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The Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP and an Application: The Selection of a Library Director as a Leader

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 206 - 234, 01.04.2010


The librarians have to take various decisions to deal with the problems met in library and information centers. Before having made the decisions, the librarians should firstly define the problem with all details. If the librarians have clear information about the relevant problem, they can easily define and solve it. But the problems met by librarians in library and information centers sometimes may have a complex and an unclear structure. The librarians need a powerful method to deal with such a problem having a complex and an unclear structure. This method may be Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP . The main purpose of this study is to explain how to use the AHP. Furthermore, in this study it is also explained how to select a library director as a leader.


  • Aguaron, J. ve Moreno-Jimenez, J. (2000). Local Stability intervals in the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 125, 113-132.
  • Aguilar-Lasserre, A. Bautista Bautista, M., Ponsich, A. ve Gonzalez Huerta, M. (2009). An AHP-based decision-making tool for the solution of multiproduct batch plant design problem under imprecise demand. Computers and Operations Research, 36 ( 3), 711-736.
  • An, S-H., Kimb, G-H ve Kang, K-I., (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building and Environment, 42, 2573-2579.
  • Asonitis, Kostagiolas, P. (2010). An analytic hierarchy approach for intellectual capital: Evidence for the Greek central public libraries. Library Management, 31 (3), 145-161.
  • Barker, R. (2001). The nature of leadership. Human Relations, 54 (4), 469-494.
  • Basak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141, 200-216.
  • Berrittella, M., Franca, L. ve Zito, P., (2009). An analytic hierarchy process for ranking operating costs of low cost and full service airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management, 15, 249-255.
  • Bodin, L. (2003). On teaching the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Operations Research, 30, 1487-1497.
  • Bolloju, N. (2001). Aggregation of analytic hierarchy process models based on similarities in decision makers' preferences. European of Operational Research, 128, 499-508.
  • Braunschweig, T. ve Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: An application to international agriculture.
  • R&D Management, 34 (1), 77-86.
  • Cao, D., Leung, L. ve Law, J., (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44, 944-953.
  • Chandran, B., Golden, B. ve Wasil, E. (2005). Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research 32 (9), 2235-2254.
  • Chang, T.-H. ve Wang, T.-C. (2009). Measuring the success possibility of implementing advanced manufacturing technology by utilizing the consistent fuzzy preference relations. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (3), 4313-4320.
  • Chatzimouratidis, A. ve Pilavachi, P. (2007). Objective and subjective evaluation of power plants and their non-radioactive emissions using the analytic hierarchy process. Energy Policy, 35, 4027-4038.
  • Chena, M. ve Wang, S.-C. (2010). The critical factors of success for information market: Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 37 (1), 694-704.
  • Chou, Y. ve Hsu, Y-Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology in Society, 30, 141-153.
  • Condon, E., Golden, B. ve Wasil,E. (2003). Visualizing group decisions in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Operations Research, 30 (10), 1435-1445.
  • Cooksey, Steven. (2009). An asset management assessment model for state departments of transportation. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Oklahoma Eyalet Üniversitesi, Oklahoma.
  • Cox, M. (2007). Examining alternatives in the interval analytic hierarchy process using complete enumeration. European Journal of Operational Research, 180, 957-962.
  • De Water ve De Vris. (2006). Choosing a quality improvement project using the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 23 (4), 409-425.
  • Donegan, H., Dodd ve McMaster. (1992). A new approach to AHP decision making. The Statistician, 41, 295-302.
  • Fang Jin, F., Liu, P. ve Zhang, X. (2007). The Evaluation study of knowledge management performance based on grey -AHP method. Proceedings of the Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 3, 444-449 .
  • Garcia-Cascales, Lamata, M: (2009). Selection of a cleaning system for engine maintenance based on the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1442-1451.
  • Garfı, M., Tondelli, S. ve Bonoli, A. (2009). Multi-criteria decision analysis for waste management in Saharawi refugee camps. Waste Management, 29 (10), 2729-2739.
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N. ve Zhang, Y. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences ofa firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 34 (12), 3592-3608.
