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Ebeveynlerin geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamalarına Covid-19 sürecindeki bakışı

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 31.01.2025


Amaç: Bu çalışma ebeveynlerin çocukları için duyduğu veya kullandığı geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp yöntemlerinde COVID-19 salgını sırasında farklılık olup olmadığını görmeyi amaçlamıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemi bir Üniversite Hastanesi’nin Genel Pediatri Polikliniği'ne Nisan 2021-Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasında başvuran 5 yaş altı çocuğu olan 180 ebeveynden oluşmakta-dır.Çalışmada sözlü onam veren 180 kişiye literatür taranarak; ebeveynlerin sosyodemografik özellikle-ri, COVID-19 salgını sırasında çocuklarının Genişletilmiş Bağışıklama Programı kapsamındaki aşı ve rutin izlemlerini yaptırma durumları, duydukları ya da kullandıkları geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp yön-temlerini içeren anket formu uygulanmıştır.
Bulgular: COVID-19 salgını döneminde ebeveynlerin %90.6’sı çocuklarının Genişletilmiş Bağışıkla-ma Programı kapsamındaki aşılama ve rutin izlemlerini yaptırdığını bildirdi.Katılımcıların %67.8’i çocukları hastalandığında tedavisi için tıbbi ilaç dışında uygulanan başka bir yöntem duyduğunu be-lirtmiştir.Katılımcıların %61.1’i bebekleri kundaklamanın doğru olduğunu, %6.7’si ağız sütünün bebe-ğe verilmemesi gerektiğini, %4.4’ü doğumdan sonra üç ezan beklemek gerektiğini bildirdiler.
Sonuç: Sağlık çalışanları yaşadıkları toplumun kültürel uygulamalarının farkında olmalı ve özellikle bir salgın durumunda ebeveynlere çocuklarının sağlığı için nasıl davranmaları gerektiği konusunda doğru ve sürekli bilgilendirme yapmalıdır.


  • 1-Karayağız Muslu G, Öztürk C. Complementary and alternative therapies and their use in children. Journal of Pediatrics 2008; 51: 62-67
  • 2-Tuncel T, Şen V, Kelekçi S, Karabel M, Şahin C, Uluca Ü, Karabel D, Haspolat YK. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in children without chronic diseases. Türk Ped Arş 2014; 49: 148-53
  • 3-Akçay D, Yıldırımlar A. Complementary and Alternative Treatment Use in Children and Evaluation of Paren-tal Knowledge.Çocuk Dergisi 2017; 17(4):174-181
  • 4-Ministry of Health Covid-19 Guide General Informa-tion, Epidemiology and Diagnosis, 2020. Accessed Feb-ruary 20, 2021
  • 5-Kardeş H.,Örnek Z.,Pediatric Approach to COVID-19 Pandemic,Türk Diyab Obez,2020; 2: 170-176
  • 6- Parri N, Lenge M, Buonsenso D. Children with COVID-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Italy. N Engl J Med 2020 Jul 9;383(2):187-190
  • 7- Lu X, Zhang L, Du H et al. SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children. N Engl J Med 2020 Apr 23;382(17):1663-1665
  • 8- Dong Y, Mo X, Hu Y, et al. Epidemiological characte-ristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics 2020 Apr; 58(4): 712-713
  • 9- Sharma, S. V., R. J. Chuang, M. Rushing, B. Naylor, N. Ranjit, M. Pomeroy, and C. Markham. 2020. Peer re-viewed: Social determinants of health-related needs during COVID-19 among low-income households with children. Preventing Chronic Disease 17:17. doi:10.5888/pcd17.200322.
  • 10- Kalaycı MZ, Bayar B, Çiftci MM, Karaağaç H, Kası-may A, Sanlı ZD, Tayfun K, Uçar D, Müslümanoğlu AY, Cabıoğlu MT, Derince Zorlu D. Acupuncture treatment in COVID-19 infection. Yilmaz N, editor. Traditional and Complementary Medicine in the Treatment and Preven-tion of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). 1st Edition. Ankara: Türkiye Clinics; 2020. p.33-41.
