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Mısır Devrimi Sürecinde İşçi Hareketinin Rolü

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 81 - 112, 01.06.2014


Mısır’da 25 Ocak 201r I ’de gerçekleşen devrim ülke tarıhı açısından önemli bı r' dönüm noktasıdır: Asırlar süren baskı rejiminin ardından Mısır’dakı sosyal ak— to'r'ler topyekün bir hareket başlatarak Hüsnü Mübarek'ı görevden ayrılmaya :orlamışlardır: Bıı aktörler arasında ülkedeki ışçı hareketi o'nemlı bır yer trit— mıiştıır: Uzun yıllardır varlığını sürdüren bir hareket Mı'ibarek rejimi boyunca uğradığı yoğıın baskı neticesinde hakların iyileştirilmesi anlamında etkin ola— mamış, ancak gerçekleştirdiği kolektıfeylemlerle rejim karşısında diri kalabil— miştir: Özellikle 2000 ’lı yıllarda artan bir oranda gerçekleşıır'ılen grev, otıırma eylemi ve protesto gösterileri gibi kolekııfeylemler sayesınde işçi hareketi rejim karşıtı mııhalefeıın daha da cesaretlenmesıni sağlamıştır: 2008 yılında Mahal— le El—Kübr'a şehrinde düzenlenen büyük gösterilerin ardından Mübarek karşıtı dığer hareketler de eylemlere başlamış ve 2011 ’e gelinen süreç yaşanmıştır: Bıı çalışma işçilerin devrime gelinen süreçte oynadığı rolü incelerken, devrimın ar— dından işçi harekeıının siyasal tercihlerinin ne yönde gerçekleştiğini de analı: etmektedir: Ayrıca ışçı hareketinin gelişimineyöneliktarihsel birloerspektıfe yer verılmiş ve devrım öncesi süreçte işçilerin toplumsal hareketlerin kolektif eylem yapabilme kapasıtesıne etkılerı de ıncelenmıştır


  • Kr'mp, Makale ve Haber Kaynakları
  • Amr Adly (2013), State Reform and Development in the Middle East: Turkey and Egypt in the Post—Liberaiization Era, New York: Routledge, s. 212.
  • Anne Alexander, “The Egyptian workers’ movement and the 25 January Revolution”, TniernationaiT Soeiatisni, Issue 133, 9 January 2012.
  • Anthony Shahid, “Suez Canal Workers Join Broad Strikes in Egypt”, The New York Times, 17 February 2011.
  • Ari Paul, “Egypt's Labor Pains: For Workers, the Revolution Has Just Begun”, Dissent Magazine, Fall 2011.
  • Atef Said, “Egypt‘s Long Labor History”, Soiidarity Center; September-October 2009.
  • Atef Said, “Egyptian Labor Erupting”,Against the Current, September-October 2009.
  • Ayat Al-Tawy, “Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress ofŞcially launches”, Ahram Oniine, 25 May 2013.
  • Bradley Hope, “Independent new trade unions in Egypt clash with Mubarak old guard”, The Nationai, 16 June 2011.
  • Brian Slocums, “The Left and The Workers Movement in Egypt’s Democratic Revolution”, The North Star; 21 March 2013.
  • Bruce K. Rutherford (2008), Egypt After Maharah: Lı'oerahsm, Islam anar Democracy-' in the/irat; Wortd, Princeton: Princeton University Press, s22?
  • Dan Read, “Roots of Egypt’s Revolution: Labor Unions and the Uprising in Tahrir Square”, Toward Freedom, 22 June 2011.
  • Dina Bishara, “Who Speaks for Egypt’s Workers”, Foreign Policy, 6 September 2012.
  • “Egypt: A new wave ofworkers strikes and sit-ins”,Anrarn Ontine, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egyptian Federation for Trade Unions calls for ‘Yes’ in constitutional referendum”,Anrani Oniine, 1 January 2014.
