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Modern ve Seküler Felsefenin Tasavvuf ve Zorlukları: Nasr’ın Bakış Açısı

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 98, 245 - 258, 01.06.2021


Evren, Alevi ve Bektaşi ve diğer Sufi düşüncelerinde İlahi bir tezahür Tajallī olarak tanımlanırsa, Alevi/Bektaşilerin ve Sufilerin modern egemen dünya görüşüne ve temelde seküler olan ve kutsal için yer bırakmayan bilime verdikleri yanıtları nelerdir? Böylesine seküler bir dünya görüşünün egemenliğiyle, Sufi’nin evrendeki İlahi varlığı iddiasının çürütüldüğü sonucuna varılabilir mi? Bu makale, modern bilim ve teknolojinin felsefi değerlendirmesi sorusunu Sufi perspektifinden inceleyecektir. Özellikle Sufi ve gelenekçi ekol perspektifinden modern bilim ve teknoloji olgusunu incelenecektir. Tasavvuf-felsefi bir düşünce için, esas olarak Nasr’ın eserlerinde detaylandırılan kutsal veya dini bilimi yeniden canlandırma fikri bu makalede değerlendirilecektir. Gelenekçi ekolün önde gelen isimlerinden biri olan ve aynı zamanda Shadhilī tarikatının bir Sufi’si olan Nasr, eserleri aracılığıyla “Dini ve Kutsal Bilimi” gelenekçi ve Sufi bakış açısıyla ele almanın gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. Bu önerinin içinde modern bilim ve teknolojinin bir eleştirisi de yatmaktadır. Ona göre söz konusu görüş dinseldir ve eserlerindeki “kutsal bilim” terimi modern bilim ile yan yana getirilmiştir.Bir başka ifadeyle, Nasr, kutsal bilimin yeniden canlanmasının ister çevresel ister teknolojik ister ruhsal olsun, modernliğin çeşitli krizlerini iyileştirebileceğini öne sürmektedir. Bu iddia bu makalede değerlendirilecektir. Ayrıca, bu makale Nasr’ın tasavvufta kutsal bilim ve dünya görüşü kavramına karşı laik doğasını belirleyen modern bilimin temel felsefi ilkelerine yönelik eleştirilerini araştıracaktır. Bu makale, tasavvuf ve felsefe bağlamında seküler ile yüzleşmede kutsal sorununu ana hatlarıyla araştırmayı ve incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır


