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Shaken baby syndrome and prevention programs

Yıl 2012, , 152 - 158, 01.09.2012


Shaken Baby Syndrome often occurs after shaking in response to crying bouts of infants; which are a source of frustration and anger for parents It results in serious health problems in the infants such as intracranial and retinal bleeding brain injury and even death The syndrome can be prevented by providing training to parents especially in the early postnatal period and increasing awareness about the dangers of shaking This review aims to draw attention to shaken baby syndrome which is largely unrecognized in our country and to emphasize the importance of the prevention programs Turk Arch Ped 2012; 47: 152 8


  • Chiesa A,Duhaime AC. Abusive head trauma. Pediatr Clin North Am 2009; 56(2): 317-31.
  • American academy of pediatrics: committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Shaken baby syndrome: rotational cranial injuries-technical report. Pediatrics 2001; 108(1): 206-10.
  • Matschke J, Herrmann B, Sperhake J, Körber F, Bajanowski T, Glatzel M. Shaken baby syndrome: a common variant of non-accidental head injury in infants. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106(13): 211-7.
  • Labbé J. Ambroise Tardieu: the man and his work on child maltreatment a century before Kempe. Child Abuse Negl 2005; 29(4): 311-24.
  • Blumenthal I. Shaken baby syndrome. Postgrad Med J 2002; 78(926): 732-5.
  • Christian CW, Block R; committee on child Abuse and Neglect; American Academy of Pediatrics. Abusive head trauma in infants and children. Pediatrics 2009; 123(5): 1409-11.
  • Ommaya AK, Faas F, Yarnell P. Whiplash injury and brain damage: an experimental study. JAMA 1968; 204: 285-9.
  • Ludwig S, Warman M. Shaken baby syndrome: a review of 20 cases. Ann Emerg Med 1984; 13(2): 104-7.
  • Jacobi G, Dettmeyer R, Banaschak S, Brosig B, Hermann B. Child abuse and neglect: diagnosis and management. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(13): 23140.
  • Showers J. "Don't shake the baby": the effectiveness of a prevention program. Child Abuse Negl 1992; 16(1): 11-8.
  • Oral R, Sahin F, Gazioglu N, et al. Tackling denial of abusive head trauma in Turkey International shaken baby syndrome. Abusive head travma. Concurrent workshop, 13 september 2010, Tue 3:30-4-30 PM. Atlanta, Georgia-USA.
  • Bruce DA, Zimmerman RA. Shaken impact syndrome. Pediatr Ann 1989; 18(8): 482-4.
  • Minns RA, Jones PA, Mok JY. Incidence and demography of non- accidental head injury in southeast Scotland from a national database. Am J Prev Med 2008; 34(4 Suppl): 126-33.
  • Barlow KM, Minns RA. Annual incidence of shaken impact syndrome in young children. Lancet 2000; 356(9241): 1571-2.
  • National center on shaken baby syndrome. Erişim tarihi: Haziran 2011.Erişim:
  • King WJ, MacKay M, Sirnick A; Canadian shaken baby study group. Shaken baby syndrome in Canada: clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital cases. CMAJ 2003; 168(2): 155-9.
  • Starling SP, Holden JR, Jenny C. Abusive head trauma: the relationship of perpetrators to their victims. Pediatrics 1995; 95(2): 259-62.
  • Maguire S, Pickerd N, Farewell D, Mann M, Tempest V, Kemp AM. Which clinical features distinguish inflicted from non-inflicted brain injury? A systematic review. Arch Dis Child 2009; 94(11): 860-7.
  • Barr RG, Trent RB, Cross J. Age-related incidence curve of hospitalized shaken baby syndrome cases: convergent evidence for crying as a trigger to shaking. Child Abuse Negl 2006; 30(1): 7-16.
  • Carbaugh SF. Understanding shaken baby syndrome. Adv Neonatal Care 2004; 4(2): 105-14.
  • Violence against children. United Nations Secretary General’s Study, 2006. Erişim Tarihi: Ocak 2011. Erişim: violencestudy/reports.html.
  • Overpeck MD, Brenner RA, Trumble AC, Trifiletti LB, Berendes HW. Risk factors for infant homicide in the United States. N Engl J Med 1998; 339(17): 1211-6.
  • Gilliland MG, Luckenbach MW, Chenier TC. Systemic and ocular findings in 169 prospectively studied child deaths: retinal hemorrhages usually mean child abuse. Forensic Sci Int 1994; 68(2): 117-32.
