Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, , 173 - 184, 31.01.2019



  • KAYNAKLARAlgaze, B. (1995). Cognitive therapy, study counseling, and systematic desensitization in the treatment of test anxiety. U: C.D. Spielberger i P.R. Anderson, S., Sauser, W. (1995).Measurement of test anxiety. An overview. U: C.D. Spielberger i P.R. Vagg (ur.), Test Anxiety: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment (str. 125 – 134), Washington, Taylor & Francis. Arambašić, L., Lugomer, G., Vizek – Vidović, V. (1989.). Provjera metrijskih karakteristika za mjerenje straha od školskog ispitivanja na učenicima IV i V razreda osnovne škole, Psihologija, 1 – 2: 16 – 27.Arknoff, D.B., Glass, C.R., Robinson, A.S. (1992). Cognitive processes, anxiety and performance on doctoral dissertation oral examinations, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39: 382 – 388.Bee, H. & Boyd, D. (2009). Çocuk Gelişim Psikolojisi. (Çeviren O. Gündüz), İstanbul: Kaknus.Benjamin, M., McKeachie, W. J., Lin, Y. – G., & Holinger, D. P. (1981). Test anxiety: Deficits in information processing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 73: 816 – 824.Covington, M. (1985). Test anxiety: Causes and effects over time. U: H. van der Ploeg, R. Schwarzer, C. Spielberger (ur.), Advances in Test Anxiety Research, (vol. 4, str. 55 – 68), Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum.Diaz, R.J., Glass, C.R., Arnkoff, D.B:, Tanofsky – Kraff, M. (2001.), Cognition, Anxiety, and Prediction of Performance in 1st – Year Law Students, Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (2): 420 – 429.Elliot, A.J., McGregor, H.A. (1999.), Test anxiety and the hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76 (4): 628 – 644.Endler, N.S., Parker, J.D.A., Bagby, R.M., Cox, B.J. (1991). Multidimensionality of state and trait anxiety: Factor structure of the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60 (6): 919 – 926.Frierson, H.T., Hoban, D. (1987) Effects of test anxiety on performance on the NBME Part I examination, Journal of Medical Education, 62: 431 – 433.Glass, C.R. i Arnkoff, D.B. (1997.), Questionnaire methods of cognitive self – statement assessment, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 911 – 927.Hunsley, J. (1985). Test anxiety, academic performance and cognitive appraisals, Journal of Educational Psychology, 77: 678 – 682. Keenan & Evans, S. (2009): An İntroduction to child development. Sage.Kendall, P.C. (1993.), Cognitive – behavioral therapies with youth: Guiding theory, current status, and emerging developments, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61: 235 – 247.Kendall, P.C. i Chansky, T. (1991.), Considering cognition in anxiety – disordered children, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 5: 167 – 185.King, N.J., Mietz, A., Tinney, L. i Ollendick, T.H. (1995.), Psychopathology and cognition in adolescents experiencing severe test anxiety, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 24: 49 – 54.Meichenbaum, D. (1977). Cognitive behavior modification: An integrative approach, New York, Plenum. Mueller, J. H. (1980). Test anxiety and the encoding and retrieval of information. U: I. Sarason (ur.), Test Anxiety: Theory, Research and Applications (str. 63–86). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Naveh – Banjamin, M. (1991) A comparison of training programs intended for different types of test – anxious students: Further support for an information – processing model, Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(1): 134 – 139.Naveh – Benjamin, M., McKeachie, W.J., Yi – guand, L. (1987). Two types of test – anxious students: Support for an information processing mode, Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(2): 131 – 136.Ozer, E.M. i Bandura, A. (1990). Mechanisms governing empowerment effects: A self – efficacy analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58: 472 – 486.Prins, P.J.M. i Hanewald, G.J.F.P. (1997.), Self – statement of test – anxious children: Thought – listing and questionnaire approaches, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 440 – 447.Ronan, K.R., Kendall, P.C. i Rowe, M. (1994). Negative affectivity in children: Development and validaton of a self – statement questionnaire, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18: 509 – 528. Sigeman, C.K. (1999). Life-span human development, Brooks Cole Publishing.Schwartz, R.M. (1997.), Consider the simple screw: Cognitive science quality improvement, and psychotherapy, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 970 – 983.Seipp, B. (1991). Anxiety and academic performance: A meta – analysis of findings, Anxiety Research, 4: 27 – 41.Spielberger, C.D. i Vagg, P.R. (1995). Test Anxiety, Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, Washington, Taylor & Francis.Stevanovic P. Borislav (2000). Psihologija u vaspitanju i obrazovanju, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.Tobias, S. (1985.), Test anxiety: Interference, defective skills, and cognitive capacity, Educational Psychologist, 84: 616 – 622.Turjačanin V, Čekrlija Đ. (2006). Osnovne statističke metode i tehnike u SPSS – u, Centar za kulturni i socijalni popravak, Banja Luka.Vagg (ur.).Test anxiety: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment (str. 133 – 152), Washington, Taylor & Francis.Warren, M.K., Ollendick T.H. i King, N.J. (1996.), Test anxiety in girls and boys: A clinical – developmental analysis, Behaviour Change, 13: 157 – 170.Wegner, D.M. i Smart, L. (1997.), Deep cognitive activation. A new approach to the unconscious, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 984 – 995.Wong, B. (1998). Learning about learning disabilities, New York, Academic 1