  • Asghari, SeyedAmirHossein. (2017). Ontology and Cosmology of the ʿaql in Ṣadrā’s Commentary on Uṣūl al-Kāfī. Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies 10/2, 157- 182.
  • --. (2020). Intellect and Revelation- Notes on Mullā Ṣadrā S̲h̲īrāzī’s Approach in His Commentary on Usul Al-Kafi. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3756647
  • --. (2020). “Shiʻa Mystical Theology: Notes on Sayyid Ḥ Aydar Āmulīʼs Jāmiʻ AlAsrār Wa Manbaʻ Al-Anwār.” Kom Casopis Za Religijske Nauke 9/3: 65-80.
  • Baharlu, İlgar. (2020). Şah’ın Bahçesinde Şah İsmail Öncesi ve Sonrası Kızılbaşlık. İstanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Chittick, William. C. (2007). Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul: The Pertinence of Islamic Cosmology in the Modern World. Oxford: Oneworld.
  • --. (2012). The Goal of Islamic Education. In J. Casewit (Ed.), Education in the Light of Tradition. Bloomington, Ind.; London: World Wisdom; Deep [distributor].
  • Deane-Drummond, Celia. (2017). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on people and planet. Retrieved from aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=1550699
  • Descartes, René., Cottingham, J., & Williams, B. (2017). Meditations on First Philosophy: with Selections from the Objections and Replies (Second Edition. ed.). Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • --., and Maclean, Ian. (2006). A Discourse on The Method of Correctly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth İn The Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fernando, Ranjit.(1999). The Unanimous Tradition: Essays on The Essential Unity of All Religions. Colombo: Sri Lanka Institute of Traditional Studies.
  • Guénon, René. (1946). La Crise Du Monde Moderne. Paris: Gallimard.
  • --. (1987). Orient et Occident. Paris: Éd. de la Maisnie.
  • --. (2001). The Crisis of The Modern World. Ghent, NY: Sophia Perennis.
  • --., & Herlihy, John. (2009). The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysics, Tradition, And The Crisis of Modernity. Bloomington, Ind.San Rafael, Calif.: World Wisdom; Sophia Perennis.
  • Kalin, Ibrahim. (2001). The Sacred versus the Secular: Nasr on Science. In R. E. Auxier, L. E. Hahn, and L. W. Stone (Eds.), The philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Vol. 28). Chicago: Open Court.
  • Legenhausen, Muhammad. (2002). Why I Am Not a Traditionalist. Retrieved from pdf
  • Mehta, Neeta. (2011). Mind-body Dualism: A critique from a Health Perspective. Mens sana monographs 9/1, 202-209.
  • Melvin-Kushki, Matthew. (2017). Powers of One: The Mathematicalization of the Occult Sciences in the High Persianate Tradition. Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 5/1, 127-199.
  • --. (2019). How to Rule the World: Occult-Scientific Manuals of the Early Modern Persian Cosmopolis. Journal of Persianate Studies 11/2, 140-154.
  • --. (2020). Is (Islamic) Occult Science Science? Theology and Science 18/2, 303- 324.
  • Mulla Sadra, S. (2001-5). Al-Hikma al-muta‘aliya fi-l-as far al-‘aqliyya al-arba‘a [The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect] (Vol. 5). Tehran: Bunyād-i Sadra.
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein. (1968a). The Encounter of Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man. London: Allen & Unwin.
  • --. (1968b). Science and Civilization in Islam. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • --. (1983). Reflections on Islam and Modern Thought. Studies in Comparative Religion 15(3&4). Retrieved from
  • --. (1989). Knowledge and the Sacred. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • --. (1996). Religion and the Order of Nature. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • --. (2006). In the Beginning, was Consciousness. Retrieved from http://www. Beginning_was_Consciousness_by_Seyyed_Hossein_Nasr.pdf. Retrieved 06/28/2010, from World Wisdom viewpdf/default.aspx?article-title=In_the_Beginning_was_Consciousness_ by_Seyyed_Hossein_Nasr.pdf
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein and Iqbal, Muzaffar. (2007). Islam, Science, Muslims, and Technology. Kuala Lumpur. Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada: Islamic Book Trust; Al-Qalam Pub.
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein, Sivin, N., and Smith, H. (1973, 1973). Contemporary Man: Between The Rim and the Axis. Paper presented at the Technology and Culture Seminar, [Cambridge, Mass.].
  • Rizvi, Sajjad. (2019). “Mulla Sadra. In Edward. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition): Stanford University.
  • Sari, Emre. (2016). Asiklarimiz. Antalya, Turkey: Nokta E-Kitap.
  • Seattle, Chief. (1854). Chief Seattle’s Letter To All. Retrieved from http://www.csun. edu/~vcpsy00h/seattle.htm
  • Sideris, Lisa. H. (2018). Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge, And The Natural World. Oakland, California: University of California Press.
  • Smith, Huston. (2001). Nasr’s Defense Of The Perennial Philosophy. In Randall. E. Auxier & Lucian. Stone (Eds.), The philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Chicago: Open Court.
  • Spicker, Stuart. F. (1994). The Philosophy of the Body: Rejections of Cartesian Dualism. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Co.


Yıl 2021, Sayı: 98, 245 - 258, 01.06.2021


If the universe is defined as a manifestation Tajallī of the Divine in the Alevi and Bektashi and other Sufi thoughts, what are their responses to modern dominant world view and science that is fundamentally secular and leaves no space for Sacred? With the dominance of such a secular world view, can one conclude that the Sufi claim of the Divine’s presence in the cosmos is refuted? This paper will study the question of philosophical assessment of modern science and technology from a Sufi perspective. It will particularly examine the phenomenon of modern science and technology from the perspective of the Sufi and the Traditionalist school. For a Sufi-philosophical thought, it will assess the idea of reviving sacred or religious science that is mainly elaborated in Nasr’s works. As a prominent figure of the Traditionalist School, also a Sufi of the Shadhilī order, Nasr emphasizes throughout his works the necessity of recovering “Religious and Sacred Science” from the Traditionalist and Sufi point of view. Embedded in this suggestion lies a critique of modern science and technology as well. The mentioned view, according to him, is religious, and the term “sacred science” in his works is juxtaposed to modern science. In other words, Nasr suggests that a revival of Sacred science can cure the various crises of modernity, whether it is environmental or technological, or spiritual. This claim will be assessed in this paper. Furthermore, this paper will investigate Nasr’s critiques of modern science’s fundamental philosophical principles as determining its secular nature in opposition to the notion of sacred science and worldview in Sufism. This paper aims to outline and examine the question of Sacred in the confrontation of Secular in the context of Sufism and philosophy.


