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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 280 - 290, 01.04.2022


Özel sektör kuruluşlarında müşteri bağlılığı pazarlama odaklı bir sonuçtur. Özellikle de hizmet sektöründe müşteri bağlılığını elde etmenin en iyi yolu müşterilerle uzun vadeli bir ilişki kurmaktır. Bu ise müşterilerin duygu ve ihtiyaçlarına daha fazla değer vermeyi gerektirir. Müşteri bağlılığının oluşturulması, kurumsal kimliğin, imajın ve itibarın güçlendirilmesi gibi kuruluşlara değer katmasının yanı sıra müşteri duyarlılıklarını artırmaya yönelik hizmetlere de katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Özel sektör kuruluşları olarak Türkiye'de hizmet veren sigorta şirketleri üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında, Uluslararası sigorta şirketlerinden hizmet alan 104 kişi ve yerel sigorta şirketlerinden hizmet alan 110 kişi olmak üzere toplam 214 kişiye anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Araştırma verilerine göre, “Uzun vadeli bir ilişki sürdürme isteği” ve “Başkalarına tavsiye etme isteği” ile Sigorta şirketi çalışanlarından duyulan “memnuniyet”, “güven” ve “İletişim yeterlilik” arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı bir korelasyon bulunmuştur. Araştırma verileri, halkla ilişkiler algılamalarının kuruluşların sosyal kimlik algıları, itibarları, müşterilerin duygusal bağlılıkları ve yeni müşteriler kazanılması üzerinde stratejik açıdan olumlu etkilerinin olduğunu ortaya çıkartmıştır.


  • Allen, N. J. & Meyer, J. P. (1990). “The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 63(1), 1-18.
  • Anderson, R.E. & Srinivasan, S.S. (2003). “E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework”. Psychology & Marketing, 20(2), 123-138.
  • Bakir, V., Herring, E., Miller, D. & Robinson, P. (2018). “Organized Persuasive Communication: A new conceptual framework for research on public relations, propaganda and promotional culture”, Critical Sociology, 45(3), 311-328.
  • Bowden, J.L-H. (2011). “Engaging the Student as a Customer: A Relationship Marketing Approach”. Marketing Education Review, 21(3), 211-228.
  • Caywood, C. (2012). The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications (2nd ed). New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Chi, N-W. & Chen, P-C. (2019). “Relationship matters: How relational factors moderate the effects of emotional labor on long-term customer outcomes”. Journal of Business Research 95, 277-291.
  • Çelebi, E. & Bilir, F.P. (2019). “Effects Of Relationship Management On Sports Consumers: A Research On Private Sports Centers”. In: Recent Advances in Social Sciences, Eds. By. Efe, R., Koleva, I., Öztürk, M., and Arabacı, R., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 452-468.
  • Çelebi, E. (2020). “Public relations in public institutions: A research on the effectiveness of communication process”. Journal of Human Sciences, 17 (3), 768-779.
  • Çelebi, E. (2021). “The effect of organization-public relations on sports fan loyalty”. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(1), 94- 103.
  • El-Adly, M.I. (2019). “Modelling the relationship between hotel perceived value, customer, satisfaction, and customer loyalty”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 322-332.