Kırsal ve Kentsel Bölgelerde Yaşayan Öğrencilerin Okul Başarısındaki Farklılıkları ve Kişilik Özelliklerinin Analizi

Yıl 2019, , 173 - 184, 31.01.2019


Özet : Makalenin ilk bölümünde, araştırmanın konusu olan
değişkenlerin teorik bir bakış açısı verilmiştir.
Kentsel ve kırsal topluluklardan
öğrenciler arasında kişilik özellikleri (içe dönük – dışa dönuk, sınav kaygısı  ve zeka) ve okul başarıları arasında
istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bağların varlığı incelenmiştir Makalenin ikinci
kısmı, bu çalışmada kullanılan verilerin elde ediliş şeklini açıklamaktadır.
Değişkenler, kişilik özellikleri  anketleri ve testi ile ölçülmüştür.
Spielberger'in öğrenci sınav kaygısı anketi, Eysenck'in Çocuklar İçin Kişilik
Anketi  ve Raven'ın Renkli Aşamalı
Matrisleri kullanıldı. Okul başarısı, okul bitiminde öğrencilerin ortalama
notlarına göre tespit edildi. Araştırmaya 
Novi Pazar (Sırbistan) ilinde öğrenim gören üçüncü ve beşinci
sınıflardan, kırsalda seksen ve kentte seksen öğrenci, toplamda ise 160 öğrenci
çalışmamızda yer almıştır. Kırsal alanlardan öğrencilerin ve kentsel çevredeki
öğrencilerin ortalama okul başarısını karşılaştırarak, farkların istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı olmadığını tespit ettik. Önceki çalışmaların sonuçları ile
tutarlıdır öğrenciler arasında zeka istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu bu
kırsal ve kentsel bölgelerde yaşayan öğrencilerin arasındaki farklar
incelendiğinde sonuçlara dayanarak, belirlenmiştir. Kırsal alanlardan
öğrenciler ile kentsel çevreden gelen öğrenciler arasındaki test kaygısı
derecesi arasındaki farkları incelemek suretiyle istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
fark olduğu bulundu. Şehrin öğrencileri köyden gelen öğrencilere kıyasla daha
belirgin bir sınav kaygısı derecesine sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre,
kırsal alanlardan öğrenciler ve kentsel çevreden gelen öğrenciler arasında
ortalama içe – dönüklük – dışa dönüklük derecesinde istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.