  • 11- Karacan E, Sapçı E, Güngörmüş Z. Does Fear of Co-ronavirus Affect Attitudes Towards the Use of Holistic Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Disease Prevention and Treatment?. AvrasyaSBD. 2022;6(1):30-42.
  • 12-Araz N., Bulbul S. Use of Complementary and Alter-native Medicine in a Pediatric Population in Southern Turkey. Clin Invest Med /2011;34:E21-29.
  • 13-Gözüm S, Arikan D, Büyükavci M. Complementary and alternative medicine use in pediatric oncology pati-ents in Eastern Turkey.Cancer Nurs 2007;30: 38-44.
  • 14-Karadeniz C, Pinarli FG, Oguz A, Gürsel T, Canter B. Complementary/ alternative medicine use in a pediatric oncology unit in Turkey. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2007;48:540-3.
  • 15-Upchurch DM, Dye CE, Chyu L, Gold EB, Greendale GA. Demographic, behavioral, and health correlates of complementary and alternative medicine and prayer use among midlife women: 2002. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 Jan;19(1):23-30. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2008.1096. PMID: 20088655; PMCID: PMC2828262.
  • 16- Barr J, Berkovitch M, Matras H, Kocer E, Greenberg R, Eshel G. Talismans and amulets in the Pediatric Inten-sive Care Unit: legendary powers in contemporary medi-cine. Isr Med Assoc J. 2000 Apr;2(4):278-81. PMID: 10804902
  • 17- Lloreda-Garcia JM. Religion, Spirituality and Folk Medicine/Superstition in a Neonatal Unit. J Relig Health. 2017 Dec;56(6):2276-2284. doi: 10.1007/s10943-017-0408-y. PMID: 28474277
  • 18- Almegewly, W. H., R. B. Alenazi, F. M. Albaqami, R. A. Alkharashi, F. A. Alsaedi, R. K. Almutairi, A. A. Alk-harji, G. M. Althani, and W. A. Aljuwayd. 2022. Percep-tions and patterns of dietary supplement use during COVID-19 among undergraduate female students in Saudi Arabia. Nutrients 14 (18):3728. doi:10.3390/nu14183728
  • 19- Merwid-Ląd, A., M. Szandruk-Bender, A. Ma-tuszewska, M. Trocha, B. Nowak, M. Oster, and A. Szeląg. 2022. Factors that influence the use of dietary supple-ments among the students of Wroclaw Medical Univer-sity in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interna-tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (12):7485. doi:10. 3390/ijerph19127485
  • 20-Sezer Efe Y, Gül Tamer F, Tekcan P, Bayat M. The effect of mothers' fears of COVID-19 on their attitudes towards feeding their children and using food supple-ments. Women Health. 2023 Jul 3;63(6):454-463. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2023.2223717. Epub 2023 Jun 12. PMID: 37309166.
  • 21-Akyol, P., and A. Celik. 2020. Investigation of nutri-tion habits of first and emergency aid students during the COVID-19 outbreak period. Investigation of nutrition habits of paramedic students during the COVID-19 outb-reak period. Turkish Studies 15 (4):25-37. (In Tur-kish).doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.44386
  • 22-Marupuru, S., D. R. Axon, and M. K. Slack. 2019. How do pharmacists use and recommend vitamins, minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements? BMC Complemen-tary and Alternative Medicine 19 (1):229. doi:10.1186/s12906-019-2637-y
  • 23-Posadzki, P., L. K. Watson, and E. Ernst. 2013. Ad-verse effects of herbal medicines: An overview of syste-matic reviews. Clinical Medicine 13 (1):7. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.13-1-7.