  • Heath, R. L. & Coombs, W.T. (2006). Today’s public relations. California: SAGE.
  • Hon, L.C. & Grunig, J.E. (1999). “Guidelines for measuring relationships in public relations”. Institute for Public Relations, 1-40.
  • Hutton, J. G. (2010). “Defining the relationship between public relations and marketing: Public relations’ most important challenge”. In R. L. Heath (Ed), The Sage Handbook of Public Relations (pp. 509-522). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Iglesias, O, Markovic, S. Bagherzaeh, M, Sigh, J.J. (2020). “Co-creation: A Key Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Trust, and Customer Loyalty”. Journal of Business Ethics 163, 151–166.
  • Ki, E.J. & Nekmat, E. (2015). “Decomposing Impression from Attitude in Relationship Management Outcomes”. Journal of Promotion Management, 21 (6), 685-702.
  • Kumar, V. & Shah, D. (2004). “Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty in the 21st century”. Journal of Retailing, 80 (4), 317-330.
  • Kotler, P. (2002). Marketing Management. Millennium Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Kotler, P. & Keller, L. (2006). Marketing Management. (12th ed). New Jersey: Prentice- Hill.
  • Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2017). Principles Of Marketing (9th ed.). New York, Pearson Education.
  • Lesmana, R., Sutarman, A. & Sunardi, N. (2021). “Building A Customer Loyalty Through Service Quality Mediated by Customer Satisfaction”. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 5(3), 38-45.
  • McKie, D. & Willis, P. (2012). “Renegotiating the terms of engagement: Public relations, marketing, and contemporary challenges”, Public Relations Review 38, 846–852 .
  • Morgan, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). “The Commitment‐Trust Theory Of Relationship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing, 58 (3), 20‐38.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G. & Deshpande, R. (1992). “Relationships between providers and users of market research: The dynamics of trust within and between organizations”. Journal Of Marketing Research, 29, 314-328.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1997). Satisfaction: A Behavior Perspecfive on the Consumer. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999). “Whence Consumer Loyalty?”. Journal of Marketing 63, 33-44.
  • Pansari, A. & Kumar, V. (2017). “Customer Engagement: The Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences”, J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. 45, 294-311.
  • Place, K.R., Smith, B.G. & Lee, H. (2016). “Integrated Influence? Exploring Public Relations Power in Integrated Marketing Communication”. Public Relations Journal, 10(1), 1-36.
  • Reichheld F. F. (2003). “The One Number You Need To Grow”. Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 46-54.
  • Smith, B. G., & Place, K. R. (2013). “Integrating Power? Evaluating Public Relations Influence in an Integrated Communication Structure”. Journal of Public Relations Research, 25(2), 168-187.
  • Tabrani, M., Amin, M. & Nizam, A. (2018). “Trust, commitment, customer intimacy and customer loyalty in Islamic banking relationships”. International Journal of Bank Marketing, (36)5, 823-848.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 280 - 290, 01.04.2022