  • Reijneveld SA, van der Wal MF, Brugman E, Hira Sing RA, Verloove- Vanhorick SP. Prevalence of parental behaviour to diminish the crying of infants that may lead to abuse. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2004; 148(45): 2227-30.
  • Barr RG, Paterson JA, MacMartin LM, Lehtonen L, Young SN. Prolonged and unsoothable crying bouts in infants with and without colic. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2005; 26(1): 14-23.
  • Duhaime AC, Gennarelli TA, Thibault LE, Bruce DA, Margulies SS, Wiser R. The shaken baby syndrome. A clinical, pathological, and biomechanical study. J Neurosurg 1987; 66(3): 409-15.
  • Starling SP, Patel S, Burke BL, Sirotnak AP, Stronks S, Rosquist P. Analysis of perpetrator admissions to inflicted traumatic brain injury in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2004; 158(5): 454-8.
  • Dubowitz H, Bennett S. Physical abuse and neglect of children. Lancet 2007; 369(9576): 1891-9.
  • Tursz A. Risk factors of child abuse and neglect in childhood. Rev Prat 2011; 61(5): 658-60.
  • Brennan LK, Rubin D, Christian CW, Duhaime AC, Mirchandani HG, Rorke-Adams LB. Neck injuries in young pediatric homicide victims. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2009; 3(3): 232-9.
  • Cory CZ, Jones BM. Can shaking alone cause fatal brain injury? A biomechanical assessment of the Duhaime shaken baby syndrome model. Med Sci Law 2003; 43(4): 317-33.
  • Tomasi LG, Rosman NP. Purtscher retinopathy in the battered child syndrome. Am J Dis Child 1975; 129(11): 1335-7.
  • Geddes JF, Hackshaw AK, Vowles GH, Nickols CD, Whitwell HL. Neuropathology of inflicted head injury in children. I. Patterns of brain damage. Brain 2001; 124: 1290-8.
  • Barlow KM, Minns RA. The relation between intracranial pressure and outcome in non-accidental head injury. Dev Med Child Neurol 1999; 41(4): 220-5.
  • Bayir H, Kochanek PM, Kagan VE. Oxidative stress in immature brain after traumatic brain injury. Dev Neurosci 2006; 28(4-5): 420-31.
  • Potts MB, Koh SE, Whetstone WD, et al. Traumatic injury to the immature brain: inflammation, oxidative injury, and iron-mediated damage as potential therapeutic targets. NeuroRx 2006; 3(2): 143-53.
  • Forbes B. Abusive head trauma in infants and young children: Anatomy and pathogenesis of retinal hemorrhages. Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2011. Erişim:
  • Morad Y, Kim YM, Armstrong DC, Huyer D, Mian M, Levin AV. Correlation between retinal abnormalities and intracranial abnormalities in the shaken baby syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 134(3): 354-9.
  • Reece RM, Sege R. Childhood head injuries: accidental or inflicted? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154(1): 11-5.
  • Jenny C, Hymel KP, Ritzen A, Reinert SE, Hay TC. Analysis of missed cases of abusive head trauma. JAMA 1999; 281(7): 621-6.
  • Matschke J, Püschel K, Glatzel M. Ocular pathology in shaken baby syndrome and other forms of infantile non-accidental head injury. Int J Legal Med 2009; 123: 18997.
  • Togioka BM, Arnold MA, Bathurst MA, et al. Retinal hemorrhages and shaken baby syndrome: an evidence-based review. J Emerg Med 2009; 37(1): 98-106.
  • Bhardwaj G, Chowdhury V, Jacobs MB, Moran KT, Martin FJ, Coroneo MT. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of ocular signs in pediatric abusive head trauma. Ophthalmology 2010; 117(5): 983-92.
  • American academy of Pediatrics; Section on Radiology. Diagnostic imaging of child abuse. Pediatrics 2000;105(6):1345-8. Erişim Tarihi: Mayıs 2011. Erişim: pediatrics
  • Sato Y, Yuh WT, Smith WL, Alexander RC, Kao SC, Ellerbroek CJ. Head injury in child abuse: evaluation with MR imaging. Radiology 1989; 173(3): 653-7.
  • Biousse V, Suh DY, Newman NJ, Davis PC, Mapstone T, Lambert SR. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in shaken baby syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 133(2): 249-55.