  • 24- Moreno-Montoya J, Ballesteros SM, Rojas Sotelo JC, et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine childhood immunization in Colombia Archives of Dise-ase in Childhood 2022;107:e4
  • 25- Osei I, Sarwar G, Hossain I, Sonko K, Ceesay L, Bal-deh B, Secka E, Mackenzie GA. Attendance and vaccina-tion at immunization clinics in rural Gambia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine. 2022 Oct 19;40(44):6367-6373. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.09.031. Epub 2022 Sep 13. PMID: 36180374; PMCID: PMC9468317
  • 26- UNICEF. Immunization coverage: Are we losing ground? 2020. Access Date: 27.12.2023
  • 27-Eğri G, Gölbaşı Z, 15-49 Age Group Married Women's Traditional Practices for Baby Care in the Post-partum Period TSK Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2007: 6 (5)
  • 28-İnci R, Aslan S, Çınar E, Çeçen S, Culturally Specific Approaches of 15-49 Year Old Mothers Living in Bat-man towards Baby Care in the Postpartum Period, Batman University Life Sciences Journal, Volume 9 Issue 2 (2019)
  • 29-Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Population and Health Research Series,, Access Date: 02.01.2024
  • 30-Özyazıcıoğlu N, Polat S. Tradıtıonal Practıces That Mothers Wıth 12 Months Chıldren Use Regardıng Chıld Care. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010;8(1):63-71.
  • 31-Hacıhasanoğlu Aşılar R, Bekar P, Knowledge, Traditi-onal Beliefs and Practices of Mothers with 0-24 Month Old Children Regarding Child Care, JCP 2018;16(2):1-18
  • 32- Lafçı, D., & Erdem, E. (2014). Traditional practices of married women aged 15-49 years for mother and baby care in the postpartum period. Gaziantep Med J. 20(3), 226-236 33- Demir R, Kaya Odabaş R, Taşpınar A. Investigation of Studies on Spiritual Care and Practices in the Post-partum Period in Turkey: A Systematic Review. IK-ÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):515-26.
  • 34- Dennis CL, Fung K, Grigoriadis S, Robinson GE, Romans S, Ross L. Traditional Postpartum Practices and Rituals: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Women's Health. 2007;3(4):487-502. doi: 10.2217/17455057.3.4.487
  • 35- SEVINÇ, H. Y., & CELASİN, N. Ş. (2023). Are the Traditional Infant Care Practices of Mothers Different in the World and Turkey? Göbeklitepe Journal of Health Sciences, 6(12)
  • 36- YİĞİTALP, Gülhan; GÜMÜŞ, Funda. Traditional Practices Related to Infant Care of Women Aged 15-49 in Diyarbakır. Journal of Pediatric Disease/Cocuk Hastalik-lari Dergisi, 2017, 11.3.
  • 37-Dinç, S. Traditional practices applied by mothers with 0-1-year-old children registered to health center number 4 in the center of Şanlıurfa in the care of their children. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing 2005;7: 53-63.
  • 38- Özyazıcıoğlu N, Öncel S. Cultural (traditional) app-roaches in child care. Seviğ Ü, Tanrıverdi G, (eds). Inter-cultural Nursing.1st Edition. Istanbul: Istanbul Medical Bookstore 2012;203-27

Parents' view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 31.01.2025


Objective: This study aimed to see whether there was a difference in the traditional and complementary medicine methods parents heard or used for their children during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Methods: The sample of the study consists of 180 parents with children under the age of 5 who applied to the General Pediatrics Polyclinic of a University Hospital between April and June 2021. In the study,the literature was scanned on 180 people who gave verbal consent;A survey form was applied to the parents,including their sociodemographic characteristics,their children's vaccination and routine follow-up status within the scope of the Expanded Immunization Program during the COVID-19 epi-demic,and the traditional and complementary medicine methods they have heard of or used.
