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Yıl 2024, , 365 - 388, 13.12.2024


Covid-19 pandemisi, dünya genelinde birçok sektörü derinden etkilemiştir, ancak havacılık sektörü özellikle büyük bir krizle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Pandemi döneminde seyahat yasakları, sağlık endişeleri gibi sebeplerle düşen talep, hava seyahatini hızla azaltmıştır. Havayolu şirketleri, uçuş iptalleri ve düşük doluluk oranları nedeniyle büyük gelir kayıpları yaşamıştır. Durum analizi yapmak için havacılık sektörünün performansını değerlendirmek ve iyileştirme fırsatlarını belirlemek önemlidir. Bu çalışma, veri zarflama analizi kullanarak Avrupa ülkelerinin havacılık sektöründeki etkinliklerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada pandeminin ülkeler genelindeki havacılık sektörüne olan etkilerini anlamaya yardımcı olmak amaçlanmış aynı zamanda Türkiye özelinde daha geniş bir incelemeye yer verilmiştir.


  • Agarwal, S. (2014). “Efficiency Measure by Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analsis Model. Fuzzy Information and Engineering”, 6, 59–70.
  • Air Traffic Organization of the FAA, & EUROCONTROL. (2021). Special report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the U . S . and European ANS systems (Issue November).
  • Airports Concil International. (2022). Positive and Immediate Impact on Global Air Travel Demand as Restrictions Relax. the full year 2021,world’s airports by 10.2 billion.
  • Albers, S., Rundshagen, V. (2020). “European airlines strategic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 87(July), 101863.
  • Andribet, P., Baumgartner, M., & Garot, J. M. (2022). “Reinventing European air traffic control based on the covid-19 pandemic experience”, Utilities Policy, 75(April 2021).
  • Aviationweek. (2020). Slovenia Offers Airlines Financial Support To Revive Air Connectivity. the demise of flag,In late
  • Bajić, J., Škurla Babić, R., & Tatalović, M. (2021). “Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Air Traffic Industry: Challenges in Croatia. EMC Review - Časopis Za Ekonomiju”, APEIRON, 21(1). Bally, G. (2022). “Switzerland made millions supporting Covid-hit aviation sector”, Swissinfo.
  • Banker, R., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. (1984). “Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis”, Management Science, 30, 1078–1092.
  • Barczak, A. (2021) “COVID-19 Pandemic — Financial Consequences for Polish Airports — Selected Aspects”, Aerospace, 8, 353.
  • Bauranov, A., Parks, S., Jiang, X., Rakas, J., & González, M. C. (2021), “Quantifying the Resilience of the U.S. Domestic Aviation Network During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Built Environment”, 7(April), 1–9.
  • BBC NEWS Türkçe. (2023). ABD, British Airways’e pandemideki uçuş iptalleriyle ilgili 1,1 milyon dolar para cezası kesti.
  • Bernathova, S., Cekan, P., Dzunda, M., Szabo, S., Mako, S., & Horvath, A. (2020), “Impact of global pandemic COVID-19 on Air Transport in Slovakia in the Period from March to June 2020”, NTinAD 2020 - New Trends in Aviation Development 2020 - 15th International Scientific Conference, Proceedings, June 2020, 24–27.
  • Bouwer, J., Krishnan, V., Saxon, S., & Tufft, C. (2022), “Taking stock of the pandemic’s impact on global aviation”, MCkinsey.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W., & Rhodes, E. (1978), “Measuring the efficiency of decision making units”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2(6), 429–444. Cui, Q., Hu, Y., Yu, L. (2022), “Can the aviation industry achieve carbon emission reduction and revenue growth simultaneously under the CNG2020 strategy ? An empirical study with 25 benchmarking airlines”, Energy, 245.
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  • DHA. (2023), “Türkiye dünyanın en çok turist ağırlayan 4. ülkesi oldu”, TRTHaber.’de 963 milyon kişi,verilerine ilişkin UNWTO raporu açıklandı.
  • Díez-pisonero, R., Gago-garcía, C. (2022), “Air transportation and the COVID-19 pandemic : Towards a change of the path in the spanish airport network?”, Revista de Estudios Andaluces, 43, 159–187.
  • Dube, K., Nhamo, G., & Chikodzi, D. (2021). “COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for recovery of the global aviation industry”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 92, 102022.
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  • Fathurahman, H., Berawi, M. A., Sulistyarini, I., Kusuma, A., Nasution, Y., & Komarudin. (2020), “Post COVID-19 Recovery Models and Strategies for Aviation in Indonesia”, International Journal of Technology, 11(6), 1265–1274.
  • Fernandes, D. R. C., Falcão, V. A., Silva, C. F. A. da, da Silva, F. G. F., & Fernandes, L. H. C. (2023), “COVID-19: The Vaccination Program and Its Influence on Air Travel Demand in the U.S.A.”, Transportation Research Record.
  • Florido-Benítez, L. (2021), “The effects of COVID-19 on Andalusian tourism and aviation sector”, Tourism Review, 76(4), 829–857.
  • Gao, Y. (2022), “Benchmarking the recovery of air travel demands for US airports during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, 100570.
  • Georgiadis, P. (2022), Financial Times. , Erişim Tarihi: 5.10.2024
  • Guo, J., Li, Y., Yang, Z., & Zhu, X. (2021), “Quantitative method for resilience assessment framework of airport network during COVID-19”, PLoS ONE, 16(12 December), 1–14.
  • Guo, J., Yang, Z., Zhong, Q., Sun, X., & Wang, Y. (2023), “A novel resilience analysis methodology for airport networks system from the perspective of different epidemic prevention and control policy responses”, PLoS ONE, 18(2 February), 1–14.
  • Guo, J., Zhu, X., Liu, C., & Ge, S. (2021), “Resilience Modeling Method of Airport Network Affected by Global Public Health Events”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021.
  • Hava-İş Sendikası. (2022). Sünta Sivil Havacılık Sektöründe Yaşanan Kriz.
  • Hanson, D., Toru Delibasi, T., Gatti, M., & Cohen, S. (2022), “How do changes in economic activity affect air passenger traffic? The use of state-dependent income elasticities to improve aviation forecasts.”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 98(January 2021), 102147.
  • Heiets, I., & Xie, Y. (2021), “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Aviation Industry”, Journal of Aviation, 5(2), 111–126.
  • Hiney, N., Efthymiou, M., & Morgenroth, E. (2023), “Impact of Covid-19 on Irish airport stakeholder relationships”, Annals of Tourism Research, 102, 103622.
  • Hopancı, B., Akdeniz, H., & Şahin, Ö. (2021), “Covid19 Pandemi̇si̇ni̇n Havacilik Sektörü Üzeri̇n Etki̇leri̇. Mühendis ve Makine”, 62(704), 446–467.
  • IATA (2022a), “Air Passenger Numbers to Recover in 2024”. Erişim Tarihi: 5.09.2024
  • IATA. (2022b), “Airlines Cut Losses in 2022; Return to Profit in 2023”. Erişim Tarihi: 5.09.2024
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European Aviation Sector Under the Impact of Covid-19