  • Feldman KW, Bethel R, Shugerman RP, Grossman DC, Grady MS, Ellenbogen RG. The cause of infant and toddler subdural hemorrhage: a prospective study. Pediatrics 2001; 108(3): 636-46.
  • DiScala C, Sege R, Li G, Reece RM. Child abuse and unintentional injuries: a 10-year retrospective. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154(1): 16-22.
  • Berger RP, Adelson PD, Richichi R, Kochanek PM. Serum biomarkers after traumatic and hypoxemic brain injuries: insight into the biochemical response of the pediatric brain to inflicted brain injury. Dev Neurosci 2006; 28(4-5): 327-35.
  • Hartley LM, Khwaja OS, Verity CM. Glutaric aciduria type 1 and nonaccidental head injury. Pediatrics 2001; 107(1): 174-5.
  • Morris AA, Hoffmann GF, Naughten ER, Monavari AA, Collins JE, Leonard JV. Glutaric aciduria and suspected child abuse. Arch Dis Child 1999; 80(5): 404-5.
  • Cabrerizo de Diago R, Ureña-Hornos T, Conde-Barreiro S, Labarta- Aizpun J, Peña-Segura JL, López-Pisón J. Shaken baby syndrome and osteogenesis imperfecta. Rev Neurol 2005; 40(10): 598-600.
  • Barlow KM, Thomson E, Johnson D, Minns RA. Late neurologic and cognitive sequelae of inflicted traumatic brain injury in infancy. Pediatrics 2005; 116(2): 174-85.
  • No authors. American Academy of Pediatrics; Committee on child abuse and neglect and Committee on Children with Disabilities. Assessment of maltreatment of children with disabilities. Pediatrics 2001; 108(2): 508-12.
  • Nagler J. Child abuse and neglect. Curr Opin Pediatr 2002; 14(2): 251-4.
  • Prasad MR, Ewing-Cobbs L, Swank PR, Kramer L. Predictors of outcome following traumatic brain injury in young children. Pediatr Neurosurg 2002; 36(2): 64-74.
  • Dias MS, Smith K, DeGuehery K, Mazur P, Li V, Shaffer ML. Preventing abusive head trauma among infants and young children: a hospital- based, parent education program. Pediatrics 2005; 115(4): 470-7.
  • Walls C. Shaken baby syndrome education: a role for nurse practitioners working with families of small children. J Pediatr Health Care 2006; 20(5): 304-10.
  • Trocmé NM, MacLaurin BJ, Fallon BA, Daciuk JF, Tourigny M, Billingsley DA. Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: methodology. Can J Public Health 2001; 92(4): 259-63.
  • Deyo G, Skybo T, Carroll A. Secondary analysis of the "Love Me...Never Shake Me" SBS education program. Child Abuse Negl 2008; 32(11): 1017-25.
  • Goulet C, Frappier JY, Fortin S, Déziel L, Lampron A, Boulanger M. Development and evaluation of a shaken baby syndrome prevention program. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2009; 38(1): 7-21.
  • Barr RG, Rivara FP, Barr M, et al. Effectiveness of educational materials designed to change knowledge and behaviors regarding crying and shaken-baby syndrome in mothers of newborns: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2009; 123(3): 972-80.
  • Tolliday F, Simons M, Foley S, et al. From inspiration to action: The shaken baby prevention project in Western Sydney. Communities, Children and Families Australia 2010; 5(2): 31-47.

Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları

Yıl 2012, , 152 - 158, 01.09.2012


Sarsılmış bebek sendromu bebeğin ilk aylarda sık olan ağlama krizlerinin ebeveynde oluşturduğu hayal kırıklığı ve kızgınlık sonucu bebeği sarsmasıyla ortaya çıkan ve bebekte kafa içi kanama göz dibi kanaması ve beyin hasarı gibi ciddi sağlık sorunları yaratabilen hatta ölümle sonuçlanabilen bir durumdur Çocuklar sarsıldıktan sonra gelişen hasarın geri dönüşü olmadığı için sendrom oluşmadan önlemek çok önemlidir Sarsılmış bebek sendromunun özellikle doğum sonrası erken dönemde ebeveynlere eğitim verilmesi sonucu farkındalıklarının artması sağlanarak önlenmesi mümkündür Bu derleme ülkemizde çok iyi bilinmeyen ldquo;sarsılmış bebek rdquo; sendromuna dikkat çekmek ve önleme programlarının önemini vurgulamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.


