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Lecco’da Yirmi Beş Tokatlı Türk Alevi ve “Alevi Bektaşi İtalya”nın Kurulması

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 96, 145 - 162, 17.12.2020


Bu makale, Alevi Bektaşi İtalya’nın -ilk İtalyan Alevi derneği- kurulmasının ardındaki mantığa ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, kuzey İtalya’nın Lecco kentinde çoğunlukla 2018 ve 2019 yıllarında yapılan saha çalışmasına, mülakatlara ve katılımcı gözlemlerine dayanmaktadır. Ancak saha çalışması gezileri 2016 yılına kadar uzanmaktadır. Dernek, ağırlıklı olarak Türkiye’nin Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde yer alan Tokat’ın kırsal kesiminden gelen Aleviler tarafından kurulmuştur. Bu çalışma, İtalya’da bugüne kadar yapılmış bu tarz ilk araştırmanın sonucunu bildirmekte ve Alevi Bektaşi İtalya Derneği’nin eski başkanları da dâhil olmak üzere bir dizi kaynak kişiden toplanan verilere ve hepsinden önemlisi derneğin kurucularından biri olan, çok önemli bir kaynak kişinin yaşam öyküsüne dayanmaktadır. Makale, aşağıdaki şu noktaları açıklamak için yapılandırılmıştır: Türkiye’den İtalya’ya seksenlerin sonlarında ilk göç dalgalarının yörüngeleri, 2006 yılında İtalya’da bir Alevi kültür derneği kurmak için Tokatlı Alevilere ilham veren etkiler, kültür merkezinin faaliyetleri ve son olarak da kültür merkezi ve üyelerinin İtalya ve ötesindeki son siyasi değişikliklere tepki verme biçimleri.


  • Amelina A. and Faist T. (2008). “Turkish Migrant Associations in Germany: Between Integration Pressure and Transnational Linkages”. Revue européenne des migrations internationals 24, 91-120.
  • Atac et al. (2014). “Turkish migrants and their descendants in Austria Patterns of exclusion and individual and political responses”. Migration Letters 1, 263- 274.
  • Bellér-Hann, I. and Hann, C. (2001). Turkish region: state, market and social identities on the East Black Sea coast. Oxford: James Currey.
  • ——. (2015). The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey: Urban Poverty, Grassroots Activism and Islamic Fundamentalism. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Delibas, K. (2016). “Negotiating and Maintaining Identity in the Urban Jungle. Alevi Organizations and Alevi Identity in Izmir”, in Mollica M. (ed), Fundamentalism. Ethnographies on Minorities, Discrimination and Transnationalism. Munster: LIT Munster
  • Drake, R., (1995). The Aldo Moro Murder Case. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Erdal G. et al, (2007). “Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat province of Turkey”. Energy 32,35-41.
  • Esegun K. et al. (2007). “An economic analysis and energy use in stake-tomato production in Tokat province of Turkey”, Renewable Energy 32,1873-1881.
  • Giaffreda, G., (2007). (ed.), I beati martiri di Otranto. Galatina: Edizioni del Grifo.
  • Gürcan, E.F. and Berk, M. (2017). Neoliberalism and the Changing Face of Unionism: The Combined and Uneven Development of Class Capacities in Turkey. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Houben, H., (2008). ‘La conquista turca di Otranto (1480) tra storia e mito’, in Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio Otranto-Muro Leccese. Galatina: Congedo.
  • Kizilaslan H. (2009). “Input–output energy analysis of cherries production in Tokat Province of Turkey”. Applied Energy 86, 1354-1358.
  • Linde, C. (1993). Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lievens, J. (1999). “Family-Forming Migration from Turkey and Morocco to Belgium: The Demand for Marriage Partners from the Countries of Origin”. International Migration Review 33(3), 717-744.
  • Mollica, M. (2012). ‘The Alevi Cultural Centre in Horn-St Gallen, Switzerland: An Exploratory Study’, in II. Uluslararasi Tarihten Bugüne. Alevilik Sempozyumu. A, Erdemir et al. (eds.), 133-150. Ankara: Cem Vakfi.
  • Morleo, A., (2017). Doccia gelata su Lecco: Valmadrera verso il multisala (https://
  • Motta, G., ed, (2000). I turchi, il Mediterraneo e l’Europa. Milan: Franco Angeli.
  • Moussa, M. (1987). Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • Muti, G., (2015). Il lago di Como. Turismo, territorio, immagine. Milan: Unicopli.
  • Öniş, Z. and Şenses, F. eds., (2009). Turkey and the Global Economy: Neoliberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era. London: Routledge.
  • Peron, E., (2017). Storia di Como dalle origini ai nostri giorni, Bibl. dell’Immagine: Pordenone
  • Regulation European Union Council 539/2001.
  • Rostagno, C., (2005). Lecco contemporanea 1900-1960. Lecco: Cesarani.
  • Rosenwald, G. and Ochberd, R. (1992). Storied Lives: The Cultural Politics of Self- Understanding. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Sökefeld M. (2002). “Alevi Dedes in the German Diaspora: The Transformation of a Religious Institution”, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 127(2), 163-186.
  • ——. (2003). “Alevis in Germany and the Politics of Recognition”, New Perspectives on Turkey 29, 133-161.
  • ——. (2004). “Religion or culture? Concepts of identity in the Alevi diaspora”, in Waltraud Kokot, Khachig Tölölyan and Carolin Alfonso (eds.) Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research. 133-155 London: Routledge.
  • ——. (2008). Struggling for Recognition: The Alevi Movement in Germany and in Transnational Space. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Sella D. (2014). Italy in the Seventeenth Century. London: Routledge.
  • Visintainer, E., (2011). La Presenza Turca Dimenticata In Italia: i Turchi Di Moena. Ankara: Orsam.
  • Yalman, G. (2009). Transition to Neoliberalism: The Case of Turkey in the 1980s. Istanbul: Bilgi University Press.