  • Hajeeh, M. ve Al-Otman, A., (2005). Application ofthe analytical hierarchy process in the selection ofdesalination plants. Desalination, 174, 97-108.
  • Hernon, P., Powell, R. ve Young, A., (2003). The next library leadership: Attributes of academic and public library directors. Westport: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Hsieh, L.-F., Chin, J.-B. ve Wu, M.-C. (2006). Performance evaluation for university electronic libraries in Taiwan, The Electronic Library, 24 (2), 212-224.
  • Huang, H. (2009). Designing a knowledge-based system for strategic planning: A balanced scorecard perspective, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (1), 209-218.
  • Hurley, W. (2001). The analytic hierarchy process: A note on an approach to sensitivity which preserves rank order. Computers & Operations Research, 28, 185-188.
  • Jian-Zhong, X., Li-Jing, W. ve Jun, L. (2008). A study of AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. ICMSE 2008, 15th Annual Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 219-224.
  • Kang, Shao ve Jinyun, Li. (2009). Assessment model ofcoal enterprise's informationization level based on analytic hierarchyprocess. Proceedings on the 2009 IEEE, International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA '09, 430-434.
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G. ve Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment ofscenarios on thermal processing ofinfectious hospital wastes: A case study for Central Macedonia. Waste Management 30, 251­ 262.
  • Kodali, R. ve Chandra, S. (2001). Analytical hierarchy process for justification oftotal productive maintenance. Production Planning & Control, 12 (7), 695-705.
  • Lee, D. ve Hwang, J., (2010). Decision support for selecting exportable nuclear technology using the analytic hierarchy process: A Korean case. Energy Policy, 38, 161-167.
  • Li, J., Zhang, L. ve Shi, Y., (2008). Research on evaluation model of organizational knowledge assets. Journal ofInformation & Knowledge Management, 7 (1), 47-54.
  • Li-Mei, Z., Xue-Feng, Z. ve Liorg-Chen, W., (2009). Improvement ofanalytic hierarchyprocess on the comparison Judgement matrix. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009, 5998-6003.
  • Lin, C-C, Wang, W-C. ve Yu, W-D., (2008). Improving AHP for construction with an adaptive AHP approach (A3). Automation in Construction, 17, 180-187.
  • Lin, R., Lin, J., Chang, J., Chao, H. ve Julian, P., (2008). Note on group consistency in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal ofOperational Research, 190, 672­ 678.
  • Lamata, M., (2006). An alternative solution to the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal ofIntelligent Systems, 21, 425-441.
  • Mason, Florence ve Wetherbee, L., (2004). Learning to lead: An analysis of current training programs for library leadership. Library Trends, 53 (1), 187-217.
  • Melo, Luiza ve Sampaio, M. (2006). Quality measuresfor academic libraries and information services: Two implementation initiatives-mixed-model CAF-BSC-AHP and PAQ-SIBI-USP. 77-83. 14 Şubat 2010 tarihinde pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Nawe, Julita. (2001). Leadership challenges in higher education libraries in East Africa. Information Development, 17 (1), 29-34.
  • Nolberto, M. (2004). Multicriteria environmental assessment:A practical guide. The Netherlands: Kluver Academic Publishers.
  • Olson, C. ve Singer, P., (2004). Winningwith library leadership: enhancing services with connection, contribution and collaboration. Chicago: ALA.
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A. ve Mendoza, G. (2008). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and life-cycle assessment. Journal ofIndustrial Ecology, 6 (1), 15 - 28.
  • Raharjo, H., Xie, M. ve Brombacher, A., (2009). On modeling dynamic priorities in the analytic hierarchy process using composition data analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 194, 834-839.
  • Ramadhan, R., Al-Abdul Vahhab, H. ve Duffuaa, S. (1999). The use of an analytical hierarchy process in pavement maintenance priority ranking. Journal ofQuality in Maintenance Engineering, 5 (1), 25-39.
  • Reng, X. ve Dai, F., (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHPfuzzy algorithm. International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, 1-3.
  • Riggs, Donald, (2001). The crisis and opportunities in library leadership. Mark Winston (Yay.Haz). Leadership in the library and information science andprofessions: theory andpractice içinde (ss. 5-17). Binghamton: Haworth Information Press.