  • Chiesa A,Duhaime AC. Abusive head trauma. Pediatr Clin North Am 2009; 56(2): 317-31.
  • American academy of pediatrics: committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Shaken baby syndrome: rotational cranial injuries-technical report. Pediatrics 2001; 108(1): 206-10.
  • Matschke J, Herrmann B, Sperhake J, Körber F, Bajanowski T, Glatzel M. Shaken baby syndrome: a common variant of non-accidental head injury in infants. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106(13): 211-7.
  • Labbé J. Ambroise Tardieu: the man and his work on child maltreatment a century before Kempe. Child Abuse Negl 2005; 29(4): 311-24.
  • Blumenthal I. Shaken baby syndrome. Postgrad Med J 2002; 78(926): 732-5.
  • Christian CW, Block R; committee on child Abuse and Neglect; American Academy of Pediatrics. Abusive head trauma in infants and children. Pediatrics 2009; 123(5): 1409-11.
  • Ommaya AK, Faas F, Yarnell P. Whiplash injury and brain damage: an experimental study. JAMA 1968; 204: 285-9.
  • Ludwig S, Warman M. Shaken baby syndrome: a review of 20 cases. Ann Emerg Med 1984; 13(2): 104-7.
  • Jacobi G, Dettmeyer R, Banaschak S, Brosig B, Hermann B. Child abuse and neglect: diagnosis and management. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(13): 23140.
  • Showers J. "Don't shake the baby": the effectiveness of a prevention program. Child Abuse Negl 1992; 16(1): 11-8.
  • Oral R, Sahin F, Gazioglu N, et al. Tackling denial of abusive head trauma in Turkey International shaken baby syndrome. Abusive head travma. Concurrent workshop, 13 september 2010, Tue 3:30-4-30 PM. Atlanta, Georgia-USA.
  • Bruce DA, Zimmerman RA. Shaken impact syndrome. Pediatr Ann 1989; 18(8): 482-4.
  • Minns RA, Jones PA, Mok JY. Incidence and demography of non- accidental head injury in southeast Scotland from a national database. Am J Prev Med 2008; 34(4 Suppl): 126-33.
  • Barlow KM, Minns RA. Annual incidence of shaken impact syndrome in young children. Lancet 2000; 356(9241): 1571-2.
  • National center on shaken baby syndrome. Erişim tarihi: Haziran 2011.Erişim:
  • King WJ, MacKay M, Sirnick A; Canadian shaken baby study group. Shaken baby syndrome in Canada: clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital cases. CMAJ 2003; 168(2): 155-9.
  • Starling SP, Holden JR, Jenny C. Abusive head trauma: the relationship of perpetrators to their victims. Pediatrics 1995; 95(2): 259-62.
  • Maguire S, Pickerd N, Farewell D, Mann M, Tempest V, Kemp AM. Which clinical features distinguish inflicted from non-inflicted brain injury? A systematic review. Arch Dis Child 2009; 94(11): 860-7.
  • Barr RG, Trent RB, Cross J. Age-related incidence curve of hospitalized shaken baby syndrome cases: convergent evidence for crying as a trigger to shaking. Child Abuse Negl 2006; 30(1): 7-16.
  • Carbaugh SF. Understanding shaken baby syndrome. Adv Neonatal Care 2004; 4(2): 105-14.
  • Violence against children. United Nations Secretary General’s Study, 2006. Erişim Tarihi: Ocak 2011. Erişim: violencestudy/reports.html.
  • Overpeck MD, Brenner RA, Trumble AC, Trifiletti LB, Berendes HW. Risk factors for infant homicide in the United States. N Engl J Med 1998; 339(17): 1211-6.
  • Gilliland MG, Luckenbach MW, Chenier TC. Systemic and ocular findings in 169 prospectively studied child deaths: retinal hemorrhages usually mean child abuse. Forensic Sci Int 1994; 68(2): 117-32.
  • Reijneveld SA, van der Wal MF, Brugman E, Hira Sing RA, Verloove- Vanhorick SP. Prevalence of parental behaviour to diminish the crying of infants that may lead to abuse. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2004; 148(45): 2227-30.
  • Barr RG, Paterson JA, MacMartin LM, Lehtonen L, Young SN. Prolonged and unsoothable crying bouts in infants with and without colic. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2005; 26(1): 14-23.