  • “Egypt Labor Strikes Break Out Across The Country, Protesters DeŞant”, HigŞngton Post, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egypt protests - Tuesday 8 February”, Guardian, 8 February 2011.
  • “Egypt protests - Wednesday 9 February”, Guardian, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egypt textile workers stage strike”, Darty News Egypt, 10 February 2011.Emad Shahin (2013), “The Egyptian Revolution: The Power of Mass Mobilization and the Spirit of Tahrir Square”, Ricardo Laremont (ed.), Revointion,
  • M isrr Devrimi Siirecrrrde İşçi Hareketinin Roir'i
  • Revoit and Reform iri North Africa: The Arab Spring and Beyond, Oxford: Routledge, s.63.
  • ”Five Suez Canal companies workers go on strike, no major disruptionswitnessed yet”, Ahram Oafiae, 8 February 2011.
  • “Foundation of the Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress”, Global Labour fastratte, 16 October 2011.
  • Haitham Mohamedein, “The road to trade union mdependence”,Aiiram Oaiiae, 20 September 2011.
  • Heba F. El-Shazli, “Where Were the Egyptian Workers in the June 2013 People’s Coup Revolution?”,Jaa’aiiyya, 23 July 2013.
  • Hossam el-Haınalawy, “Egypt: Oil and Gas Work ers on Strike”, Morrtfrtp Review; 13 February 2011.
  • İsmail Numan Telci (2013), Misir Devrirrri Sözir'iğr'i, İstanbul: Açılım Kitap.
  • “Independent Egypt trade unionists announce intention to join Tahrir sit-in”, Ahram Online, 8 July 2011.
  • Jack Shenker and Chris McGreal, “Egyptian talks near collapse as unions back protests”, Griar'a'rari, 9 Febıuary 2011
  • Jack Shenker, “Egypt’s economy suffers as strikes intensify”, Guardian, 11 February 2011.
  • Jack Shenker, “Hosni Mubarak’s puppet trade union federation dismantled”, Girarriiari. 5 August 2011.
  • Jane Slaughter, “Egypt: Today Strikers Took Center Stage”, Labor Notes, 9 February 2011.
  • Jano Charbel, “Labor activist wades into the deep state”, Mada Mass; 30 September 2013.
  • Jeiî'rey Fleishman, “Egypt’s workers, newly emboldened, seek reforms”, Los Aageies Times, 22 July 2012.
  • Jesse Rosenfeld, “Once Key Players in the Revolution, Egyphs Workers Stand Down”, The Daiiy Beast, 23 October 2013.
  • Joel Beinin, “Workers and Egypt’s January 25 Revolution”, fateraaiioaat Labor and Wor'kirig—Ciass History, 80 (Fall 2011}, 192.
  • Joel Beinin and Frederic Vairel (2011}, Sociai' Movements. Mobiiizaiioa ami Coatestatiori iri the Maddie East araci North Africa, California: Stanford University Press, s. 183.
  • Joel Beinin, “What Have Workers Gained from Egypt’s January 25 “Revolution”?”, Jadaiiyya, 23 April 2012.
  • Joel Beinin, “The Rise of Egypt’s Workers”, Tire Carnegie Endowment for Peace, June 2012, s.4.
  • Joel Beinin, “Workers, Trade Unions and Egyptrs Political Future”,1L/fiddie East Research ami In_rîrr'maaoa Project, 18 January 2013. Ismail Nriman Tete:
  • Joel Beinin and Hossam Al-Hamalawy (2013), “Skl‘ikes in Egypt Spread from Center of Gravity”, D. McMurray ve A. Uşleil-Somers (ed.). Tne Arab Revoi’i‘s: Dispatches on M'iitaniDeinocracy in then/Eddie East, Bloom ington: Indiana University Press, s.83 -91.
  • Kerry Bolton [2011], RevoiiitionŞ'oni Above, London: Arktos Media Ltd.
  • “Labor Strikes Add To Pressure On Egypt’s Leaders”, NPR, 9 January 2.011.