Results: During the COVID-19 outbreak,90.6% of parents reported that their children had their children vaccinated and routinely monitored within the scope of the Expanded Immunization Program.67.8% of the participants stated that they had heard of other methods other than medical drugs for the treatment of their children when they were sick.While 61.1% of the participants indicated that it is correct to swadd-le babies,6.7% stated that breast milk should not be given to the baby and 4.4% stated that waiting for three adhan after birth is necessary.
Conclusion: Healthcare professionals should be aware of the cultural practices of the community they live in and should provide accurate and continuous information to parents about how they should be-have for their children's health,especially in the event of an epidemic.


  • 1-Karayağız Muslu G, Öztürk C. Complementary and alternative therapies and their use in children. Journal of Pediatrics 2008; 51: 62-67
  • 2-Tuncel T, Şen V, Kelekçi S, Karabel M, Şahin C, Uluca Ü, Karabel D, Haspolat YK. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in children without chronic diseases. Türk Ped Arş 2014; 49: 148-53
  • 3-Akçay D, Yıldırımlar A. Complementary and Alternative Treatment Use in Children and Evaluation of Paren-tal Knowledge.Çocuk Dergisi 2017; 17(4):174-181
  • 4-Ministry of Health Covid-19 Guide General Informa-tion, Epidemiology and Diagnosis, 2020. Accessed Feb-ruary 20, 2021
  • 5-Kardeş H.,Örnek Z.,Pediatric Approach to COVID-19 Pandemic,Türk Diyab Obez,2020; 2: 170-176
  • 6- Parri N, Lenge M, Buonsenso D. Children with COVID-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Italy. N Engl J Med 2020 Jul 9;383(2):187-190
  • 7- Lu X, Zhang L, Du H et al. SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children. N Engl J Med 2020 Apr 23;382(17):1663-1665
  • 8- Dong Y, Mo X, Hu Y, et al. Epidemiological characte-ristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics 2020 Apr; 58(4): 712-713
  • 9- Sharma, S. V., R. J. Chuang, M. Rushing, B. Naylor, N. Ranjit, M. Pomeroy, and C. Markham. 2020. Peer re-viewed: Social determinants of health-related needs during COVID-19 among low-income households with children. Preventing Chronic Disease 17:17. doi:10.5888/pcd17.200322.
  • 10- Kalaycı MZ, Bayar B, Çiftci MM, Karaağaç H, Kası-may A, Sanlı ZD, Tayfun K, Uçar D, Müslümanoğlu AY, Cabıoğlu MT, Derince Zorlu D. Acupuncture treatment in COVID-19 infection. Yilmaz N, editor. Traditional and Complementary Medicine in the Treatment and Preven-tion of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). 1st Edition. Ankara: Türkiye Clinics; 2020. p.33-41.
  • 11- Karacan E, Sapçı E, Güngörmüş Z. Does Fear of Co-ronavirus Affect Attitudes Towards the Use of Holistic Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Disease Prevention and Treatment?. AvrasyaSBD. 2022;6(1):30-42.
  • 12-Araz N., Bulbul S. Use of Complementary and Alter-native Medicine in a Pediatric Population in Southern Turkey. Clin Invest Med /2011;34:E21-29.
  • 13-Gözüm S, Arikan D, Büyükavci M. Complementary and alternative medicine use in pediatric oncology pati-ents in Eastern Turkey.Cancer Nurs 2007;30: 38-44.
  • 14-Karadeniz C, Pinarli FG, Oguz A, Gürsel T, Canter B. Complementary/ alternative medicine use in a pediatric oncology unit in Turkey. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2007;48:540-3.
  • 15-Upchurch DM, Dye CE, Chyu L, Gold EB, Greendale GA. Demographic, behavioral, and health correlates of complementary and alternative medicine and prayer use among midlife women: 2002. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 Jan;19(1):23-30. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2008.1096. PMID: 20088655; PMCID: PMC2828262.