  • Duhaime AC, Gennarelli TA, Thibault LE, Bruce DA, Margulies SS, Wiser R. The shaken baby syndrome. A clinical, pathological, and biomechanical study. J Neurosurg 1987; 66(3): 409-15.
  • Starling SP, Patel S, Burke BL, Sirotnak AP, Stronks S, Rosquist P. Analysis of perpetrator admissions to inflicted traumatic brain injury in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2004; 158(5): 454-8.
  • Dubowitz H, Bennett S. Physical abuse and neglect of children. Lancet 2007; 369(9576): 1891-9.
  • Tursz A. Risk factors of child abuse and neglect in childhood. Rev Prat 2011; 61(5): 658-60.
  • Brennan LK, Rubin D, Christian CW, Duhaime AC, Mirchandani HG, Rorke-Adams LB. Neck injuries in young pediatric homicide victims. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2009; 3(3): 232-9.
  • Cory CZ, Jones BM. Can shaking alone cause fatal brain injury? A biomechanical assessment of the Duhaime shaken baby syndrome model. Med Sci Law 2003; 43(4): 317-33.
  • Tomasi LG, Rosman NP. Purtscher retinopathy in the battered child syndrome. Am J Dis Child 1975; 129(11): 1335-7.
  • Geddes JF, Hackshaw AK, Vowles GH, Nickols CD, Whitwell HL. Neuropathology of inflicted head injury in children. I. Patterns of brain damage. Brain 2001; 124: 1290-8.
  • Barlow KM, Minns RA. The relation between intracranial pressure and outcome in non-accidental head injury. Dev Med Child Neurol 1999; 41(4): 220-5.
  • Bayir H, Kochanek PM, Kagan VE. Oxidative stress in immature brain after traumatic brain injury. Dev Neurosci 2006; 28(4-5): 420-31.
  • Potts MB, Koh SE, Whetstone WD, et al. Traumatic injury to the immature brain: inflammation, oxidative injury, and iron-mediated damage as potential therapeutic targets. NeuroRx 2006; 3(2): 143-53.
  • Forbes B. Abusive head trauma in infants and young children: Anatomy and pathogenesis of retinal hemorrhages. Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2011. Erişim:
  • Morad Y, Kim YM, Armstrong DC, Huyer D, Mian M, Levin AV. Correlation between retinal abnormalities and intracranial abnormalities in the shaken baby syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 134(3): 354-9.
  • Reece RM, Sege R. Childhood head injuries: accidental or inflicted? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154(1): 11-5.
  • Jenny C, Hymel KP, Ritzen A, Reinert SE, Hay TC. Analysis of missed cases of abusive head trauma. JAMA 1999; 281(7): 621-6.
  • Matschke J, Püschel K, Glatzel M. Ocular pathology in shaken baby syndrome and other forms of infantile non-accidental head injury. Int J Legal Med 2009; 123: 18997.
  • Togioka BM, Arnold MA, Bathurst MA, et al. Retinal hemorrhages and shaken baby syndrome: an evidence-based review. J Emerg Med 2009; 37(1): 98-106.
  • Bhardwaj G, Chowdhury V, Jacobs MB, Moran KT, Martin FJ, Coroneo MT. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of ocular signs in pediatric abusive head trauma. Ophthalmology 2010; 117(5): 983-92.
  • American academy of Pediatrics; Section on Radiology. Diagnostic imaging of child abuse. Pediatrics 2000;105(6):1345-8. Erişim Tarihi: Mayıs 2011. Erişim: pediatrics
  • Sato Y, Yuh WT, Smith WL, Alexander RC, Kao SC, Ellerbroek CJ. Head injury in child abuse: evaluation with MR imaging. Radiology 1989; 173(3): 653-7.
  • Biousse V, Suh DY, Newman NJ, Davis PC, Mapstone T, Lambert SR. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in shaken baby syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 133(2): 249-55.
  • Feldman KW, Bethel R, Shugerman RP, Grossman DC, Grady MS, Ellenbogen RG. The cause of infant and toddler subdural hemorrhage: a prospective study. Pediatrics 2001; 108(3): 636-46.
  • DiScala C, Sege R, Li G, Reece RM. Child abuse and unintentional injuries: a 10-year retrospective. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154(1): 16-22.