  • KAYNAKLARAlgaze, B. (1995). Cognitive therapy, study counseling, and systematic desensitization in the treatment of test anxiety. U: C.D. Spielberger i P.R. Anderson, S., Sauser, W. (1995).Measurement of test anxiety. An overview. U: C.D. Spielberger i P.R. Vagg (ur.), Test Anxiety: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment (str. 125 – 134), Washington, Taylor & Francis. Arambašić, L., Lugomer, G., Vizek – Vidović, V. (1989.). Provjera metrijskih karakteristika za mjerenje straha od školskog ispitivanja na učenicima IV i V razreda osnovne škole, Psihologija, 1 – 2: 16 – 27.Arknoff, D.B., Glass, C.R., Robinson, A.S. (1992). Cognitive processes, anxiety and performance on doctoral dissertation oral examinations, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39: 382 – 388.Bee, H. & Boyd, D. (2009). Çocuk Gelişim Psikolojisi. (Çeviren O. Gündüz), İstanbul: Kaknus.Benjamin, M., McKeachie, W. J., Lin, Y. – G., & Holinger, D. P. (1981). Test anxiety: Deficits in information processing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 73: 816 – 824.Covington, M. (1985). Test anxiety: Causes and effects over time. U: H. van der Ploeg, R. Schwarzer, C. Spielberger (ur.), Advances in Test Anxiety Research, (vol. 4, str. 55 – 68), Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum.Diaz, R.J., Glass, C.R., Arnkoff, D.B:, Tanofsky – Kraff, M. (2001.), Cognition, Anxiety, and Prediction of Performance in 1st – Year Law Students, Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (2): 420 – 429.Elliot, A.J., McGregor, H.A. (1999.), Test anxiety and the hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76 (4): 628 – 644.Endler, N.S., Parker, J.D.A., Bagby, R.M., Cox, B.J. (1991). Multidimensionality of state and trait anxiety: Factor structure of the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60 (6): 919 – 926.Frierson, H.T., Hoban, D. (1987) Effects of test anxiety on performance on the NBME Part I examination, Journal of Medical Education, 62: 431 – 433.Glass, C.R. i Arnkoff, D.B. (1997.), Questionnaire methods of cognitive self – statement assessment, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 911 – 927.Hunsley, J. (1985). Test anxiety, academic performance and cognitive appraisals, Journal of Educational Psychology, 77: 678 – 682. Keenan & Evans, S. (2009): An İntroduction to child development. Sage.Kendall, P.C. (1993.), Cognitive – behavioral therapies with youth: Guiding theory, current status, and emerging developments, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61: 235 – 247.Kendall, P.C. i Chansky, T. (1991.), Considering cognition in anxiety – disordered children, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 5: 167 – 185.King, N.J., Mietz, A., Tinney, L. i Ollendick, T.H. (1995.), Psychopathology and cognition in adolescents experiencing severe test anxiety, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 24: 49 – 54.Meichenbaum, D. (1977). Cognitive behavior modification: An integrative approach, New York, Plenum. Mueller, J. H. (1980). Test anxiety and the encoding and retrieval of information. U: I. Sarason (ur.), Test Anxiety: Theory, Research and Applications (str. 63–86). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Naveh – Banjamin, M. (1991) A comparison of training programs intended for different types of test – anxious students: Further support for an information – processing model, Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(1): 134 – 139.Naveh – Benjamin, M., McKeachie, W.J., Yi – guand, L. (1987). Two types of test – anxious students: Support for an information processing mode, Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(2): 131 – 136.Ozer, E.M. i Bandura, A. (1990). Mechanisms governing empowerment effects: A self – efficacy analysis, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58: 472 – 486.Prins, P.J.M. i Hanewald, G.J.F.P. (1997.), Self – statement of test – anxious children: Thought – listing and questionnaire approaches, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 440 – 447.Ronan, K.R., Kendall, P.C. i Rowe, M. (1994). Negative affectivity in children: Development and validaton of a self – statement questionnaire, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18: 509 – 528. Sigeman, C.K. (1999). Life-span human development, Brooks Cole Publishing.Schwartz, R.M. (1997.), Consider the simple screw: Cognitive science quality improvement, and psychotherapy, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 970 – 983.Seipp, B. (1991). Anxiety and academic performance: A meta – analysis of findings, Anxiety Research, 4: 27 – 41.Spielberger, C.D. i Vagg, P.R. (1995). Test Anxiety, Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, Washington, Taylor & Francis.Stevanovic P. Borislav (2000). Psihologija u vaspitanju i obrazovanju, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.Tobias, S. (1985.), Test anxiety: Interference, defective skills, and cognitive capacity, Educational Psychologist, 84: 616 – 622.Turjačanin V, Čekrlija Đ. (2006). Osnovne statističke metode i tehnike u SPSS – u, Centar za kulturni i socijalni popravak, Banja Luka.Vagg (ur.).Test anxiety: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment (str. 133 – 152), Washington, Taylor & Francis.Warren, M.K., Ollendick T.H. i King, N.J. (1996.), Test anxiety in girls and boys: A clinical – developmental analysis, Behaviour Change, 13: 157 – 170.Wegner, D.M. i Smart, L. (1997.), Deep cognitive activation. A new approach to the unconscious, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65: 984 – 995.Wong, B. (1998). Learning about learning disabilities, New York, Academic 1
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Emina Sadikoviç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Sadikoviç, E. (2019). Kırsal ve Kentsel Bölgelerde Yaşayan Öğrencilerin Okul Başarısındaki Farklılıkları ve Kişilik Özelliklerinin Analizi. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 9(1), 173-184.