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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 424 - 442, 01.04.2021


Tüketici elektroniğinde, yeni teknolojilerin kullanılmasının bir sonucu olarak, analog TV, salt bir izleme deneyiminden, kullanıcıların etkileşime girmeye teşvik edildiği kişiselleştirilmiş bir dijital TV deneyimine doğru evrilmektedir. TV’de yeni teknolojilerin kullanılması, yalnızca fiziksel görünümde değişiklikler yaratmak ve daha fazla işlev eklemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda (esas olarak duygular tarafından yönlendirilen) kullanıcı beklentilerini de değiştirir. Bu çalışmanın temel sorunsalı, akıllı TV tercihinde hangi duygusal beklentilerin yer aldığını belirlemek ve bu belirli duyguların neden uyandığını görmektir. Diğer bir deyişle, bu çalışmanın amacı, içerik ve faaliyetler ile kullanıcı etkileşimi arasındaki ilişkinin yanı sıra tetiklenen duygular ve kullanıcı beklentileri arasında olan ilişkiyi anlamaktır. Bunu yaparak, rüya(hayal edilen) TV'ye yönelik kullanıcı duygularını ve beklentilerini analiz etmektedir. Veriler, yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmeler ile toplanmıştır. Sonuçlar, Akıllılık, Yüksek Kalite, Kişiselleştirme, İşlevsellik ve Görünümünün TV deneyimine yönelik beklentileri karşılayan temel özellikler olduğunu göstermektedir. Kullanıcı dostu olma, uyumluluk, keyif alma, farkındalık, yeni etkileşimlere olanak sağlama, kendini korumaya yönelik akıllı yazılım ve sesli uzaktan kumanda ise beklentileri karşılayan diğer önemli nitelikler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Tüm bu beklentiler, altta yatan farklı duygusal eğilimlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Tasarımcılar için ilkeler önerme girişimiyle tamamlanan bu çalışma, kullanıcıların duygusal temellere dayanan beklentilerini karşılayan bir akıllı TV tasarlamak için tasarımının beş temel unsuru içermesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu unsurlar; görevleri başarmayı basitleştiren akıllı etkileşimin sağlanması (Akıllılık), yeni ve sürekli deneyim canlı tutulması için yüksek kaliteli görüntü ve ses (Yüksek Kalite), beğenilen herhangi bir içeriğin ulaşılabilir olmaması ve istenmeyenlerin filtrelenmesi (Kişiselleştirme), farklı kullanım biçimlerine olanak sağlanması (Fonksiyonellik), ve estetik bir görüm ile olası her ortama uyan kusursuz bir tasarıma sahip olma (Görünüm), olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Batra, R., & Ahtola, O. T. (1991). Measuring the hedonic and utilitarian sources of consumer attitudes. Marketing letters, 2(2), 159-170.
  • Bellman, S., Schweda, A., & Varan, D. (2010). The importance of social motives for watching and interacting with digital television. International Journal of Market Research, 52(1), 67-87.
  • Berker, T. (2005). Domestication of media and technology. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cesar, P., & Chorianopoulos, K. (2008). Interactivity and user participation in the television lifecycle: creating, sharing, and controlling content. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive user experiences for TV and video,125-128.
  • Chen, L. C., & Chu, P. Y. (2012). Developing the index for product design communication and evaluation from emotional perspectives. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(2), 2011-2020.
  • Chitturi, R., Raghunathan, R., & Mahajan, V. (2008). Delight by design: The role of hedonic versus utilitarian benefits. Journal of marketing, 72(3), 48-63.
  • Chorianopoulos, K., & Lekakos, G. (2008). Introduction to social TV: Enhancing the shared experience with interactive TV. Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 24(2), 113-120.
  • De Moor, K., Saritas, O., Schuurman, D., Claeys, L., & De Marez, L. (2014). Towards Innovation Foresight: Two empirical case studies on future TV experiences for/by users. Futures, 59, 39-49.
  • Demir, E., Desmet, P. M., & Hekkert, P. (2009). Appraisal patterns of emotions in human-product interaction. International journal of design, 3(2), 41-51.
  • Desmet, P. (2003). Measuring emotion: Development and application of an instrument to measure emotional responses to products. In Funology (pp. 111-123). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Desmet, P. (2018). Measuring emotion: Development and application of an instrument to measure emotional responses to products. In Funology 2 (pp. 391-404). Springer, Cham.
  • Desmet, P., & Hassenzahl, M. (2012). Towards happiness: Possibility-driven design. In Human-computer interaction: The agency perspective (pp. 3-27). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Dhar, R., & Wertenbroch, K. (2000). Consumer choice between hedonic and utilitarian goods. Journal of marketing research, 37(1), 60-71.
  • Gobé, M. (2010). Brandjam: Humanizing brands through emotional design. Simon and Schuster.
  • Hassenzahl, M., & Tractinsky, N. (2006). User experience-a research agenda. Behaviour & information technology, 25(2), 91-97.
  • Hassenzahl, M., Diefenbach, S., & Göritz, A. (2010). Needs, affect, and interactive products–Facets of user experience. Interacting with computers, 22(5), 353-362.
  • Jumisko-Pyykkö, S., Weitzel, M., & Strohmeier, D. (2008, October). Designing for user experience: what to expect from mobile 3D TV and video?. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive user experiences for TV and video, 183-192.
  • Kaptelinin, V. (2003). Learning with artefacts: integrating technologies into activities. Interacting with Computers, 15(6), 831-836
  • Kaptelinin, V., & Nardi, B. A. (2006). Acting with technology: Activity theory and interaction design. MIT press.
  • Kaptelinin, V., Nardi, B. A., & Macaulay, C. (1999). Methods & tools: The activity checklist: a tool for representing the “space” of context. interactions, 6(4), 27-39.
  • López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., Fernández-Vilas, A., & Ramos-Cabrer, M. (2011). Automatic provision of personalized e-commerce services in Digital TV scenarios with impermanent connectivity. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12691-12698.
  • Montpetit, M. J., Klym, N., & Mirlacher, T. (2011). The future of IPTV Connected, mobile, personal and social. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(3), 519-532.
  • Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. Basic Civitas Books.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 424 - 442, 01.04.2021