  • 16- Barr J, Berkovitch M, Matras H, Kocer E, Greenberg R, Eshel G. Talismans and amulets in the Pediatric Inten-sive Care Unit: legendary powers in contemporary medi-cine. Isr Med Assoc J. 2000 Apr;2(4):278-81. PMID: 10804902
  • 17- Lloreda-Garcia JM. Religion, Spirituality and Folk Medicine/Superstition in a Neonatal Unit. J Relig Health. 2017 Dec;56(6):2276-2284. doi: 10.1007/s10943-017-0408-y. PMID: 28474277
  • 18- Almegewly, W. H., R. B. Alenazi, F. M. Albaqami, R. A. Alkharashi, F. A. Alsaedi, R. K. Almutairi, A. A. Alk-harji, G. M. Althani, and W. A. Aljuwayd. 2022. Percep-tions and patterns of dietary supplement use during COVID-19 among undergraduate female students in Saudi Arabia. Nutrients 14 (18):3728. doi:10.3390/nu14183728
  • 19- Merwid-Ląd, A., M. Szandruk-Bender, A. Ma-tuszewska, M. Trocha, B. Nowak, M. Oster, and A. Szeląg. 2022. Factors that influence the use of dietary supple-ments among the students of Wroclaw Medical Univer-sity in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interna-tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (12):7485. doi:10. 3390/ijerph19127485
  • 20-Sezer Efe Y, Gül Tamer F, Tekcan P, Bayat M. The effect of mothers' fears of COVID-19 on their attitudes towards feeding their children and using food supple-ments. Women Health. 2023 Jul 3;63(6):454-463. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2023.2223717. Epub 2023 Jun 12. PMID: 37309166.
  • 21-Akyol, P., and A. Celik. 2020. Investigation of nutri-tion habits of first and emergency aid students during the COVID-19 outbreak period. Investigation of nutrition habits of paramedic students during the COVID-19 outb-reak period. Turkish Studies 15 (4):25-37. (In Tur-kish).doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.44386
  • 22-Marupuru, S., D. R. Axon, and M. K. Slack. 2019. How do pharmacists use and recommend vitamins, minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements? BMC Complemen-tary and Alternative Medicine 19 (1):229. doi:10.1186/s12906-019-2637-y
  • 23-Posadzki, P., L. K. Watson, and E. Ernst. 2013. Ad-verse effects of herbal medicines: An overview of syste-matic reviews. Clinical Medicine 13 (1):7. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.13-1-7.
  • 24- Moreno-Montoya J, Ballesteros SM, Rojas Sotelo JC, et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine childhood immunization in Colombia Archives of Dise-ase in Childhood 2022;107:e4
  • 25- Osei I, Sarwar G, Hossain I, Sonko K, Ceesay L, Bal-deh B, Secka E, Mackenzie GA. Attendance and vaccina-tion at immunization clinics in rural Gambia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine. 2022 Oct 19;40(44):6367-6373. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.09.031. Epub 2022 Sep 13. PMID: 36180374; PMCID: PMC9468317
  • 26- UNICEF. Immunization coverage: Are we losing ground? 2020. Access Date: 27.12.2023
  • 27-Eğri G, Gölbaşı Z, 15-49 Age Group Married Women's Traditional Practices for Baby Care in the Post-partum Period TSK Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2007: 6 (5)
  • 28-İnci R, Aslan S, Çınar E, Çeçen S, Culturally Specific Approaches of 15-49 Year Old Mothers Living in Bat-man towards Baby Care in the Postpartum Period, Batman University Life Sciences Journal, Volume 9 Issue 2 (2019)
  • 29-Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Population and Health Research Series,, Access Date: 02.01.2024
  • 30-Özyazıcıoğlu N, Polat S. Tradıtıonal Practıces That Mothers Wıth 12 Months Chıldren Use Regardıng Chıld Care. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010;8(1):63-71.