Yıl 2024, , 365 - 388, 13.12.2024


The Covid-19 pandemic has deeply affected many sectors around the world, but the aviation sector has faced a particularly major crisis. Falling demand during the pandemic period due to reasons such as travel bans and health concerns rapidly reduced air travel. Airline companies suffered huge revenue losses due to flight cancellations and low occupancy rates. To analyze the situation, it is important to assess the performance of the aviation sector and identify opportunities for improvement. This study was conducted to compare the efficiency of European countries in the aviation sector using data envelopment analysis. The study aims to help understand the effects of the pandemic on the aviation sector across countries and also includes a broader analysis of Turkey.


  • Agarwal, S. (2014). “Efficiency Measure by Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analsis Model. Fuzzy Information and Engineering”, 6, 59–70.
  • Air Traffic Organization of the FAA, & EUROCONTROL. (2021). Special report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the U . S . and European ANS systems (Issue November).
  • Airports Concil International. (2022). Positive and Immediate Impact on Global Air Travel Demand as Restrictions Relax. the full year 2021,world’s airports by 10.2 billion.
  • Albers, S., Rundshagen, V. (2020). “European airlines strategic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 87(July), 101863.
  • Andribet, P., Baumgartner, M., & Garot, J. M. (2022). “Reinventing European air traffic control based on the covid-19 pandemic experience”, Utilities Policy, 75(April 2021).
  • Aviationweek. (2020). Slovenia Offers Airlines Financial Support To Revive Air Connectivity. the demise of flag,In late
  • Bajić, J., Škurla Babić, R., & Tatalović, M. (2021). “Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Air Traffic Industry: Challenges in Croatia. EMC Review - Časopis Za Ekonomiju”, APEIRON, 21(1). Bally, G. (2022). “Switzerland made millions supporting Covid-hit aviation sector”, Swissinfo.
  • Banker, R., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. (1984). “Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis”, Management Science, 30, 1078–1092.
  • Barczak, A. (2021) “COVID-19 Pandemic — Financial Consequences for Polish Airports — Selected Aspects”, Aerospace, 8, 353.
  • Bauranov, A., Parks, S., Jiang, X., Rakas, J., & González, M. C. (2021), “Quantifying the Resilience of the U.S. Domestic Aviation Network During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Built Environment”, 7(April), 1–9.
  • BBC NEWS Türkçe. (2023). ABD, British Airways’e pandemideki uçuş iptalleriyle ilgili 1,1 milyon dolar para cezası kesti.
  • Bernathova, S., Cekan, P., Dzunda, M., Szabo, S., Mako, S., & Horvath, A. (2020), “Impact of global pandemic COVID-19 on Air Transport in Slovakia in the Period from March to June 2020”, NTinAD 2020 - New Trends in Aviation Development 2020 - 15th International Scientific Conference, Proceedings, June 2020, 24–27.
  • Bouwer, J., Krishnan, V., Saxon, S., & Tufft, C. (2022), “Taking stock of the pandemic’s impact on global aviation”, MCkinsey.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W., & Rhodes, E. (1978), “Measuring the efficiency of decision making units”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2(6), 429–444. Cui, Q., Hu, Y., Yu, L. (2022), “Can the aviation industry achieve carbon emission reduction and revenue growth simultaneously under the CNG2020 strategy ? An empirical study with 25 benchmarking airlines”, Energy, 245.
  • Department of Transport. (2020), “€80 million support package for Aviation Sector”,, Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2024
  • DHA. (2023), “Türkiye dünyanın en çok turist ağırlayan 4. ülkesi oldu”, TRTHaber.’de 963 milyon kişi,verilerine ilişkin UNWTO raporu açıklandı.
  • Díez-pisonero, R., Gago-garcía, C. (2022), “Air transportation and the COVID-19 pandemic : Towards a change of the path in the spanish airport network?”, Revista de Estudios Andaluces, 43, 159–187.
  • Dube, K., Nhamo, G., & Chikodzi, D. (2021). “COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for recovery of the global aviation industry”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 92, 102022.