As a result of the introduction of new technologies in consumer electronics, analog TV shifted from a mere viewing experience to a personalized digital TV experience where users are encouraged to interact. The application of these new technologies not only create changes in physical appearance and adding more functionalities to TVs but it also shifts user expectations, which are mainly emotionally driven. The initial attempt of this study is to determine which emotions are involved in smart TV preference and why those particular emotions are aroused. In other words, this study aims to discover the link among contents, activities and user interaction as well as the relationship between triggered emotions and user expectations. By doing so, it analyses user emotions and expectations towards a dream TV. The primary data is collected towards semi-structured in-depth interviews. The results show that Smartness, High quality, Personalization, Functionality and Appearance are the key features that meet the expectations towards TV experience. User-friendliness, compatibleness, enjoyableness, awareness, novel-interactions, self-defense smart software and voice remote are the consequent expectations. All these expectations arise from different underlying emotional tendencies. With its initial attempt to propose guidelines for designers, this study suggests that for designing a smart TV that meets user expectations, its design should enable smart interaction that simplifies managing task (Smartness), high quality of picture and sound to enable innovative continuous experience (High quality), supporting not missing any content of interest and filter unwanted ones (Personalization), utilize all kinds of usage comfortably (Functionality), and should have an aesthetic look, even seamless design that fits any possible environment (Appearance).


  • Batra, R., & Ahtola, O. T. (1991). Measuring the hedonic and utilitarian sources of consumer attitudes. Marketing letters, 2(2), 159-170.
  • Bellman, S., Schweda, A., & Varan, D. (2010). The importance of social motives for watching and interacting with digital television. International Journal of Market Research, 52(1), 67-87.
  • Berker, T. (2005). Domestication of media and technology. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cesar, P., & Chorianopoulos, K. (2008). Interactivity and user participation in the television lifecycle: creating, sharing, and controlling content. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive user experiences for TV and video,125-128.
  • Chen, L. C., & Chu, P. Y. (2012). Developing the index for product design communication and evaluation from emotional perspectives. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(2), 2011-2020.
  • Chitturi, R., Raghunathan, R., & Mahajan, V. (2008). Delight by design: The role of hedonic versus utilitarian benefits. Journal of marketing, 72(3), 48-63.
  • Chorianopoulos, K., & Lekakos, G. (2008). Introduction to social TV: Enhancing the shared experience with interactive TV. Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 24(2), 113-120.
  • De Moor, K., Saritas, O., Schuurman, D., Claeys, L., & De Marez, L. (2014). Towards Innovation Foresight: Two empirical case studies on future TV experiences for/by users. Futures, 59, 39-49.
  • Demir, E., Desmet, P. M., & Hekkert, P. (2009). Appraisal patterns of emotions in human-product interaction. International journal of design, 3(2), 41-51.
  • Desmet, P. (2003). Measuring emotion: Development and application of an instrument to measure emotional responses to products. In Funology (pp. 111-123). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Desmet, P. (2018). Measuring emotion: Development and application of an instrument to measure emotional responses to products. In Funology 2 (pp. 391-404). Springer, Cham.
  • Desmet, P., & Hassenzahl, M. (2012). Towards happiness: Possibility-driven design. In Human-computer interaction: The agency perspective (pp. 3-27). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Dhar, R., & Wertenbroch, K. (2000). Consumer choice between hedonic and utilitarian goods. Journal of marketing research, 37(1), 60-71.
  • Gobé, M. (2010). Brandjam: Humanizing brands through emotional design. Simon and Schuster.
  • Hassenzahl, M., & Tractinsky, N. (2006). User experience-a research agenda. Behaviour & information technology, 25(2), 91-97.
  • Hassenzahl, M., Diefenbach, S., & Göritz, A. (2010). Needs, affect, and interactive products–Facets of user experience. Interacting with computers, 22(5), 353-362.
  • Jumisko-Pyykkö, S., Weitzel, M., & Strohmeier, D. (2008, October). Designing for user experience: what to expect from mobile 3D TV and video?. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive user experiences for TV and video, 183-192.
  • Kaptelinin, V. (2003). Learning with artefacts: integrating technologies into activities. Interacting with Computers, 15(6), 831-836
  • Kaptelinin, V., & Nardi, B. A. (2006). Acting with technology: Activity theory and interaction design. MIT press.
  • Kaptelinin, V., Nardi, B. A., & Macaulay, C. (1999). Methods & tools: The activity checklist: a tool for representing the “space” of context. interactions, 6(4), 27-39.
  • López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., Fernández-Vilas, A., & Ramos-Cabrer, M. (2011). Automatic provision of personalized e-commerce services in Digital TV scenarios with impermanent connectivity. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12691-12698.
  • Montpetit, M. J., Klym, N., & Mirlacher, T. (2011). The future of IPTV Connected, mobile, personal and social. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(3), 519-532.
  • Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. Basic Civitas Books.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Deniz Yeşim Taluğ 0000-0003-1897-3583

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ocak 2021
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Taluğ, D. Y. (2021). USER EXPECTATIONS ON SMART TV; AN EMPIRIC STUDY ON USER EMOTIONS TOWARDS SMART TV. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 11(2), 424-442.

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