Good prediction of an anemic patient Review
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 44 Sayı: 11, 1 - 5, 01.06.2009
Davut Albayrak
Canan Albayrak
Anemias are a group of disease which draw the interest of by all clinicians as well as hematologists An algorithm of anemia diagnosis by test parameters decreases the unuseful tests and prevents false diagnosis Such schema must contain well chosen tests and parameters Complete blood count mean corpuscular volume MCV red cell distribution width RDW serum iron level reticulocyte count hemoglobin electrophoresis and direct Coombs test are most important measures Even isolated Hb decrease MCV decrease and RDW increase can predict near correct diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia A response to iron treatment confirms the diagnosis We think that the algorithm in our paper can facilitate the differential diagnosis of anemia by minimum test count Turk Arch Ped 2009; 44 Suppl: 1 5 Key words: Anemia diagnosis laboratory pediatric
- Beutler E, Waalen J. The definition of anemia: what is the lower limit of normal of the blood hemoglobin concentration? Blood 2006; 107: 1747-50.
- Mooij PNM, Thomas CMG, Doesburg WH, Eskes TKAB. The effects of oral contraceptives and multivitamin supplementation on serum ferritin and hematological parameters. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1992; 30: 57-62.
- Ehsani M, Darvish A, Aslani A, Seighali F. A new formula for differentiation of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and thalassemia trait (TT). Turk J Haematol (Supp.) 2005; 22: 268.
- Demir A, Yarali N, Fisgin T, Duru F, Kara A. Most reliable indices in differentiation between thalassemia trait and iron deficiency anemia. Pediatr Int 2002; 44: 612-6.
- Aslan D, Gümrük F, Gürgey A, Altay C. Importance of RDW value in differential diagnosis of hypochrome anemias. Am J Hematol 2002; 69: 31-3.
- Rund D, Filon D, Strauss N, Rachmilewiz E, Oppenheim A. Mean corpuscular volume of heterozygotes for beta-thalassemia correlates with the severity of mutations. Blood 1992; 79: 238-43.
- Lafferty J, Crowther M, Ali M, Levine M. The evaluation of various mathematical RBC indices and their efficacy in discriminating between thalassemia and non-thalassemia microcytosis. Am J Clin Pathol 1996; 106: 201-5.
- Griner PF, Oranburg PR. Predictive values of erythrocyte indices for test of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 deficiency. Am J Clin Pathol 1978; 70: 748.
- Bessman JD, Gilmer PR, Gardner FH. Improved classification of anemias by MCV and RDW. Am J Clin Pathol 1983; 80: 322-6.
- Lanzkowsky P. Iron deficiency anemia. In: Lanzkowsky P (ed). Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 4th ed. California, Academic Pres, 2005: 31-46.
- Beutler E, Lichtman MA, Coller BS, Kipps TJ, Seligsohn U. Iron deficiency. In: Fairbanks VF and Beutler E (eds). Williams Hematology. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 2001: 447-70.
- Orkun, HS, Nathan DG, Ginsburg D, Look AT, Fisher DE Lux SE. Diagnostic approach to the anemic patient. In: Brugnara C, Oski FA, Nathan DG (eds). Nathan and Oski’s Hematology of infancy and childhood. 7th ed. Saunders Elsevier, 2009: 455-66.
Anemik hastada iyi öngörü Derleme
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 44 Sayı: 11, 1 - 5, 01.06.2009
Davut Albayrak
Canan Albayrak
Anemi kan hastalıkları ile uğraşan kişiler kadar bütün hekimlerin ortak olarak ilgilendikleri bir hastalık grubudur Anemi tanısının bir akış şeması üzerine tetkiklerin sıralanarak yapılması gereksiz tetkikleri azaltır ve tanıların atlanmasını engeller Böyle bir şemada belkemiğini meydana getiren tetkik ve bunlardaki ölçütlerin iyi seçilmesi gerekir Tam kan sayımı ortalama eritrosit hacmi MCV eritrosit dağılım eğrisi RDW serum demiri retikülosit sayımı hemoglobin elektroforezi ve direkt Coombs testi bu şemanın en önemli ölçütleridir Yalnız başına Hb düşüklüğü düşük MCV ve artmış RDW bile çocukluk çağının en sık anemisi olan demir eksikliği anemisini büyük bir oranda tahmin ettirir Demir tedavisine yanıt verilmesi tanıyı doğrular Yazımızdaki akış şemasının anemi ayırıcı tanısının yapılmasına yardımcı olacağını düşünüyoruz Türk Ped Arş 2009; 44 Özel Sayı: 1 5 Anahtar kelimeler: Anemi laboratuvar pediatrik tanı
- Beutler E, Waalen J. The definition of anemia: what is the lower limit of normal of the blood hemoglobin concentration? Blood 2006; 107: 1747-50.
- Mooij PNM, Thomas CMG, Doesburg WH, Eskes TKAB. The effects of oral contraceptives and multivitamin supplementation on serum ferritin and hematological parameters. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1992; 30: 57-62.
- Ehsani M, Darvish A, Aslani A, Seighali F. A new formula for differentiation of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and thalassemia trait (TT). Turk J Haematol (Supp.) 2005; 22: 268.
- Demir A, Yarali N, Fisgin T, Duru F, Kara A. Most reliable indices in differentiation between thalassemia trait and iron deficiency anemia. Pediatr Int 2002; 44: 612-6.
- Aslan D, Gümrük F, Gürgey A, Altay C. Importance of RDW value in differential diagnosis of hypochrome anemias. Am J Hematol 2002; 69: 31-3.
- Rund D, Filon D, Strauss N, Rachmilewiz E, Oppenheim A. Mean corpuscular volume of heterozygotes for beta-thalassemia correlates with the severity of mutations. Blood 1992; 79: 238-43.
- Lafferty J, Crowther M, Ali M, Levine M. The evaluation of various mathematical RBC indices and their efficacy in discriminating between thalassemia and non-thalassemia microcytosis. Am J Clin Pathol 1996; 106: 201-5.
- Griner PF, Oranburg PR. Predictive values of erythrocyte indices for test of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 deficiency. Am J Clin Pathol 1978; 70: 748.
- Bessman JD, Gilmer PR, Gardner FH. Improved classification of anemias by MCV and RDW. Am J Clin Pathol 1983; 80: 322-6.
- Lanzkowsky P. Iron deficiency anemia. In: Lanzkowsky P (ed). Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 4th ed. California, Academic Pres, 2005: 31-46.
- Beutler E, Lichtman MA, Coller BS, Kipps TJ, Seligsohn U. Iron deficiency. In: Fairbanks VF and Beutler E (eds). Williams Hematology. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 2001: 447-70.
- Orkun, HS, Nathan DG, Ginsburg D, Look AT, Fisher DE Lux SE. Diagnostic approach to the anemic patient. In: Brugnara C, Oski FA, Nathan DG (eds). Nathan and Oski’s Hematology of infancy and childhood. 7th ed. Saunders Elsevier, 2009: 455-66.