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Asylum-Seekers Experience and Acculturation:A Study of Syrian-University Students in Turkey

Yıl 2017, , 66 - 86, 30.11.2017


This study
explores specific factors that impact the acculturation process among Syrian
immigrants at a Turkish University. While providing deeper analysis of Berry
(1997)’s acculturation theory, the paper addresses the impact of linguistic,
ethnic, and cultural differences and similarities on acculturation among
refugee university students based on fifteen individual interviews. Given the
gap in the literature, the aim of this qualitative research is to understand
how Syrian-university refugee students adapt and integrate by examining how
they obtain linguistic skills, cope with ethnic and cultural differences and
develop their educational objectives in relation to future goals. Language
barrier is noted as the biggest obstacle against acculturation but for all
participants, the linguistic acculturation and short cultural distance
contribute to the acculturation process by increasing the ability to interact
and communicate with the members of majority culture. Next, ethnic difference
poses threat against acculturation but nearly all participants, including
Syrian Turkmen, appeal to broader statuses, rather than Turkish per se, for example
the ummah consciousness, to create mutual understanding and solidarity between
themselves and the majority group. Finally, Syrian university students consider
their experiences in Turkey as sojourning and hold firm intentions to return to
home country after a period of time.  


  • BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahmadzadeh, H., Corabatır, M., & Hashem, L. (2014, September 1). Ensuring quality education for young refugees from Syria (12–25 years). Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk/files/publications/other/rr-syria-youth-education-2014.pdf Amisi, B. (2006). An Exploration of the Livelihood Strategies of Durban Congolese Refugees.The UN Refugee Agency Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit. Aronowitz, M. (n.d.). The Social and Emotional Adjustment of Immigrant Children: A Review of the Literature. International Migration Review, 237-237. Beiser.M..Barwick, C.. Berry, J.W..da Costa. G..Fantino, A., Ganesan. S., Lee. C.. Milne. W.. Naidoo. J.. Prince, R., Tousignant. M..& Vela, E. (1988). Menial health issues affecting immigrants and refugees. Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada. Berry, J. (2006). Acculturation: Living Successfully In Two Cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Berry, J. (1976). Human ecology and cognitive style: Comparative studies in cultural and psychological adaptation. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications ;. Boyd, M., and E. Grieco.(2003) ‘‘Women and migration: Incorporating gender into international migration theory’’, Migration Information Source, http://www.migrationinformation.org/ Feature/display.cfm?id=106. Brown, R., & Gaertner, S. (2008). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology Intergroup Processes.Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Carballo, M. (1994). Scientific consultation on the social and health impact of migration: Priorities for research. Final report. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Carrington, D. (2014, March 20). Can Syria's 'lost generation' be saved? - CNN.com. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/19/world/meast/can-syrias-lost-generation-be-saved/. Castells, M. (1997).The power of identity. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Charmaz, K. (1983). "The grounded theory method: An explication and interpretation". In: Emerson, R. M. (ed.). Contemporary field research. pp. 109-126. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. Dey, I. (1999).Grounding grounded theory: Guidelines for qualitative inquiry. San Diego: Academic Press. Dorman, S. (2014, September 1). Educational Needs Assessment for Urban Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.alnap.org/resource/19464 Durie, M. (2001).Mauri Ora: The dynamics of Maori health. Auckland, N.Z.: Oxford University Press. Elmeroth, E. (2011). From Refugee Camp to Solitary Confinement: Illiterate adults learn Swedish as a second language. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 431-449. Emerson, R. (2001). Contemporary field research: Perspectives and formulations (2nd ed.). Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press. Erdoğan, M. (2014, November 1). Syrians In Turkey: Social Acceptance And Integration. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.hugo.hacettepe.edu.tr/HUGO-REPORT-SyriansinTurkey.pdf. Fein, S., & Spencer, S. (1997). Prejudice As Self-image Maintenance: Affirming The Self Through Derogating Others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31-44. Galchenko, I., &Vijver, F. (2007).The role of perceived cultural distance in the acculturation of exchange students in Russia.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 181-197. Gallagher, H. (2012). Willingness to Communicate and Cross-cultural Adaptation: L2 Communication and Acculturative Stress as Transaction. Applied Linguistics, 53-73. Gordon, M. (1964).Assimilation in American life: The role of race, religion, and national origins. New York: Oxford University Press. Gov't aims to double the number of foreign students in coming years. (2011, January 30). Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.todayszaman.com/national_govt-aims-to-double-the-number-of-foreign-students-in-coming-years_233923.html Gómez, E. (2014). The Ethnicity and Public Recreation Participation Model ©.Leisure Sciences, 123-142. Güngör, D., & Bornstein, M. H. (2010).Culture-general and –specific associations of attachment avoidance and anxiety with perceived parental warmth and control among Turkish and Belgian Adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 593-602. (n.d.). Hsiao, J., & Wittig, M. (2008). Acculturation Among Three Racial/Ethnic Groups of Host and Immigrant Adolescents. American Journal of Community Psychology Am J Community Psychol, 286-297. Huia, A., & Liu, J. (2012). Māori culture as a psychological asset for New Zealanders’ acculturation experiences abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 140-150. International Rescue Committee. (2014, September 1). Are We Listening? Acting on Our Commitments to Women and Girls Affected by the Syrian Conflict. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.rescue.org/sites/default/files/resource-file/IRC_WomenInSyria_Report_WEB.pdf Kang, S. (2006). Measurement Of Acculturation, Scale Formats, And Language Competence: Their Implications For Adjustment. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 669-693. Kassin, S., & Fein, S. (2008).Social psychology (7th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Keith D. Watenpaugh & Adrienne L. Fricke, Uncounted and Unacknowledged: Syria’s Refugee Students and Academics in Jordan (May 2013), https://www.academia.edu/3474289/Uncounted_and_Unacknowledged_Syria_s_Refugee_University_Students_and_Academ. (n.d.).Retrieved May 31, 2015. Keyes, E., & Kane, C. (2004). Belonging And Adapting: Mental Health Of Bosnian Refugees Living In The United States. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 809-831. Kiteki, B. (2011). Kiteki, B. (2011). Acculturation and Psychosocial Adjustment of African Adolescent Refugees in the United States: The Role of Social Support. Greensboro. Koyuncu, A. (2014). Kentin Yeni Misafirleri Suriyeliler. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi. Kuo, B. (2013). Coping, acculturation, and psychological adaptation among migrants: A theoretical and empirical review and synthesis of the literature. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 16-33. LaFromboise, T., Coleman, H., &Gerton, J. (1993). Psychological Impact Of Biculturalism: Evidence And Theory. Psychological Bulletin, 395-412. Lofland, J., & Lofland, L. H. (1984).Analyzing social settings. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. McManus, W., Gould, W., & Welch, F. (n.d.). Earnings Of Hispanic Men: The Role Of English Language Proficiency. Journal of Labor Economics, 101-101. Muhittin Ataman. (April 2012).“Suriye'de İktidar Mücadelesi: Baas Rejimi, Toplumsal Talepler ve Uluslararası Toplum”, SETA Rapor, no. 6. ORSAM. (2015). Suriyeli Mültecilerin Türkiye’ye Ekonomik Etkileri: Sentetik Bir Modelleme. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.orsam.org.tr/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201519_rapor196tur.pdf Onishi, A., & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2003). Identity Narratives Of Muslim Foreign Workers In Japan. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 224-239. Organista:, & N, G. (2010).The psychology of ethnic groups in the United States. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Padilla, A., & Perez, W. (2008). Acculturation, Social Identity, and Social Cognition: A New Perspective. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 35-55. Phinney, J. (1992). The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure: A New Scale For Use With Diverse Groups. Journal of Adolescent Research, 156-176. Polk, W. (2013, December 10). Understanding Syria: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Assad. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/12/understanding-syria-from-pre-civil-war-to-post-assad/281989/ Redfield, R., Linton, R. and Herskovits, M. J. (1936), Memorandum for the Study of Acculturation.American Anthropologist, 38: 149–152. doi: 10.1525/aa.1936.38.1.02a00330. . Saidoo.J.C. (1992).The mental health of visible ethnic minorities in Canada.Psychology and Developing Socieries. 4. 165-186. Sam, D. L. (2000).“Psychological adaptation of adolescents with immigrant backgrounds”.The Journal of Social Psychology, 140, 5-25. . Sam, D. (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schwartz, S., Unger, J., Zamboanga, B., &Szapocznik, J. (2010). Rethinking The Concept Of Acculturation: Implications For Theory And Research. American Psychologist, 237-251. Social Science Research Council. (1954). Acculturation: An exploratory formulation. American Anthropologist,56, 973-1000. (n.d.). Soerens, Matthew John, "A participatory assessment of immigrant integration in a low-income suburban neighborhood" (2010).College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations.Paper 13. http://via.library.depaul.edu/etd/13. (n.d.). Sundas, A. (2008) 'Second and Third Generation Muslims in Britain: A Socially Excluded Group? Identities, Integration and Community Cohesion' (n.d.). Tekin, F. (2012).Sınırlar, BölgeselKimliklerveÜmmetTasavvuru Borders, Territorial Identities and Imagination of the Ummah.MilelVeNihal,9(3), 157-175. Timmerman, C. (2000). Secular and religious nationalism among young Turkish women in Belgium: Education may make the difference. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 31, 333– 354.(n.d.). Toppelberg, C., & Collins, B. (2012).Language, Culture, and Adaptation in Immigrant Children.Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 697-717. Uber, E. (1993). The emergence of the Arab movements. London: F. Cass. Umar, O. (2004). Suriye (1908-1938). Ankara: AtatürkAraştırmaMerkezi. Ward, C., & Searle, W. (1991).The impact of value discrepancies and cultural identity on psychological and sociocultural adjustment of sojourners.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 209-224. Ward, C., & Kennedy, A. (1992).Locus of control, mood disturbance, and social difficulty during cross-cultural transitions.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 175-194.

Mülteci Deneyimi ve Kültürel Etkileşim: Türkiye’de Suriyeli Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2017, , 66 - 86, 30.11.2017


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de bir devlet
üniversitesinde eğitim gören Suriyeli göçmen öğrencilerin kültürel etkileşim
süreçlerini etkileyen belirli faktörleri ele almaktadır. Berry (1997)'ın
kültürleşme teorisini derinlemesine analiz ederken, mülteci üniversite
öğrencileri arasındaki kültürel farklılıkların ve benzerliklerin kültürleşme
üzerindeki etkisini, on beş bireysel mülakat temelinde ele alıyor.
Literatürdeki boşluğu göz önüne alarak, bu araştırmanın
amacı, Suriyeli üniversiteli mülteci öğrencilerin dil becerilerini nasıl elde
ettiklerini, etnik ve kültürel farklılıkların üstesinden gelip gelmediklerini
ve eğitim hedeflerini geleceğe yönelik olarak nasıl geliştirdiklerini
inceleyerek Türk toplumuna uyum ve entegrasyonlarını
yönelik bir nitel çalışmadır. Dil engeli, kültürel etkileşime en büyük engel
olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır fakat tüm çalışmada yer alan öğrenciler için, dil
açısından çabuk uyum sağlama ve Suriye ile Türkiye arasındaki yakın kültürel
mesafe, çoğunluk kültürü
oluşturan Türk halkı ile etkileşim ve iletişim kurma olanaklarını
artırmaktadır. Yine, etnik farklılıklar kültürel etkileşime karşı tehdit
oluşturmaktadır. Yaklaşık olarak tüm katılımcılar, Suriyeli Türkmenler de dahil
olmak üzere, kendilerini tanımlarken, Suriye ile ilişkilendirmektedirler.