  • “L abors’ Representatives in the Constitution Committee Hostility to independent unions & reproduction to Mubarak’s Union trades”, Centerfor Trade Union and Workers Service, 2 September 2013.
  • Luiz Sanchez, “Trade Unions call for 30 June revolution”, Daily News Egypt, 25 June 2013.
  • Maggie Michael, “Labor unrest spreads as bus drivers strike”, Daiiy News Egypt, 10 February 2011.
  • Maggie Michael, “Egyptians air grievances, ignoring army warning”, Deity News Egypt, 16 February 2011.
  • Matthew Weaver, “Egypt protests - Tuesday 8 Febru ary”, Guardian, 8 February 2011.
  • “No to Al-Ganzoury’s Cabinet Appointments... No to “Yellow“ Trade Unions”, Egyptian Federation offndependent Trade Unions, 2 December 2011.
  • Patrick Kingsley, “Egypt faces third revolution unless workers) demands are met, warns union”, Guardian, 25 September 2013.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Egypt’s labor movement: 4 years in review”, Egypt Independent, 2 May 2010.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Salemco workers settle, but Amonsito strikers remain on downtown sidewalk”, E gypt Independent, 15 March 2.010.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Back on the street: Arnonsito workers protest broken promises”, Egypt Independent, 9 May 2010.
  • Sarah Lynch, “Key force in Tahrir Square: Egypt’s labor m ovement”, Christian Science Monitor; 8 July 2.011.
  • Shaimaa Adel, “A night alongside Amonsito workers on the sidewalk”, Egypt Independent 15 March 2010.
  • Tamim Elyan, “Sector protests, strikes sweep Egypt”, Daily News Egypt, 9 February 2011.
  • “Who’s who: Egypt’s full interim Cabinet”, Ahram Oniine, 17 July 2013.
  • “Workers boost Egypt protests”,Ai Jazeera, 10 Febluary 2.011.
  • Yassin Gaber, “Egypt workers lay down demands at new trade union conference”, Ahram Online, 3 March 2011.
  • Yolanda Knell, “Egypt: Strikes test military regime”, BBC, 14 February 2011.
  • Mısır Devrimi Süreeiride İşçi Hareketinin Raitt
  • “60 Minutes: Egyptians Riot in the Streets in 1977", CBC News, 13 February 2.011. İnternet Kaynaktan
  • “About Us", Center for Trade Union and Workers Service, http:llwww.ctuws. cornlaboutl
  • Ahram Nadir, “Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions — Creation of Constitutional Body”, Marxist, 2 February 2011, http:llwww.marxist.coml egyptian—federation—for—independent—unions.htrn
  • Bill Van Auken, “Mass protests and strikes escalate as Egyptians reject “orderly transition"", World Socialist Web Site, 9 February 2011, https:llwww.wsws. orglenfarticlesl2011l02legyp—Ş)9.htrnl
  • “CTUWS DeŞnition“, Cemer for Trade Union aml Workers Service, http:ll www.ctuws.cornlaboutlstoryl?itern:7
  • “CTUWS submission to the OfŞce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights On the occasion of the seventh session of the Universal Periodic Review 2010", Center ŞJr Trade Union and Workers Service, http:ll1ib. ohchr.orngRBodieslUPRlDocurnentslSessionTlEGlCTUWS UPR EGY SO 7' 2010 C enter forTradeUnionsandWorkersServic es. pd f
  • “Egypt: Worker‘s” Struggles, Trade Unions and the “Left”, Socialist Standard, No: 1309, September 2013.