  • Euromonitor. (2021), “No Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2021”,, Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2024
  • Euronews. (2021), “Araştırma: İlk Covid-19 vakası Vuhan pazarındaki bir kadın”,, Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2024
  • European Comission. (2021), “Details of Hungary’s support measures to help citizens and companies during the significant economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic”,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2024
  • Exyuaviation. (2022), “New Slovenian government rules out new flag carrier”, Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2024
  • Fathurahman, H., Berawi, M. A., Sulistyarini, I., Kusuma, A., Nasution, Y., & Komarudin. (2020), “Post COVID-19 Recovery Models and Strategies for Aviation in Indonesia”, International Journal of Technology, 11(6), 1265–1274.
  • Fernandes, D. R. C., Falcão, V. A., Silva, C. F. A. da, da Silva, F. G. F., & Fernandes, L. H. C. (2023), “COVID-19: The Vaccination Program and Its Influence on Air Travel Demand in the U.S.A.”, Transportation Research Record.
  • Florido-Benítez, L. (2021), “The effects of COVID-19 on Andalusian tourism and aviation sector”, Tourism Review, 76(4), 829–857.
  • Gao, Y. (2022), “Benchmarking the recovery of air travel demands for US airports during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, 100570.
  • Georgiadis, P. (2022), Financial Times. , Erişim Tarihi: 5.10.2024
  • Guo, J., Li, Y., Yang, Z., & Zhu, X. (2021), “Quantitative method for resilience assessment framework of airport network during COVID-19”, PLoS ONE, 16(12 December), 1–14.
  • Guo, J., Yang, Z., Zhong, Q., Sun, X., & Wang, Y. (2023), “A novel resilience analysis methodology for airport networks system from the perspective of different epidemic prevention and control policy responses”, PLoS ONE, 18(2 February), 1–14.
  • Guo, J., Zhu, X., Liu, C., & Ge, S. (2021), “Resilience Modeling Method of Airport Network Affected by Global Public Health Events”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021.
  • Hava-İş Sendikası. (2022). Sünta Sivil Havacılık Sektöründe Yaşanan Kriz.
  • Hanson, D., Toru Delibasi, T., Gatti, M., & Cohen, S. (2022), “How do changes in economic activity affect air passenger traffic? The use of state-dependent income elasticities to improve aviation forecasts.”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 98(January 2021), 102147.
  • Heiets, I., & Xie, Y. (2021), “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Aviation Industry”, Journal of Aviation, 5(2), 111–126.
  • Hiney, N., Efthymiou, M., & Morgenroth, E. (2023), “Impact of Covid-19 on Irish airport stakeholder relationships”, Annals of Tourism Research, 102, 103622.
  • Hopancı, B., Akdeniz, H., & Şahin, Ö. (2021), “Covid19 Pandemi̇si̇ni̇n Havacilik Sektörü Üzeri̇n Etki̇leri̇. Mühendis ve Makine”, 62(704), 446–467.
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Toplam 95 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hava Taşımacılığı ve Nakliye Hizmetleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Irmak Hatıpoğlu 0000-0001-5244-9115

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 4 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Hatıpoğlu, I. (2024). COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 26(2), 365-388.
AMA Hatıpoğlu I. COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Aralık 2024;26(2):365-388. doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1390781
Chicago Hatıpoğlu, Irmak. “COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 365-88.
EndNote Hatıpoğlu I (01 Aralık 2024) COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26 2 365–388.
IEEE I. Hatıpoğlu, “COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 2, ss. 365–388, 2024, doi: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1390781.
ISNAD Hatıpoğlu, Irmak. “COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 26/2 (Aralık 2024), 365-388.
JAMA Hatıpoğlu I. COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2024;26:365–388.
MLA Hatıpoğlu, Irmak. “COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 365-88, doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1390781.
Vancouver Hatıpoğlu I. COVID-19’UN ETKİSİ ALTINDA AVRUPA HAVACILIK SEKTÖRÜ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2024;26(2):365-88.

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