  • Asghari, SeyedAmirHossein. (2017). Ontology and Cosmology of the ʿaql in Ṣadrā’s Commentary on Uṣūl al-Kāfī. Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies 10/2, 157- 182.
  • --. (2020). Intellect and Revelation- Notes on Mullā Ṣadrā S̲h̲īrāzī’s Approach in His Commentary on Usul Al-Kafi. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3756647
  • --. (2020). “Shiʻa Mystical Theology: Notes on Sayyid Ḥ Aydar Āmulīʼs Jāmiʻ AlAsrār Wa Manbaʻ Al-Anwār.” Kom Casopis Za Religijske Nauke 9/3: 65-80.
  • Baharlu, İlgar. (2020). Şah’ın Bahçesinde Şah İsmail Öncesi ve Sonrası Kızılbaşlık. İstanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Chittick, William. C. (2007). Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul: The Pertinence of Islamic Cosmology in the Modern World. Oxford: Oneworld.
  • --. (2012). The Goal of Islamic Education. In J. Casewit (Ed.), Education in the Light of Tradition. Bloomington, Ind.; London: World Wisdom; Deep [distributor].
  • Deane-Drummond, Celia. (2017). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on people and planet. Retrieved from aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=1550699
  • Descartes, René., Cottingham, J., & Williams, B. (2017). Meditations on First Philosophy: with Selections from the Objections and Replies (Second Edition. ed.). Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • --., and Maclean, Ian. (2006). A Discourse on The Method of Correctly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth İn The Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fernando, Ranjit.(1999). The Unanimous Tradition: Essays on The Essential Unity of All Religions. Colombo: Sri Lanka Institute of Traditional Studies.
  • Guénon, René. (1946). La Crise Du Monde Moderne. Paris: Gallimard.
  • --. (1987). Orient et Occident. Paris: Éd. de la Maisnie.
  • --. (2001). The Crisis of The Modern World. Ghent, NY: Sophia Perennis.
  • --., & Herlihy, John. (2009). The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysics, Tradition, And The Crisis of Modernity. Bloomington, Ind.San Rafael, Calif.: World Wisdom; Sophia Perennis.
  • Kalin, Ibrahim. (2001). The Sacred versus the Secular: Nasr on Science. In R. E. Auxier, L. E. Hahn, and L. W. Stone (Eds.), The philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Vol. 28). Chicago: Open Court.
  • Legenhausen, Muhammad. (2002). Why I Am Not a Traditionalist. Retrieved from pdf
  • Mehta, Neeta. (2011). Mind-body Dualism: A critique from a Health Perspective. Mens sana monographs 9/1, 202-209.
  • Melvin-Kushki, Matthew. (2017). Powers of One: The Mathematicalization of the Occult Sciences in the High Persianate Tradition. Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 5/1, 127-199.
  • --. (2019). How to Rule the World: Occult-Scientific Manuals of the Early Modern Persian Cosmopolis. Journal of Persianate Studies 11/2, 140-154.
  • --. (2020). Is (Islamic) Occult Science Science? Theology and Science 18/2, 303- 324.
  • Mulla Sadra, S. (2001-5). Al-Hikma al-muta‘aliya fi-l-as far al-‘aqliyya al-arba‘a [The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect] (Vol. 5). Tehran: Bunyād-i Sadra.
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein. (1968a). The Encounter of Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man. London: Allen & Unwin.
  • --. (1968b). Science and Civilization in Islam. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • --. (1983). Reflections on Islam and Modern Thought. Studies in Comparative Religion 15(3&4). Retrieved from
  • --. (1989). Knowledge and the Sacred. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • --. (1996). Religion and the Order of Nature. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • --. (2006). In the Beginning, was Consciousness. Retrieved from http://www. Beginning_was_Consciousness_by_Seyyed_Hossein_Nasr.pdf. Retrieved 06/28/2010, from World Wisdom viewpdf/default.aspx?article-title=In_the_Beginning_was_Consciousness_ by_Seyyed_Hossein_Nasr.pdf
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein and Iqbal, Muzaffar. (2007). Islam, Science, Muslims, and Technology. Kuala Lumpur. Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada: Islamic Book Trust; Al-Qalam Pub.
  • Nasr, Seyed Hossein, Sivin, N., and Smith, H. (1973, 1973). Contemporary Man: Between The Rim and the Axis. Paper presented at the Technology and Culture Seminar, [Cambridge, Mass.].
  • Rizvi, Sajjad. (2019). “Mulla Sadra. In Edward. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition): Stanford University.
  • Sari, Emre. (2016). Asiklarimiz. Antalya, Turkey: Nokta E-Kitap.
  • Seattle, Chief. (1854). Chief Seattle’s Letter To All. Retrieved from http://www.csun. edu/~vcpsy00h/seattle.htm
  • Sideris, Lisa. H. (2018). Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge, And The Natural World. Oakland, California: University of California Press.
  • Smith, Huston. (2001). Nasr’s Defense Of The Perennial Philosophy. In Randall. E. Auxier & Lucian. Stone (Eds.), The philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Chicago: Open Court.
  • Spicker, Stuart. F. (1994). The Philosophy of the Body: Rejections of Cartesian Dualism. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Co.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Seyedamirhossein Asghari Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 98

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Asghari, Seyedamirhossein. “SUFISM AND CHALLENGES OF MODERN AND SECULAR PHILOSOPHY: NASR’S PERSPECTIVE”. Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi 98 (Haziran 2021), 245-258.

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