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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 17 - 31, 15.12.2018



  • Aadahl, M. Kjaer, M. ve Jørgensen, T. (2007). Perceived exertion of physical activity: Negative association with self-rated fitness. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 35(4), 403–409.Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. 50 (2), 179-211.Ajzen, I. (2006). Constructing a TpB questionnaire: Conceptual and methodological considerations., Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018.Akkuş, G. (2013). Yemek Turizmine Katılma Niyeti: Planlı Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde Bir İnceleme. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kayseri. Argan, M., Özer, A. ve Akın, E. (2006). Elektronik spor: Türkiye’de siber sporcuların tutum ve davranışları. Spor Yönetimi ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Dergisi. 1(2), 1306-4371.Baker, R.K., ve White, K.M., (2010). Predicting adoloscents’ use of social networking sites from an extended theory of planned behavior perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1591-1597.Bavelier, D., Green, C., Pouget, A., ve Schrater, P. (2012). Brain plasticity through the life span: Learning to learn and action video games. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 35, 391-416.Boot, W. R., Sumner, A., Towne, T. J., Rodriguez, P., ve Ericsson, K. (2016). Applying aspects of the expert performance approach to better understand the structure of skill and mechanisms of skill acquisition in video games. Topics in Cognitive Science. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, M. (2012). Public gaming: e-sport and event marketing in the experience economy. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Simon Fraser Üniversitesi, Kanada. Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2018, (Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu) (2017). Dijital Oyunlar İçin Çocuk ve Aile Rehberliği Çalıştayı Sonuç Raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Buck, K. (2015). Counter-Strike: The rise of female e-sports players in Europe. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, M. ve Gibbs, M.R. (2013). E-sports in EVE online: skullduggery, fair play and acceptability in an unbounded competition, Proceedings of 8th FDG Conference, Crete, May 14-17, ss. 47-54.Cha, J. (2014). Usage of video sharing websites: drivers and barriers. Telematics and Informatics, 31(1), 16-26Chen, G.M. (2011). Tweet this: a uses and gratifications perspective on how active Twitter use gratifies a need to connect with others. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 755-762.Cheon, J., S. Lee, S.M. Crooks, J. Song, (2012). An investigation of mobile learning readiness in higher education based on the theory of planned behavior. Computers & Education, 59, 1054–1064.Cheung, G. ve Huang, J. (2011). Starcraft from the stands: understanding the game spectator. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ACM, New York, NY, pp. 763-772. Erişim Tarihi, 22.07.2018 Chiang, H.S. ve Hsiao, K.L. (2015). YouTube stickiness: the needs, personal, and environmental perspective. Internet Research, 25(1), 85-106.Cohen, J. ve Hanno, D. M. (1993). An analysis of underlying constructs affecting the choice of accounting as a majör. Issues in Accounting Education, 8(2), 219-238.Duggan, M. (2015). Gaming and gamers (Research Report). Retrieved from Pew Research Center. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018, Elsgaming Admin (2014). The growth and future of esports tourism. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, L.K. ve Meeds, R. (2007). Types of fantasy sports users and their motivations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), 1208-1228.Fink, J.S., Trail, G.T. ve Anderson, D.F. (2002). Environmental factors associated with spectator attendance and sport consumption behavior: gender and team differences. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 11(1), 8-19.Fishbein, M. ve Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief Attitude, Intention and Behavior. An Introduction to Theory and Research, Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Funk, D. C., Beaton, A., ve Alexandris, K. (2012). Sport consumer motivation: Autonomy and control orientations that regulate fan behaviors. Sport Management Review, 15(3), 355–367.Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı (2018). E-spor raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, D (2008). Event tourism: definition, evolution, and research. Тourism Management 29(3), 403–428. Green, C., ve Bavelier, D. (2015). Action video game training for cognitive enhancement. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 4, 103–108. Güzeloğlu, A. (2017), E-spor hukuku: W, A, S, D’den çok daha fazlası. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, J. ve Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is e-sports and why do people watch it? Internet Research, 27 (2), 211-232.Harwell, D. (2014). More women play video games than boys, and other surprising facts lost in the mess of gamergate. The Washington Post. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, M.-H., Yen, C.-H., Chiu, C.-M.,ve Chang, C.-M. (2006). A longitudinal investigation of continued online shopping behavior: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64, 889-904.Huang, Chuang, M. H. (2007). Extending the theory of planned behavior as a model to explain post-merger employee behavior of IS use. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 240–257.Hutchins, B. (2006). Computer gaming, media and e-Sport. Tasa Konferansı. Crawley, Avustralya. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018, Hutchins, B. (2008). Signs of meta-change in second modernity: the growth of e-sport and the World cyber games. New Media and Society, 10(6), 851-869.Johnson, P.R. ve Yang, S. (2009). Uses and gratifications of Twitter: an examination of user motives and satisfaction of Twitter use. Communication Technology Division of the Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA, August. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018, file:///C:/Users/Cbox/Downloads/Uses_and_gratifications_of_Twitter_An_examination_.pdfJoinson, A.N. (2008). Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people? Motives and use of Facebook. CHI 2008 Proceedings, Online Social Networks. April 5-10, Florence, Italy, Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018, Kaplanidou, K.,ve Vogt C, (2006). A structural analysis of destination travel intentions as a function of web site features. Journal of Travel Research, 45(2), 204–216. Köstelekoğlu, C. (2015). E-spor nedir? Hukuk Gündemi, 2, 106-108. Erişim Tarihi: 25.07.2018. LaRose, R. ve Eastin, M.S. (2004), “A social cognitive theory of Internet uses and gratifications: toward a new model of media attendance”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 358-377.Lee, D., & Schoenstedt, L. J. (2011). Comparison of e-sports and traditional sports consumption motives. The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance, 6(2), 39–44.Li, R. (2016). Good luck have fun: The rise of e-sports. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.Lu, C. S., K. H. Lai ve T.C.E. Cheng. (2007). “Application of structural equation modeling to evaluate the intention of shippers to use Internet services in liner shipping” European Journal of Operational Research 180: 845-867. Malin, A. (2018). Esports Tourısm: 5 Events You Need to Attend. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018. Mathieson, K. (1991). “Predicting user intentions: Comparing the technology acceptance model with the theory of planned behavior” Information Systems Research 2: 173–19.Molina, B. (2018). Why watch other people play video games? What you need to know about esports. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018.Neirotti, L. D. (2012). An introduction to sport and adventure tourism, (Ed: S. Hudson). İçinde: Sport and Adventure Tourism. (s. 1–26). Newyork: The Haworth Hospitality Press. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018, (2017). 2017 Global E-sports Market Report. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018. (2017). OCA, Alisports announce E-Sports partnership for Hangzhou 2022. Erişim Tarihi:28.07.2018,Özer, G. ve Yılmaz, E. (2010), Planlı Davranış Teorisi (Pdt) İle Muhasebecilerin Bilgi Teknolojisi Kullanımına Yönelik Bir Uygulama, Mödav, 02, ss.33-54.Papacharissi, Z. ve Mendelson, A. (2010), “12 toward a new(er) sociability: uses, gratifications and social capital on Facebook”, in Papathanassopoulus, S. (Edt.), Media Perspectives for the 21st Century, Routledge, London, pp. 212-230.Papacharissi, Z. ve Rubin, A.M. (2000), “Predictors of internet use”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 175-196.Quinn, S. (2017). What are they thinking? Esports is not a game for the Hong Kong tourism board to play. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Rydin, Y., Seymour, R., ve Lorimer, S. (2011). Sustainability in the Sports Sector. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018 Seo, Y. (2016). Professionalized consumption and identity transformations in the field of e-sports. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), 264-272.Seo, Y. ve Jung, S.U. (2014). Beyond solitary play in computer games: the social practices of e-sports. Journal of Consumer Culture, 16(3), 1-21.Stroud, L. C., Amonette, W. E., ve Dupler, T. L. (2010). Metabolic responses of upper-body accelerometercontrolled video games in adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 35(5), 643-649.Taylor, T.L. ve Witkowski, E. (2010). This is how we play it: what a mega-LAN can teach us about games Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, ACM, New York, NY, ss. 195-202. Erişim Tarihi 20,07.2018, Tiedemann, C. (2004). Sport (and culture of physical motion) for historians, an approach to precise the central term(s). IX. international CESH-Congress, Crotone, Italy. Erişim Tarihi 15.07.2018. Töre, Ö. (2016). Investing in the great games of the future: eSports. Erişim Tarihi, 23.07.2017,ınvestıng-ın-the-great-games-of-the-future-e-sports-html. Trail, G.T. ve James, J.D. (2001). The motivation scale for sport consumption: a comparison of psychometric properties with other sport motivation scales. Journal of Sport Behavior, 24(1), 108-127.Trail, G.T., Anderson, D.F. ve Fink, J.S. (2000). A theoretical model of sport spectator consumption behavior. International Journal of Sport Management, 1(3), 154-180.Turco, D. M. (1998). Traveling and turnovers measuring the economic impacts of a street basketball tournament. Journal of Sport Tourism, 5(1), 227–241. Üçüncüoğlu, M. ve Çakır, V.O. (2017), modern spor kulüplerinin e-spor faaliyetlerine ilgi gösterme nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (İÜBESBD), 4(2), 34-47. Wagner, M. (2006). On the scientific relevance of e-sport”, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing and Conference on Computer Game Development, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, NV, ss. 437-440. Erişim Tarihi 10.07.2018, Wang, Q., Fink, E.L. ve Cai, D.A. (2008). Loneliness, gender, and parasocial interaction: a uses and gratifications approach. Communication Quarterly, 56(1), 87-109.Wann, D.L. (1995). Preliminary validation of the sport fan motivation scale. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 19(4), 377-396. Wann, D.L. ve Wilson, A.M. (1999). Relationship between aesthetic motivation and preferences for aggressive and nonaggressive sports. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 89 (3), 931-934.Weiss, T. ve Schiele, S. (2013). Virtual worlds in competitive contexts: analyzing e-sports consumer needs. Electronic Markets, 23(4), 307-316.Whiting, A. ve Williams, D. (2013). Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 362-369.Witkowski, E. (2009). Probing the sportiness of e-sports. (Ed: Christophers, J. and Scholz, T.) E-sports Yearbook 2009. Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2018, Witkowski, E. (2012). On the digital playing field: how we ‘do sport’ with networked computer games. Games and Culture, 7(5), 349-374.Wu, J.H., Wang, S.C. ve Tsai, H.H. (2010). Falling in love with online games: the uses and gratifications perspective. Computers in Human Behavior. 26(6), 1862-1871.Zauhar, J. (2012). Historical perspectives of sport tourism. (Ed: S. Hudson). İçinde: Sport and Adventure Tourism. (s. 1–26). Newyork: The Haworth Hospitality Press. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018,

Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 17 - 31, 15.12.2018


Araştırma e-spor amaçlı seyahat etme niyetini planlanmış davranış teorisi kapsamında ele almıştır. Araştırmada e-spor etkinliklerine katılma amaçlı seyahat etme niyeti üzerinde davranışa yönelik tutum, öznel normlar ve algılanan davranışsal kontrolün ne ölçüde etkili olduğunu tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma Ocak-Temmuz 2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiş ve 6 farklı çevrimiçi oyunda aktif olan 400 kişiden elde edilen bilgiler çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada e-spor etkinliklerine katılma amaçlı seyahat etme niyetini, algılanan davranışsal kontrolün güçlü bir şekilde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuç davranışsal niyet üzerinde katılımcıların kendi isteklerinin en fazla etki eden unsur olduğu şeklinde yorumlanabilmektedir. 