  • Berger RP, Adelson PD, Richichi R, Kochanek PM. Serum biomarkers after traumatic and hypoxemic brain injuries: insight into the biochemical response of the pediatric brain to inflicted brain injury. Dev Neurosci 2006; 28(4-5): 327-35.
  • Hartley LM, Khwaja OS, Verity CM. Glutaric aciduria type 1 and nonaccidental head injury. Pediatrics 2001; 107(1): 174-5.
  • Morris AA, Hoffmann GF, Naughten ER, Monavari AA, Collins JE, Leonard JV. Glutaric aciduria and suspected child abuse. Arch Dis Child 1999; 80(5): 404-5.
  • Cabrerizo de Diago R, Ureña-Hornos T, Conde-Barreiro S, Labarta- Aizpun J, Peña-Segura JL, López-Pisón J. Shaken baby syndrome and osteogenesis imperfecta. Rev Neurol 2005; 40(10): 598-600.
  • Barlow KM, Thomson E, Johnson D, Minns RA. Late neurologic and cognitive sequelae of inflicted traumatic brain injury in infancy. Pediatrics 2005; 116(2): 174-85.
  • No authors. American Academy of Pediatrics; Committee on child abuse and neglect and Committee on Children with Disabilities. Assessment of maltreatment of children with disabilities. Pediatrics 2001; 108(2): 508-12.
  • Nagler J. Child abuse and neglect. Curr Opin Pediatr 2002; 14(2): 251-4.
  • Prasad MR, Ewing-Cobbs L, Swank PR, Kramer L. Predictors of outcome following traumatic brain injury in young children. Pediatr Neurosurg 2002; 36(2): 64-74.
  • Dias MS, Smith K, DeGuehery K, Mazur P, Li V, Shaffer ML. Preventing abusive head trauma among infants and young children: a hospital- based, parent education program. Pediatrics 2005; 115(4): 470-7.
  • Walls C. Shaken baby syndrome education: a role for nurse practitioners working with families of small children. J Pediatr Health Care 2006; 20(5): 304-10.
  • Trocmé NM, MacLaurin BJ, Fallon BA, Daciuk JF, Tourigny M, Billingsley DA. Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: methodology. Can J Public Health 2001; 92(4): 259-63.
  • Deyo G, Skybo T, Carroll A. Secondary analysis of the "Love Me...Never Shake Me" SBS education program. Child Abuse Negl 2008; 32(11): 1017-25.
  • Goulet C, Frappier JY, Fortin S, Déziel L, Lampron A, Boulanger M. Development and evaluation of a shaken baby syndrome prevention program. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2009; 38(1): 7-21.
  • Barr RG, Rivara FP, Barr M, et al. Effectiveness of educational materials designed to change knowledge and behaviors regarding crying and shaken-baby syndrome in mothers of newborns: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2009; 123(3): 972-80.
  • Tolliday F, Simons M, Foley S, et al. From inspiration to action: The shaken baby prevention project in Western Sydney. Communities, Children and Families Australia 2010; 5(2): 31-47.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derleme

Figen Şahin Bu kişi benim

Medine Ayşin Taşar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, F., & Taşar, M. A. (2012). Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 47(3), 152-158.
AMA Şahin F, Taşar MA. Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. Eylül 2012;47(3):152-158. doi:10.4274/tpa.847
Chicago Şahin, Figen, ve Medine Ayşin Taşar. “Sarsılmış Bebek Sendromu Ve önleme Programları”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 47, sy. 3 (Eylül 2012): 152-58.
EndNote Şahin F, Taşar MA (01 Eylül 2012) Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 47 3 152–158.
IEEE F. Şahin ve M. A. Taşar, “Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları”, Türk Pediatri Arşivi, c. 47, sy. 3, ss. 152–158, 2012, doi: 10.4274/tpa.847.
ISNAD Şahin, Figen - Taşar, Medine Ayşin. “Sarsılmış Bebek Sendromu Ve önleme Programları”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 47/3 (Eylül 2012), 152-158.
JAMA Şahin F, Taşar MA. Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2012;47:152–158.
MLA Şahin, Figen ve Medine Ayşin Taşar. “Sarsılmış Bebek Sendromu Ve önleme Programları”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, c. 47, sy. 3, 2012, ss. 152-8, doi:10.4274/tpa.847.
Vancouver Şahin F, Taşar MA. Sarsılmış bebek sendromu ve önleme programları. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2012;47(3):152-8.