  • “Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petr‘otrade workers“, Marxist, 15 February 2011, http :llwww.marxist.comlegypt—call—general—strike—workers—petrotra — de.htm
  • “Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress is la unched”, Şnlnsiriall Global Union, 24 May 2013, http:llwww.ind ustriall-union.orglegyptian-denrocratic —labo- nr—congress—is—launched
  • “Egypt’s New Labor Movement Cornes of Age", American Federation of Labour and Congress ofiadtistrial Organization (AEL—CIO), 1 February 2012, http:/lwww.aşcio.orngloglOrganizing—BargaininglEgypt—s—New— Lahor—Movement—Comes—of—Age
  • “Egypt’s workers confront Mursi", Workers Liberty, 5 December 2012, http:ll www .workerslih erty.orglstoryl2012l12l05legypts—workers—confront—rnursi
  • Eric Lee, “Egypt: Founding declaration of new independent trade union federation", Union Book, 31 January 2011, httpzllwwwnnionbookorgl proŞleslblogslegypt—founding—declaration—of
  • “History Made as Egyptian Public Workers Form First Independent Union", Solidarirı' Center. S May 2009, http:llwww.solidaritycenterorgi'content. asp?contentid=923 Ismail Mim ari Teki
  • Jano Charbel, “Egypt: public transport workers establish independent union", Libooni, 24 March 2011, http:fa’libcomorginewsiegypt—public—transport— workers—establish—ind epend ent—union—2 50 32011
  • Joel Beinin, “The rise. ongypt’s workers", Libconi, 22 July 2012, http :iilibcom. oı'gnibı'aryirise—egypt%E2%80%99s—workers
  • Johannes Stern, “Independent" trade unions join military—hacked government in Egypt", World Socialist Web Site, 22 July 2013, http: r'nenrw.wswsingleı f articlesi2013i0?i22iegyp—j22.html?view=article mobile
  • Mustafa ALi, “Egypt’s spreading strikes", Socialist Worker, http: isocialistworker. orgi2011i02ilSiegypts—spreading—strikes
  • “Observation (CEACR) — adopted 2012", Inmrnarional' Labour Organization, http :fr'wwwilo.orgidyuinorınlex/enz'f?pZNORMLEXPUB : 1 3 100 :0 : :NO: :Pl3100 COMMENT ID:3080329
  • Philip Marşet, “Egypt: Revolution contained?", Sociaiirt Review, http: www.ııkiarticle.php2aıticlenıırnbeı=l2329
  • “The labour movement is in the heart and soul of the Egyptian revolution: Egyptian workers form new union federation", Worker ’.9 Liberty, 31 January 2011, http: www.workerslibeıtyorg storyi201 1f01131ila hour—movement- heart—and—soul—egyptian—revolution—egyptian—workers—form—new—union—
  • “This country is on the brink ofa revolution", 26 March 2009, http: scand egypt. blogs pot.eoı 200910 3fthis—co untry—is—on— blink—of—revolu tio 11. html
  • “Workers and Peasants Are the Voice ofthe Egyptian Revolution", Monthly Renew Zine, 1 December 2011, http: ' mrzine.monthlyreview.orgi201 If egypt011211.html
Yıl 2014, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 81 - 112, 01.06.2014



  • Kr'mp, Makale ve Haber Kaynakları
  • Amr Adly (2013), State Reform and Development in the Middle East: Turkey and Egypt in the Post—Liberaiization Era, New York: Routledge, s. 212.
  • Anne Alexander, “The Egyptian workers’ movement and the 25 January Revolution”, TniernationaiT Soeiatisni, Issue 133, 9 January 2012.
  • Anthony Shahid, “Suez Canal Workers Join Broad Strikes in Egypt”, The New York Times, 17 February 2011.
  • Ari Paul, “Egypt's Labor Pains: For Workers, the Revolution Has Just Begun”, Dissent Magazine, Fall 2011.
  • Atef Said, “Egypt‘s Long Labor History”, Soiidarity Center; September-October 2009.
  • Atef Said, “Egyptian Labor Erupting”,Against the Current, September-October 2009.
  • Ayat Al-Tawy, “Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress ofŞcially launches”, Ahram Oniine, 25 May 2013.
  • Bradley Hope, “Independent new trade unions in Egypt clash with Mubarak old guard”, The Nationai, 16 June 2011.