Ancak, yerel halk ile ilişkilendirinde ise, Türk ve Suriyeli kimliği yerine,
daha kapsayıcı kimliklere, örneğin ümmet bilincine sığınarak çoğunluğu
oluşturan ev sahibi toplumun bireyleriyle karşılıklı anlayış ve dayanışmayı
geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedirler. Son olarak, Suriyeli üniversite öğrencileri
Türkiye'deki öğrenim hayatlarını geçici süreli öğrenci olarak değerlendirmekte
ve belli bir süre sonra Suriye'ye geri dönme konusunda sabit fikirlere


  • BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahmadzadeh, H., Corabatır, M., & Hashem, L. (2014, September 1). Ensuring quality education for young refugees from Syria (12–25 years). Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk/files/publications/other/rr-syria-youth-education-2014.pdf Amisi, B. (2006). An Exploration of the Livelihood Strategies of Durban Congolese Refugees.The UN Refugee Agency Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit. Aronowitz, M. (n.d.). The Social and Emotional Adjustment of Immigrant Children: A Review of the Literature. International Migration Review, 237-237. Beiser.M..Barwick, C.. Berry, J.W..da Costa. G..Fantino, A., Ganesan. S., Lee. C.. Milne. W.. Naidoo. J.. Prince, R., Tousignant. M..& Vela, E. (1988). Menial health issues affecting immigrants and refugees. Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada. Berry, J. (2006). Acculturation: Living Successfully In Two Cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Berry, J. (1976). Human ecology and cognitive style: Comparative studies in cultural and psychological adaptation. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications ;. Boyd, M., and E. Grieco.(2003) ‘‘Women and migration: Incorporating gender into international migration theory’’, Migration Information Source, http://www.migrationinformation.org/ Feature/display.cfm?id=106. Brown, R., & Gaertner, S. (2008). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology Intergroup Processes.Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Carballo, M. (1994). Scientific consultation on the social and health impact of migration: Priorities for research. Final report. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Carrington, D. (2014, March 20). Can Syria's 'lost generation' be saved? - CNN.com. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/19/world/meast/can-syrias-lost-generation-be-saved/. Castells, M. (1997).The power of identity. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Charmaz, K. (1983). "The grounded theory method: An explication and interpretation". In: Emerson, R. M. (ed.). Contemporary field research. pp. 109-126. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. Dey, I. (1999).Grounding grounded theory: Guidelines for qualitative inquiry. San Diego: Academic Press. Dorman, S. (2014, September 1). Educational Needs Assessment for Urban Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.alnap.org/resource/19464 Durie, M. (2001).Mauri Ora: The dynamics of Maori health. Auckland, N.Z.: Oxford University Press. Elmeroth, E. (2011). From Refugee Camp to Solitary Confinement: Illiterate adults learn Swedish as a second language. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 431-449. Emerson, R. (2001). Contemporary field research: Perspectives and formulations (2nd ed.). Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press. Erdoğan, M. (2014, November 1). Syrians In Turkey: Social Acceptance And Integration. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.hugo.hacettepe.edu.tr/HUGO-REPORT-SyriansinTurkey.pdf. Fein, S., & Spencer, S. (1997). Prejudice As Self-image Maintenance: Affirming The Self Through Derogating Others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31-44. Galchenko, I., &Vijver, F. (2007).The role of perceived cultural distance in the acculturation of exchange students in Russia.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 181-197. Gallagher, H. (2012). Willingness to Communicate and Cross-cultural Adaptation: L2 Communication and Acculturative Stress as Transaction. Applied Linguistics, 53-73. Gordon, M. (1964).Assimilation in American life: The role of race, religion, and national origins. New York: Oxford University Press. Gov't aims to double the number of foreign students in coming years. (2011, January 30). Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.todayszaman.com/national_govt-aims-to-double-the-number-of-foreign-students-in-coming-years_233923.html Gómez, E. (2014). The Ethnicity and Public Recreation Participation Model ©.Leisure Sciences, 123-142. Güngör, D., & Bornstein, M. H. (2010).Culture-general and –specific associations of attachment avoidance and anxiety with perceived parental warmth and control among Turkish and Belgian Adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 593-602. (n.d.). Hsiao, J., & Wittig, M. (2008). Acculturation Among Three Racial/Ethnic Groups of Host and Immigrant Adolescents. American Journal of Community Psychology Am J Community Psychol, 286-297. Huia, A., & Liu, J. (2012). Māori culture as a psychological asset for New Zealanders’ acculturation experiences abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 140-150. International Rescue Committee. (2014, September 1). Are We Listening? Acting on Our Commitments to Women and Girls Affected by the Syrian Conflict. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.rescue.org/sites/default/files/resource-file/IRC_WomenInSyria_Report_WEB.pdf Kang, S. (2006). Measurement Of Acculturation, Scale Formats, And Language Competence: Their Implications For Adjustment. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 669-693. Kassin, S., & Fein, S. (2008).Social psychology (7th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Keith D. Watenpaugh & Adrienne L. Fricke, Uncounted and Unacknowledged: Syria’s Refugee Students and Academics in Jordan (May 2013), https://www.academia.edu/3474289/Uncounted_and_Unacknowledged_Syria_s_Refugee_University_Students_and_Academ. (n.d.).Retrieved May 31, 2015. Keyes, E., & Kane, C. (2004). Belonging And Adapting: Mental Health Of Bosnian Refugees Living In The United States. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 809-831. Kiteki, B. (2011). Kiteki, B. (2011). Acculturation and Psychosocial Adjustment of African Adolescent Refugees in the United States: The Role of Social Support. Greensboro. Koyuncu, A. (2014). Kentin Yeni Misafirleri Suriyeliler. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi. Kuo, B. (2013). Coping, acculturation, and psychological adaptation among migrants: A theoretical and empirical review and synthesis of the literature. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 16-33. LaFromboise, T., Coleman, H., &Gerton, J. (1993). Psychological Impact Of Biculturalism: Evidence And Theory. Psychological Bulletin, 395-412. Lofland, J., & Lofland, L. H. (1984).Analyzing social settings. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. McManus, W., Gould, W., & Welch, F. (n.d.). Earnings Of Hispanic Men: The Role Of English Language Proficiency. Journal of Labor Economics, 101-101. Muhittin Ataman. (April 2012).“Suriye'de İktidar Mücadelesi: Baas Rejimi, Toplumsal Talepler ve Uluslararası Toplum”, SETA Rapor, no. 6. ORSAM. (2015). Suriyeli Mültecilerin Türkiye’ye Ekonomik Etkileri: Sentetik Bir Modelleme. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.orsam.org.tr/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201519_rapor196tur.pdf Onishi, A., & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2003). Identity Narratives Of Muslim Foreign Workers In Japan. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 224-239. Organista:, & N, G. (2010).The psychology of ethnic groups in the United States. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Padilla, A., & Perez, W. (2008). Acculturation, Social Identity, and Social Cognition: A New Perspective. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 35-55. Phinney, J. (1992). The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure: A New Scale For Use With Diverse Groups. Journal of Adolescent Research, 156-176. Polk, W. (2013, December 10). Understanding Syria: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Assad. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/12/understanding-syria-from-pre-civil-war-to-post-assad/281989/ Redfield, R., Linton, R. and Herskovits, M. J. (1936), Memorandum for the Study of Acculturation.American Anthropologist, 38: 149–152. doi: 10.1525/aa.1936.38.1.02a00330. . Saidoo.J.C. (1992).The mental health of visible ethnic minorities in Canada.Psychology and Developing Socieries. 4. 165-186. Sam, D. L. (2000).“Psychological adaptation of adolescents with immigrant backgrounds”.The Journal of Social Psychology, 140, 5-25. . Sam, D. (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schwartz, S., Unger, J., Zamboanga, B., &Szapocznik, J. (2010). Rethinking The Concept Of Acculturation: Implications For Theory And Research. American Psychologist, 237-251. Social Science Research Council. (1954). Acculturation: An exploratory formulation. American Anthropologist,56, 973-1000. (n.d.). Soerens, Matthew John, "A participatory assessment of immigrant integration in a low-income suburban neighborhood" (2010).College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations.Paper 13. http://via.library.depaul.edu/etd/13. (n.d.). Sundas, A. (2008) 'Second and Third Generation Muslims in Britain: A Socially Excluded Group? Identities, Integration and Community Cohesion' (n.d.). Tekin, F. (2012).Sınırlar, BölgeselKimliklerveÜmmetTasavvuru Borders, Territorial Identities and Imagination of the Ummah.MilelVeNihal,9(3), 157-175. Timmerman, C. (2000). Secular and religious nationalism among young Turkish women in Belgium: Education may make the difference. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 31, 333– 354.(n.d.). Toppelberg, C., & Collins, B. (2012).Language, Culture, and Adaptation in Immigrant Children.Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 697-717. Uber, E. (1993). The emergence of the Arab movements. London: F. Cass. Umar, O. (2004). Suriye (1908-1938). Ankara: AtatürkAraştırmaMerkezi. Ward, C., & Searle, W. (1991).The impact of value discrepancies and cultural identity on psychological and sociocultural adjustment of sojourners.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 209-224. Ward, C., & Kennedy, A. (1992).Locus of control, mood disturbance, and social difficulty during cross-cultural transitions.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 175-194.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Yusuf Ziya Karipek

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Karipek, Y. Z. (2017). Mülteci Deneyimi ve Kültürel Etkileşim: Türkiye’de Suriyeli Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi66-86. https://doi.org/10.26513/tocd.316150

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