Yıl 2020, Sayı: 96, 145 - 162, 17.12.2020


This paper aims to shed light on the rationale behind the creation of the first Italian Alawi association, the Alawite Bektashi Italia. It is based on fieldwork, interviews and participant observations conducted in the northern Italian city of Lecco mostly in 2018 and 2019. However, fieldwork trips date back to 2016. The association is mainly formed by Alawis coming from the rural areas of the Turkish Middle Black Sea Region of Tokat. The paper reports the outcome of the first research of this kind ever conducted in Italy and relies on data gathered from a number of informants, including former presidents of the Alawite Bektashi Italia Association, and, above all, upon the life-story of a key informant, one of the founders of the association. The article is structured in order to describe the following points: the trajectories of the first migration waves, in the late Eighties, from Turkey to Italy; the influences that inspired Alawis from Tokat to form an Alawi cultural association in Italy in 2006; the activities of the cultural centre; and, finally, the way the cultural centre and their members are responding to recent political changes in Italy and beyond.


  • Amelina A. and Faist T. (2008). “Turkish Migrant Associations in Germany: Between Integration Pressure and Transnational Linkages”. Revue européenne des migrations internationals 24, 91-120.
  • Atac et al. (2014). “Turkish migrants and their descendants in Austria Patterns of exclusion and individual and political responses”. Migration Letters 1, 263- 274.
  • Bellér-Hann, I. and Hann, C. (2001). Turkish region: state, market and social identities on the East Black Sea coast. Oxford: James Currey.
  • ——. (2015). The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey: Urban Poverty, Grassroots Activism and Islamic Fundamentalism. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Delibas, K. (2016). “Negotiating and Maintaining Identity in the Urban Jungle. Alevi Organizations and Alevi Identity in Izmir”, in Mollica M. (ed), Fundamentalism. Ethnographies on Minorities, Discrimination and Transnationalism. Munster: LIT Munster
  • Drake, R., (1995). The Aldo Moro Murder Case. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Erdal G. et al, (2007). “Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat province of Turkey”. Energy 32,35-41.
  • Esegun K. et al. (2007). “An economic analysis and energy use in stake-tomato production in Tokat province of Turkey”, Renewable Energy 32,1873-1881.
  • Giaffreda, G., (2007). (ed.), I beati martiri di Otranto. Galatina: Edizioni del Grifo.
  • Gürcan, E.F. and Berk, M. (2017). Neoliberalism and the Changing Face of Unionism: The Combined and Uneven Development of Class Capacities in Turkey. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Houben, H., (2008). ‘La conquista turca di Otranto (1480) tra storia e mito’, in Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio Otranto-Muro Leccese. Galatina: Congedo.
  • Kizilaslan H. (2009). “Input–output energy analysis of cherries production in Tokat Province of Turkey”. Applied Energy 86, 1354-1358.
  • Linde, C. (1993). Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lievens, J. (1999). “Family-Forming Migration from Turkey and Morocco to Belgium: The Demand for Marriage Partners from the Countries of Origin”. International Migration Review 33(3), 717-744.
  • Mollica, M. (2012). ‘The Alevi Cultural Centre in Horn-St Gallen, Switzerland: An Exploratory Study’, in II. Uluslararasi Tarihten Bugüne. Alevilik Sempozyumu. A, Erdemir et al. (eds.), 133-150. Ankara: Cem Vakfi.
  • Morleo, A., (2017). Doccia gelata su Lecco: Valmadrera verso il multisala (https://
  • Motta, G., ed, (2000). I turchi, il Mediterraneo e l’Europa. Milan: Franco Angeli.
  • Moussa, M. (1987). Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • Muti, G., (2015). Il lago di Como. Turismo, territorio, immagine. Milan: Unicopli.
  • Öniş, Z. and Şenses, F. eds., (2009). Turkey and the Global Economy: Neoliberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era. London: Routledge.
  • Peron, E., (2017). Storia di Como dalle origini ai nostri giorni, Bibl. dell’Immagine: Pordenone
  • Regulation European Union Council 539/2001.
  • Rostagno, C., (2005). Lecco contemporanea 1900-1960. Lecco: Cesarani.
  • Rosenwald, G. and Ochberd, R. (1992). Storied Lives: The Cultural Politics of Self- Understanding. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Sökefeld M. (2002). “Alevi Dedes in the German Diaspora: The Transformation of a Religious Institution”, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 127(2), 163-186.
  • ——. (2003). “Alevis in Germany and the Politics of Recognition”, New Perspectives on Turkey 29, 133-161.
  • ——. (2004). “Religion or culture? Concepts of identity in the Alevi diaspora”, in Waltraud Kokot, Khachig Tölölyan and Carolin Alfonso (eds.) Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research. 133-155 London: Routledge.
  • ——. (2008). Struggling for Recognition: The Alevi Movement in Germany and in Transnational Space. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Sella D. (2014). Italy in the Seventeenth Century. London: Routledge.
  • Visintainer, E., (2011). La Presenza Turca Dimenticata In Italia: i Turchi Di Moena. Ankara: Orsam.
  • Yalman, G. (2009). Transition to Neoliberalism: The Case of Turkey in the 1980s. Istanbul: Bilgi University Press.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Marcello Mollıca Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 96

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Mollıca, Marcello. “THE TWENTY-FIVE TURKISH ALAWI FROM TOKAT AND THE CREATION OF THE ALAWITE BEKTASHI ITALIA IN LECCO”. Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi 96 (Aralık 2020), 145-162.

Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. 