  • Brian Slocums, “The Left and The Workers Movement in Egypt’s Democratic Revolution”, The North Star; 21 March 2013.
  • Bruce K. Rutherford (2008), Egypt After Maharah: Lı'oerahsm, Islam anar Democracy-' in the/irat; Wortd, Princeton: Princeton University Press, s22?
  • Dan Read, “Roots of Egypt’s Revolution: Labor Unions and the Uprising in Tahrir Square”, Toward Freedom, 22 June 2011.
  • Dina Bishara, “Who Speaks for Egypt’s Workers”, Foreign Policy, 6 September 2012.
  • “Egypt: A new wave ofworkers strikes and sit-ins”,Anrarn Ontine, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egyptian Federation for Trade Unions calls for ‘Yes’ in constitutional referendum”,Anrani Oniine, 1 January 2014.
  • “Egypt Labor Strikes Break Out Across The Country, Protesters DeŞant”, HigŞngton Post, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egypt protests - Tuesday 8 February”, Guardian, 8 February 2011.
  • “Egypt protests - Wednesday 9 February”, Guardian, 9 February 2011.
  • “Egypt textile workers stage strike”, Darty News Egypt, 10 February 2011.Emad Shahin (2013), “The Egyptian Revolution: The Power of Mass Mobilization and the Spirit of Tahrir Square”, Ricardo Laremont (ed.), Revointion,
  • M isrr Devrimi Siirecrrrde İşçi Hareketinin Roir'i
  • Revoit and Reform iri North Africa: The Arab Spring and Beyond, Oxford: Routledge, s.63.
  • ”Five Suez Canal companies workers go on strike, no major disruptionswitnessed yet”, Ahram Oafiae, 8 February 2011.
  • “Foundation of the Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress”, Global Labour fastratte, 16 October 2011.
  • Haitham Mohamedein, “The road to trade union mdependence”,Aiiram Oaiiae, 20 September 2011.
  • Heba F. El-Shazli, “Where Were the Egyptian Workers in the June 2013 People’s Coup Revolution?”,Jaa’aiiyya, 23 July 2013.
  • Hossam el-Haınalawy, “Egypt: Oil and Gas Work ers on Strike”, Morrtfrtp Review; 13 February 2011.
  • İsmail Numan Telci (2013), Misir Devrirrri Sözir'iğr'i, İstanbul: Açılım Kitap.
  • “Independent Egypt trade unionists announce intention to join Tahrir sit-in”, Ahram Online, 8 July 2011.
  • Jack Shenker and Chris McGreal, “Egyptian talks near collapse as unions back protests”, Griar'a'rari, 9 Febıuary 2011
  • Jack Shenker, “Egypt’s economy suffers as strikes intensify”, Guardian, 11 February 2011.
  • Jack Shenker, “Hosni Mubarak’s puppet trade union federation dismantled”, Girarriiari. 5 August 2011.
  • Jane Slaughter, “Egypt: Today Strikers Took Center Stage”, Labor Notes, 9 February 2011.
  • Jano Charbel, “Labor activist wades into the deep state”, Mada Mass; 30 September 2013.
  • Jeiî'rey Fleishman, “Egypt’s workers, newly emboldened, seek reforms”, Los Aageies Times, 22 July 2012.
  • Jesse Rosenfeld, “Once Key Players in the Revolution, Egyphs Workers Stand Down”, The Daiiy Beast, 23 October 2013.
  • Joel Beinin, “Workers and Egypt’s January 25 Revolution”, fateraaiioaat Labor and Wor'kirig—Ciass History, 80 (Fall 2011}, 192.
  • Joel Beinin and Frederic Vairel (2011}, Sociai' Movements. Mobiiizaiioa ami Coatestatiori iri the Maddie East araci North Africa, California: Stanford University Press, s. 183.
  • Joel Beinin, “What Have Workers Gained from Egypt’s January 25 “Revolution”?”, Jadaiiyya, 23 April 2012.
