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Yıl 2019, Sayı: 91, 43 - 64, 23.09.2019


1517 yılında Suriye bölgesinin ele geçirilmesi ile Nusayriler1 Osmanlı hâkimiyeti altına girmişlerdir. Genel itibariyle baktığımız zaman Osmanlı-Nusayri ilişkileri yüzyıllar boyunca değişiklikler göstermiştir. Osmanlı yönetimi altında Nusayriler kimi zaman Müslüman tebaanın bir parçası sayılırken kimi zaman heretik bir grup olarak düşünülmüştür. Genel itibariyle Nusayrilerin statüsü ve Osmanlılar ile ilişkileri toplumlararası gerilim, bölgesel politik gelişmeler, Nusayrilerin Osmanlı yönetim modeline uyumu ve en önemlisi Osmanlı pragmatizmine bağlı olarak değişmiştir. Bu makalede Osmanlı-Nusayri ilişkileri İsmail Hayr Bey İsyanı ışığında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, İsmail Hayr Bey isyani öncesinde Osmanlı-Nusayri ilişkilerinin durumu, İsmail Hayr Bey’in Safita müdürlüğüne atanma süreci ve ardından isyana giden süreç, Nusayrilerin İsmail Hayr Bey isyanını nasıl karşıladıkları, Sünni halkın isyana tepkileri, Osmanlı merkez yönetimin bu isyanla baş etme stratejileri ve bu isyanın imparatorluğun diğer bölgelerinde meydana gelen isyanlardan farkı, Osmanlı ve İngiliz arşiv belgeleri, Amerikan, İngiliz ve Fransız seyyahların notları ve Türkçe, Arapça ve Fransızca kaynaklar ışığında tartışılmıştır. Böylece bu makale, 1850 ile 1860 yılları arasındaki Osmanlı Nusayri ilişkilerini kapsamlı bir şekilde değerlendirerek bu alandaki boşluğun doldurulmasına katkıda bulunacaktır.


  • Hariciye Mektubi (HR. MKT.), 197/48, 193/90, 247/63, 296/94.
  • Meclis-i Vâlâ Riyâseti Belgeleri (MVL.), 74/84, 315/36, 750/5, 750/107, 754/62, 753/18.
  • Iradeler Dahiliye (I.DH.), 409/27058.
  • Sadaret Amedi Kalemi Defteri (A. AMD.), 83/17.
  • Sadâret Mektûbî Kalemi, Nezâret ve Devâir (A.} MKT. NZD.), 262/73, 124/42.
  • Sadaret Umum Vilayet Evraki (A.MKT. UM.), 336/55, 390/59.
  • Sadaret Mühimme Kalemi (A.MKT. MHM.), 144/6, 337/3, 757/110.
  • FO. 195/587, Mercer to Moore, Beyrout, 26 October 1858
  • FO. 195/587, Moore to Mercer, Beyrout, 27 October 1858.
  • FO. 78/1386, From Mercer to Moore, 22 November 1858.
  • FO. 195/587, Moore to Malmesbury, Beyrout, 23 November 1858.
  • Aytekin, E. Attila. (2012). “Peasant Protest in the Late Ottoman Empire: Moral Eco- nomy, Revolt, and The Tanzimat Reforms”. IRSH, 57, 191-227.
  • Baer, Gabriel. (1982). Fellah and Townsman in the Middle East. London: Frank Cass.
  • Barkey, Karen. (2008). Empire of Difference. The Ottomans in Comparative Perspe- ctive. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ——.(1991). “Rebellious Allience: The State and Peasant Unrest in Early Seveente
  • enth- Century France and the Ottoman Empire.” American Sociological Review, 56, 6, 699- 715.
  • Bilgili, Ali Sinan vd. (2010). Osmanli Arsiv Belgelerinde Nusayriler ve Nusayrilik (1745-1920). Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araş- tırma Merkezi Yayınları.
  • Braudel, Fernand. (1995). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II., Vol. I. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Çapar, Ali. (2013). “The History of Nusayris (‘Alawis) in Ottoman Syria, 1831-1876.” Unpublished Master Thesis: University of Arkansas.
  • Douwes, Dick. (1993). “Knowledge and Oppression; the Nusayriyya in the Late Ot- toman onale dei Lincei.
  • Dussaud, René. (1900). Histoire et religion des Nosairis. Paris.