  • 31-Hacıhasanoğlu Aşılar R, Bekar P, Knowledge, Traditi-onal Beliefs and Practices of Mothers with 0-24 Month Old Children Regarding Child Care, JCP 2018;16(2):1-18
  • 32- Lafçı, D., & Erdem, E. (2014). Traditional practices of married women aged 15-49 years for mother and baby care in the postpartum period. Gaziantep Med J. 20(3), 226-236 33- Demir R, Kaya Odabaş R, Taşpınar A. Investigation of Studies on Spiritual Care and Practices in the Post-partum Period in Turkey: A Systematic Review. IK-ÇÜSBFD. 2023;8(2):515-26.
  • 34- Dennis CL, Fung K, Grigoriadis S, Robinson GE, Romans S, Ross L. Traditional Postpartum Practices and Rituals: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Women's Health. 2007;3(4):487-502. doi: 10.2217/17455057.3.4.487
  • 35- SEVINÇ, H. Y., & CELASİN, N. Ş. (2023). Are the Traditional Infant Care Practices of Mothers Different in the World and Turkey? Göbeklitepe Journal of Health Sciences, 6(12)
  • 36- YİĞİTALP, Gülhan; GÜMÜŞ, Funda. Traditional Practices Related to Infant Care of Women Aged 15-49 in Diyarbakır. Journal of Pediatric Disease/Cocuk Hastalik-lari Dergisi, 2017, 11.3.
  • 37-Dinç, S. Traditional practices applied by mothers with 0-1-year-old children registered to health center number 4 in the center of Şanlıurfa in the care of their children. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing 2005;7: 53-63.
  • 38- Özyazıcıoğlu N, Öncel S. Cultural (traditional) app-roaches in child care. Seviğ Ü, Tanrıverdi G, (eds). Inter-cultural Nursing.1st Edition. Istanbul: Istanbul Medical Bookstore 2012;203-27
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bebek ve Çocuk Sağlığı
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayşe Nur Taştekin Ayvalı 0000-0001-5633-1122

Neriman Aydın 0000-0003-4676-1780

Elif Okşan Çalıkoğlu 0000-0001-8959-5001

Nilgün Çöl 0000-0001-6515-4180

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Taştekin Ayvalı, A. N., Aydın, N., Çalıkoğlu, E. O., Çöl, N. (2025). Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process. Troia Medical Journal, 6(1), 1-8.
AMA Taştekin Ayvalı AN, Aydın N, Çalıkoğlu EO, Çöl N. Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process. Troia Med J. Ocak 2025;6(1):1-8. doi:10.55665/troiamedj.1429718
Chicago Taştekin Ayvalı, Ayşe Nur, Neriman Aydın, Elif Okşan Çalıkoğlu, ve Nilgün Çöl. “Parents’ View of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices in the Covid-19 Process”. Troia Medical Journal 6, sy. 1 (Ocak 2025): 1-8.
EndNote Taştekin Ayvalı AN, Aydın N, Çalıkoğlu EO, Çöl N (01 Ocak 2025) Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process. Troia Medical Journal 6 1 1–8.
IEEE A. N. Taştekin Ayvalı, N. Aydın, E. O. Çalıkoğlu, ve N. Çöl, “Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process”, Troia Med J, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 1–8, 2025, doi: 10.55665/troiamedj.1429718.
ISNAD Taştekin Ayvalı, Ayşe Nur vd. “Parents’ View of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices in the Covid-19 Process”. Troia Medical Journal 6/1 (Ocak 2025), 1-8.
JAMA Taştekin Ayvalı AN, Aydın N, Çalıkoğlu EO, Çöl N. Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process. Troia Med J. 2025;6:1–8.
MLA Taştekin Ayvalı, Ayşe Nur vd. “Parents’ View of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices in the Covid-19 Process”. Troia Medical Journal, c. 6, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 1-8, doi:10.55665/troiamedj.1429718.
Vancouver Taştekin Ayvalı AN, Aydın N, Çalıkoğlu EO, Çöl N. Parents’ view of traditional and complementary medicine practices in the Covid-19 process. Troia Med J. 2025;6(1):1-8.