  • Saaty, Thomas. (2001). Decision makingfor leaders. Pittsburg: University ofPittsburg.
  • Saaty, Thomas. (2005). Multiple criteria decision analysis state ofthe art surveys. Figueira, J., Greco, S. ve Ehrogott, M. (Yay. Haz.) The analytic hierarchy and analytic networkprocessesfor the measurement ofintangible criteria andfor decision-making içinde (ss. 345-407). New York: Springer.
  • Satapathya, B., Majumdar, A. ve Tomar, B. (2010). Optimal design offlyash filled composite friction materials using combined analytical hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solutions approach. Materials & Design, 31 (4), 1937-1944.
  • Sato, Y. (2007). Administrative evaluation and public sector reform: An analytic hierarchy process approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 14, 445-453.
  • Schoenherr, T., Tummala, V. ve Harrison, T.,(2008). Assessing supply chain risks with the analytic hierarchy process: Providing decision support for the offshoring decision by a US manufacturing Company. Journal ofPurchasing & Supply Management, 14, 100-111.
  • Sharma, M., Moon, I. ve Bae, H., (2008). Analytic hierarchy process to assess and optimize distribution network. AppliedMathematics andComputation, 202, 256­ 265.
  • Sharma, Vishal. (2010). Asset levels ofservices-based decision supportsystemfor municipal infrastructure investment. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Alberta Üniversitesi, Alberta.
  • Shen, Y.-C., Chang, S.-H., Lin, G. ve Yu, H.-C., (2010). A hybrid selection model for emerging technology. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 77, 151-166.
  • Spies, P., (2000). Libraries, leadership and the future. Library Management, 21 (3), 123-127.
  • Srdjevic, Boran. (2005). Combining different prioritization methods in the analytic hierarchy process synthesis. Computers & Operations Research, 32, 1897-1919.
  • Stain, W. ve Mizzi, P. (2007). The harmonic consistency index for the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal ofOperational Research, 177, 488-497.
  • Wang, H., Che, Z. ve Wu, C. (2010). Using analytic hierarchy process and particle swarm optimization algorithm for evaluating product plans. Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 1023-1034.
  • Wang, Y., Liu, J. ve Elhag, T., (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54, 513-525.
  • Ye, Jun, Ma, Xin-Sheng ve Yang, Li. (2008). Design and realization ofAHP toolbox in MATLAB. Granular Computing, 2008, GrC 2008, IEEE International Conference 26-28 Aug. 2008.
  • Young, A., Powel, R. ve Hernon, P., (2003). Attributesfor the next generation oflibrary directors, ACRL Eleventh National Conference, April 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Young, A., Hernon, P. ve Powel, R., (2006). Attributes of academic library leadership: An exploratory study ofsome Gen-Xers. The Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 32 (5), 489-502.
  • Yuen, Kevin. (2009). Analytic hierarchy prioritization process en the AHP application development: A prioritization operator selection approach. Applied Soft Computing, 15 Şubat 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Zammori, Francesco. (2009). The analytic hierarchy and network processes: Applications to the US presidential election and to the market share of ski equipment in Italy. Applied Soft Computing, 14 Şubat 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Zeng, G., Jianga, R., Huanga, G, Xua, M. ve Lia, J., (2007). Optimization ofwaste water treatment alternative selection by hierarchy grey relational analysis. Journal ofEnvironmental Management, 82, 250-259.
  • Zhang, S., Hu, F., Wang, S., Liu, Q. ve Hu, Q. (2009). Application ofAHP to tobacco enterprise performance appraisal. 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2009) : 2504-2507.
  • Zhou, Y.-D. ve Shi, M.-L., (2009). Rail transit Project risk evaluation based on AHP model. Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science, :236-238.

Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci AHS ve Bir Uygulama: Lider bir Kütüphane Müdürü Seçimi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 206 - 234, 01.04.2010


Kütüphane ve bilgi merkezlerinde karşılaşılan problemlerin üstesinden gelmek için kütüphaneciler, çeşitli kararlar almak zorundadır. Karar vermek için kütüphanecilerin öncelikle problemi tanımlaması gerekir. Kütüphanecilerin problemle ilgili net verilere sahip olmaları söz konusu problemin tanımlanmasını ve çözümünü kolaylaştırır. Fakat kütüphanecilerin kütüphane ve bilgi merkezlerinde karşılaştıkları sorunlara ilişkin veriler bazen karmaşık ve belirsiz bir yapıda olabilir. Kütüphanecilerin karmaşık ve belirsiz bir yapıya sahip bu tür problemlerin üstesinden gelmeleri için güçlü bir yöntemden yararlanması gerekir. Bu yöntem, Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci AHS olabilir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, AHS yönteminden nasıl yararlanılacağını açıklamaktır. Araştırmamızda ayrıca AHS yöntemiyle lider bir kütüphane müdürünün nasıl seçileceği de açıklanmıştır.


  • Aguaron, J. ve Moreno-Jimenez, J. (2000). Local Stability intervals in the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 125, 113-132.
  • Aguilar-Lasserre, A. Bautista Bautista, M., Ponsich, A. ve Gonzalez Huerta, M. (2009). An AHP-based decision-making tool for the solution of multiproduct batch plant design problem under imprecise demand. Computers and Operations Research, 36 ( 3), 711-736.
  • An, S-H., Kimb, G-H ve Kang, K-I., (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building and Environment, 42, 2573-2579.
  • Asonitis, Kostagiolas, P. (2010). An analytic hierarchy approach for intellectual capital: Evidence for the Greek central public libraries. Library Management, 31 (3), 145-161.
  • Barker, R. (2001). The nature of leadership. Human Relations, 54 (4), 469-494.
  • Basak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141, 200-216.
  • Berrittella, M., Franca, L. ve Zito, P., (2009). An analytic hierarchy process for ranking operating costs of low cost and full service airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management, 15, 249-255.
  • Bodin, L. (2003). On teaching the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Operations Research, 30, 1487-1497.
  • Bolloju, N. (2001). Aggregation of analytic hierarchy process models based on similarities in decision makers' preferences. European of Operational Research, 128, 499-508.
  • Braunschweig, T. ve Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: An application to international agriculture.
  • R&D Management, 34 (1), 77-86.
  • Cao, D., Leung, L. ve Law, J., (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44, 944-953.
  • Chandran, B., Golden, B. ve Wasil, E. (2005). Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research 32 (9), 2235-2254.
  • Chang, T.-H. ve Wang, T.-C. (2009). Measuring the success possibility of implementing advanced manufacturing technology by utilizing the consistent fuzzy preference relations. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (3), 4313-4320.
  • Chatzimouratidis, A. ve Pilavachi, P. (2007). Objective and subjective evaluation of power plants and their non-radioactive emissions using the analytic hierarchy process. Energy Policy, 35, 4027-4038.
  • Chena, M. ve Wang, S.-C. (2010). The critical factors of success for information market: Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 37 (1), 694-704.
  • Chou, Y. ve Hsu, Y-Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology in Society, 30, 141-153.
  • Condon, E., Golden, B. ve Wasil,E. (2003). Visualizing group decisions in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Operations Research, 30 (10), 1435-1445.
  • Cooksey, Steven. (2009). An asset management assessment model for state departments of transportation. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Oklahoma Eyalet Üniversitesi, Oklahoma.
  • Cox, M. (2007). Examining alternatives in the interval analytic hierarchy process using complete enumeration. European Journal of Operational Research, 180, 957-962.
  • De Water ve De Vris. (2006). Choosing a quality improvement project using the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 23 (4), 409-425.
  • Donegan, H., Dodd ve McMaster. (1992). A new approach to AHP decision making. The Statistician, 41, 295-302.
  • Fang Jin, F., Liu, P. ve Zhang, X. (2007). The Evaluation study of knowledge management performance based on grey -AHP method. Proceedings of the Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 3, 444-449 .
  • Garcia-Cascales, Lamata, M: (2009). Selection of a cleaning system for engine maintenance based on the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1442-1451.
  • Garfı, M., Tondelli, S. ve Bonoli, A. (2009). Multi-criteria decision analysis for waste management in Saharawi refugee camps. Waste Management, 29 (10), 2729-2739.