  • El-Tavil, Muhammed Emin Galib. (2015). Nusayriler, Arap Alevilerin Tarihi, Çev. İsmail Özdemir. Adana: Karahan Kitapevi.
  • Farah, Caesar E. (2000). Politics of interventionism in Ottoman Lebanon, 1830-1861. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Firro, Kais. (1992). A History of the Druzes. Leiden.
  • Goldsmith, Leon T. (2015). Cycle of Fear: Syria’s Alawites in War and Peace. Lon- don: Hurst and Company.
  • Halm, Heinz. (1995). “Nusayriyya”. Enyclopaedia of Islam, VIII. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 145-148.
  • Jessup, Henry Harris. (1910). Fifty-Three Years in Syria. Fleeming H. Revell Com- pany.
  • Jabbour, Georges. (1995). “Safita et son environnement au XIXe siècle.” Histoire Économique et Sociale de l’Empire Ottoman et de la Turquie (1326-1960). Pa- ris: Peeters, 605-617.
  • Khuri, Fuad I. (1991). “The Alawis of Syria: Religious, Ideology and Organization”. Syria: Society, Culture, and Polity. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.
  • Kurt Lee, Mendenhall. (1991). Class, Cult and Tribe: The Politics of Alawi Separa- tism in French Mandate Syria. Austin: University of Texas.
  • Lewis, N. Norman. (2009). Nomads and Settlers in Syria and Jordan, 1800-1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lyde, Samuel. (1860). The Asian Mystery: Illustrated in the History, Religion, and Present State of the Ansaireeh or Nusairis of Syria. London: Longmans.
  • Makdisi, Ussama. (2000). “Corrupting the Sublime Sultanate: The Revolt of Tanyus Shahin in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon.” Comparative Studies in So- ciety and History, Vol. 42, 1, 180-208.
  • Ma’oz, Moshe. (1968). Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine 1840-1861. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Moosa, Matti. (1987). Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects Contemporary Issues in the Middle East. Syracuse, N. Y: Syracuse University Press.
  • Porath, Yehoshua. (1996). “The Peasant Revolt of 1858-1861 in Kisrawan”. Asian and African Studies 2, 77-157.
  • Procházka-Eisl, Gisela and Procházka, Stephan. (2010). The Plain of Saints and Prop- hets The Nusayri Alawi Community of Cilicia (Southern Turkey) and its Sacred Places. Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Reyhani, Mahmut. (1997). Gölgesiz Işıklar II. Tarihte Aleviler. İstanbul: Can Yayın- ları.
  • Talhamy, Yvette. (2010). “The Fatwas and the Nusayri/Alawi of Syria.” Middle Eas- tern Studies, 46, no. 2,175-194.
  • ——. (November 2012). “The Nusayri and Druze Minorities in Syria in the Nine- teenth Century: The Revolt against the Egyptian Occupation as a Case Study”. Middle Eastern Studies, 973-995.
  • ——. (2008). “The Nusayri Leader Isma’il Khayr Bey and the Ottomans (1854-58).” Middle Eastern Studies, 44:6, 895-908.
  • Türkyilmaz, Zeynep. (2009). “Anxieties of Conversion: Missionaries, State and He- terodox Communities in the Late Ottoman Empire.” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
  • Walpole, Frederick. (2004). The Ansayrii and Assassins: With Travels in the Further East in 1850 to 1851. Including a Visit to Nineveh Part Three. Kessinger Pub- lishing.
  • Winter, Stefan. (2016). A History of ‘Alawis. From Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Ottoman-Nusayri Relations in the Light of Ismail Hayr Bey Revolt