  • Joel Beinin, “The Rise of Egypt’s Workers”, Tire Carnegie Endowment for Peace, June 2012, s.4.
  • Joel Beinin, “Workers, Trade Unions and Egyptrs Political Future”,1L/fiddie East Research ami In_rîrr'maaoa Project, 18 January 2013. Ismail Nriman Tete:
  • Joel Beinin and Hossam Al-Hamalawy (2013), “Skl‘ikes in Egypt Spread from Center of Gravity”, D. McMurray ve A. Uşleil-Somers (ed.). Tne Arab Revoi’i‘s: Dispatches on M'iitaniDeinocracy in then/Eddie East, Bloom ington: Indiana University Press, s.83 -91.
  • Kerry Bolton [2011], RevoiiitionŞ'oni Above, London: Arktos Media Ltd.
  • “Labor Strikes Add To Pressure On Egypt’s Leaders”, NPR, 9 January 2.011.
  • “L abors’ Representatives in the Constitution Committee Hostility to independent unions & reproduction to Mubarak’s Union trades”, Centerfor Trade Union and Workers Service, 2 September 2013.
  • Luiz Sanchez, “Trade Unions call for 30 June revolution”, Daily News Egypt, 25 June 2013.
  • Maggie Michael, “Labor unrest spreads as bus drivers strike”, Daiiy News Egypt, 10 February 2011.
  • Maggie Michael, “Egyptians air grievances, ignoring army warning”, Deity News Egypt, 16 February 2011.
  • Matthew Weaver, “Egypt protests - Tuesday 8 Febru ary”, Guardian, 8 February 2011.
  • “No to Al-Ganzoury’s Cabinet Appointments... No to “Yellow“ Trade Unions”, Egyptian Federation offndependent Trade Unions, 2 December 2011.
  • Patrick Kingsley, “Egypt faces third revolution unless workers) demands are met, warns union”, Guardian, 25 September 2013.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Egypt’s labor movement: 4 years in review”, Egypt Independent, 2 May 2010.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Salemco workers settle, but Amonsito strikers remain on downtown sidewalk”, E gypt Independent, 15 March 2.010.
  • Philipp Rizk, “Back on the street: Arnonsito workers protest broken promises”, Egypt Independent, 9 May 2010.
  • Sarah Lynch, “Key force in Tahrir Square: Egypt’s labor m ovement”, Christian Science Monitor; 8 July 2.011.
  • Shaimaa Adel, “A night alongside Amonsito workers on the sidewalk”, Egypt Independent 15 March 2010.
  • Tamim Elyan, “Sector protests, strikes sweep Egypt”, Daily News Egypt, 9 February 2011.
  • “Who’s who: Egypt’s full interim Cabinet”, Ahram Oniine, 17 July 2013.
  • “Workers boost Egypt protests”,Ai Jazeera, 10 Febluary 2.011.
  • Yassin Gaber, “Egypt workers lay down demands at new trade union conference”, Ahram Online, 3 March 2011.
  • Yolanda Knell, “Egypt: Strikes test military regime”, BBC, 14 February 2011.
  • Mısır Devrimi Süreeiride İşçi Hareketinin Raitt
  • “60 Minutes: Egyptians Riot in the Streets in 1977", CBC News, 13 February 2.011. İnternet Kaynaktan
  • “About Us", Center for Trade Union and Workers Service, http:llwww.ctuws. cornlaboutl
  • Ahram Nadir, “Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions — Creation of Constitutional Body”, Marxist, 2 February 2011, http:llwww.marxist.coml egyptian—federation—for—independent—unions.htrn
  • Bill Van Auken, “Mass protests and strikes escalate as Egyptians reject “orderly transition"", World Socialist Web Site, 9 February 2011, https:llwww.wsws. orglenfarticlesl2011l02legyp—Ş)9.htrnl
  • “CTUWS DeŞnition“, Cemer for Trade Union aml Workers Service, http:ll www.ctuws.cornlaboutlstoryl?itern:7
  • “CTUWS submission to the OfŞce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights On the occasion of the seventh session of the Universal Periodic Review 2010", Center ŞJr Trade Union and Workers Service, http:ll1ib. ohchr.orngRBodieslUPRlDocurnentslSessionTlEGlCTUWS UPR EGY SO 7' 2010 C enter forTradeUnionsandWorkersServic es. pd f
  • “Egypt: Worker‘s” Struggles, Trade Unions and the “Left”, Socialist Standard, No: 1309, September 2013.
