This small-scale study focused on the experiences of student teachers towards teaching practice in an open and distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa. The sample consisted of 65 fourth year students enrolled for Bachelor of Education, specializing in secondary school teaching. The mixed-method research design consisting of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used. Questionnaire and individual interview discussions were used as instruments for data collection. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The study revealed that student teachers experienced challenges with regard to on-time placement in schools, supervision and mentoring. Based on the findings, recommendations were made. Among others was that mentors and university contracted supervisors should be constantly empowered through workshops to work effectively in leading and guiding student teachers. On the issues of placement of students in approved schools, the university should consider implementing a system which will enable students to place themselves online. Placing students in approved schools is a major challenge for the ODL institution in South Africa given the great number of students that have to be placed in schools every year and the slow pace at which the institution is moving to integrate technology in addressing the problem.
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Publication P & T Ltd.
Tillema, H. H., Smith, K., & Leshem, S. (2011). Dual roles, conflicting purposes: a
comparative study on perceptions of assessment in mentoring relations during
practicum. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34 (2), 139-159.
Aldridge, J., Fraser, B., & Ntuli, S. (2009). Utilizing learning environment assessments to
improve teaching practices among in-service teachers undertaking a distanceeducation
program. South African Journal of Education, 29(2),147.
Caires, S., & Almeida, L. (2005). Teaching Practice in Initial Teacher Education; its impact
on student teachers’ professional skills and development. Journal of Education
for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 3,111-120.
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education. London:
Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design. California: Sage Publications.
Department of Basic and Higher Education and Training. (2011). Integrated Strategic
Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa
(2011-2015). Pretoria: Government Printer.
Department of Higher Education and Training. (2011). The Minimum Requirements for
Teacher Education Qualifications. Pretoria: Government Printer.
Du Plessis, E. (2013). Mentoring challenges in the teaching practice of distance learning
students. The Independent Institute of Higher Education, 8,1-16.
Grinnell, R.M., & Williams, M. (1990). Research in social work: a primer. Itasca, IL:
Halloway, J. (2001). The benefits of mentoring. Educational Leadership, 58, 85-86.
Higher Education Quality Committee. (2008). Audit Report of University of South Africa,
12 May. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.
Holmes, D. R., Karmacharya, D. M., & Mayo, J. K. (1993). Radio education in Nepal. In
H. Perraton (Ed.), Distance education for teacher training. New York:
Komba, S.C., & Kira, E.S. (2013). The Effectiveness of teaching Practice in Improving
Student Teachers’ Teaching Skills in Tanzania. Journal of Education and Practice,
4(1), 157-163.
Maphosa, C., Shumba, J., & Shumba, A. (2007). Mentorship for students on teaching
practice in Zimbabwe: Are student teacher’s getting a raw deal? South African
Journal of Higher Education, 21, 296-307.
Marais, P., & Meier, C. (2004). Hear our voices: Student teacher’s experience during
practical teaching. African Education Review, 1(2), 220-233.
McMillan J.H., & Schumacher, S. (2006). Research in Education Evidence-based Enquiry.
New York: Pearson.
Mokoena, S.P. (2012). Student Teachers’ Expectations of Teaching as a Career Choice in
South Africa (Part 1). International Journal of Social Sciences, 31(2), 117-126.
Morgan, D.L. (2014). Integrating Qualitative & Quantitative Methods: A Pragmatic
Approach. USA: Sage Publications.
Mtetwa D.K., & Dyanda, C. (2003). Outcomes of a teaching practice. In: F Zindi, M
Mubika, K.A., & Bukaliya, R. (2013). Challenges in the training of teachers through open
and distance learning: Implications for quality. Asian Journal of Social Sciences
and Humanities, 2(3), 40-52.
Ntsaluba, D.N., & Chireshe, R. (2013). The State of Teaching Practice Planning at a Rural
University in South Africa. Studies of Tribes and Tribals, 11(1),1-9.
Ntsaluba, D.N. (2012). An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Teaching Practice in the
Context of Developing Student Teachers’ Competences at Walter Sisulu
University. Doctoral Thesis, Unpublished. Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha.
Nwanekezi, A. U., Okoli, N. J., & Mezieobi, S. A. (2011). Attitude of student teacher
towards teaching practice in the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Journal
of Emerging Trends Educational Research and Policy Studies, 2 (1), 41-46.
Oliveira, J.B. & Orivel, F. (2003). The costs of distance education or training teachers. In
Robinson, B. & Latchem, C. Eds. Teacher Education through Open and Distance
Learning. World review of distance education and open learning Volume 3.
London/New York: Routledge Falmer/COL. 212-233.
Perraton, H. (1993). The effects. In H. Perraton (Ed). Distance education for teacher
training. New York: Routledge.
Reddy, C., Menkveld, H., & Bitzer, E. (2008). The practicum in pre-service teacher
education: A survey of institutional practices. Southern African Review of
Education with Education with Production: A Review of Comparative Education
and History of Education from SACHES, 14(1), 143-163.
Taneja, L. (2000). Encyclopedia of Computer of Education, Vol. 4. New Delhi: Annol
Publication P & T Ltd.
Tillema, H. H., Smith, K., & Leshem, S. (2011). Dual roles, conflicting purposes: a
comparative study on perceptions of assessment in mentoring relations during
practicum. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34 (2), 139-159.