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 91, 43 - 64, 23.09.2019


This article examines the relationship between the Nusayris and the Ottoman central administration in the 1850s in the light of İsmail Khayr Bey Revolt. The Ottoman-Nusayri relations had changed over centuries according to general and regional political developments, Nusayris fit to the Ottoman organizational mode and Ottoman pragmatism. Therefore, while the Nusayris were recognized as a part of the Muslim community, sometimes they were considered heretics. In this context, the status of the Ottoman-Nusayri relations prior to the revolt, the process of İsmail Hayr Bey’s nomination to the position of müdir of Safita, the beginning of the revolt and the reaction of the Nusayri and Sunni communities to the revolt, the Ottoman strategies of dealing with that revolt, and the similarities and differences between the İsmail Khayr Bey Revolt and the other revolts took place in other parts of the empire around the same time period will be discussed. In the light of the use of the Ottoman and British archival sources along with traveler’s and missionaries’ accounts and secondary sources written in English, Turkish and French, this article seeks to fill the gap on Ottoman and Nusayri relations in the 1850s and to contribute to the understanding of the İsmail Khayr Bey Revolt


  • Hariciye Mektubi (HR. MKT.), 197/48, 193/90, 247/63, 296/94.
  • Meclis-i Vâlâ Riyâseti Belgeleri (MVL.), 74/84, 315/36, 750/5, 750/107, 754/62, 753/18.
  • Iradeler Dahiliye (I.DH.), 409/27058.
  • Sadaret Amedi Kalemi Defteri (A. AMD.), 83/17.
  • Sadâret Mektûbî Kalemi, Nezâret ve Devâir (A.} MKT. NZD.), 262/73, 124/42.
  • Sadaret Umum Vilayet Evraki (A.MKT. UM.), 336/55, 390/59.
  • Sadaret Mühimme Kalemi (A.MKT. MHM.), 144/6, 337/3, 757/110.
  • FO. 195/587, Mercer to Moore, Beyrout, 26 October 1858
  • FO. 195/587, Moore to Mercer, Beyrout, 27 October 1858.
  • FO. 78/1386, From Mercer to Moore, 22 November 1858.
  • FO. 195/587, Moore to Malmesbury, Beyrout, 23 November 1858.
  • Aytekin, E. Attila. (2012). “Peasant Protest in the Late Ottoman Empire: Moral Eco- nomy, Revolt, and The Tanzimat Reforms”. IRSH, 57, 191-227.
  • Baer, Gabriel. (1982). Fellah and Townsman in the Middle East. London: Frank Cass.
  • Barkey, Karen. (2008). Empire of Difference. The Ottomans in Comparative Perspe- ctive. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ——.(1991). “Rebellious Allience: The State and Peasant Unrest in Early Seveente
  • enth- Century France and the Ottoman Empire.” American Sociological Review, 56, 6, 699- 715.
  • Bilgili, Ali Sinan vd. (2010). Osmanli Arsiv Belgelerinde Nusayriler ve Nusayrilik (1745-1920). Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araş- tırma Merkezi Yayınları.
  • Braudel, Fernand. (1995). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II., Vol. I. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Çapar, Ali. (2013). “The History of Nusayris (‘Alawis) in Ottoman Syria, 1831-1876.” Unpublished Master Thesis: University of Arkansas.
  • Douwes, Dick. (1993). “Knowledge and Oppression; the Nusayriyya in the Late Ot- toman onale dei Lincei.
  • Dussaud, René. (1900). Histoire et religion des Nosairis. Paris.
  • El-Tavil, Muhammed Emin Galib. (2015). Nusayriler, Arap Alevilerin Tarihi, Çev. İsmail Özdemir. Adana: Karahan Kitapevi.
  • Farah, Caesar E. (2000). Politics of interventionism in Ottoman Lebanon, 1830-1861. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Firro, Kais. (1992). A History of the Druzes. Leiden.
  • Goldsmith, Leon T. (2015). Cycle of Fear: Syria’s Alawites in War and Peace. Lon- don: Hurst and Company.
  • Halm, Heinz. (1995). “Nusayriyya”. Enyclopaedia of Islam, VIII. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 145-148.
  • Jessup, Henry Harris. (1910). Fifty-Three Years in Syria. Fleeming H. Revell Com- pany.
  • Jabbour, Georges. (1995). “Safita et son environnement au XIXe siècle.” Histoire Économique et Sociale de l’Empire Ottoman et de la Turquie (1326-1960). Pa- ris: Peeters, 605-617.
  • Khuri, Fuad I. (1991). “The Alawis of Syria: Religious, Ideology and Organization”. Syria: Society, Culture, and Polity. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.
  • Kurt Lee, Mendenhall. (1991). Class, Cult and Tribe: The Politics of Alawi Separa- tism in French Mandate Syria. Austin: University of Texas.
  • Lewis, N. Norman. (2009). Nomads and Settlers in Syria and Jordan, 1800-1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lyde, Samuel. (1860). The Asian Mystery: Illustrated in the History, Religion, and Present State of the Ansaireeh or Nusairis of Syria. London: Longmans.
  • Makdisi, Ussama. (2000). “Corrupting the Sublime Sultanate: The Revolt of Tanyus Shahin in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon.” Comparative Studies in So- ciety and History, Vol. 42, 1, 180-208.
  • Ma’oz, Moshe. (1968). Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine 1840-1861. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Moosa, Matti. (1987). Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects Contemporary Issues in the Middle East. Syracuse, N. Y: Syracuse University Press.
  • Porath, Yehoshua. (1996). “The Peasant Revolt of 1858-1861 in Kisrawan”. Asian and African Studies 2, 77-157.
  • Procházka-Eisl, Gisela and Procházka, Stephan. (2010). The Plain of Saints and Prop- hets The Nusayri Alawi Community of Cilicia (Southern Turkey) and its Sacred Places. Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Reyhani, Mahmut. (1997). Gölgesiz Işıklar II. Tarihte Aleviler. İstanbul: Can Yayın- ları.
  • Talhamy, Yvette. (2010). “The Fatwas and the Nusayri/Alawi of Syria.” Middle Eas- tern Studies, 46, no. 2,175-194.
  • ——. (November 2012). “The Nusayri and Druze Minorities in Syria in the Nine- teenth Century: The Revolt against the Egyptian Occupation as a Case Study”. Middle Eastern Studies, 973-995.
  • ——. (2008). “The Nusayri Leader Isma’il Khayr Bey and the Ottomans (1854-58).” Middle Eastern Studies, 44:6, 895-908.
  • Türkyilmaz, Zeynep. (2009). “Anxieties of Conversion: Missionaries, State and He- terodox Communities in the Late Ottoman Empire.” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
  • Walpole, Frederick. (2004). The Ansayrii and Assassins: With Travels in the Further East in 1850 to 1851. Including a Visit to Nineveh Part Three. Kessinger Pub- lishing.
  • Winter, Stefan. (2016). A History of ‘Alawis. From Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ali Capar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 91

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Capar, Ali. “İSMAİL HAYR BEY İSYANI IŞIĞINDA OSMANLI-NUSAYRİ İLİŞKİLERİ”. Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi 91 (Eylül 2019), 43-64.

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