  • “Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petr‘otrade workers“, Marxist, 15 February 2011, http :llwww.marxist.comlegypt—call—general—strike—workers—petrotra — de.htm
  • “Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress is la unched”, Şnlnsiriall Global Union, 24 May 2013, http:llwww.ind ustriall-union.orglegyptian-denrocratic —labo- nr—congress—is—launched
  • “Egypt’s New Labor Movement Cornes of Age", American Federation of Labour and Congress ofiadtistrial Organization (AEL—CIO), 1 February 2012, http:/lwww.aşcio.orngloglOrganizing—BargaininglEgypt—s—New— Lahor—Movement—Comes—of—Age
  • “Egypt’s workers confront Mursi", Workers Liberty, 5 December 2012, http:ll www .workerslih erty.orglstoryl2012l12l05legypts—workers—confront—rnursi
  • Eric Lee, “Egypt: Founding declaration of new independent trade union federation", Union Book, 31 January 2011, httpzllwwwnnionbookorgl proŞleslblogslegypt—founding—declaration—of
  • “History Made as Egyptian Public Workers Form First Independent Union", Solidarirı' Center. S May 2009, http:llwww.solidaritycenterorgi'content. asp?contentid=923 Ismail Mim ari Teki
  • Jano Charbel, “Egypt: public transport workers establish independent union", Libooni, 24 March 2011, http:fa’libcomorginewsiegypt—public—transport— workers—establish—ind epend ent—union—2 50 32011
  • Joel Beinin, “The rise. ongypt’s workers", Libconi, 22 July 2012, http :iilibcom. oı'gnibı'aryirise—egypt%E2%80%99s—workers
  • Johannes Stern, “Independent" trade unions join military—hacked government in Egypt", World Socialist Web Site, 22 July 2013, http: r'nenrw.wswsingleı f articlesi2013i0?i22iegyp—j22.html?view=article mobile
  • Mustafa ALi, “Egypt’s spreading strikes", Socialist Worker, http: isocialistworker. orgi2011i02ilSiegypts—spreading—strikes
  • “Observation (CEACR) — adopted 2012", Inmrnarional' Labour Organization, http :fr'wwwilo.orgidyuinorınlex/enz'f?pZNORMLEXPUB : 1 3 100 :0 : :NO: :Pl3100 COMMENT ID:3080329
  • Philip Marşet, “Egypt: Revolution contained?", Sociaiirt Review, http: www.ııkiarticle.php2aıticlenıırnbeı=l2329
  • “The labour movement is in the heart and soul of the Egyptian revolution: Egyptian workers form new union federation", Worker ’.9 Liberty, 31 January 2011, http: www.workerslibeıtyorg storyi201 1f01131ila hour—movement- heart—and—soul—egyptian—revolution—egyptian—workers—form—new—union—
  • “This country is on the brink ofa revolution", 26 March 2009, http: scand egypt. blogs pot.eoı 200910 3fthis—co untry—is—on— blink—of—revolu tio 11. html
  • “Workers and Peasants Are the Voice ofthe Egyptian Revolution", Monthly Renew Zine, 1 December 2011, http: ' mrzine.monthlyreview.orgi201 If egypt011211.html
Toplam 83 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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İsmail Numan Telci Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Telci, İ. N. (2014). Mısır Devrimi Sürecinde İşçi Hareketinin Rolü. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 81-112.

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