  • Aadahl, M. Kjaer, M. ve Jørgensen, T. (2007). Perceived exertion of physical activity: Negative association with self-rated fitness. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 35(4), 403–409.Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. 50 (2), 179-211.Ajzen, I. (2006). Constructing a TpB questionnaire: Conceptual and methodological considerations., Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018.Akkuş, G. (2013). Yemek Turizmine Katılma Niyeti: Planlı Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde Bir İnceleme. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kayseri. Argan, M., Özer, A. ve Akın, E. (2006). Elektronik spor: Türkiye’de siber sporcuların tutum ve davranışları. Spor Yönetimi ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Dergisi. 1(2), 1306-4371.Baker, R.K., ve White, K.M., (2010). Predicting adoloscents’ use of social networking sites from an extended theory of planned behavior perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1591-1597.Bavelier, D., Green, C., Pouget, A., ve Schrater, P. (2012). Brain plasticity through the life span: Learning to learn and action video games. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 35, 391-416.Boot, W. R., Sumner, A., Towne, T. J., Rodriguez, P., ve Ericsson, K. (2016). Applying aspects of the expert performance approach to better understand the structure of skill and mechanisms of skill acquisition in video games. Topics in Cognitive Science. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, M. (2012). Public gaming: e-sport and event marketing in the experience economy. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Simon Fraser Üniversitesi, Kanada. Erişim Tarihi: 08.07.2018, (Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu) (2017). Dijital Oyunlar İçin Çocuk ve Aile Rehberliği Çalıştayı Sonuç Raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Buck, K. (2015). Counter-Strike: The rise of female e-sports players in Europe. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, M. ve Gibbs, M.R. (2013). E-sports in EVE online: skullduggery, fair play and acceptability in an unbounded competition, Proceedings of 8th FDG Conference, Crete, May 14-17, ss. 47-54.Cha, J. (2014). Usage of video sharing websites: drivers and barriers. Telematics and Informatics, 31(1), 16-26Chen, G.M. (2011). Tweet this: a uses and gratifications perspective on how active Twitter use gratifies a need to connect with others. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 755-762.Cheon, J., S. Lee, S.M. Crooks, J. Song, (2012). An investigation of mobile learning readiness in higher education based on the theory of planned behavior. Computers & Education, 59, 1054–1064.Cheung, G. ve Huang, J. (2011). Starcraft from the stands: understanding the game spectator. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ACM, New York, NY, pp. 763-772. Erişim Tarihi, 22.07.2018 Chiang, H.S. ve Hsiao, K.L. (2015). YouTube stickiness: the needs, personal, and environmental perspective. Internet Research, 25(1), 85-106.Cohen, J. ve Hanno, D. M. (1993). An analysis of underlying constructs affecting the choice of accounting as a majör. Issues in Accounting Education, 8(2), 219-238.Duggan, M. (2015). Gaming and gamers (Research Report). Retrieved from Pew Research Center. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018, Elsgaming Admin (2014). The growth and future of esports tourism. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, L.K. ve Meeds, R. (2007). Types of fantasy sports users and their motivations. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), 1208-1228.Fink, J.S., Trail, G.T. ve Anderson, D.F. (2002). Environmental factors associated with spectator attendance and sport consumption behavior: gender and team differences. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 11(1), 8-19.Fishbein, M. ve Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief Attitude, Intention and Behavior. An Introduction to Theory and Research, Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Funk, D. C., Beaton, A., ve Alexandris, K. (2012). Sport consumer motivation: Autonomy and control orientations that regulate fan behaviors. Sport Management Review, 15(3), 355–367.Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı (2018). E-spor raporu. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018,, D (2008). Event tourism: definition, evolution, and research. Тourism Management 29(3), 403–428. Green, C., ve Bavelier, D. (2015). Action video game training for cognitive enhancement. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 4, 103–108. Güzeloğlu, A. (2017), E-spor hukuku: W, A, S, D’den çok daha fazlası. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, J. ve Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is e-sports and why do people watch it? Internet Research, 27 (2), 211-232.Harwell, D. (2014). More women play video games than boys, and other surprising facts lost in the mess of gamergate. The Washington Post. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018,, M.-H., Yen, C.-H., Chiu, C.-M.,ve Chang, C.-M. (2006). A longitudinal investigation of continued online shopping behavior: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64, 889-904.Huang, Chuang, M. H. (2007). Extending the theory of planned behavior as a model to explain post-merger employee behavior of IS use. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 240–257.Hutchins, B. (2006). Computer gaming, media and e-Sport. Tasa Konferansı. Crawley, Avustralya. Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2018, Hutchins, B. (2008). Signs of meta-change in second modernity: the growth of e-sport and the World cyber games. New Media and Society, 10(6), 851-869.Johnson, P.R. ve Yang, S. (2009). Uses and gratifications of Twitter: an examination of user motives and satisfaction of Twitter use. Communication Technology Division of the Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA, August. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018, file:///C:/Users/Cbox/Downloads/Uses_and_gratifications_of_Twitter_An_examination_.pdfJoinson, A.N. (2008). Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people? Motives and use of Facebook. CHI 2008 Proceedings, Online Social Networks. April 5-10, Florence, Italy, Erişim Tarihi: 20.07.2018, Kaplanidou, K.,ve Vogt C, (2006). A structural analysis of destination travel intentions as a function of web site features. Journal of Travel Research, 45(2), 204–216. Köstelekoğlu, C. (2015). E-spor nedir? Hukuk Gündemi, 2, 106-108. Erişim Tarihi: 25.07.2018. LaRose, R. ve Eastin, M.S. (2004), “A social cognitive theory of Internet uses and gratifications: toward a new model of media attendance”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 358-377.Lee, D., & Schoenstedt, L. J. (2011). Comparison of e-sports and traditional sports consumption motives. The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance, 6(2), 39–44.Li, R. (2016). Good luck have fun: The rise of e-sports. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.Lu, C. S., K. H. Lai ve T.C.E. Cheng. (2007). “Application of structural equation modeling to evaluate the intention of shippers to use Internet services in liner shipping” European Journal of Operational Research 180: 845-867. Malin, A. (2018). Esports Tourısm: 5 Events You Need to Attend. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018. Mathieson, K. (1991). “Predicting user intentions: Comparing the technology acceptance model with the theory of planned behavior” Information Systems Research 2: 173–19.Molina, B. (2018). Why watch other people play video games? What you need to know about esports. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018.Neirotti, L. D. (2012). An introduction to sport and adventure tourism, (Ed: S. Hudson). İçinde: Sport and Adventure Tourism. (s. 1–26). Newyork: The Haworth Hospitality Press. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018, (2017). 2017 Global E-sports Market Report. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018. (2017). OCA, Alisports announce E-Sports partnership for Hangzhou 2022. Erişim Tarihi:28.07.2018,Özer, G. ve Yılmaz, E. (2010), Planlı Davranış Teorisi (Pdt) İle Muhasebecilerin Bilgi Teknolojisi Kullanımına Yönelik Bir Uygulama, Mödav, 02, ss.33-54.Papacharissi, Z. ve Mendelson, A. (2010), “12 toward a new(er) sociability: uses, gratifications and social capital on Facebook”, in Papathanassopoulus, S. (Edt.), Media Perspectives for the 21st Century, Routledge, London, pp. 212-230.Papacharissi, Z. ve Rubin, A.M. (2000), “Predictors of internet use”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 175-196.Quinn, S. (2017). What are they thinking? Esports is not a game for the Hong Kong tourism board to play. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018, Rydin, Y., Seymour, R., ve Lorimer, S. (2011). Sustainability in the Sports Sector. Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2018 Seo, Y. (2016). Professionalized consumption and identity transformations in the field of e-sports. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), 264-272.Seo, Y. ve Jung, S.U. (2014). Beyond solitary play in computer games: the social practices of e-sports. Journal of Consumer Culture, 16(3), 1-21.Stroud, L. C., Amonette, W. E., ve Dupler, T. L. (2010). Metabolic responses of upper-body accelerometercontrolled video games in adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 35(5), 643-649.Taylor, T.L. ve Witkowski, E. (2010). This is how we play it: what a mega-LAN can teach us about games Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, ACM, New York, NY, ss. 195-202. Erişim Tarihi 20,07.2018, Tiedemann, C. (2004). Sport (and culture of physical motion) for historians, an approach to precise the central term(s). IX. international CESH-Congress, Crotone, Italy. Erişim Tarihi 15.07.2018. Töre, Ö. (2016). Investing in the great games of the future: eSports. Erişim Tarihi, 23.07.2017,ınvestıng-ın-the-great-games-of-the-future-e-sports-html. Trail, G.T. ve James, J.D. (2001). The motivation scale for sport consumption: a comparison of psychometric properties with other sport motivation scales. Journal of Sport Behavior, 24(1), 108-127.Trail, G.T., Anderson, D.F. ve Fink, J.S. (2000). A theoretical model of sport spectator consumption behavior. International Journal of Sport Management, 1(3), 154-180.Turco, D. M. (1998). Traveling and turnovers measuring the economic impacts of a street basketball tournament. Journal of Sport Tourism, 5(1), 227–241. Üçüncüoğlu, M. ve Çakır, V.O. (2017), modern spor kulüplerinin e-spor faaliyetlerine ilgi gösterme nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (İÜBESBD), 4(2), 34-47. Wagner, M. (2006). On the scientific relevance of e-sport”, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing and Conference on Computer Game Development, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, NV, ss. 437-440. Erişim Tarihi 10.07.2018, Wang, Q., Fink, E.L. ve Cai, D.A. (2008). Loneliness, gender, and parasocial interaction: a uses and gratifications approach. Communication Quarterly, 56(1), 87-109.Wann, D.L. (1995). Preliminary validation of the sport fan motivation scale. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 19(4), 377-396. Wann, D.L. ve Wilson, A.M. (1999). Relationship between aesthetic motivation and preferences for aggressive and nonaggressive sports. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 89 (3), 931-934.Weiss, T. ve Schiele, S. (2013). Virtual worlds in competitive contexts: analyzing e-sports consumer needs. Electronic Markets, 23(4), 307-316.Whiting, A. ve Williams, D. (2013). Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 362-369.Witkowski, E. (2009). Probing the sportiness of e-sports. (Ed: Christophers, J. and Scholz, T.) E-sports Yearbook 2009. Erişim Tarihi: 10.07.2018, Witkowski, E. (2012). On the digital playing field: how we ‘do sport’ with networked computer games. Games and Culture, 7(5), 349-374.Wu, J.H., Wang, S.C. ve Tsai, H.H. (2010). Falling in love with online games: the uses and gratifications perspective. Computers in Human Behavior. 26(6), 1862-1871.Zauhar, J. (2012). Historical perspectives of sport tourism. (Ed: S. Hudson). İçinde: Sport and Adventure Tourism. (s. 1–26). Newyork: The Haworth Hospitality Press. Erişim Tarihi 20.07.2018,
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Turan Bayram 0000-0003-1655-4043

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2018
Kabul Tarihi 9 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayram, A. T. (2018). Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti. Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 5(2), 17-31.
AMA Bayram AT. Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. Aralık 2018;5(2):17-31.
Chicago Bayram, Ali Turan. “Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-Spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 17-31.
EndNote Bayram AT (01 Aralık 2018) Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 5 2 17–31.
IEEE A. T. Bayram, “Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti”, Turizm Akademik Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 17–31, 2018.
ISNAD Bayram, Ali Turan. “Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-Spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 5/2 (Aralık 2018), 17-31.
JAMA Bayram AT. Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. 2018;5:17–31.
MLA Bayram, Ali Turan. “Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-Spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 17-31.
Vancouver Bayram AT. Planlanmış Davranış Teorisi Çerçevesinde E-spor Turizmine Katılma Niyeti. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. 2018;5(2):17-31.