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N. ve Zhang, Y. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences ofa firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 34 (12), 3592-3608.
  • Hajeeh, M. ve Al-Otman, A., (2005). Application ofthe analytical hierarchy process in the selection ofdesalination plants. Desalination, 174, 97-108.
  • Hernon, P., Powell, R. ve Young, A., (2003). The next library leadership: Attributes of academic and public library directors. Westport: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Hsieh, L.-F., Chin, J.-B. ve Wu, M.-C. (2006). Performance evaluation for university electronic libraries in Taiwan, The Electronic Library, 24 (2), 212-224.
  • Huang, H. (2009). Designing a knowledge-based system for strategic planning: A balanced scorecard perspective, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (1), 209-218.
  • Hurley, W. (2001). The analytic hierarchy process: A note on an approach to sensitivity which preserves rank order. Computers & Operations Research, 28, 185-188.
  • Jian-Zhong, X., Li-Jing, W. ve Jun, L. (2008). A study of AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. ICMSE 2008, 15th Annual Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 219-224.
  • Kang, Shao ve Jinyun, Li. (2009). Assessment model ofcoal enterprise's informationization level based on analytic hierarchyprocess. Proceedings on the 2009 IEEE, International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA '09, 430-434.
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G. ve Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment ofscenarios on thermal processing ofinfectious hospital wastes: A case study for Central Macedonia. Waste Management 30, 251­ 262.
  • Kodali, R. ve Chandra, S. (2001). Analytical hierarchy process for justification oftotal productive maintenance. Production Planning & Control, 12 (7), 695-705.
  • Lee, D. ve Hwang, J., (2010). Decision support for selecting exportable nuclear technology using the analytic hierarchy process: A Korean case. Energy Policy, 38, 161-167.
  • Li, J., Zhang, L. ve Shi, Y., (2008). Research on evaluation model of organizational knowledge assets. Journal ofInformation & Knowledge Management, 7 (1), 47-54.
  • Li-Mei, Z., Xue-Feng, Z. ve Liorg-Chen, W., (2009). Improvement ofanalytic hierarchyprocess on the comparison Judgement matrix. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009, 5998-6003.
  • Lin, C-C, Wang, W-C. ve Yu, W-D., (2008). Improving AHP for construction with an adaptive AHP approach (A3). Automation in Construction, 17, 180-187.
  • Lin, R., Lin, J., Chang, J., Chao, H. ve Julian, P., (2008). Note on group consistency in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal ofOperational Research, 190, 672­ 678.
  • Lamata, M., (2006). An alternative solution to the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal ofIntelligent Systems, 21, 425-441.
  • Mason, Florence ve Wetherbee, L., (2004). Learning to lead: An analysis of current training programs for library leadership. Library Trends, 53 (1), 187-217.
  • Melo, Luiza ve Sampaio, M. (2006). Quality measuresfor academic libraries and information services: Two implementation initiatives-mixed-model CAF-BSC-AHP and PAQ-SIBI-USP. 77-83. 14 Şubat 2010 tarihinde pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Nawe, Julita. (2001). Leadership challenges in higher education libraries in East Africa. Information Development, 17 (1), 29-34.
  • Nolberto, M. (2004). Multicriteria environmental assessment:A practical guide. The Netherlands: Kluver Academic Publishers.
  • Olson, C. ve Singer, P., (2004). Winningwith library leadership: enhancing services with connection, contribution and collaboration. Chicago: ALA.
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A. ve Mendoza, G. (2008). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and life-cycle assessment. Journal ofIndustrial Ecology, 6 (1), 15 - 28.
  • Raharjo, H., Xie, M. ve Brombacher, A., (2009). On modeling dynamic priorities in the analytic hierarchy process using composition data analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 194, 834-839.
  • Ramadhan, R., Al-Abdul Vahhab, H. ve Duffuaa, S. (1999). The use of an analytical hierarchy process in pavement maintenance priority ranking. Journal ofQuality in Maintenance Engineering, 5 (1), 25-39.
  • Reng, X. ve Dai, F., (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHPfuzzy algorithm. International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, 1-3.
