgi üretiminde yazın ürünleri ve kütüphaneler: Atıfların tespiti ve analizi yoluyla araştırma (Büyük Ata’ya). Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 23(2), 254-277.
  • Haddow, G. (2008). Quality Australians journals in the humanities and social sciences. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 39(2), 79-91.
  • Heinzkill, R. (2007). References in scholarly English and American literary journals thirty years later: A citation study. College & Research Libraries, 68(2), 141-153.
  • Hicks, D. (1999). The difficulty of achieving full coverage of international social science literature and the bibliometric consequences. Scientometrics, 44(2), 193-215.
  • Hicks D. (2004). The four literatures of social science. Forthcoming in Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research. Ed. Henk Moed. Dordrecht: KluwerAcademic.
  • Hoffmann, K. ve Doucette, L. (2012). A review of citation analysis methodologies for collection management. College & Research Libraries, 73(4), 321-335.
  • Iivonen, M., Nygren, U., Valtari, A. ve Heikkila, T (2009). Library collections contribute to doctoral studies: Citation analysis of dissertations in the field of economics and administration. Library Management, 30(3), 185-203.
  • Ingwersen P. (1997). The international visibility ofDanish and Scandinavian research 1988-1996: A general overview ofscience & technology, the humanities and social sciences by online publication analysis. CIS Report 5.3. Centre for Informetric Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science.
  • Kayongo, J. ve Helm, C. (2012). Relevance of library collections for graduate student research: A citation analysis study of doctoral dissertations at Notre Dame. College & Research Libraries, 73(1), 47-67.
  • Knievel, J. E. ve Kellsey, C. (2005). Citation analysis for collection development: A comparative study of eight humanities fields. Library Quarterly, 75(2), 142-168.
  • Kriz, H. M. (1977). Citation counting and the future of engineering libraries. Engineering Education, 67(April), 707-710.
  • Kuyper-Rushing, L. (1999). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163.
  • McCain, K. W. ve Bobick, J. E. (1981). Patterns of journal use in a departmental library: A citation analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 32(4), 257-267.
  • Nederhof, A. J. ve Zwaan, R. A. (1991). Quality judgments of journals as indicators of research performance in the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences. Journal ofthe American SocietyforInformation Science, 42(5), 332-340.
  • Nederhof, A. J., Zwaan, R. A., De Bruin, R. E. ve Dekker, P. J. (1989). Assessing the usefulness of bibliometric indicators for the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences: A comparative study. Scientometrics, 15(5-6), 423-435.
  • Nisonger, T E. (1992). Collection evaluation in academic libraries: A literature guide and annotated bibliography. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
  • Tonta, Y., ve Al, U. (2006). Scatter and obsolescence of journals cited in theses and dissertations of librarianship. Library & Information Science Research, 28, 281-296.
  • Tonta, Y. ve İlhan, M. (1997). Sosyal bilimlerde Türkiye’nin dünyadaki yeri. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 12(40), 67-75.
  • Tonta, Y. ve Ünal, Y. (2008). Dergi kullanım verilerinin bibliyometrik analizi ve koleksiyon yönetiminde kullanımı. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 22(3), 335-350.
  • Uçak, (Özenç) N. ve Al, U. (2009). Bilimsel iletişimin zamana göre değişimi: Bir atıf analizi çalışması. Bilgi Dünyası, 10(1), 1-22.
  • Uzun, A. (1998). A scientometric profile of social sciences research in Turkey. The International Information & Library Review, 30(3), 159-184.
  • Walcott, R. (1994). Local citation studies: A short cut to local knowledge. Science & Technology Libraries, 14(3), 1-14.
  • Webster, B. M. (1998). Polish sociology citation index as an example of usage of national citation indexes in scientometric analysis of social sciences. Journal ofInformation Science, 24(1), 19-32.
  • White, E. C. (1985). Bibliometrics: From curiosity to convention. Special Libraries, 76 (Winter), 35-36.
  • White, H. D., Boell, S., Yu, H., Davis, M., Wilson, C. S. ve Cole, F T H. (2009). Libcitations: A measure for comparative assessment of book publications in the humanities and social sciences. Journal ofthe American Societyfor Information Science & Technology, 60(6), 1083-1096.
  • Winclawska, B. M. (1996). Polish Sociology Citation Index (Principles for creation and the first results). Scientometrics, 35(3), 387-391.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Oya Gürdal Tamdoğan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürdal Tamdoğan, O. (2013). Bilgi Üretimi Sürecinde Bilgi Kaynakları ve Kütüphane Kurumunun Yarattığı Değeri Saptamak Üzere Atıf Analizinin Kullanımı ve Metodoloji Sorunu - I. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 27(1), 6-24.

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