In private sector organizations, customer loyalty is a marketing-oriented outcome. The best way to gain customer loyalty, especially in the service industry, is to establish a long-term relationship with customers. This requires placing greater value on customers' feelings and needs. In addition, to adding value to organizations such as creating customer loyalty, strengthening corporate identity, image and reputation, it also contributes to services to increase customer awareness. In this study, a research was conducted on insurance companies serving as private sector organizations in Turkey. Within the scope of the research, a questionnaire was applied to a total of 214 people, 104 people receiving service from international insurance companies and 110 people receiving service from local insurance companies. According to the research data, a positive and significant correlation was found between “Desire to maintain a long-term relationship”, “Desire to recommend to others” and, “Satisfaction”, “Trust” and “Communicative competence” felt from the insurance company employees. Research data revealed that public relations perceptions have strategically positive effects on organizations' perceptions of social identity, reputation, emotional commitment of customers and acquiring new customers.


  • Allen, N. J. & Meyer, J. P. (1990). “The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization”. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 63(1), 1-18.
  • Anderson, R.E. & Srinivasan, S.S. (2003). “E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework”. Psychology & Marketing, 20(2), 123-138.
  • Bakir, V., Herring, E., Miller, D. & Robinson, P. (2018). “Organized Persuasive Communication: A new conceptual framework for research on public relations, propaganda and promotional culture”, Critical Sociology, 45(3), 311-328.
  • Bowden, J.L-H. (2011). “Engaging the Student as a Customer: A Relationship Marketing Approach”. Marketing Education Review, 21(3), 211-228.
  • Caywood, C. (2012). The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications (2nd ed). New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Chi, N-W. & Chen, P-C. (2019). “Relationship matters: How relational factors moderate the effects of emotional labor on long-term customer outcomes”. Journal of Business Research 95, 277-291.
  • Çelebi, E. & Bilir, F.P. (2019). “Effects Of Relationship Management On Sports Consumers: A Research On Private Sports Centers”. In: Recent Advances in Social Sciences, Eds. By. Efe, R., Koleva, I., Öztürk, M., and Arabacı, R., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 452-468.
  • Çelebi, E. (2020). “Public relations in public institutions: A research on the effectiveness of communication process”. Journal of Human Sciences, 17 (3), 768-779.
  • Çelebi, E. (2021). “The effect of organization-public relations on sports fan loyalty”. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(1), 94- 103.
  • El-Adly, M.I. (2019). “Modelling the relationship between hotel perceived value, customer, satisfaction, and customer loyalty”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 322-332.
  • Heath, R. L. & Coombs, W.T. (2006). Today’s public relations. California: SAGE.
  • Hon, L.C. & Grunig, J.E. (1999). “Guidelines for measuring relationships in public relations”. Institute for Public Relations, 1-40.
  • Hutton, J. G. (2010). “Defining the relationship between public relations and marketing: Public relations’ most important challenge”. In R. L. Heath (Ed), The Sage Handbook of Public Relations (pp. 509-522). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Iglesias, O, Markovic, S. Bagherzaeh, M, Sigh, J.J. (2020). “Co-creation: A Key Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Trust, and Customer Loyalty”. Journal of Business Ethics 163, 151–166.
  • Ki, E.J. & Nekmat, E. (2015). “Decomposing Impression from Attitude in Relationship Management Outcomes”. Journal of Promotion Management, 21 (6), 685-702.
  • Kumar, V. & Shah, D. (2004). “Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty in the 21st century”. Journal of Retailing, 80 (4), 317-330.
  • Kotler, P. (2002). Marketing Management. Millennium Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Kotler, P. & Keller, L. (2006). Marketing Management. (12th ed). New Jersey: Prentice- Hill.
  • Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2017). Principles Of Marketing (9th ed.). New York, Pearson Education.
  • Lesmana, R., Sutarman, A. & Sunardi, N. (2021). “Building A Customer Loyalty Through Service Quality Mediated by Customer Satisfaction”. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 5(3), 38-45.
  • McKie, D. & Willis, P. (2012). “Renegotiating the terms of engagement: Public relations, marketing, and contemporary challenges”, Public Relations Review 38, 846–852 .
  • Morgan, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). “The Commitment‐Trust Theory Of Relationship Marketing”. Journal of Marketing, 58 (3), 20‐38.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G. & Deshpande, R. (1992). “Relationships between providers and users of market research: The dynamics of trust within and between organizations”. Journal Of Marketing Research, 29, 314-328.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1997). Satisfaction: A Behavior Perspecfive on the Consumer. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999). “Whence Consumer Loyalty?”. Journal of Marketing 63, 33-44.
  • Pansari, A. & Kumar, V. (2017). “Customer Engagement: The Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences”, J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. 45, 294-311.
  • Place, K.R., Smith, B.G. & Lee, H. (2016). “Integrated Influence? Exploring Public Relations Power in Integrated Marketing Communication”. Public Relations Journal, 10(1), 1-36.
  • Reichheld F. F. (2003). “The One Number You Need To Grow”. Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 46-54.
  • Smith, B. G., & Place, K. R. (2013). “Integrating Power? Evaluating Public Relations Influence in an Integrated Communication Structure”. Journal of Public Relations Research, 25(2), 168-187.
  • Tabrani, M., Amin, M. & Nizam, A. (2018). “Trust, commitment, customer intimacy and customer loyalty in Islamic banking relationships”. International Journal of Bank Marketing, (36)5, 823-848.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Engin Çelebi 0000-0001-5791-8080

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

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