  • Riggs, Donald, (2001). The crisis and opportunities in library leadership. Mark Winston (Yay.Haz). Leadership in the library and information science andprofessions: theory andpractice içinde (ss. 5-17). Binghamton: Haworth Information Press.
  • Saaty, Thomas. (2001). Decision makingfor leaders. Pittsburg: University ofPittsburg.
  • Saaty, Thomas. (2005). Multiple criteria decision analysis state ofthe art surveys. Figueira, J., Greco, S. ve Ehrogott, M. (Yay. Haz.) The analytic hierarchy and analytic networkprocessesfor the measurement ofintangible criteria andfor decision-making içinde (ss. 345-407). New York: Springer.
  • Satapathya, B., Majumdar, A. ve Tomar, B. (2010). Optimal design offlyash filled composite friction materials using combined analytical hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solutions approach. Materials & Design, 31 (4), 1937-1944.
  • Sato, Y. (2007). Administrative evaluation and public sector reform: An analytic hierarchy process approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 14, 445-453.
  • Schoenherr, T., Tummala, V. ve Harrison, T.,(2008). Assessing supply chain risks with the analytic hierarchy process: Providing decision support for the offshoring decision by a US manufacturing Company. Journal ofPurchasing & Supply Management, 14, 100-111.
  • Sharma, M., Moon, I. ve Bae, H., (2008). Analytic hierarchy process to assess and optimize distribution network. AppliedMathematics andComputation, 202, 256­ 265.
  • Sharma, Vishal. (2010). Asset levels ofservices-based decision supportsystemfor municipal infrastructure investment. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Alberta Üniversitesi, Alberta.
  • Shen, Y.-C., Chang, S.-H., Lin, G. ve Yu, H.-C., (2010). A hybrid selection model for emerging technology. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 77, 151-166.
  • Spies, P., (2000). Libraries, leadership and the future. Library Management, 21 (3), 123-127.
  • Srdjevic, Boran. (2005). Combining different prioritization methods in the analytic hierarchy process synthesis. Computers & Operations Research, 32, 1897-1919.
  • Stain, W. ve Mizzi, P. (2007). The harmonic consistency index for the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal ofOperational Research, 177, 488-497.
  • Wang, H., Che, Z. ve Wu, C. (2010). Using analytic hierarchy process and particle swarm optimization algorithm for evaluating product plans. Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 1023-1034.
  • Wang, Y., Liu, J. ve Elhag, T., (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54, 513-525.
  • Ye, Jun, Ma, Xin-Sheng ve Yang, Li. (2008). Design and realization ofAHP toolbox in MATLAB. Granular Computing, 2008, GrC 2008, IEEE International Conference 26-28 Aug. 2008.
  • Young, A., Powel, R. ve Hernon, P., (2003). Attributesfor the next generation oflibrary directors, ACRL Eleventh National Conference, April 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Young, A., Hernon, P. ve Powel, R., (2006). Attributes of academic library leadership: An exploratory study ofsome Gen-Xers. The Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 32 (5), 489-502.
  • Yuen, Kevin. (2009). Analytic hierarchy prioritization process en the AHP application development: A prioritization operator selection approach. Applied Soft Computing, 15 Şubat 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Zammori, Francesco. (2009). The analytic hierarchy and network processes: Applications to the US presidential election and to the market share of ski equipment in Italy. Applied Soft Computing, 14 Şubat 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Zeng, G., Jianga, R., Huanga, G, Xua, M. ve Lia, J., (2007). Optimization ofwaste water treatment alternative selection by hierarchy grey relational analysis. Journal ofEnvironmental Management, 82, 250-259.
  • Zhang, S., Hu, F., Wang, S., Liu, Q. ve Hu, Q. (2009). Application ofAHP to tobacco enterprise performance appraisal. 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2009) : 2504-2507.
  • Zhou, Y.-D. ve Shi, M.-L., (2009). Rail transit Project risk evaluation based on AHP model. Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science, :236-238.
Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Murat Yılmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, M. (2010). Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci AHS ve Bir Uygulama: Lider bir Kütüphane Müdürü Seçimi. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 24(2), 206-234.

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